I've got my anti-witch spray!

OMG I go away for the weekend and we get TWO BFP's!!!!! ARGH I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS 1STIMER AND LEIA!!!!! I am sooo overjoyed for you!!! Please stick around and let us know how you are doing!!

I wanted to share something that happened this weekend that I know only you girls will sympathize with...

So this weekend was my sisters bridal shower and bachelorette party. Her sister in law to be and I were the only ones in a group of girls (ages 26-28) that have a child. I was talking to her future SIL about the kids and then somehow the topic changed to when we would be TTC #2 and I shared with her that it had taken 9 months to conceive #1 and that we are currently on 10 months trying to conceive #2....you know what her answer was?

Really?! I got pregnant sooooo easily! I stopped taking BC the day before my wedding and told my doctor I'd see him next month because Id be pregnant...and sure enough the following month I was pregnant and having my first visit..

OMG I WANTED TO BITCH SLAP HER! How freaking insensitive of her to say something like that to someone who just told her what a hard time they were having TTC and the heartache behind it....ugh some people are so ignorant

Oh and then she later mentions that in spite of Doctor's orders to not work out as hard dring her pregnancy she did keep working out hard and the baby was 8 born premature..and shes like laughing about it like its some big joke that she felt working out was more important than her childs health. There is adiffernece between being healthy and being compulsive with working out...yea she crossed that line.

Seriously wanted to kill this girl
I wanted to share something that happened this weekend that I know only you girls will sympathize with...

So this weekend was my sisters bridal shower and bachelorette party. Her sister in law to be and I were the only ones in a group of girls (ages 26-28) that have a child. I was talking to her future SIL about the kids and then somehow the topic changed to when we would be TTC #2 and I shared with her that it had taken 9 months to conceive #1 and that we are currently on 10 months trying to conceive #2....you know what her answer was?

Really?! I got pregnant sooooo easily! I stopped taking BC the day before my wedding and told my doctor I'd see him next month because Id be pregnant...and sure enough the following month I was pregnant and having my first visit..

OMG I WANTED TO BITCH SLAP HER! How freaking insensitive of her to say something like that to someone who just told her what a hard time they were having TTC and the heartache behind it....ugh some people are so ignorant

Oh and then she later mentions that in spite of Doctor's orders to not work out as hard dring her pregnancy she did keep working out hard and the baby was 8 born premature..and shes like laughing about it like its some big joke that she felt working out was more important than her childs health. There is adiffernece between being healthy and being compulsive with working out...yea she crossed that line.

Seriously wanted to kill this girl

OMG!!!! I completely relate! It would have taken me a lot not to say anything...

I have a friend that said something similar. It was the month of my 1st miscarriage and she had told me "I feel so bad for you because you want a baby so badly and it was just so easy for me and we weren't even trying" ACKKKKKKK!!!! I totally know how you feel! You want to just strangle them!

After many conversations I finally just said.. Well you know it probably wasn't really that easy for you because you weren't protecting for the last 2 years and never got pregnant so really it could have taken you 2 years... lol DH had a good laugh at that one! He was like yea who knows if you would have had a hard time ttc. lol

I don't understand how some people can be so INSENSITIVE!!!! To want something so badly and it not happen... or like her and not even wanting a child yet because she wasn't ready to stop partying and she gets preggo!

My heart just hurts for people like us that have to go through the stupidity of others' lack of sensitivity!

Oh Wisnhin big :hugs: . Some people just dont have any brains / common sense or tact. I'm surprised you didnt slap her. I want to slap her!!!!
I wanted to share something that happened this weekend that I know only you girls will sympathize with...

So this weekend was my sisters bridal shower and bachelorette party. Her sister in law to be and I were the only ones in a group of girls (ages 26-28) that have a child. I was talking to her future SIL about the kids and then somehow the topic changed to when we would be TTC #2 and I shared with her that it had taken 9 months to conceive #1 and that we are currently on 10 months trying to conceive #2....you know what her answer was?

Really?! I got pregnant sooooo easily! I stopped taking BC the day before my wedding and told my doctor I'd see him next month because Id be pregnant...and sure enough the following month I was pregnant and having my first visit..

OMG I WANTED TO BITCH SLAP HER! How freaking insensitive of her to say something like that to someone who just told her what a hard time they were having TTC and the heartache behind it....ugh some people are so ignorant

Oh and then she later mentions that in spite of Doctor's orders to not work out as hard dring her pregnancy she did keep working out hard and the baby was 8 born premature..and shes like laughing about it like its some big joke that she felt working out was more important than her childs health. There is adiffernece between being healthy and being compulsive with working out...yea she crossed that line.

Seriously wanted to kill this girl

I'm am so sorry that you had to be around such an ungreatful, self centered person (putting it nicely) I would have went off the deep end....keep your head held high and don't let ignorance get you down...:hugs:
OK ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I just saw remnants of IMPLANTATION bleeding!!!!!

I took a picture but didn't want to post it in fear of it being TMI, but if ya'll want to see it I'll post it...

I am 6/7 dpo and the last 2 days I have had some cramping and lotiony cm (wish I would have taken a picture of it). Last night while sleeping I woke up to some sharp stabbing pains on the left side that lasts seconds then went away. I thought it was gas pains because I've been extra gassy lately...

This morning I woke up with some cramping. I went the restroom just now and had pink on the toilet paper so I decided to check my cervix and look at my cm. I was a little terrified at first as I saw BLOOD but when I wiped it onto a tissue it was mixed with clear mucus and slight brown discharge. I checked again and barely anymore blood. I am 2 weeks away from my period (I ovulated extra early this cycle but I think it's because of the clomid) so it's hard for me to believe that this is spotting due to AF.

Fingers crossed!!!!!! I know that based on research there is varying degrees of what people see as implantation bleeding... I just hope this is it!!!

At least we'll know what to call it in a couple days :)

If I'm preggo then it's definitely implantation!! HA...
ooooooohhhhh Haley, fingers crossed for you. Sounds promising. Keep us all updated x
fingers crossed for you Haley....looking forward to an update...

AFM-I am going to call and make an appointment in the morning..I hope you all have an amazing night and I will chat with you tomorrow..
Ladies, I'm so happy to be home and see all of this wonderful news! I can't believe what an eventful week I've missed! Grats on the BFPs First and Leia! Haley, I hope this is it for you! Hope I can join you gals next month!

AFM - I'm having the worst AF I've ever seen, using a menstral cup and had to empty it 4 times today (should be able to go 12 hours without changing) and while I've seen clotting in the past this time it's different... when I was in the airport using the restroom there were these clumpy flesh like things coming out, two the size of my thumb tip. Not sure if it was a month when it worked and then ended early or what, but this morning I was bleeding through a pad in less than an hour for 4 hours straight... :(

Not too worried. There is always next month, I just have never seen anything like this before.

In good news, I am home safe and sound. My cat is meowing excitedly at our arrival, and I'm back to work in the morning. On CD 2 at this point.

Fx'd for your appt tomorrow first! Tell us all about it! (I know you will!) :D
Linz - you might well be right about the chemical pregnancy. I think i may have had something similar a few months ago. Felt the same as i do now, very dizzy, af came a few days late and was extremely heavy, clotty and very painful (to the point of reducing me to tears). hadnt had an af like that maybe ever. Good Luck for next month. fx'd you will be joining us :)
Haley - that sounds very very exciting! Fingers crossed you're number three for this month.

Linz - sorry to hear your AF is so horrible, I agree with Leia that it could have been a chemical.

Wishin - Big hugs, I swear all such people should be locked in a room and somehow forcefed the emotional heatbreak of TTC.

First - Good luck with your appt.
Hayley- THAT IS SO EXCITING! Eeek I am sorry to tell you this is going ot be your longest 2ww ever...lol but with a nice lil prize at the end hopefully! Fingers crossed!

Linz- Welcome back!! I missed you! Im so sorry AF is so horrible this month..I have heard that after a chemical it can sometimes be easier the following month to conceive? not sure how that works but I hope that you join the other lovely ladies in the first tri soon!

1stimer- let us know about your apt

AFM- Been fighting with DH for awhile now...its about his health and how I put all this effort into taking care of him, drive him to every doctor in town, etc but he makes no effort to take care of himself or follow the instructions given to him by the Drs. It has been taking a toll on me for a long time to exert so much energy into his health when he doesnt bother to care about it at all. He stayed at his mothers last night and it is breaking my heart. I miss him I love him but I refuse to watch him not take care of himself and in turn make his health worse. I dont know where this puts us on the ttc spectrum as I dont think we should be trying for another one when our marriage is going through such a bumpy ride.
Wishn - There were some months back when DH and I were fighting and going through some stuff. Finally I told him that with the way he was acting, and the instability of our relationship that I didn't want to ttc anymore and that we would be putting it off until I could see that everything was going to be ok for us. DH did not like that and I think that was part of what got him getting his act together. He knew that if he wanted to ever have kids he needed to work through his problems and bring some stability to our relationship.

Of course every relationship is different. Most guys are so relaxed about ttc, that they don't care if it's now or 2 years from now. Luckily my DH is having baby cravings, so he's not willing to wait. I do believe that being upfront and honest about it is the best way though. Sometimes it takes a few days or a week or even a month for what you said to sink in and for him to make changes. For my DH and myself it took months of constantly talking, arguing, having bad moments, good ones, and then finally him getting a DUI to work out the kinks. Since then it's been smooth sailing and all that lovey dovey crap. But in the meantime, it really did take some brutal honesty between the two of us to identify the problem and have each person work on their part. Don't be afraid to tell him just like you did how he is affecting you. It will be a good thing in the long run. Also, you probably know how quickly things can turn around once they have a change of attitude. I'll keep my fingers crossed that his is a swift one.

Hang in there darling.
Hi ladies. Thanks for the positivity! I can't help but to think this is it but due to my history I am playing it cautious and trying not to get my hopes up.

Linz, So sorry to hear that you are having a rough month! Take this month as a sign that your body is just cleaning out getting ready for that egg!

Wishin - I hope things get easier. It wouldn't be called life it we had it easy all the time right? Sometimes I take DH and I's tiffs as bringing us back down to reality. Sometimes the fighting and arguing is what makes you stronger. If you can get through the hard times it makes the happy times that much happier and really makes you feel blessed. Of course you already have enough to worry about so it makes it harder! I'll say a little prayer for ya'll :) :hugs:

First - Keep us updated!!!! So happy for ya'll!!!

AFM, I checked my CM again this morning and it was creamy white mixed with light light brown. No red/pink anywhere to find! YAY!!! Hopefully this is it! And yes wishin this is just making this wait even LONGER.. Bad thing is that I have such a long cycle and I ovulated so early this month so my two week wait will be a total of a 3 week wait.. But because I ovulated so early I should get a +hpt earlier even though AF wouldn't show up til later. Right? lol

As much as we KNOW about our cycles and ttc everyday is just as confusing as the last! UGH!

Well fingers crossed for everyone! Now that our cycles are all over the place we aren't so much waiting with one another as we are just a support group! I'm so happy that I met you ladies! Couldn't imagine going through this without ya'll here for words of wisdom etc.

I am a true believer that my husband is my sole mate. I cant even imagine leading my life without him..sometimes I imagine it would be much easier not dealing with some of the issues but not worht the pain of going through life without someone that is such a perfect match for me.

That being said, the Doctor's have essentially told him that if he does not change his habits he will be dead in 15 years. This means He wont watch our son graduate high school, and if we do conceive wont see the next kiddo go through high school and if its a girl he wont be there to walk her down the aisle...I would NEVER ever marry again I dont believe I would ever be able to. So it is so painful to think that in 15 yrs I would be a widow and raising potentially 2 kids on my own and the hurt I would have in my heart knowing that my husband could have prevented his death by making some simple changes....I am heart broken that he doesnt want to fight for his life.

If I know him he will be back home tonight, he cant stand to be at his moms too long and we will have a nice long talk...but we have had this tlak million of times and nothing changes...I am just at a loss on what to do. He says I should just enjoy him and the 15yrs we have together but I can not go day to day seeing him essentially kill himself. So sorry to vent...just in a world of pain right now :(

Thank you all for listening.

I have even thought we should keep on ttc but then I think thats more for my benefit becasue I want another one sooo badly it wouldnt be fair to bring a child into the world and have them go through this heartache when I knew it was happening...i dont know
Hayley and Linz- thanks for the prayers and kind words :)

Hayley- I would POAS everyday until I got my BFP ahahaha...I have a problem though hehe
Hayley and Linz- thanks for the prayers and kind words :)

Hayley- I would POAS everyday until I got my BFP ahahaha...I have a problem though hehe

LOL I so would have this morning but all I had a was clearblue digi and that wouldn't help so as soon as I get off tonight I'll be hitting up wal-mart! HA

And trust me I know all about being a POAS-aholic! If there was a support group for poas addicts I would definitely be a member ;)
lol just realized i wrote sole mate....oy can you tell i got no sleep or do i usually not make sense? soul mate...soul mate...opsie

hayley- lol yay for POASholics!

thank you leia- I need hugs :) how are u feeling?

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