I've got my anti-witch spray!

Nats - If there is no second line at all, I would think that you are not close to ovulating yet. Mine always got a little darker slowly before showing a dark second line. I wouldn't worry about BDing if DH will be tired or away if there's no second line on the OPK. The one month we actually managed to conceive was when we BD on the evening of the first day I got a positive OPK. Remember that they turn positive 1-2 days before you ovulate, which are the best days to jump on DH. Before then could still be effective, but it's a longer shot.

Wishin - sorry to hear about DS being a brat on his birthday... :( Hopefully he's over it today. I can't imagine how much it must suck to love this little person and want to do everything for them only to have them hit a day where they totally act their age and don't even think about how much thought you put into it. God knows my parents are saints for putting up with me all those years... ;)

AFM - Once again, nothing new to report. I'm still here, and I'm 39 weeks today. Booyeah! In the November BnB club I belong to on facebook, the girl who was my due date buddy popped last night. I have these mixed feelings. Of course I am ecstatic for her, but on the other hand I'm extremely jealous! Then when I think of caring for a tiny newborn I'm also scared out of my mind and I don't feel ready AT ALL. I guess you never feel ready to take care of another human being for the first time, right? I'm trying not to spend time thinking about it cause it's starting to freak me out!!
Got a very faint line on opk today so it is coming because there was nothing yesterday, Sorry bout ds wishn, its hard when they are like that.
linz, what ur feeling is totally normal believe me look at it this way, whatever happens u have not got more than three weeks left!
And when u got ur beautiful baby in arms, everything will just naturally flow dont worry :winkwink: xx
Wishn -- Yuck, sorry B was being a little jerk. I'm also feeling really overwhelmed at the moment. I feel like work and home are both big messes. Sitting here at lunch trying to get my head together so I can tackle my huge pile of stuff to do and make it through my hearing this afternoon. I feel like I'm out of the office at hearings or meetings more than I'm in and my actual work is just piling up higher and higher. Supervisor is still being a bitch and really unsupportive. I actually cried at work yesterday because I had to leave with one of our attorneys to be a witness at a hearing and I didn't know ANYTHING about the situation because instead of her putting documentation where it was supposed to be (you know, in files....), it was all in piles in her office or in her head.... and she was deliberately ignoring my phone calls (I called once from my personal cell phone and it rang 3 times and went to voicemail, which was full, and then called once from my coworkers work cell phone and it rang once and went to voicemail. She was pressing the "decline/ignore" button!:growlmad:). I was in tears feversihly tearing through stacks of paper in her office when she walked in and told me I was being unreasonable and that I "shouldn't" be stressed and upset. You're fucking right, I SHOULDN'T be, but I AM because of your negligence!

The thing is, if I had known prior to 8:09am the DAY OF (when she called me, on my personal cell phone, while I was in the shower getting ready for work, so I didn't get the message until I was driving to work around 8:30 and hearing was 1.5 hours away and started at 11:15) that I would be doing this in her place, all the information/documentation would have been totally sorted and together before I left work Friday afternoon -- or before. The attorney was super pissed, too, because he had been trying to get with her to brief her since last Tuesday and she never got with him. Then the employee didn't show up for the hearing so when I got back to the office and told my supervisor how it went, she said "See? You got upset for nothing." Um, okay. Because I know the future and that the employee wasn't going to show up? We would have been SOL without the documentation I found at the last minute. And the attorney completely agreed with me so I know I was justified in being upset. It was ridiculous. She really dropped the ball on the entire situation (for the last 2 months). If the situation had been reversed and I told her I couldn't go to something at the last minute and I didn't have the documentation she needed where it was supposed to be, I would have probably gotten fired or at least formally disciplined. And rightly so.

Apparently when I left for the hearing (after the attorney came looking for me because I was 15 minutes late meeting him because I was dealing with her), she talked to my coworker about how I was being "pregnant and overly emotional." :dohh: No, I'm just really sick of working for a negligent, unreasonable, stupid bitch.
Wow, haha, so that's not where I was planning on going with that post. :haha:

Nats -- I hope you're doing more than one OPK a day! I have to do 3 a day to catch my LH surge and get an actual positive because my surge is short (everyone is different, but that's me).

Linz -- Nats is right, you really can't understand it before having kids (at least, I know I didn't and I just had this conversation with someone yesterday who has a 13 month old), but you really do just kind of figure stuff out. I mean, it may take a minute or trying a few different things, or even just trudging through the muck at times but, it does happen one way or another and you manage to keep the kid alive (and, in most cases, well and happy, too! :haha:). Before I had Maisie, I had never been around babies or even kids, really. I had never even changed a diaper.

I know after I went overdue, I had a buddy online who had been due 3 weeks after me and she was being induced on a certain day (because she had puked her entire pregnancy and it was getting worse toward the end and the baby was starting to lose weight) and I got in my head that I would just DIE if she had her baby before me. :haha: And she probably would have if I hadn't been induced! Of course, that's not why I chose to be induced or anything, but it didn't help sway me in the other direction at all. :haha: So, our girls are 2 days apart.
#1, I've left jobs for less than what you had to deal with today, lilspy! Do you still have that interview coming up, or did that already happen and I missed it?

#2, I really appreciate the encouragement from you BTDT moms. It's such a huge change, thinking about it and how real it's about to become is kind of like trying to get a grasp on just how big the universe is or how many stars are in the sky. You know what I mean? Like you can try to envision it, but you know you're not getting the entire picture and it's a lot bigger than anything you can imagine. That completely freaks me out! Plus the whole impending labor thing is making me feel like a ticking time bomb, ready to go off when I least expect it or it's least convenient for me!

#3, Nats - to add to the OPK testing, I used to do a test at noon and 5 pm. They say most women do not get their surge in the morning, so that's the worst time to do it (for most ppl, not necessarily all). Once you have your surge it can take a few hours for it to be processed by your system and end up in your urine, so they say noonish is a good time to test incase you have a morning surge. If you have an afternoon one, then another late in the day would pick it up. Luckily, mine seemed to last about 36 hours, so I always got 2 days of + OPKs, but I still tested twice just because I didn't want to miss one of the days if it happened late in the day, and I had tested at noon.
Thanks, Linz. I think I'm just finally realizing the crap I've put up with for the last year with this supervisor. I worked for a crazy-ass director at my old agency so lunatics have become the norm. I've been so stressed out for like a year now. She's been dangling this damn promotion-carrot in front of me for the last 6 months and now she's looking for every reason not to give it to me (for example, because I cried. She told me I "can't do that" if I want to "move up to the next level" :growlmad: I was still functioning while crying -- it was just me getting frustrated and tearing up. It's not like I was lying there boohooing or anything :wacko:).

I had the interview last Thursday. I thought it went well but it's so hard to say because you don't know who else they're interviewing. I know I'm a good candidate for the position. I know I did well at the interview. It's just a matter of the possiblity that they interviewed several people with like 4 times more experience than me. Or that they could tell I'm pregnant and decided to count me out because of that. Or maybe they didn't like my personality. Or whatever. Just waiting now. Based on the timeline they gave, I can assume I didn't get a 2nd interview if I haven't heard anything the week after Thanksgiving. Ugh, such a long time to wait! Generally, if I hadn't heard anything by now, I would assume I didn't get it. But Monday was a holiday and they said their commisioner was out of town until "late" this week so I'm sure they're waiting to discuss the candidates with him before deciding who gets a 2nd interview (which will be with him).

I had an interview early last December that I didn't hear anything about until over a month later and got a call for a 2nd interview. WTF? But, obviously, I didn't get that job. I'm the freaking QUEEN of making it to a 2nd interview and the top 2-3 candidates and then bombing out. :dohh: For whatever reason, first-round interviewers seem to love me but their bosses don't. :shrug: I haven't really been able to figure it out. I tend to think it's just my lack of experience that gets me in the end. Hopefully that's not just me being in denial about my personality or the way I come across to others professionally. :haha: Generally, I've found that I'm usually up against people with 3-4 times (sometimes 5-6 times!) more years of experience. I have 5.5 years. The last 2 jobs I interviewed for but didn't get, they hired someone with 28 years of experience and someone with 27 years of experience. Really hard for me to compete with that. I'm 28 years OLD. :nope: And it's not because I'm applying for jobs out of my league. I'm making it past their preferred qualifications and they're selecting me for an interview in the first place. But when I'm up against someone with 23 years more experience, it's unlikely my intelligence or humor or personality are going to overcome that.
Nats- agree with the other girls, def test twice a day if you can. I used to test once a day but thats because I had the smiley fces which were ubber expensive...but I always tested in the afternoon. Then I would double check the next morning to see if the surge was gone if not we'd go at it again (theoretically speaking since DH was not always accomodating). I also agree with Linz that if its only one line or faint line not too bother DH too much save the BDing for a darker line!

Julie- just reading that gave me a headache. I would have totally freaked out too and been super pissed! I dont think you were irrational at all. Some people really just dont give two shits about how what they do impacts other people though..and she seems to be one of them

Linz- You are almost done I promise! As far as being freaked out..I remember being sooo afraid about diapers. I had never really been around kids so I never changed a diaper and I was convicned Id be the stupid mother that did it wrong. Magically I learned quickly! You just have this serene feeling that you know what to do and when to do it...you will be ok beleive me! I find myself freaking out at the prospect of having to show TWO kids equal amounts of attention. Frnakly my son alone wears me the hell out...now with a newborn how will I ever have any energ for anything? Im sure Ill find some super mom strength inside of me that will make it all be ok though haha
And Linz, being a parent is crazy. That's all there is to it. It's overwhelming and exhausting and the absolute best f*cking thing I've ever done. :thumbup:
Julie- the last job I interviewd for I was totally over qualified for but I wanted it sooo badly I even told them I was willing to take a hefty paycut for the job. They did the exact opposite of what you are experiencing. They hired someone with LESS experience than me that they could pay a lot less $$ to. As if that wasnt annoying enough...the person they hired was an old trainee of mine.I taught the guy everything he knows and he too my job...blargh!
That happened to me a lot in the beginning, wishn. I was applying for a ton of jobs at the Dept. of Mental Health that only required a high school diploma and paid like $16K a year and I could not, for the life of me, get an interview! I kept getting letters saying I wasn't qualified for the positions, when the reality was that I was well overqualified and they didn't want to bother with me.

It seems like everyone in State gov't right now is just making lateral moves because that's about the only way to get a pay increase without a duty increase so those of us who are trying to move up don't really have a chance.
Well today is a holiday in Brazil so although i have to go to the office to check in on things I shouldn't have to stay. I was thinking about going to BRU to look at nursery stuff to get some ideas and add some essentials to my registry like crib sheets and changing pads... All mine are blue and I gave them to my sister

Then I might start window shopping for Xmas!
Oh, I wanna go shopping!! Or go back home and snuggle with dd in bed. 40*F and raining here today. It was JUST 80 degrees last week. Stupid SC weather. Why can't it be just a little cooler and snow? Lame!
Quick question! Opk's still negative, very faint second line that's all but..... I have ewcm so what is that about? Think I'm just gonna try for the bd tonight and keep testing with opk's and see what happens but it is cycle day 8 for me now and my last bfp resulted from bding on days 8 + 9 so who knows what's happening with me, what a very strange body I have!!! X xx
Hmm Nats- I think the ewcm is a signal that your body is gearing up but if the opk is negative I dont think you will ovulate anytime soon unless your surges come on really fast. Id say your prob going to O sometimes this weekend if the line is getting darker...

Julie- I went a little trigger happy with the scanner and added waaay too much shit to the registry. I think I picked out a nursery set though! Its a jungle theme and the colors are greens, purples and pinks. So still kinda girly without the flwoers and butterfly crap that makes me go insane (sorry if that is anyones nursery theme im just so noooot girly at all!)

To get an idea of how non-girlie I am- my husband has bought me necklaces, earringes, etc and i NEVER wear them...not my thing. But if he buys me anything steelers (footbal team) i am like the happiest lady on the planet...haha im so simple

ok back to my registry gotta delete some stuff!
Nats - it's always good to get in a BD if you can! However, it will be interesting to see when the OPK turns positive for you. What time of day are you testing, and how many times?

Wishin - That's why I refused to go to the store to do my registry! I did mine all online. Much less tempting when you don't see all the adorable stuff in person. When DH and I went to buy the last few items on our registry in store, we definitely ended up picking up a few non-necessary items (but it's a frog that projects stars on the ceiling!! How could we NOT buy it??). I'll have to take a stalk at your registry to see your bedding set. :)
Cris -- I'm also not girly (as you know), so I totally understand the flower/butterfly stuff making you crazy. And anything with the word "princess" on it. Shoot me!

Nats -- Bodies are weird. I ovulated on cd14 with Maisie, cd10 this time.
But I also tend to have a LOT of ewcm so that's not the best indicator for me. It's like AF leaves, I have a day of creamy and then like a week of ewcm. :wacko:

I hope no one I know is looking at my registry right now. :haha: I just continued the one I had with Maisie and deleted and added stuff I WANT but don't need. Right now there are like 5 different carriers on it because I can't decide which I want to go with. And like 3 different sets of toddler bedding for Maisie I can't decide on. Nothing I really expect people to buy for me, just stuff I want to get the 10% discount on later. :haha: I hope the toddler bedding will qualify for that. It was at $19 when I first added one of them and now it's almost $50! Damn Amazon! :dohh:
Julie- I hope no one is actually looking at mine either or they might think im insane. I keep changin and updating as I develop a better vision of what i want her room to look like. I am hoping that some close friend and family will buy stuff from it for christmas so i should get it "shopping" ready soon. I didnt go as overboard as I thought...I did register for mainly sheets, and diaper changing covers like I wanted. I just happened to add a gazzillion choices that makes it seem like a lot. I just see it as giving people options on ones I liked haha - at one point i had like 5 different boppy covers on there

Linz- I had been avoiding the store too but I was having a hard time picking out the sheets online so I figured doing it in person would be faster...but yeah...def ended up with too much crap on the list. Oh well I dont plan on buying anything except the essentials that were on my original "to buy list" the rest will just be a bonus if i get for christmas! I did also walk away with two super cute outfits...one says daddys little girl and one has a cute lil monkey on it (i love monkey themes!)
Honest opinions please....


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i like the cute animals but still kinda iffy on the animal print...im not into that so much either..but...eh
I think it's cute. I feel the same as you -- love the animals, iffy on the print. It's a bit girlier than I could go, so good for you! :haha:

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