I've got my anti-witch spray!

Awwww yay Linz, thats so precious!!! Are you and DH thinking of any names yet? I know its not 100% but I remember we walked in to the gender scan with a name for a girl and a name for a boy picked out...when we were told it was a boy we chose to go with another one than we had picked...lol

AFM- Still debating on whether or not we should BD today...I want ot give DH time to replenish but I am also scared to O early ..since DH is so determined to be useful (haha) this month I want to take advantage of it. The negative side of doing it every day is that it doesnt give the men enough time to replenish and build healthy sperm. But from what I have been reading thats mostly only for men that have low motility and count. As far as we know DH doesnt have that problem (but hten again we arent sure) and also I read 24hrs is enough for a normal healthy man to replenish...thoughts? I should O within the next 4 days or so....cd12 today....usually get a positive OPK days 13-15
Have a couple, but I had a dream over the weekend that I had a son named Jack (which is one of our boy names) so I don't know if that means the name is picked or not. We have such trouble agreeing on boy's names.

As far as BD goes, they say every other day UNTIL that + OPK so I would not worry about wearing DH out going every day right now. My OB told me that once every couple days was plenty to get pregnant. Remember that the swimmers can hang out for 3 days on average, up to 5 in fertile quality CM. I would say if you aren't seeing any EWCM at this point you don't have to worry over when to BD.
Jack was one of the names I really liked...DH vetoed it because his ex's brother was named Jack...like I care about his ex's family! but whatever...he vetoed it...I still love that name!

I made my decision to continue trying to bd everyday, pretty sure just saw some EWCM when I went to the bathroom so should get my + tomorrow....
Linz - The scan sounds brilliant. Love that baby was playing and the high possibility of a boy :blue: . Give yourself a blue stork on the front page :). Love Jack too. I always loved Jacob shortened to Jake but it never fitted when baby arrived. What a great anniversary gift to you both. x
has anyone cramped BEFORE they ovulated? I have had some cramping for the last 48hrs or so...I usually dont cramp until O day so I am slightly confused about what it could be. When I felt the cramps I thought maybe I ovulated early but got - OPK yesterday so I have no clue....
Wishin - I would always have slight cramps a day or two before and then the day of ov a throbbing longer lasting pain on one side. Take it as your body telling you it's getting ready for the big show soon!
Ive never noticed cramping before O day so this is new.. My breasts are already sore too which usually also happens after ovulation... Weird cycle I guess

Opk this afternoon was a big negative...
YAY Linz!!! Your little boy(as of now) looks awesome!!! Can't wait!! And I love the name Jack :)

Wishin, earlier today I started with some mild cramping and it was mostly on my right side. Now I am feeling it throughout both sides. Not as heavy as AF cramps but definitely there. I am super excited that I am feeling this though because today should be my ovulation day according to the doctor. He told me not to worry about doing the OPK's anymore since I got the shot to induce ovulation yesterday... DH and I will be BD'ing tonight and tomorrow night then back to every other night to finish off the week :) Then we'll patiently wait!!! BOY OH BOY I hope we get our positives together!!!

Everyone say a prayer for us!!! :)

Oh Haley I am crossing everything I have for you two! Wouldn't it be great to have 2 more BFPs this month?! You guys are doing everything you can, though, so don't stress after ov! Just let the process work it out! (Easier said than done, right??)
Dh is being a douche and won't bd... I'm upset because I don't know what these cramps
Mean but I'm thinking I'll get my + opk tomorrow so now I'm pissed. I told
Him all last week...look I don't want to waste all the bding this weeek I really need you next week but nooooo.. So of course now that it counts he doesnt want to do it. And he didn't even work all day but he claims to be tired. Makes me wanna kick his ass! Too bad I need his sperm

Going to bed now to pout :(
Ugh it's 3:40 am and I haven't been able to sleep for hours. The cramping has been getting worse it's making me really uncomfortable. At first I was optimistic thinking this was a good sign of ovulation but now im starting to worry that I have another cyst. God I hope not I can't take much longer of this ttc stuff :(
Hi Ladies.....:wave:

Haley & Wishin-Fingers crossed with lots of prayers that this is your month.
Linz- Beautiful scan, and congrats to the possibility of a Baby Boy.

How is everyone else doing these days?
AFM- I have my good days and then my bad days to were all I want to do is cry. Sleeping has become a task, just trying to get comfy is a workout all its own as I am a Belly Sleeper LOL!!!! My 20week check up is the 18th so I am going to try for another scan in a couple weeks to see what my stubborn little monkey is, so hopefully she will schedule me another.
Good morning girls....still a little peeved at dh for not wanting to bd last night but he did bd with me this morning even though I was a complete witch to him last night when he turned me down...lol.

We are on cd13...of a 28-32 day cycle (they have been about 30 days recently though). We have bd every other day since cd5!!! Once I do get my + I hope that we can bd every day for 3 days and then we will call it quits for this month! I cant wait to be done with this month! I think the fact that DH has been more willing made it a tad stressful for me because I dont know when he will be this willing again so I wanted to take full advantage. The one thing I CAN say about this month is that we did EVERYTHING we could to catch that damn egg...so at least I have no regrets or wishful thinking that we could have timed it better.

can not wait to be in tww as I am tired of bd!

How are you doing Haley???

First- sorry you are so uncomfortable. I am also a belly sleep but found that using the body pillows helped me...can you get one of those?
My friend on fb does this its the cutest thing. Its a sticket for every month that you can put on any shirt or onesie..then you take a picture so you have each month recorded in picture....check it out I am getting it

can not wait to be in tww as I am tired of bd!

How are you doing Haley???

LOL!!! I TOTALLY relate to being tired of BDing!!! HAHA It's so unnatural (to me anyways) to BD as much as we have been. Even DH is like again??? hahaha... It definitely hurts the romance of it because we feel like we have to do it at certain times because of the meds I am on. Tonight will be our last night of the 3 days in a row and then we'll finish the week with every other day (Friday and Sunday) just to be certain that I caught all the fertile days. Then we are on vacation from BDing!! HAHA... Hubby and I joke about it all the time that who would have thought we would want a break for the rest of the month.. Normally guys are ready again that same night if we'd let them ;)

I have been cramping even more today than I was yesterday. I know this sounds strange and may be tmi but I feel like I'm cramping in my buttocks it is so low. Hopefully that's a good sign. I want to research cramping and symptoms after taking the trigger shot of HCG to see if this is all normal because I've never cramped like this in previous months of ttc. It may be good though and mean good things since something is finally different from the other months. :happydance:

Well Wishin I would honestly say that I think you definitely covered all bases. Even if you ovulate in the next 2 days and only get one more "session" in then I truly think you will have covered most of your fertile days! My sister always told me "If you are wet, a baby you will get" " If you are dry, the sperm will die" So make sure those spermies have a realllllly nice environment :)

I am counting today as O day so technically speaking I start my TWW tomorrow. The doctor said I should O yesterday but I am going to count it as today since I'm having the most cramps today....

FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone for thinking about us!! We really hope to get this BFP train even longer!!! Then our forum can turn into a Pregnancy forum!!! LOL :)


Well Wishin I would honestly say that I think you definitely covered all bases. Even if you ovulate in the next 2 days and only get one more "session" in then I truly think you will have covered most of your fertile days! My sister always told me "If you are wet, a baby you will get" " If you are dry, the sperm will die" So make sure those spermies have a realllllly nice environment :)


LOL I love your sisters quote! I think one of the reasons I was so mad at DH yesterday was because well #1 I stopped and got him the stupid doritos tacos hes been asking for as a thank you for being so cooperative the past few days #2 I went upstairs and loaded up on the preseed so I DID have a nice environment for the spermies...so essentially he took the food I bought as a thank you for bding with me and being so nice and then decided to ditch me after i used a good amount of preseed (which is expensive!!!) and on top of it all he just let me wait upstairs for like an hour didnt even bother to tell me he wasnt coming up! argh!

i bribed him with chilli later on that night but it was still a no go...haha, they do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! how do you get to his spermies?! food is clearly not working! hehe
Haha, Haley, that quote is so dead on! And congrats on O day!

Wishin - my good friend has those stickers and did the photos for her daughter, Ruthie and posted them on Facebook in an album. They are sooo stinkin' cute!

I COMPLETELY sympathize with you ladies about the timing of BD. We went months of planning BD around the time of O and it was super stressful! The one month it actually did work was the month where I said "screw this!" (literally?) and just BD when I was really wanting it. Just so happened it was the day before O and I had the most abundant EWCM. So remember that it just takes one time, and it's all about timing! I lucked out since we only BD once, but remember the whole statistics thing about how your chances go up with the more BD you do during your fertile time. You ladies are for sure covered!
Ugh Haley, the thought of bding 3 nights in a row....or at least trying to get dh to do it is driving me nuts...I hope I get my + today...but for some reason I dont think its coming until tomorrow now. Assuming Im having another 30 day cycle I am most likely to O on cd15 or 16 soooooyah...thats 2 days away....argh...I dont know if I can keep dh onboard that long! lol

I am happy for oyu that you are on your tww cant wait to join you! hopefully soooner than later!
LOVE what you said about how to get to the spermies!!! SO true! I also loved that you bribed him with food!! I haven't had to do that yet but that's a great idea!!!! :)

Yes, preseed is quite expensive. Goes a long way though. I actually LOVE using it!! Makes it that much better. :)

Linz! Cheers to that!! If these meds don't work in the next few months I will be on that same road! I'm just going to say screw it and do it when we want. That's what we did before!!! I'm just worried because I've had 2 miscarriages so I have to count my days anyways to know when to start the progesterone.. So I'm screwed either way ;) No pun intended! HAHA :)
When I tried to not worry about it I was driven crazy by not knowning my O date...I dontthink at this point in ttc I CAN relax...I think the next step for me is ot get checked out since its been 1 year off bc, ill just lie and say weve been trying for a year. I just want them to do bloods and check internally to make sure everything is good. if its all clear then I am just going to have to let it go and god will give me a baby when he thinks we are ready. i know dh would never go get tested so im s** out of luck there

i bought preseed months ago and used it maybe one cycle but it was when dh was on the medicine since we werent putting much of an effort in i didnt bother to do it again. i am going to try to use it this cycle but more toward O day which would have been yesterday...but yah u know how that turned out. DH prefered bding in the morning but he wont give me "prep" time so i cant go to the bathroom and do all that stuff.

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