I've got my anti-witch spray!

I'm testing about 2 ish and then between 8 and 10 on the same day but don't really seem to be getting darker! Only when I look at them hours later can I see a very faint line! So goodness knows?? Anyway I'm just gonna go with it bd when we can as often as we can keep testing and see what happens, all I can do really? They were only ic's so maybe they just don't work?

Wishn- I love love love the bedding ;) and I'm not very girly but I like it all x x
DH didnt like it....said its not girly ENOUGH.....SIGH...hes such a girl sometimes
i really like it, i am quite girlie though.

i have just done my little man's big boy room with a curious George theme because he loves it! pretty pleased with it.
Wishin, the bedding is adorable! I'm a girly girl also. I got my bedding in and can't wait to post a pic. My crib should be within the next few weeks so ill post a pic when it's done!

Registeries!!!!! Aaaaccckkk!! So all of you are making me feel like a slacker! I haven't even started mine. Maybe ill stalk y'all's and make one off of yours lol. DH and I will be off the week after thanksgiving so its the plan to register then. Hmmm I'm a little intimidated by all the crap I need to register for but have no clue what to a actually register for!! Ha!!! Oh I'm in trouble!!!
Well I've just had a total melt down, for some reason I went to the first page and I haven't looked at it for some time!
I didn't realise I was literally the only one left!! Even the ladies that have left this thread! I'm the only one without a rainbow :cry:
I hope none of you take this the wrong way, I am so genuinely happy for all of you but it just sort of made me really sad.
I know my rainbow is just around the corner so ill be fine just felt a bit strange to see it like that. Sorry haven't meant to offend anyone at all x x
Well I've just had a total melt down, for some reason I went to the first page and I haven't looked at it for some time!
I didn't realise I was literally the only one left!! Even the ladies that have left this thread! I'm the only one without a rainbow :cry:
I hope none of you take this the wrong way, I am so genuinely happy for all of you but it just sort of made me really sad.
I know my rainbow is just around the corner so ill be fine just felt a bit strange to see it like that. Sorry haven't meant to offend anyone at all x x

Nats -- You're not the only one left. Gemmy just posted! She's just no on the first page for whatever reason. :shrug: Keep using those opks and you'll be joining us soon enough. I've only ever used cheapies and have had luck with them the 3 cycles I've needed them. :thumbup: Two of those cycles resulted in pregnancy. One of those cycles, our bding was off.
Nats- you are not allowed to leave us until that rainbow baby is happily nestled in your arms. We just wont have it! We will stalk you until you come back to us! thats that!

Haley- I was very fortunate to have a friend who had a fairly young baby (6 months at the time) help me register the first time around. She kind of pointed out all the "crap" that FTM are drawn to but were useless then helped me pick out the necessities. It was sooo helpful having someone who knew exactly what i needed...I literally didnt feel like I forgot anything she did a great job. I highly recommend going with someone who has a baby to help!
I know Gemmy was taking a break for awhile, so I took her off the front page. Now that she's back I've added her back on!

Haley - I registered a few weeks after we found out the gender, but then I was adjusting and changing it weekly online. I first went through and did an online registry just registering for everything that I liked best. Then as my first shower approached, I realized that no one was buying online so they were only getting the things available in store. I didn't think of that since I do a ton of shopping online. So I had to go back and take off the "online only" items and pick things that were available in store. I didn't have anyone help me when I did my first run through, but I did have Wishin, lilspy, and my BFF (who has a 1 year old) take a look and tell me if I was missing anything or registered for something I didn't need. By the end of my second shower (work) I had almost everything except $200 worth of stuff, but had $300 in gift cards. I was shocked that we didn't have to spend a dime on baby stuff between hand-me-downs and showers.

Nats - Oh honey, I know how easy it is to get down, but you are not alone! There are so many women who struggle with ttc. We will be here for you always, and when you do get that final sticky bean, we will celebrate with you. The OPKs and the doctors looking into it are a GREAT step in the right direction. Things are starting to look up!

Wishin - The bedding is cute, but I am feeling the same as you. Not a huge fan of animal print. I can't believe DH even cares what it looks like! LOL

AFM - Nothing new to report here. So excited for my 40 week appointment on Monday! I'll be 39w5d then. HOPEFULLY I can make some progress over the weekend (I feel like she STILL has not dropped!!). Maybe I'll go for some walks or something. I've upped my RLT and EPO intake in an effort to get something started and I bounce on my exercise ball every day. But still no nothing. I'm just hoping for good news or that my doctor will at least schedule an induction date so I can at least say she will be here by X date after 40 weeks.
Haley -- It's hard to know what to register for, for me, and I have a 16 month old! :wacko: I think babies vary so much.

For example, for Maisie, a wipe warmer is ESSENTIAL. Even now, if I wipe her bum with a cold wipe (even one I've warmed between my hands), she screams "COLD!!!" and thrashes everywhere. :haha: From day one, she has screamed bloody murder about cold wipes. :shrug:

But, as for something like a bottle warmer, I had absolutely zero use for one (luckily, since I didn't get one!). We mixed Maisie's formula on demand with room temp water and she never complained. For refrigerated breast milk in a bottle, we just heated it up quickly under hot running water from a faucet. I know babies who absolutely REFUSED to eat unless their milk was at just the "right" temperature. :dohh: So bottle warmers were pretty essential for their moms. :wacko:

So, I'd say you want to have:
*crib, mattress, and 3 crib sheets
*changing pad and 2+ covers (if you're going to have a changing pad. I don't find them essential but they're handy, IMO)
*wipes warmer
*several onesies and sleep & plays in both newborn and 0-3 month sizes to start (I left socks off on purpose here); baby/kids hangers if you're going to hang her clothes.
*a couple of small blankets to go over the carseat or stroller when it's chilly out; Maisie wouldn't be swaddled so all receiving blankets and swaddling blankets were useless to me. For babies who like to be swaddled, the swaddling blankets with velcro have gotten rave reviews, from what I understand. I'll probably have one of those for this baby in case she likes to be swaddled.
*wearable blankets; essential for us during the winter because last year Maisie was too young to safely have a blanket. I'm actually looking for them in her size with feet holes for this winter because she wiggles in her sleep and won't keep a blanket on.
*at least a couple of bottles & a couple types of nipples. Maisie refused silicone nipples. She had to have latex or she seriously wouldn't eat. Even as a small baby. :shrug: Also, I know it's a lot of waste, but man, Playtex drop-in bottles and liners are LIFESAVERS. It is AMAZING not to have to wash bottles every day. We were able to reuse the liners (1/day) once she was a couple months old and we didn't have to be so concerned with sanitation and just rinsed them out with super hot water after each use.
*if you plan to breastfeed, sleep nursing bras and cotton nursing pads. I couldn't go without a bra the entire time I was lactating unless I wanted puddles of milk everywhere. :dohh: The pressure of the bra stops a lot of milk leaks. Lanolin for your nips. I hated the Boppy for nursing. :shrug: My lactation consultant had a "My Brest Friend' pillow that was much better to use but I never got one (pretty sure I'll get one this time). I had 2 Boppy pillows but mostly used bed pillows. :wacko: Boppy pillows were really only ever used to sit baby up or for tummy time. Breast pump (manual or electric or hospital, depending on your needs; because of my previous experience with chronic low supply, I'm selling my Pump In Style adn buying a manual pump and renting a hospital pump before deciding on which type of electric pump to get this time, if any). Breast milk storage bags or containers (only if you plan to freeze any, otherwise you can just use a regular baby bottle to keep expressed milk in the fridge for up to 48 hours).
*a baby bathtub of sorts. I recommend one that fits in your sink so you don't have to bend over.
*a few baby wash cloths, baby wash, baby oil (I never used baby powder or baby lotion. I have a ton of baby lotion I've started using myself just to try to not waste it), a couple of hooded baby towels (these aren't essential, just super cute).
*Bouncy seat, bouncy seat, bouncy seat!!!
*Carseat, stroller, if that fits your needs
*Pack N Play for later on (4-5 months). We used the bouncy seat all of the time until about 4 months when she started rolling over.
*Glowing musical seahorse (fisherprice), a couple of rattles, a couple of lovies or stuffed animals, a couple of sensory/tactile type toys. Really don't need much in the way of toys in the beinning. Just stuff to stimulate baby's senses.
*gas drops and/or gripe water
*vitamin D drops
*cool mist humidifier ONLY if your house gets dry (we have a gas furnace so ours gets very dry in the winter). I have a neat one with a built in star-projection nightlight, which we have found helpful from the beginning to now.
*baby spoons (for food later on) and bowls with lids (because they don't like to finish their food!).
*sippy cups for later, but you don't have to worry so much about that until 9m+ at least. Maisie finds the ones with the soft straws the easiest and as soon as she figured out how to drink from the straw, we were able to wean her off all bottles with no fuss at all (prior to 13 months).

Jumperoo or Johnny Jump-up or some other kind of standing activity thing. Won't need it for at least 4-5 months but Maisie LOVED both. People like to buy those kinds of things - fun stuff.

So, that really seems like a lot when I'm looking at it but I feel like it's less than most people think they need in terms of stuff. If I think of anything else I really feel like I need, I'll add it.
Great list Julie!

Dh is really random and really cares about stuff like that...he really doesnt like the nursery set saying its not girly, plus he doesnt like that I want to paint the room green, he had his heart set on lavender/purple
Yay!!! Thanks for the list! Fortunately I have my sister helping me. I have all of her hand me downs including the hardware items.. Like 40 boxes! It's rediculous the amount of stuff she bought for her little girl! (Good for me though ;) ). I don't have to register for anything but if I don't, people will just get me more clothes which is the last thing I'll need after her generous donation to me. Lol Even better is that she had my godchild just a couple weeks before I'm due so all the clothes will be size/season appropriate! I'm just going to get what I want including your recommendations and then get my sister to help me cut things down! I almost feel kinda selfish for having a shower but my friends say its not an option so there ya go!! Thanks for the help ladies! I can't wait to start playing with all the gadgets. Lol

Nats, stay strong Hun!!! And don't go anywhere or us ladies will hunt you down! :)
hey ladies,

ahh no you are definately not alone nats. I have been trying for no. 2 for almost a year except we had 9 negative cycles then we took a three month break mainly because our relationship was taking a nose dive and the issue was sex or baby dancing as I was saying and then he didn't want to/ was too tired - I felt unwanted and unattractive. A break did us good although I missed ttc so much I wanted to make him go without lol. Anyway I am lucky enough not to have experienced a loss, I have seen so much heartbreak on this site. But all the heartbreak followed by rainbows in time!!! The amount of ladies I have followed and seen losses and heart break and now perfect little families. that will be you :) FX for you this month, don't give up xx

ah wishin my cycle is going ok thanks. I am somewhere in the middle of my two week wait, I didn't opk or temp but I temped today and yesterday and took a drop today from 36.56 to 36.31. Trying to be hopeful though. I did an ic it was negative but as I had ewcm on tues 6th if I O that day I would be 10dpo but think it may have been following day or day after that so may only be 8dpo.

I wanted to ask you all about implantation. Can it be thick cm which is a slight tan colour? I have had that twice today?

Wipe warmers??? I have never heard of them!!!! Maybe being in UK? Yes my little boy finds them cold around his dinkle - he giggles though ;)
Thanks all of you, and sorry don't know where it came from really just had a bit if a wobble :blush:

Hey gemmy, nice to see you back and nice for me to have someone else still ttc! Hopefully it won't be much longer for either of us :winkwink: x x
Gemmy - My IB was light pink on one wipe and then light brown for a few days after... hope this is good news for you!!

AFM - Something is happening.... Just wiped in the restroom and it was pink/light brown and now I'm getting AF like cramps... I hope this means something! I've been bouncing on the ball for a couple hours now hopefully helping dilate!
Ahhhhhh Linz!!!!! That sounds sooo good! Oh my gosh this could be it!!!! Super excited for u!!!
ohhh very exciting linz, expecting some news soon! good luck! thanks for your hopeful info about ib. bfn this morning but now i think i am 9dpo and yesterday i was 8. no cm this morning, stuffy nose with little blood, sore throat, sore bb, temp up although awake too long before taking it... will keep you updated!
Yay Linz! Sounds like that was ur mucus plug! Could all be starting! Defo not far away! Please keep us updated either here or on face book! Good luck, yay!!!!!! X x x x
Linz - Ooooohhhh, so exciting, will be stalking for updates xx

Nats - hugs hon, your sticky bean is just round the corner. really glad doctors are finally looking into it for you. xx

Wishin - i'm not girly either, i do like the jungle theme. i was blessed with a very girlie 2nd daughter. As long as something is pink she's happy. i really do not like pink but have had to suffer it. thank goodness for my tomboy DD1. I'm surprised your OH didnt think it was girlie enough - looked plenty girlie to me. xx

Gemmy - nice to see you back, fingers crossed for you xx

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