I've got my anti-witch spray!

I definitely enjoyed temping because I felt like it was giving me a window into my reproductive system, but even my ob told me not to bother with temping and only do opks. He reason was that tempting only tells you AFTER you ovulate, where opks tell you when you are about to. And yes, sometimes you can get a positive opk and then not ovulate, but that's more common in people who have pcos rather than the general public. I never saw a positive opk that wasn't followed by a temp spike 2 days later, so for me, temping really wasn't necessary once I started with the opks. I still did it because I liked it, but opks by themselves are still helpful.
i am getting back into temping as also get a good rise and like the whole ff. also opk and this is the first month i am trying ic opk. in the early months i splashed out on digi ones but once the temping seemed to agree with them i tried just temping. but do like both. ttc is costly though.
I temped for about a week religiously and my temps were all over the place even being taken at the same time...thats weird!

I think sometimes people get better results temping vaginally. I never got around to it because my spike was big enough it didn't really matter.

I thought even "normal" women had occasional annovulatory cycles, which is why I thought temping was necessary to keep my sanity. I probably made that up, though. :haha: And I have so freaking much ewcm (seriously, it's ridiculous) that it means very little to me. The cycle I got pregnant with Maisie was my first cycle temping and opking and I thought we had missed ovulation and that temping and opks just weren't working for me. I had like a week full of ewcm and no positive opk and then cm turned to stickyish stuff. Well, like 4 days later, I got this huge GUSH of ewcm walking out of work and I went home, took an opk and it was almost positive. Was positive a couple hours later and the very next morning, my temp shot up. It's like my body geared up for it for a week and a half and then suddenly it just happened really quickly. I had a little more warning with this one, I think. No funny business with the ewcm, but I did have 6 days of it, as you can see on my chart. :wacko:
Wow Julie! I barely ever got ewcm! I did start noticing the difference when I was about to O but only after months of comparison. I did get it the cycle before and of my bfp so it did help! Honestly I really think the HsG I did cleared the pipes so to speak...
Hello Ladies, Sorry I haven't been posting but I have been stalking. :winkwink: Glad to hear that all is doing well.

Linz-not much longer and your LO will be in your arms :happydance:

AFM-my LO keeps me on my toes she is so spoiled to me that if I get out of her sight for a sec she throws a fit, daddy gets a little upset because he can't seem to do anything to soothe her :shrug: It's just me and her 9 hrs a day through the week, so she is just use to mommy doing for her, she def is going to be a momma's girl for sure..she is doing amazing and is growing like a weed, so hard for me to believe that she will be 2 months old in a couple of days when it still seems like I just brought her home :cry:. My First Halloween..


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First- 2 MONTHS! Time sure seems to be flying! I looove that little outift and shes adorable!!!
I dont remember if I told you guys this so bear with me. At the anatomy scan the baby wasnt cooperating so they were unable to check a few things in her heart. As a result I have another scan tomorrow to check everything that they were unable to last time. So I get to see baby girl again! So excited! I really hope she is still a she!
First- ugh, LOVE her!

Cris - My anatomy scan is Monday and I keep worrying my she will be a he, too. :haha: Crazy. She was obviously a she at 15 weeks.

My laptop screen died yesterday so I only have my phone to post from for now. I left work at 9.30 this morning because my supervisor upset me so much I couldn't get myself back together. Not sure what I'm going to do about it. I was so close to resigning without notice which is partly why I knew I needed to leave. I really can't believe what she said to me. Absolutely unacceptable and I refuse to work for her much longer. Worst case is I find something else while on maternity leave. I will have a hard time hanging on that long though.
Julie- I like to think I know you pretty well after almost 3 years...so for someone to have gotten you that upset to the point where you couldnt compose yourself it must have been pretty horrible. Im so sorry whatever it was, and I hope one of your other job lead pans out so you dont have to put up with it!
Julie- u ok? what ended up happening? Hope things worked out

AFM- Pretty anxious to get out of work today. Work has been so stressful, especially since I was the only one in the office. I am looking forward to thetime off. Even though Im sure I will still work from home some...Also, DH has decided to battle the name Samantha. Hes been pretty quiet, and even though I KNEW he wasnt set on it he seemed ok with letting me call the baby that so I didnt think hed put up a fight. WELLLLL last night he decided to bring up that he isnt "feeling" the name Samantha and that we should discuss other names. I told him I am not willing to consider Maya (his pick) and that he needs to come up with other options. He came up with 'Ava'. I am not "feleing" that eitehr....so here we go again on the name battle jsut when I thought we had decided.
DH and I were actually pretty set on Lacey before we settled on Quinn. We were even calling her that and seriously considering that being her final name. Then we pitched it to a few people (notably, men) and their reactions were all the same: Lacey, according to a bunch of the men in my life, is a stripper name.

It was hard to back off the name after that and I was really disappointed. However, Quinn was also on our short list and it seemed right after we had eliminated all the other names we liked for various reasons. I know it seems hard but you can grow to love another name if DH puts his foot down! Just make sure that the name HE wants is something you also love!
Cris -- Ugh, sorry about the name. I can't even think about it right now. If she were born today, she'd be Eleanor Olivia. Whatever. :shrug: I don't know how I am. I'm at work today because I knew she wasn't going to be here. I will never get over what she said to me. I've even responded to part of the conversation via e-mail because I wanted it documented in writing that I have documentation showing she was completely mistaken (aka lying) about some things. I have a feeling she was mistaken about other things, too, but won't know until I talk to a couple of people. Not sure I have the nerve to ever talk to them about it but I know she's wrong about that part, too. I'm mostly just hurt to realize she's this spiteful of a person. To the point she's willing to completely fabricate stuff to make me look bad. You can't really lie to me about me, dumbass. She's been treating me this way since the day our old HR director busted into our office announcing she had a vacancy and was "stealing [me] back" (which didn't happen because she's also a terrible spiteful bitch who was using me to jab at my supervisor, apparently). Anyway, I've decided to be as professional (and uncordial) as possible with her but I'm also addressing every single issue in writing. And I'll be documenting all future conversations in writing as well. Really, really sad that I feel like I have to do this to protect myself and my job at this point. :nope: I'll be out of here as soon as there is any other viable option.

Linz -- Shame on you for disappearing from BNB and facebook for a day and not having a baby! :haha:
Lilspy - sorry your boss is being such a "you know what." It's such bad timing with the pregnancy. I'd be tempted to stick it out till the baby comes and then start looking after my maternity leave ends, but that just because I'd be too nervous looking for a job where most people won't hire pregnant women ( it's not legal but it doesn't stop it from happening). And yes, I've been at a job where I suffered with my boss being a huge b-word every day to me making me feel like I was worthless, coming home crying every day from sometimes 14 hour days. I know how awful a poor boss can make you feel so I'm really sorry you're having to deal with it at such an already emotional time. Big hugs :(

Afm - I'm definitely making it to thanksgiving this year and she'll definitely be a Sagittarius (yay!). Baby is showing no signs of wanting out anytime soon even though I walked for 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday. This morning I am nauseated once again and trying not to cough as it sets off my gag reflex. Miserable on my due date! Just want to sleep some more as I've been up since 5:30 am but my heartburn (after eating and drinking nothing for 10 hours) is killing me. Just going to wallow in my self pity here and wait for my tums to decide to work!
Julie- I am really happy that you are documenting everything. That's def really smart! Im so sorry this is happening to you and I will for once hope you start looking for new jobs :)

Linz- Well...all I can say is stuff your self silly at thanksgiving and try to releax (although Im sure thats hard!) In one week you will have Quinn in your arms and all of this will be forgotten! I wish I could give you a big hug

Oh and on the name front- First of all...DH is really against a common name because he has one and hated being one of many Roberts in his class. I have a uncommon name (its Brazilian) so I hated that growing up because no one could ever pronounce it or spell it right. So I want common he wants uncommon. When naming DS he came up with Brayden and I wasnt too fond of it but it was the most normal name he came up with so I decided it would work, also, I knew that it was starting to climb the name list and people would be able to spell and pronounce it. So technically I let him choose DS's name even though I wasnt fond of it...I love it now of course! Second...We BOTH came up with Samantha Ryan when thinking of names during my first pregnancy. So I know its a name that he at least LIKES. Its not like Im pushing something he totally hates...Third...Back to the common uncommon thing. The alternative he gave me yesterday is Ava! Ava is like on the top 10 list! He also likes Sofia, which I believe is #1 on the list! So WTF!!!! All of a sudden he wants a common name? Samantha was in the top 50 but he doesnt know that haha
Haha, wishn, isn't Maya really popular too? :wacko: I think all of his suggestions are farther up on the charts than Sam! :haha: Silly boys.

Linz -- Roll around in the self pity. I know all too well what it feels like to see a due date come and go. :dohh: I'm trying so hard to get myself in the mindset of being more patient this time but I can already tell my patience is going to be shot after 9 months. :haha:
Ava: #5


Maya: #64


Samantha #17


You should show this site to DH and punch in Ava and see what he thinks of his #5 name!
Oh Linz how I love thee!

Thanks for looking it up! I knew they were up there!

Him and his ex practically think they came up with the name Reese because they spelled it Reice for my step son... Uh Reese is not an unknown of name... Changing the spelling doesn't make it different! Ugh! Also his ex used Riley on her second child which is a name I really love but now refuse to use

Anyways- my scan sucked!!! Baby is healthy is is great! But the tech was such a bitch! She gave me a bad vibe from the beginning and rushed through the show thing. I think she said 2 words to me the entire time... Whic was like 5 mins :(
Totally ruined the scan for me
Hopefully I don't offend anyone here with my opinion, but I HATE when people change the generally accepted spelling of a name to make it "different" and "unique". Sorry, but it's still pronounced the same and the only thing it does is confuse people trying to read it out loud. On top of that, they've done studies that show when a potential employer looks at a resume, they judge people with these "misspelled" names more harshly than those with a regular spelling of the name. There is a girl we just hired at my work who is a fresh 21 years old and has the same name as me, Lindsay. Usually Lindsay or Lindsey are considered normal spellings, but her name is Lyndsie which trips my brain up every time I read it. When I go someplace where they are writing my name down, usually all they have to ask is if it is an "e-y, or an a-y" to spell it correctly. I would hate to have to correct someone every time they asked me what my name was.

Just a pet peeve of mine. My SIL was going to name her kid Aspin (instead of Aspen) if it was a girl. DH told her the name looked like Aspirin (LOL). Luckily, baby ended up a boy.
LOL, I thought you typed "Aspirin" at first, too. :haha:

I agree with you on the name spellings, Linz. There was a guy running for city council this past election whose name was Ant'Juan. I felt bad for him because he can't help his name, but I don't know that I could have voted for him (luckily for him, he wasn't on the ballot in my area :haha:). People around here LOVE apostrophes in names, too. Hubby once had a property manager named T'Stephanie. Seriously? And yes, it was pronounced Ta-Stephanie.

I want a real name that has been around for a long time and yet isn't super popular. I knew people here would sometimes pronounce Maisie "Maci" but that's only because they don't know English and I can't help that. :haha: People have actually surprised me by getting it right most of the time. But, we do get Maci from time to time. I guess there's a reason when the name was more popular in the US 100 years ago that it was spelled "Mazie." :dohh:

Pronounciation is one of the reasons I can't bring myself to seriously consider the name Imogen at the moment, which is both a real name and spelled traditionally. I LOVE that name. But if we end up staying in the south, she would forever be called "huh?" or, at best, Imogene (which I don't care for at all). :nope:
I LOVE the name Imogen, as in Imogen Heap. I totally would have suggested the name to DH if I hadn't known ahead of time that it's just a little too uncommon for him.

And LOL at T'Stephanie... What?! /facepalm

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