I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wishin - I'm assuming the sad face means you didn't get the BD yesterday or today that you were hoping for. I know it's hard to feel positive, but look at it this way... most women ovulate roughly 36 hrs from their first positive opk. If you're only testing once a day, this can be as little as 12 hours. So you may have ovulated anywhere from Friday to this morning. You did BD on Friday morning, so the timing can still work out. My best friend got pregnant with her daughter from BD 2 days before she ovulated. All is not lost! We shall see come month end.

As for all the moms and moms to be in here, Happy (American) Mother's day! I'm seeing my extended family and will be announcing to them today. Should be fun!
Thanks Linz...no bding yesterday and he swears he will this afternoon after older ds's baseball game but I know he wont feel up to it by then.

I am so frustrated that he put so much effort into this month and then when it really counts he doesnt want to...ugh

Happy mothers day to all our mothers and mothers to be!!!!!

Oh so what I wanted to ask....I got my +opk on Friday...didnt really have any O signs Saturday...having a little more cramping today...is it possible that today could be O day?? or is the cramping just my usual tww cramps? ugh i wish i could stop analyzing everything.
I would say if you can localize the cramping to one side or the other, I'd assume that today is Oday. Otherwise, if you find that the cramping is centralized or just generalized, Oday could have been yesterday. But I want to emphasize that BD 1-2 days before ovulation is actually perfect timing!
:) thanks Linz you always know what to say to make a girl feel better. My MIL just took the 2 kids to the store so I am going to try to rope DH into bding right now then Ill let him take a break until next cycle.

I just know that if we dont do it today Ill worry about it the entire tww...like we could have done more. If we do it today I will at least feel like we did all we could do and have no regrets. Tomorrow I will be at peace because Ill officially consider myself in the tww and there is nothing else I can do but leave it in god's hands

btw- the cramps are more in the middle so its centralized...I suppose O day was yesterday and I just didnt feel it as much as usual
2dpo today not much going on except cramps and twinges which I think is normal. Some gas too...I dont think you can have 'real' symptoms until at least 6dpo but I jsut want to record how I feel after OV so I can compare next cycle

We didnt bd at all this weekend so I am not very hopeful anymore. And on top of it DH did nothing for me for mothers day so I was just not in a good mood at all after yesterday. The good news is that I slept pretty well last night

how is everyone?
OMG you crazy woman!! If you BD on Friday and ovulate on Saturday, that is PERFECT timing! That is how I got pregnant! From ONE bd session the day before ov!

I'm sorry your mother's day sucked :( I spent it with my family and announced the pregnancy. Everyone was super excited and my 91 year old grandma was so happy and rubbing my belly already. She kept saying, "I'm going to be a great grandma!!" To which we all replied "again" since she already has 5 great grandchildren (she's a little senile).
Linz- I feel totally insane this cycle. I think its becasue DH was finally able to cooperate through most of it so there is actual hope that something could happen, but at the same time I am driving my self nuts trying to figure out if we had good timing or not. I am seriously sitting here trying to figoure out how the f*** I can relax. I am just chanting repeatedly in my head "there is nothing else you can do there is nothing else you can do" but it still isnt stopping me from being totally insane.

Thanks for putting up with me and my craziness.

Your announcement sounds so perfect! Happy mothers day hon!
as I lay in bed at night I also chant "swim sperm swim sperm" hahaha OMG I need to be sent to the looney bin ttc has finally driven me totally nuts
Not crazy at all Wishin. When I got pregnant this time I had ovulation pains and must have sat for half the day visualising the egg popping out and the sperm swimming to it - having bd'd two days before (so you're timing is perfect) :). My OH has never bothered with mothers day either, bothered me for a few years but now the kids make in school so i still get appreciated and get a ton of drawings and made stuff that i now have to keep forever :). My eldest did nag my OH into helping her make a cake for me this year as I was out the house working. Happy Mothers Day hon x

Linz - Announcement sounded great :)

Happy Mother's Day to all you American mummys and mummys to be x

AFM - finally booked in for my 20 week scan, a week on friday (21 weeks). Cant wait to see baby, it will have been 13 weeks since last scan. Very excited but also nervous as everything gets measured and checked. Still dont want to know the sex, hopefully they wont let it slip. x
Leia- thats hilarious! I was also visualizing the egg and sperm haha. At least I am not totaly bonkers then or if I am u are too ;)

I have been with DH for 8 years now and I have taken care of my stepson for those 8 years. Not once did he bother to get me a card until we had our son together and that was on the first mothers day when my son was a littlve over 1 yr old. I am used to him not making a big deal out of but I always hope..and then get let down. I just thought that maybe after all the support I have given to him this past year he would try to do something nice. Anyways, pretty voer it now as I said he never really does much.

Yay for your scan! so its THIS friday? the 18th? I cant wait ot hear what they say! I am sure all is well :) Big hugs
Happy Mother's day to all you ladies. I just realized that I'm the only one in our group not a mom (or mother to be) yet. I sure hope I get to change this soon!!!

Linz, I'm so happy for ya'll announcement! I was totally waiting for something on facebook and just as I got on to look I saw you posted the picture!!! I can't believe people haven't noticed yet!!!

Wishin - You are not crazy at all my dear. Every cycle I sing the song from Look who's talking by the beach boys "round, round, get around, I get around" hahahaha as I hope they are swimming diligently to catch that egg!!!! I am actually quite at peace this cycle. I know there is nothing more we could have done and the timing was perfect. It's the wait that is killing me though. Next Wednesday seems FOREVER away! I want to POAS just to see if the HCG is out of my system from the shot so that way I'll know for sure if it is positive that it's real and not still remnants from the injection.

My POAS friends - Do ya'll think that's a good idea?? Or should I just wait it out??? If I wait it out I can't test at all early :( but if I test now and it's negative (meaning the hcg is out of my system) then I will feel better about testing later....

HMMMM.... lol

Leia - Can't wait to see pictures from your scan!! Wishing you well :)

Scan is 25th :).

Haley - cant really give advice about poas. Should it be out of your system by the time you should test next week? they would have said if you would get a false positive from your injection. I dont know hon, I would probably wait. :shrug: x
He told me it should be out of my system by the date I have to test. He said if I get a faint positive to call in and request a blood test, if I get a strong positive then I'm definitely preggo, and if I get a negative test then it's definitely negative.

From what I researched it could take anywhere from 7-10 days in the normal person to exit your body. However some have it take 5 days and some up to 15 days.

SOOO... That's why I kind of want to test now (6dpo) if it's negative I know it's out of my system that way when I test on the 23rd and it's positive then I know it's not a false positive.

At this point I WANT it to be negative so that I know it's real when I see it next week. It kind of takes the guessing out ya know??
Haley, I would go for the test so long as you understand that a faint pos at this point is not from conception. I would be afraid it would get my hopes up, but I'm like you in the sense that I have this overwhelming need to know EXACTLY what my body is doing atm. So if you can keep your emotions in check about it, then I say go for it.

As for the facebook post, I knew when I posted it that Sunday evening is just about the least traffic for the entire week, so I think tonight when a ton of people are on I will post something about the doctor predicting the gender and ask for boy name suggestions. Put that with my new profile pic and I think people will start to catch on. I'm not too worried since eventually people will realize what's going on. DH posted earlier at about 4 pm and he got a ton of comments and likes so it's really (once again!) all about timing. ;)
Its a difficult one Haley, hope the others can give you better advice. Maybe wait a couple of days and then test as you are only 6dpo but before 10dpo so you know its not through pregnancy if you get a positive. I would be inclined to also go and get blood test if get positive next week on 23rd just to double check so you know you are definately pregnant. let us know what you do, good luck hon x
Also, I updated the front page with little storks. Leia, I put a yellow one down for you. Any other ladies NOT planning on finding out the gender?

That includes you, Haley and Wishin. I am interested to know if you two will find out or if you want to be surprised.
Linz - your announcement sounds perfect!

Wishin - it only takes one BD. And I think your timing was pretty perfect, so try and relax - who am I kidding, when did I ever relax!!

Haley - I would test it out, so that if you get a positive at the right time you know it's a true one. Having had to wait for blood results in the past, they were awful days!!

Leia - your 20 week scan is the day after ours :) We're next Thursday, and I'm already really nervous about it. I know the chances are that everything is ok, but I can't help but feeling like if there is anything wrong it's because of my antibiotics. Still, there's nothing I can do about it, just have to keep everything crossed.
Linz- have you lost your mind!? Of course I wanna know...I wanna know everything! omg WAITING for anything after ttc would be torture! haha...So in conclusion...yes! yes! yes! i will def want to find out the sex

Haley- I wouldnt test...I know that if I did it would be too hard not to start questioning the results and not to test again...but u know ur self and if you feel like you can handle it then go for it! if it will make you feel better to know that its all out then do it..GL! Keep us posted!

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