I've got my anti-witch spray!

nats - I totally understand about the BD timing and the pressure. DH used to get so stressed out, too that even when I did get him to BD on time, he wouldn't be able to finish! Last month I resigned myself to the fact that if we missed the window, then we missed it, and that I wasn't going to stress anymore. We BD'd on CD 10, and I just happened to ovulate early on CD 11. I know how frustrating it is, though!! Hang in there, hun.

Wishn - I'm sending you positive vibes that it was a late ov!~ Stranger things have happened, you never know! And congrats on the weightloss journey! My brother started one in December after hitting 300 lbs and I just saw him last night, down 50 lbs! It's all about keeping the PMA and trying and trying even if you have one bad day. I know you can do it.

Haley - I'm so sorry hun! I remember when my neighbor found out she was pregnant, oopsie! at 10 weeks along when they weren't even trying! I cried all evening over that one. I really hope the clomid + scans will be helpful. My sister in law is about 3 month ahead of me, so even though those 3 months were hard to deal with, now it will actually be great for us.

AFM - I think I have my first real pregnancy symptom at almost 6 weeks. So far it's been the occasional cramp and sore boobs, but those happen in a non pregnant cycle so I don't really pay attention to them (except I've gone up half a cup size already). My heartburn is KILLER. It's making me feel like I have something caught in the back of my throat all day and nagging at my gag reflex, while also dealing with the other horrible acid reflux. Popping Tums has barely calmed it down, and now I'm afraid to eat or drink anything in case I make it worse... :( And it all started from just a cup of decaf and a small roll for breakfast this morning.... UGH!
Wishn - Goodluck with the weight loss x

Haley - Sorry hun, it'll be your turn real soon, big hugs x

Linz - Those lovely pregnancy symptoms lol wont be long and ur start to feel and look great x

afm fairly sure i ovulated this morning, woke up with twinges on my right side, so nothing else i can do now except wait it out and hope the witch never shows! Was feeling soooo optimistic a couple of weeks back, now i just seem to feel its never going to happen. I will not obsess this tww, i will not symptom spot, i will not test early in fact still dont even know actual date af due and i will not work it out! lol who am i kidding????? xxxx
Thanks Linz not holding on to much hope since got a bfn today but
As you all know it's tough to abandon hope all together

I saw what I thought was some brown when I wiped this afternoon it was so little that you would have only seen it if you were inspecting the toilet paper .... Like I was... I got excited thinking my period came but it looks like I'll have the extra 2 days haven't seen anything since

I really think its healthier for me to lose some weight first so I won't be too bummed when the witch shows
oh and btw- I went to a baby shower this weekend, which was torture on its own but then i walked in to like 75% of the women being very far along in their pregnancies...wanted to crawl into a hole and cry

dh was very nice and calmed me down
hugs wishn, :hugs: i'm sure it'll b our turn soon xxxx
Linz - was wondering if u could provide me with some statistics please? we bd fri nite, and again on sun nite then fairly sure i ovulated first thing mon morning. Just wondering what my chances would be? xxx
Haley - big hugs. Does she know you're TTC? If so, that kind of behaviour is totally inexcusable. And if she doesn't, it's still horrible. Bleurgh, I cried so much over those stories when we were in that boat. Fingers crossed this is your month and the cousins will be super close in age!

Wishin - it only takes once, and as we showed if you're not tracking and just do it when you feel like it, sometimes that works too!!

Nats - hope you're pma comes back :)

Linz - big hugs, in some ways it's nice to have symptoms as it makes it more real. But after 6 solid weeks of vomiting there can be too many! Hope the heartburn settles soon
Good morning girls!

Still no witch...Im getting really inpatient. Im currently on cd31...been averaging 29 day cycles but its not unheard of me to have 32 day cycles. 32 is the longest cycles I have had in nearly a year..and its only happened twice. So I am assuming this is going to be another 32 day cycle which means the witch should show up wednseday. OMG I seriously can not wait because my boobs are so freaking sore! If anything rubs up against them its painful. Also been having lower back pain (usual pre-af) but its killing me....its been building up for over a week now so Im just going to be happy that when AF comes I wont be feeling like a truck ran me over! Last night I felt so crappy I went to bed at 8pm!!! Also, I have been really really DRY (from what I hear an abundance of cm is common when pregnant) down there and its almost painful.

Dear witch, I know I have asked you to go away several times but please come and make all these symptoms go away~I dont think my breasts can get any more painful or swollen.

Nats - with BD on O-1 and O-3, you have a 37% chance! Not bad! For comparison sake, if you had hit only O-1, you would have been at 33%. And know this: last month we only BD the day before I ovulated and that was it. We did BD three days before that and four days later, but neither of those were in my fertile time. So it can happen!

Giraffes - I bet you know exactly how I feel when I want symptoms and then when I get them, I'm like... nevermind!! Woke up feeling slightly nauseated this morning, too. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow, so it sounds like it's coming right on time.

Wishin - I know "they" say a lot about CM in the tww, but to be honest mine didn't do ANYTHING different before AF came. In fact I was pretty dry right before I got my BFP, and now that I'm almost 6 weeks it's gone kinda creamy, kinda eggwhitey, but there's not a TON of it yet. Just really only shows when I use the restroom. I think "they" put too much stock into what happens with it later in pregnancy and then assume it happens right away.

AFM - DH and I got into a huge fight over something completely stupid last night. He sent me a video that his mom sent to him of a baby (maybe 1 yr) in a bathtub that was teasing a dachshund with toys. The dog was trying to grab the toy from the kid who was pulling it away at the last minute and laughing, but because the bathtub was so tall and the dog so short, the dog was missing grabbing it every time. DH asked me what I thought of the video and I said I thought that if that kid didn't pull his hand away fast enough that he was going to get bitten and I didn't find it that hilarious. Which then he FREAKS out on me and says "I thought we agreed that we weren't going to be those super over protective kind of parents, and now you seem like you are." And from there we started arguing about how HE was overacting to me not liking the video and so on. It eventually led me to a sobbing meltdown after I was done yelling at him (which I NEVER do) for labeling me just because I didn't find humor in a stupid video.

I just feel extremely emotional all the time, which is so out of character for me! My friends tease me for being a robot since I'm usually all logic and no emotion, but now I feel completely the opposite.
Lnz my O date keeps getting pushed back due to the late period...since I have a typical lp of 13 days I have to count back to figure out my O date right??

So if the witch still hasnt shown up today is it safe to assume I MAY have did well by BDing on cd17 (March 13)

I really feel like the witch is coming but hte later my period is pushed back the more my hope grows...
Big hugs to all you ladies.

Got my fingers crossed for you wishin and nats.

Linz - hopefully you will be lucky llike me and dont actually vomit. felt nauseous alot but have avoided all throwing up. Heartburn has been driving me mad in the evenings though.

AFM - bit disappointed, but i wont be getting a 12 week scan. I had an early one at 8 weeks and was great to see heartbeat but my doctor doesnt think its necessary for another one til 20 weeks. was looking forward to checking baby again. i know its very unlikely but have fear that things have gone wrong since although have no evidence to suggest that. I cant find the heartbeat on my doppler yet, i know its early days still but ... So am just hanging out waiting for movement and nesting. I am not the best housewife in the world but after today we now have a spare room again, rather than a junk room - quite proud of myself. Hopefully i will stay motivated as whole house needs a good spring clean.

I dont think I have ever been so happy to see that ol witch!!!!

hopefully my body will recoup quickly because my boobs seriously felt like they were going to explode! They havent hurt this bad since I was preggo with #1
kinda funny though that even though we were not trying at all according to my cycle tracker I ovulated cd18 and we bd solely on cd17....maybe letting nature take its course isnt such a horrible idea

just excited to move on with my weight loss and hopefully be in better shape when we do catch that egg!
Huge hugs wishin for the disappointment x

Glad you can get on with next cycle x
Leia - Sorry you have to wait longer for your next scan... I am DYING to get one and it's 6 weeks away! It sucks to not be able to check in on the bean whenever you like!

Wishn - Awww, sad you got AF, but at least you can safely focus on your diet now. I was 11 dpo when I got my BFP. It was a def negative at 9 dpo, but I didn't test at 10 dpo so I don't know if there would have been a shadow line or not.

AFM - Had pink on the TP this morning again and brown discharge after that. Emailed my doctor and she told me to come in, so I have an appointment today at 2:15. For everyone not in my timezone (all of you), that's in 1 hour and 10 minutes. I don't know if they will just do bloods or actually give me a scan. Of course the last time I had spotting I was like 3w5d, and they said there was no point to a scan as you wouldn't be able to see anything. Now I am 1 day shy of 6 weeks, so I assume if anything you'd be able to see a yolk sack or whatever.

Wish me luck, ladies....
Linz - Good luck hon, thinking of you. Let us know as soon as, at 6 weeks you might be lucky enough to get a scan, it will be quicker than waiting for bloods. xx
Wishn - So sorry hun, was actually getting so excited for you! :hugs: x

Leia - Sorry you dont get to see your bean again just yet :hugs: x

Linz - Thanks for the stats, how did you get on at the doc's? hoping everything is ok for you and your little bean :hugs: x

First - How are you doing? hope all's well for you :hugs: x

Giraffes - Haley - and everyone else didn't want to leave you out so hi, hope your all good :hugs: x
Linz- keep us posted! Waiting to hear from you! Hope
They give you a scan!
They gave me a scan and the doctor said everything looked perfect! There was a little yolk sack and..... a heartbeat!! This tiny flicker, flicker! The doctor said he was guessing I was more like 5 1/2 weeks along at this point, but that it was hard to tell before you can see the embryo. I can't believe it! A heartbeat!!


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