I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wishn - I personally don't think it's just for your benefit if you want to have another one. My brother is one of my biggest supporters. My mom's father passed when she was 4, and it didn't ruin her life. She was raised by a strong willed mother, and not to mention my uncle was only 6 months old when my grandfather passed (it was leukemia and no one saw it coming). My mother and uncle both grew up to be well adjusted and wonderful people. They visit my grandma once a week. Sometimes having more children or extending your family is because you want to have a family in the future no matter what may happen. I mean it seems morbid to talk about, but I'm pretty straightforward so I'll go for it. Anything could happen to any of us at any moment, and we or our OHs would not be there to see or be a part of the kid's biggest moments. But everyone survives and gets through it. If you want two (or three, or eighteen) kids, then go for it, I say. It's not like DH is threatening to walk out on your marriage. It may be harder on you if DH doesn't clean up his act, but if you're just worried he won't be there for the kids when they're teenagers/adults I wouldn't stop ttc. Just my thoughts. Of course you will be the only one who can judge what is right for your family.

And Haley, what do you mean three week wait? You are crazy, girl! You should be able to get a BFP within 10-14 days of ovulation. So if you are a part of the normal 90% of women, and are what.... 7 dpo today? You should be able to get an accurate result in 7 days (or maybe a couple days sooner).
feeling good, really dizzy and lightheaded so havent been able to get much done around house but feeling guilty for sitting on my arse. As for POAS still doing it!!! Line there although still not as dark as i would like. I'm just playing the waiting game and hoping it sticks. I've had previous miscarriages at 5/6 weeks and now living in portugal i dont think i can get a scan until 12 weeks (i am not very fluent in portuguese!!!) So it will be a worrying time for me. Trying to be chill and relax. Dont get me wrong, very happy to have bfp but will be much happier when i can see heartbeat :)
Wishin - i'm with Linz, who knows what tomorrow will bring for any of us.

And Haley, didn't you say you thought you had implantation bleeding? Doesnt that mean you can test even sooner?
Leia- I am from brazil and fluent in portuguesse I can write something up for you to request an appointment if youd like :)

Hayley- I tihnk after implantation it takes about 3 days for the body to develop hcg? I might be wrong buyt seriously...I would totally be peeing on a stick every day from now on....:)
Wishn - I personally don't think it's just for your benefit if you want to have another one. My brother is one of my biggest supporters. My mom's father passed when she was 4, and it didn't ruin her life. She was raised by a strong willed mother, and not to mention my uncle was only 6 months old when my grandfather passed (it was leukemia and no one saw it coming). My mother and uncle both grew up to be well adjusted and wonderful people. They visit my grandma once a week. Sometimes having more children or extending your family is because you want to have a family in the future no matter what may happen. I mean it seems morbid to talk about, but I'm pretty straightforward so I'll go for it. Anything could happen to any of us at any moment, and we or our OHs would not be there to see or be a part of the kid's biggest moments. But everyone survives and gets through it. If you want two (or three, or eighteen) kids, then go for it, I say. It's not like DH is threatening to walk out on your marriage. It may be harder on you if DH doesn't clean up his act, but if you're just worried he won't be there for the kids when they're teenagers/adults I wouldn't stop ttc. Just my thoughts. Of course you will be the only one who can judge what is right for your family.

And Haley, what do you mean three week wait? You are crazy, girl! You should be able to get a BFP within 10-14 days of ovulation. So if you are a part of the normal 90% of women, and are what.... 7 dpo today? You should be able to get an accurate result in 7 days (or maybe a couple days sooner).

Wishin - i'm with Linz, who knows what tomorrow will bring for any of us.

And Haley, didn't you say you thought you had implantation bleeding? Doesnt that mean you can test even sooner?

Leia- I am from brazil and fluent in portuguesse I can write something up for you to request an appointment if youd like :)

Hayley- I tihnk after implantation it takes about 3 days for the body to develop hcg? I might be wrong buyt seriously...I would totally be peeing on a stick every day from now on....:)

LOL... I only say 3 week wait because I am not technically due for AF until February 9 so I could be waiting til then..

However you are all right!

I shouldn't (keyword SHOULDN't) have to wait that long if It's to turn positive. Like Linz said max 7-10 days. If it's still negative by 15dpo (February 1) I'll count myself out..

Leia - Yes that's what I've heard but there isn't anything "normal" that ever happens to me ;)

Wishin, I read 3-5 days after implantation you should be secreting the hcg in the urine thus able to detect on a hpt! I've also heard that once you see implantation spotting/bleeding it's already past implantation day so if this is all true then tomorrow will be day 3. I'm really not expecting it to be positive this early but I will start testing tomorrow just so that if I am to get a positive I can quickly start my progesterone supplements.
seriously I am a little scared at how excited I am for you :)

Lol, listen to us all encouraging POAS addiction :). We're just all so excited !!!

Wisnin - that is so kind of you. I do manage to get by with shopping and schooling but I have real problems learning languages and am ashamed to say that although i have lived here for 4 years, i still have not mastered the language. I have some people that i could ask here but unfortunately dont want to tell anybody until I am abit further along. I would love you to write up something for me about trying to get an early scan due to previous miscarriages or even just a translation of the main words. Thank you so much for the offer xx
Haley - I'm going to add to the POAS addiction I'm afraid! Your luteal phase doesnt' change in length, so if you ovulate early then your AF (or in your case YOUR BFP) comes early. So definitely no 3ww for you. When I have short cycles I ovulate early and long ones I ovulate late. We want pictures girl...

Wishin - Big hugs and hopefully this talk will be the one that changes things with your OH. I don't really have any advice but I will be praying you find a way through the emotions to be stronger together on the other side.
Thank you everyone...I stopped by his mothers and dropped off some food and gave him hugs and kisses and let him know i love him very much and want him home when he is ready to take care of himself. I dont think he is coming home today but I know he misses me and the kiddo and will think about it. Id rather he stay away and think about our future and what he wants to change then come home right away and change nothing...hope he comes home soon I sure do miss him

Leia- working on that letter for you
Wishin, :hugs:. I truly hope that things get better for you and that dh puts a greater effort into taking care of himself. Do you have any kids now? I found my dh is taking much better care of himself since we had ds. Something seemed to spark inside him and I think he loves our son so much that the thought of not being around truly saddens him.

haley, omg I would be dying to poas. Just do it! lol. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

How is everyone else doing? Linz? Giraffe?

AFM, I am still super tired and now very nauseous. I hope that I make it successfully through first trimester...
Thank you peachy- I am actually having a better day today now that I have gotten to see him...we do have a 3yr old and he has a 10yr old from a previous relationship. I remind him alllll the time about the kids and how much he will miss...graduations, marriages, grandkids..just all those special milestones. He LOVES his boys so much and I thought he would do it for them if anything but he hasnt. I will just keep praying and hoping something gets decided soon

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well, hang in there...during my pregnancy I remember the exhaustion it was terrible..but sleep now while you can sleepless nights are ahead ;) just remember in the end its so worth it! **hugs**
:hugs: wishin, glad you got to see your hubby and have a bit of a chat. I really hope he comes home soon rejuvenated and ready to help himself.

Thank you so much for sorting letter for me. There is no rush as still early for doctors appointment. I wont be going for a week or two so when you have some time, i know things are stressful at the moment. big :hugs: again x
Hey Peachy - Not much goin on here at the moment. Just realized today that in 5 days it's time to start POAS for OPKs. Ridiculous how quickly this last month went by! Just hoping this week goes by quickly and that I don't startle or stress out DH with timing again this month. I'll have to start coaxing him into timed BD again in just a week?? UGH! my least favorite part! I feel like I'm using him or something! ;)
Thanks giraffes for the helpful information! Hopefully this is my BFP but if it isn't then at least I know I'll get back to a more normal cycle! I was always a 28 day cycle kind of girl until my first miscarriage. Then my cycles went crazier and longer!

I want to tell y'all something funny. DH and I just got home from Walmart to get some hpt's. I got 2 boxes of FRER's and 5- 88 cent first signal brand tests. When I got to the counter the lady just looked at me and said " are these all for you?" DH and busted out laughing! I say yea I have an addiction! The lady behind us starting laughing and she said "well all I can say is good luck!" gave me a big cheesy grin and a big thumbs up. Hubby and laughed all the way back to the car!!! This was the first time that anyone has mentioned how many tests I buy and I usually buy a lot when I go! I just hate going there but they are so much cheaper than anywhere else!

We got a good laugh out of it!! Well I'll be testing tomorrow morning so I'll keep you all updated! Again I'm not expecting anything this early but it wouldn't be the first time that someone gets a positive on 8dpo :)
going for a blood test in the morning....so as soon as I find out I will let you all know....

Wishin-I hope things get better for you and your hubby..*hugs*
Haley-fingers crossed for your BFP..
Thanks giraffes for the helpful information! Hopefully this is my BFP but if it isn't then at least I know I'll get back to a more normal cycle! I was always a 28 day cycle kind of girl until my first miscarriage. Then my cycles went crazier and longer!

I want to tell y'all something funny. DH and I just got home from Walmart to get some hpt's. I got 2 boxes of FRER's and 5- 88 cent first signal brand tests. When I got to the counter the lady just looked at me and said " are these all for you?" DH and busted out laughing! I say yea I have an addiction! The lady behind us starting laughing and she said "well all I can say is good luck!" gave me a big cheesy grin and a big thumbs up. Hubby and laughed all the way back to the car!!! This was the first time that anyone has mentioned how many tests I buy and I usually buy a lot when I go! I just hate going there but they are so much cheaper than anywhere else!

We got a good laugh out of it!! Well I'll be testing tomorrow morning so I'll keep you all updated! Again I'm not expecting anything this early but it wouldn't be the first time that someone gets a positive on 8dpo :)

LOL , that is funny!

Good luck Haley, looking forward to your updates :dust:
Haley - that's soo funny!! I bet she went home happy too! Do you have your progesterone to start taking asap?

Wishin - glad you got to see OH, hopefully that'll make him realise what he's missing out on.

AFM - no news here really. I decided not to OPK this month as I'm really just waiting for AF so I can have my HSG. Although I did have my nice nightwear on last night and hubby assumed it was the key point in the month :blush: I really hope the witch arrives soon (how crazy is that given she was here for so long last month) but I'd really like my HSG before my skiing holiday. Apparently lots of babies are conceived on skiiing holidays and you're more likely to conceive in the month after an HSG!
DH was being so annoying last night. He kept calling and texting, which is great I miss him...but a lot of the calls turned into fights then he started rambling on about hte car we have been planning on getting so he can help out with the kids more (his car is unsafe and ready to blow so i do most of the errands and kiddo drop offs/pick ups..which is exhausting). I got kind of mad that before we even spoke about fixing whats going on he assumed Id be buying him a $25,000 car...argh! he hasnt worked since his neck surgery last march and was supposed to take on a kind of stay at home dad role- grocery shopping, cleaning, picking up the kids and taking them to school etc..anyways we hope the new car will allow him to take that role fully since I dont normally get to sit down and relax til nearly 10pm! I told him we were going to put a halt in the car buying and ttc to see where our relationship was headed and he was ok with the no ttc but upset about the car...of course that really set me off. Hes the one that keeps talking about wanting babies and every time I walk through the door he has a new name picked out so I thought he was excited and I know he thinks about it a lot...argh!!!

He didnt come home last night but pretty sure he will today...he was texting me up until 1am trying to get me to pick him up (he had a lot to drink and didnt want to drive). I otld him no I am not waking up our 3 yr old to pick up ur drunk arse at ur moms and frankly I didnt want to deal with a drunk him at 1am. So hoping he comes home tonight and we sort things through.

Hayley- I always feel awkward when I buy so many tests. I am not embarassed to buy the test its more embarassing that I buy like 3 packs of 3 at a time lol...I do wonder what people think when I do that...hehe I would have loved to see those people's reactions

Giraffes- I hope I never say this again...but I hope the witch shows soon so you can move on with your HSG

HAYLEY- Sooooo?

1st- let us know how the bloodwork goes
Wishn - my DH is like that too, and I understand where you're coming from since I'm the major breadwinner in our household, too. He works in construction so sometimes there's only part time or no work, other times it's fine. But last year after we bought a house things were a little tight and he kept going on and on about buying a pair of jet skis! I kept looking at him like he was crazy and I think he eventually got the point, but sometimes men just don't think about functionality over fun. However, if he's so baby gung ho, you might find him doing what my DH did when I told him we were not ttc... I told him no unprotected BD during a certain month that we were having a lot of arguments, and what did he do? He got all BD crazy and seduced me multiple times! It's like he went and did the opposite of what I told him!

Hang in there. It sounds like things will be making a turn around soon. And good for you on standing your ground not picking him up in the middle of the night. I wouldn't want to wake up a 3 year old at that time either!


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