I've got my anti-witch spray!

Thanks cris, I actually feel like I could be ovulating now! I have twingey sort of pains on my right side so maybe I've not missed it completely, maybe just maybe if we manage to bd tonite we could still be in with a small chance!!
Just don't get why it always go wrong for us? Maybe we are just not meant to have anymore children? I'm so upset again, don't know why but I really thought it was going to happen this month! Felt so strongly about it, it was weird! But just have to wait and see now. Thanks as usual for ur support x x x
Well I'm feeling a bit better we managed to get one in tonight! Whoop whoop :happydance: so maybe I'm not out after all I mean we bded on sun night and tonight so if I ovulated mon or tues then hopefully sun's bd might of caught that egg and if I have ovulated today or am about to then hopefully tonight's bd will catch that egg?? I'm back to having hope ladies!! Now just the awful tww which is actually longer for me because I obviously have a long luteal phase? So I think I'm due af either New Year's Eve or New Year's Day!!
I'm excited lol x x x
Yay, nats!! I hope this is it for you! I would keep using the opks for a few days though just to make sure. If you go a few more days and no +, then I would say for sure you just missed the surge this month. If you get a + in a day or two, though, you'll know to BD again!

AFM - Things are getting a little easier here... however, I fear we gave Quinn a bottle too early (been pumping and bottle feeding sometimes to give my poor nips a break and let daddy feed) and the last couple times I've put her on the boob she only latches for 10 seconds each time before screaming and then repeating until she's done eating. It's not the end of the world to have to bottle feed only, but it is a little more work. :(
Thanks Linz, yeah I am going to keep doing opk's just to make sure. But if it has already happened, from what I said do u think I'm still in with a chance? I still feel positive but maybe I'm giving myself false hope??

Linz I feel ur pain! I so remember the sore nips, have you got any cream? I have heard that u should wait until about 6 weeks before u introduce a bottle but I think that's more to do with ur milk supply getting established. So many do's and dont's though I say do whatever your comfortable with! X x x x x
Yay, nats!! I hope this is it for you! I would keep using the opks for a few days though just to make sure. If you go a few more days and no +, then I would say for sure you just missed the surge this month. If you get a + in a day or two, though, you'll know to BD again!

AFM - Things are getting a little easier here... however, I fear we gave Quinn a bottle too early (been pumping and bottle feeding sometimes to give my poor nips a break and let daddy feed) and the last couple times I've put her on the boob she only latches for 10 seconds each time before screaming and then repeating until she's done eating. It's not the end of the world to have to bottle feed only, but it is a little more work. :(

There's really all kinds of things that could be the issue. From latch issues to fast letdown to slow letdown to low supply (which it doesn't sound like to me if you're pumping plenty). If it's slowish letdown, you may want to try a supplemental nursing system to get her back on the boob. Just start with it until you feel the letdown and then take the SNS tube out of her mouth. Or maybe hand express until the milk starts flowing and then put her on the boob.

I'd personally try anything to keep her nursing because exclusively pumping sucks balls, to be honest. There are also bottles (Breastflow and Medela Calma, I think. From what I hear Breastflow is better) that are expensive but, to my understanding, flow more like boobs, so makes the transition between bottle and boob easier on LO. If she won't nurse, make sure you pump at least 8 times a day to keep up that supply the first several weeks. I know that sucks but it's really important in the early days if you want to continue producing enough.

If she gulping and sputtering/choking while on the boob, you may have a strong letdown that she doesn't like. In that case, I'm not sure what to suggest other than leaning back while you nurse so that your letdown has to work against gravity. Have you seen a lactation consultant? They should be able to assess the exact problem and should have some suggestions for you. :thumbup: She may even have a latch issue or a tongue/lip tie that is causing her to not be able to transfer milk from you very well (which leads to frustration and screaming). With you saying that your nips are sore (are they cracked?), it makes me think there may actually be a latch problem. Maisie nearly killed my nipples in just 2 days because she wasn't taking enough of my boob into her mouth with the nipple. Once I got her to latch better, it hardly hurt at all, even though I had cracked nips. But then she started refusing shortly after anyway because of my low supply. Hope you're able to get it figured out! You may also want to look up your local La Leche League. They generally have a facebook page where you can ask questions and find out when their next meeting is. They're usually quite helpful. I didn't do it after having Maisie but have joined since becoming pregnant again and so far they've been quite supportive and helpful for me.

Oh, also, massage the boobs while you pump and try hand expressing after you're finished pumping. That'll help empty the boobs and keep up your supply better than pumping alone. Babies (with proper latches) remove milk better than pumping or hand expression but hand expression empties better than pumping.

I know this is unsolicited advice so do whatever you want with it, or not.
Linz- I am no help with breast feeding :( Happy ot hear that things are getting better though!

Nats- I def think you still have a chance from Sunday! I agree with Linz though and Id keep testing with the OPKs a while longer just to make sure!

AFM- No news really...I feel crappy today. My body feels like jello and I just feel tired..almost a dizzy tired? Its weird....cant wait to go home and lay down....if DS lets me!
Well a quick update from me! Have been doing opk's still and it seems they are getting darker! Yay! Almost + so I'm happy about that just gotta make sure the oh Is up for bding!! Handy cause he's home right now as working tonight so wAiting for lo to go to sleep then gonna try for a quick bd before I pick dd up from school, fingers crossed it all goes to plan!! Will update later x x
Successful bding - check! Lol only had time for a quick one lol, very happy with oh this month a couple more in and I know we have done all we can :winkwink: happy bunny :happydance: x x
Yay nats!!! Thats such good news!!!! If its getting darker you def didnt miss it! Woooohoooo!
Oh- DH is back on the no to Samantha thing which has been very frustrating. I already call her that and hes just making it a lot harder for me to imagine her being anyone else...I wish he would stop being wish washy....Id rather have a firm NO from him, than have him say yes we are going with it then tell me hes having second thoughts...Im so frustrated that I dont even want to think about it
Ugh, Cris. That's what Scott did to me with Violet. And I think he's doing it to me with Imogen but unless he's really for it, I think that one is out for me.

He tells me, "My process is just different than yours." :dohh: He likes to let a name "sink in" forever before he decides no, he hates it. How does it take you that long to realize you hate a name? :shrug: Maybe I've been wrong just going with my gut reaction to names, I just can't imagine doing it differently.

I will say Ada is growing on me. I really liked the name before I ruined it for myself 2 years ago. It's just a matter of whether I can get past "Ate-a" and choosing the right middle name (for example, Violet, Olive, Willow, Birdie, etc are OUT! :haha:).

I'm still fond of Eleanor but I have a feeling that name is bringing up bad stuff for hubby and he's just not being completely honest with me about it so I'm trying to let that one go. I think I've managed to get past Violet for the most part.
LMAO- Ada Birdie

I dont remember having this hard of a time choosing a name for Bryaden. I mean we disagreed a lot and his name choices were still completely different than what I would have ever thought but I guess I was more 'open' to his opinions. I think Im just soooo stuck on Samantha that nothing else he says will even be considered. Since Im not budging and hes not budging we are at a stalemate. FRUSTRATION!

The only other name he has mentoned that I can even tolerate is Alexis. That still brings up sad feelings for me about my friend who took her own life (her daughter was named Alexis) so I cant imagine using that name...But I do like the name Alex, Lexie, Allie...maybe Alexandra? ....

I really like Eleanor BTW!
I texted him Alexandra as a suggestion instead of Alexis. He likes it....**SIGH**

Its SOME progress since I dont HATE it...but not in love with it. Maybe if we can come up with a middle name I like itll be "the one"

Plus I can use the names I like...Allie, Lexie, Alex...so we will see
Sorry for the multiple posts but now I need to vent.

So I was talking to my mom on facebook and I was telling her the whole name dilemma...she said she didnt like Samantha that much either because it reminded her of our poodle. We had a poodle named Samantha when I was like 3 or 4 years old! I barely remember her except for I remember her dying because she had a seizure in our living room and it was scary! So that already pissed me off....I mean if my mom doesnt like the name I expect her to just STFU about it and smile and nod. Then I was telling her how I had been feeling sick the last few days and really dizzy. She told me m blood pressure might have dropped and reminded me that I have a sodium deficiency...I told her she was right because I hadnt been eating as much salty food as I normally do because the baby prefers sweets....well then she proceeded to tell me that I was basically stupid because babies dont 'prefer' anything and that I was using the baby as an excuse to eat sweets!!!!

WTF! I honest to god dont like sweets that much! I rarely eat cakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream...Im more of a lets have a pizza, cheesesteak, french fries type of person. SHE MADE ME SO MAD!!! I have never EVER in my life wanted to eat so much chocolate!...but I guess Im making that up that its the baby that wants it...I just all of a sudden developed a huge liking to sweets....UGH!
Awww hugs cris, sometimes mum's just say the wrong thing dont they!
As far as names go it really doesn't matter if anyone else likes it except you and dh!! sometimes i think people need reminding that its YOUR baby not theirs!!
When i was naming Henry i had alot of this from family, but me and oh loved it and still do and we are so glad we stuck to it because it suits him so much now, His middle name is Vernon which everyone said was cruel to name him that but my oh's father was called Vernon and he is no longer with us so it was really important to oh
Its your baby hun you call her what your happy with :winkwink: xx
So I got a + opk tonight! How often do u think we should still bd? I thought tomorrow nite? But maybe when oh gets in from work in the morning? And at night? Sun? Opinions please guys x x
when i get a positive i try for that day, one after and one after so for you Fri, sat, Sun. i have tried in past for twice a day but if we managed am and pm on either the o day or day after we tended to not manage at all the day after. but sound like you are going to have a really good chance as you have been being regularly building up to o then you've got in there day before. if i were you i would today in the am and if you don't again tonight do tomorrow morning but if you do tonight then maybe tomorrow evening! good luck catching that eggs!
Thanks gemmy, how are you doing? X

not doing bad - well honestly i am just squinting over pictures and the test i did today at 9dpo. so much for waiting until 12dpo!

here are the pics - i thought bfn but the more i stare the more i feel something maybe coming. prob evap . any thoughts?


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i thought the same as you Gemmy, couldnt see anything in 1st one but the more i looked i thought i could see in the other two. might have line eye - do you think we've all spent so long staring at them that we see anyway. waiting eagerly for next lot. fingers crossed for you, hope it develops into your bfp xx

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