I've got my anti-witch spray!

Hi ladeis, thank you so much for the lovely bday wishes! I got back from Mexico Monday night and yesterday was a mess with me trying to unpack and get my desk at work cleared up of all the stuff I missed. I am finally back on track!

I caught up on the posts....so here it goes!

Linz so sorry for all your crazy bloodwork but super glad it all looks good! hooray!
Haley- so excited you can start trying again! hope your bfp comes soon!
Nats- glad you have a positive outlook for this month! when do you test?
Giraffes- thanks for the baby picture present!!! She/he is beautiful how cute! <3

Leia and First- how are you feeling?

We only bd on March 13 and Im due for the witch this weekend...uhm i think I had already ovulated by then so I am not even going to bother this month.

DH is BACK in the hosptial we went from the airport straight to the ER but hes agreed to get help with his health and we will put the TTC behind us for now. I am going to stick around nad follow your journeys though if you dont mind

hugs, glad to be back!
just checked out the first page! only 5 of us without our BFP!!!! How exciting! I hope we get to check at least one more off this month!
Wishn! Welcome back! Glad DH has agreed to get some help. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom before you realize that the path you've chosen isn't a healthy one.

Haley - So sorry to hear about your MIL. If it makes you feel any better, my grandma has had a double mastectomy (20-30 years or so ago) and is now a ornery, healthy 93 year old.

Also - Today I'm an appleseed! I made it to 5 weeks! Yay!
Wishn - Glad ur back we missed you, sorry to hear oh is back in hospital! hope he gets back to good health quickly, so glad ur be sticking around though x

Linz - Yay to ur appleseed!!! :happydance: :happydance: x

afm - Not sure when i'll be testing and i'm really not going to work it out, i get to worked up about it then, just going to see what happens and if i notice that its been a while since af then maybe i'll try and work it out and test. I need to keep relaxed about it and go with the flow ( just not aunt flo we hope lol ) xx
Lol good call nats- when we do start again I'll try to keep a general idea
Of my fertile days and go from there not using opks or anythig and not testing unless I'm really late my poas addiction hasn't been bothering me lol
Nats - you got the 1000th post :) We are going to find out if it's pink or blue. Hubby doesn't like surprises (!) and I feel that because we have to have so many scans it would be really hard to go through each one not finding out. We'll be super excited for either though :)

Wishin - Sorry OH is back in hospital, hopefully this is the start of things improving and glad you got your holiday.

Linz - woop for 5 weeks!
When do you all find out the sex??

I felt like waiting to find out took forever adn once I knew thebond became even stronger and time flew!
At our 20 week scan, unless they can see it on the 16 week one! So 5 or 9 weeks from now xxxx
Nats- I see your lil one just turned one! congrats! what an exciting milestone!
We never found out the sex with any of ours, always wanted the surprise. so we probably wont find out this time either, although here in Portugal they tell you so we have to make it clear that we dont want to know. Fingers crossed they listen to us and dont just ignore our wishes - very common place here, patients are irrelevant!!!

Have been torturing myself with the show One Born Every Minute. Feeling very sad that i'm not going to get the labour i want here. Homebirths are very rare (they dont have community midwifery) and expensive. Hospital births are something out of the 1960's. Partners not allowed in rooms, episiotomy is always done, strapped in to stirrups. Dont wish to scare any of you ladies who have not been through it before, this is my experience of Portugal. The labours I had in England were wonderful (if labour can be described that way). My last labour here traumatised me and made bonding with my youngest quite hard for the first few weeks. Admittedly it was christmas eve night and we did have a traditional team, so we were told, but i have also had friends who have had bad and similar experiences since. Obviously it is worth it for the gorgeous baby at the end but i seem to be getting myself all worked up. At the moment hoping it all goes really quick and we accidently dont make it to the hospital in time (but also have fear of something going wrong and needing trained medical assistance). My OH doesnt quite understand. he's sympathetic as he nearly got thrown out of the hospital last time because he tried to stop the doctor from cutting me but as he says what choice do we have? Sorry for the babbling ladies, needed to get it off my chest and out of my head. got a few months yet to get my head around it. Scarying the poo out of me though!!!
Nats- I see your lil one just turned one! congrats! what an exciting milestone!

Aww thanks wishn, it was a month ago now but he is just so grown up all of a sudden! He's not a baby anymore, he walks everywhere he's starting to say words, I hate it lol want him to be my baby forever lol my beautiful special little man x x
Oh Leia, big hugs. I watch one born every week, and cry almost the entire way through! I think I can only watch it though becuase I know I'm having a section. Is there any way you can have a translator with you to try and get your views across? Or maybe come back to the UK for the birth?!

Nats- My 'baby' is so grown up its so sad...hes 3 but I swear hes way too smart for his age...luckily he still loves to cuddle and give kisses, although I know that those days are going to end soon (like in a few years but thats too soon!) so Iam hugging and kissing every chance I get!

Leia- thats so scary! Im sorry you dont have a choice on your birth! Are you sure there is no one that can go in and help you tell them you dont want that?
Thank you girls. I am hoping that this time will be different as we know what to expect, where as last time we were only here a few months and it took us completely by surprise. We had arranged a home birth but as it was christmas eve the midwife couldnt get anybody to cover his shift so he let us down. the hospital wasnt expecting us and my DD arrived an hour after getting there. Also our language skills are much more improved and we are much more aware of what we can say we dont want. I also am going to reinvestigate home births and see if there are any new midwifes since last time and check prices although i do think they are out of our price range. And go to visit some other hospitals slightly further away incase they offer a different experience. I'm sure i'm having abit of a panic and worry for no reason (fingers crossed), i just find the attitude here in this day and age quite scary - Portugal is a beautiful place to live most of the time but the maternity care is shocking or i have been completely blessed and fortunate with my experiences in England.

This still wont stop me from watching One Born :) glutton for punishment but it is so moving. makes me cry evrytime too x
Wishn - My oldest 'baby' is 11 now lol!! Now thats horrible lol so is he most of the time!! just kidding he's a good boy really x

I'm now not feeling so positive about this month, have tried to bd every night since thurs, only succeeding with bding on fri nite, hoping for tonight and tomorrow but probably wont happen! oh is too tired! i got the ump this morning and told him i feel like im ttc on my own and feel that he's not really bothered either way, his response was that now he feels under pressure again! wtf????? was feeling so much better about my new relaxed approach, now i just feel like giving up trying :cry:. Sorry moan over xxx
Nats - big :hugs: hon. It does only take the once :). MEN !!! I dont think they will ever 'get' us women. Stay strong. Dont give up. Its the crapiest week for him to be exhausted though. - and i'm right with you with the 11 year old preteen. My DD's a great kid but boy are the hormones coming fast. I got a 2 year old's tantrum out of her today because we were having boiled potatoes instead of mashed. i couldnt help but laugh at her which didnt help :).
Feel free to moan anytime, thats what we're here for. Hugs xx
Thanks leia, as it is we did sort of talk tonight when neither of us were angry and it ended well, i explained calmly how i felt and he reassured me that he loves me and definately wants another baby as much as i do, i do need to be a little more understanding of him, he does work so hard and is really under pressure with his job, and 99% of the time he is a fantastic oh and father! I think it's the whole ttc thing in turns me into incredible hulk! lol anyway cutting a long story short we got another bd in tonight, so chances r back in there lol, fingers crossed for me ladies maybe it could be my month after all??? x x x x

Leia lol about the potato's, and i noticed are oldest are almost the same age! my tommy,s exactly a month older than your dd xxx
awww u guys were bump buddies back in the day and didnt even know ;)

How is everyone?

I am in limboland- I have no clue when I ovulated. I would have thought it would be cycle day 15 like the past few months but got negative opks cd12 and cd14 which where the only days I tested...but anyways we only bd on cd17 so unless I did ovulate late I dont even have a shot. The witch was supposed to show up yesterday but still nothing....I used answer hpt this morning and BFN ....so now just waiting for the ugly witch to show her head...looks like Im in for another 32 day cycle...blah!

On positive news- I started my weightloss plan today and Im very optimistic and excited to be doing something I have control over (unlike ttc!!!)
Thanks everyone for your thoughts for dear hubs mom. She seems to be taking it really well. On the flip side I got a gutwrenching text from hubby's sister in law telling me she was pregnant! UGHHH. Seriously I had a meltdown and felt like I was going to vomit.

To make it worse... She just got married 2 weeks ago and gave me the I can't believe it happened that quick story! UGHHHH...

So as for me, I started my cycle today and go for my ultrasound and clomid tomorrow. If I get pregnant first round then we'll be exactly one month apart! At least our kids will be close in age... Just rather sick of hearing how easy it was for her and "we weren't even trying"

How is everyone else doing??

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