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I've got my anti-witch spray!

OMG OMG OMG, Linz this has to be it! I'm so excited for you, and the suspense of you not posting while you're on honeymoon is going to kill us all!! Looks like those vitamins may have done the trick ;)
Well after seeing that weird outline I "may" have brought some tests with me. Id just rather not be boozing it up the entire time if I could possibly have a bfp. I may not test tomorrow but probably will on saturday just to be safe. And you know if I get a bfp I will find 5 minutes to log on and type those 3 letters! Other wise if you don't hear from me, assume the worst!
Well after seeing that weird outline I "may" have brought some tests with me. Id just rather not be boozing it up the entire time if I could possibly have a bfp. I may not test tomorrow but probably will on saturday just to be safe. And you know if I get a bfp I will find 5 minutes to log on and type those 3 letters! Other wise if you don't hear from me, assume the worst!

Wow linz, this sounds good!! Good luck to you!! (...yeah I found 5 mins on my honeymoon to go on the net too, cocktail in hand of course...) Good luck, hope this is your month :) Have fun !
Omg!!! I'm praying this is it for y'all!!!!!! Keep us posted :) but most importantly... HAVE FUN and RELAX!!!!!
Sounds so promising Linz. got all my fingers and toes crossed for you. :)
Just thought I'd share my comedy medical receptionist conversation of the day.

Me - Hello, I got the letter rough about my HSG today and I was just wondering if there was any chance I could get it done in the next few days as I've just finished my period (it says on the letter you have to have it after you bleeding has stopped and before day 10)

R - I don't think so but let me check.

Me - ok, it's just that my last period lasted over 3 weeks so if I don't have it now then it could be ages before my next slot.

R - ok we have a space, when was the first date of your last period

Me - Boxing day, like I said it was over 3 weeks long

R - Oh you can't have it, it has to be before day 10 in case you're not pregnant

Me - Yes I understand that, but I can't be pregnant because I've only just finished my period

R - But you could be pregnant as it's after day 10 of your cycle

Me - But I'm not

R - You need to see your specialist

Me - I did, on monday

R - Oh, well you still can't have it, call again on day 1 of your next cycle.

Luckily, I could see the funny side of it, but I was definitely in the "I know more than you about this" camp

G xxx

PS have any of you seen this... https://www.ivfindia.com/getting_pregnant_comic_book_new/comic1_chap0.htm

It's a comic book guide to infertility, complete with comedy facial expressions!!
ARGHHHHH! LINZ! I was reading this in the car and started screaming you better have taken a test with you...thank goodness you did! lol....I will be anxiously waiting for your post!

lol...stilll WTO here hehe....ill be saying this for the next 3 weeks..maybe 4
Giraffes- As I read your post I just kept shaking my head....I HATE it when they dont listen to people who are trying to explain whats going on with their bodies

lucky she was on the phone with you and not me because I woudlnt have taken it in good stride like you! kudos!!!! keep us posted on when you get to see them!
Wow Linz that all sounds so promising, and they say if u dream of swimming with fish it's a good sign of pregnancy! So were u swimming with those goldfish? Fingers crossed for u Linz. Can't wait till u next post x x x
Well as for me if I didn't know I wasn't pregnant then I would think I was! So it just goes to show how similar af and pg symptoms really are. I've got really sore bb's and I've been so emotional it's unreal. I'm constantly on the toilet weeing and I broke out in spots like a week ago! Only thing is I know I won't b getting a bfp because we didn't bd anywhere near ovulation time. Weird huh? Oh well on to next month for me x x x
Had another dream last night about doing a test and getting a bfp - have so got it on the brain. Felt awful all day yesterday, my head was just spinning and had to sleep in afternoon and it is still spinning and feeling lightheaded today. Sore boobs have gone completely but gums have bleed the last 3 days of brushing. Did a test this morning (10dpo) and wasnt quite fmu as the kids got me up at 5 so went then but did test 4 hours later. I think i got what Linz got. not a bfp but i could see where the line should be. Very very faint and an untrained eye (lol) would have said blank but i really think i could see something. dont think evap cause within time limit. trying not to get too enthusiastic about it but have to admit a little excited and the wait till tomorrow morning is going to be hell. wish i temped now so i knew what that was doing. Maybe i'm just going crazy and seeing something thats not there!!!
eeeeek leia!!!! we could be on oour way to TWO bfps!!! Cant wait for you all to upate us!!!

Are you guys using hte same brand test you have used before? I usually get FRER and $ stores ones but the few times I switched up were compelte heartbreaks. The walgreens test I bought gave me a false positive, and the answers hpt test gave me what you guys are describing...a line (colorless) in the place where the + line would have shown up...got my hopes up so badly i was driving around with a cup of pee in my car remember? hahaha....I hope hope hope this is for both of you...waiting until tomorrow is going ot be so hard :)
I agree!!! Things are heating up around here! I just hope this is great news!!! I can hardly wait until tomorrow to read the news! AHHHH... :)
so exciting!! come on bfp's it's about time we had some!! xxx
babydust xxx
still not sure, another test this morning and the same results, very,very,very faint possible line. was hoping it would be darker or easier to tell. so dont want to get hopes up (but although my head is saying Be sensible it could just be my eyes, my stomach is churning and jumping up and down with excitement). The faint line today was in exactly the same place as yesterday and thickness. :shrug: wish i could say for sure. I guess i will have to wait for tomorrow or hang on and try later - always hard to wait 4 hours or more during day and limit fluids. I am going to feel so stupid if this isnt it and its all been in my head

Thanks for the warning Wishin. I am using the same tests as last time. only internet cheapies as cant justify spending out on my poas obsession.

I am still feeling lightheaded and dizzy and boobs hurt again. oh well fingers crossed for tomorrow, wish we knew how Linz was getting on.

How's everybody else doing? :)
Leia, hope this is good news for you! Unfortunately mine is not turning into a bfp so far. Got a bfn this morning. Not stressing about it since I have a fun day of zip lining ahead of me and so far the vacation has been amazing. No signs of AF either even though she's due tomorrow or in a day or two. Just super sore bbs still and that's about it. Hope to see some good news when I get home ladies! Aloha!
Hello Ladies, it's been awhile with alot of things going on but we are working thriugh them the best we can....I am now 11dpiui and the only symptoms I have had is sharp pains in the boobs and this morning my stomach feels like I have been doing sit ups. (weird) other than that nothing at all, I am due for AF either sunday or monday....I hope all is doing well and I can't wait to see all the BFP'S...:hugs: and thanks for listening.
Leia, hope this is good news for you! Unfortunately mine is not turning into a bfp so far. Got a bfn this morning. Not stressing about it since I have a fun day of zip lining ahead of me and so far the vacation has been amazing. No signs of AF either even though she's due tomorrow or in a day or two. Just super sore bbs still and that's about it. Hope to see some good news when I get home ladies! Aloha!

Glad to hear your having a blast, and I hope that the witch stays away from you..Have Fun Gal!!!!
Leia, this is sounding great - I would have caved and bought an FRER by now though!!

Linz - sorry to hear there's no strong line yet, glad you're having an awesome holiday though.

Firsttimer - hang in there!

Nats - good luck with the long wait till next month

Ooo leia!! I hope this is it! I definitely would have broke down and gone got a frer! When i had a positive preg test on my frer my internet cheapies didnt show positive for 4 more days! I stopped buying them bc of this...

AFM, I woke up to twinges/ pain down below. I also feel a small change in the sensitivity of my boobs. I'm 4dpo today. I was dry/no cervical mucus te last 2 days. Now the ewcm is back. Not a lot but there...

Still eating my pineapple core :)

Fingers crossed for y'all!!!

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