I've got my anti-witch spray!

Checking in. Still no signs of labor. Baby girl is officially going to be a Sagittarius (yay)! Hoping excessive quantities of turkey is a little known old wives tale for starting labor, as that's my plan tonight! Happy Thanksgiving ladies! I'm thankful for all of you and our journey together that provides more support than I could have ever imagined.
Thanks for checking in linz, having a super emotional day today and your post made me cry :cry:

I've been up since 2.30 am with my daughter who has been violently sick since then! poor little thing has really had a tuff time the last 16 hrs, thankfully she is getting better now and it has been a couple of hours since she was sick so hopefully the worst is over, It was my youngest over the weekend so im pretty worn out by it all which would probably explain my crazy emotions today!!

Not long now linz, thinking of you :winkwink: xxx
Nats - hugs hon. Hopefully your dd is better and none of your others get it or you and oh. its never fun and i bet the weather isnt great for drying all the washing you've now got. xx

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, enjoy your turkeys xx
Thanks Leia, but again the tears are flowing! My goodness what is wrong with me? X x
Oh nats, there's nothing wrong with you, you're just being human. You're grieving for your lost babies, you're recovering from surgery thats going to make you tired and emotional, your hormones are all over the place, you've had two sick children in the last week which means little sleep for you and your whole body aches for that bfp. Give yourself a break. The fact that you make it out of bed daily shows how strong you are and how well you're doing. You are allowed to cry (alot). Hang in there. Big hugs xx
Thanks Leia that's very kind of you x x
My friend had her 6 week scan today and she saw baby's heartbeat and everything is looking great, so very happy for her, hopefully this will be me soon x x x x
Nats - it will be you soon! Good to hear about your friend. :)

AFM - Still no baby. Ate a HUUUUGE dinner last night as I hear that's what usually does it for people. Nope... Had a few stronger BH contractions, but that's about it. Once again they are gone in the morning. This little girl really is in it for the long haul!
Checking in. Still here. Had a tiny bit of brownish discharge last night accompanied with some cramping. Last time I got that I dilated to 1, so hopefully it means things are moving along. As for this morning, nothing new to report. My hips are killing me, my bump has finally dropped, and the pressure in my pelvis in the evening is painfully strong! But still no baby!
thanks for checking in, Linz. good luck hon, any minute now. reading every post just in case. so exciting xx
Had my Dr appt this morning and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated. Dr said baby's head is in my pelvis, but not fully engaged as she could push her head out still by applying pressure. However, with everything that has been going on and plus the 1.5 cm, she said there is a good chance I could go into labor before my induction on Thursday. Hoping, hoping, hoping!!

Contractions are spacing out again but the AF like cramps are still here.
Yay Linzzzz! Ill be praying that baby girl shows up on her own! Keep us posted!
Linz - I was just checking in to see how things were, looks promising!! Good luck
Well 2 nights ago, contractions were 15-20 minutes apart, night before they were 10-15 minutes apart, and last night they got to 5-10 minutes apart. However, I think they're still just false labor as they don't really hurt at all. The lower back pain was kind of throbby so I threw a heating pad on super low on it and that helped, but eventually I ended up going to sleep so I know it wasn't real labor. Based on this pattern though, maybe something will happen tonight.

Baby girl really only has tonight to decide if she wants to come anyway, as tomorrow night I'm being admitted for the induction. Wednesday night they'll start with the cervical ripening and then Thursday morning with the induction meds. So if she wants to come without being forced out (and apparently my body only wants to labor in the evening), tonight is her last chance.

To take our minds off of it, DH and I are going to go get a Christmas tree today and decorate it. Hopefully my cat doesn't destroy it while we're in the hospital!
Linz, this may be really bad advice, but try to be super active today. That always got my contractions going strong (only to fizzle out after a couple of hours, but if you're this close, maybe it'll kickstart it?). Also, have an orgasm. Or 5. :haha: Of course, I was induced, so wtf do I know about getting a baby out? :haha: I didn't have to have the cervadil stuff, though, so I just got to get up bright and early at like 5am to go to the hospital for the pitocin.
Had my anatomy scan yesterday. Baby is still a girl and everything looked good, so no alarm. Looks like she has my lips (Maisie does), which I'm almost sad about because although they're awesome lips (lol), I think mouth size (small) played a part in our breastfeeding struggles. Oh well. Won't know for sure until she gets here. Other than lips, I can't seem to place a single facial feature/bone structure. With Maisie, I knew at our 12 week ultrasound that she had my cheekbones. This one, not so much. She just looks so much different than Maisie I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Maybe it's just because we got no decent face shots since she was head down. :shrug:

She was measuring lean and long. Maisie was measuring small at this point, too, but was above average weight at birth and was a short tubby thing until about 6 months but is tall and slim (you know, for a toddler) now. I don't know how that happened with short stocky me being their mother but I hope it continues for them. :haha:

I LOLed when the doctor said "You should start feeling her every few days..." Um, okay. Or every few seconds all day every day. :haha: I guess she flipped head down a few days ago because I've been getting my ass kicked since then. I'm very afraid for myself 10-15 weeks from now.. :haha:

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