IVF 2019 chatter

FTale ironing isn't by choice. My husband wears shirts to work and we have a washer dryer where we are renting (we are on an assignment with his work still in UK but 450 miles from home) which I can't seem to work well. The clothes never seem to dry in it! Which means lots of creases and a need to iron :-(

So pleased you have a plan in place now. A great motivation for you for losing weight too. Good luck! April will soon be here and I have no idea when my transfer will be yet so may end up being near to yours. I think I had 2 bleeds between last time but of course this is a new clinic. Sounds like you have a good programme to follow there. When will they make the decision about your eggs? Sorry I'm not sure how that works .Good luck with it all.

My 2nd cetrotide injection was much better. I was less shaky which helped! I just feel so tired at the moment and already my stomach is feeling stretched/uncomfortable.

I have been reading back my first journal to remind myself of the journey. I've asked my husband to try and book off time after egg collection because I was so poorly last time and obviously want him to look after our little girl. We debated how the whole process would affect her beforehand and felt she would be okay and love a sibling if we could give her one. Atm it's estimated on Friday 18th so that would work well with the weekend but of course it can all change depending on what my follicles are doing. Have you read it starts with the egg? I haven't myself as I feel it's too late as I'm already doing it again but many women seem to and say it's great for improving egg quality/quantity. All research based evidence to support it. Not sure if this would be of interest but thought I'd mention it. I am having brazil nuts, pregnacare vitamins, smart water (contains electrolytes) and higher protein.

Honestly it's lovely to have someone to chat to. When I first joined the site (over 10 years ago) many girls chatted frequently but now it seems like there aren't many who do. Maybe they just don't want to chat with me I probably didn't give the thread the best name either. Especially as my process will take months!

Looking forward to hearing about your journey over the next few months. You've got this!
Actually I think the title is proper. Its why I felt secure in jumping in though I had no idea of when IVF would take place for us. True. When I first started on here had alot of folks to chat with but it died for whatever reason but just having one or two even is more than none. I can only talk to my hubby so much. I have a friend on here who is on break for a bit in the UK but will start up soon again I hope.

Meanwhile, yes, by the time I do an actual transfer we might be doing it at the same time or right around each other. April 8th is when I have to show up thinner and judging by my cycle dates I will be in my fertile time already so they would have to wait till that's over to do cd3 bloods again if they want. It will be a year exactly when since my last RE visit and bloods were taken, so about time. I wouldn't expect to do actual IVF until late May and that's in a perfect world.

Today is the first day of the work out get fit thingy. I was suppose to start yesterday but that when to pot. Figure Jan 8th to April 8th sounds better anyway :lol:

Good go on your shot being not as bad this time around. I hope they stay that way. As for the 'egg' book. Nope. I've heard of it and read online other articles about how it starts with the egg. I've picked up on supplements here and there to take. I guess I have enough time on my hands now to filter through it and see if I'm on the right track.

450miles from home. Ugh. At least have a decent dryer. I'd go bonkers if I didn't. But I hear lots of people in UK just hang their clothes out to dry? I could be wrong. I know if you live in the country here its easier to do. We use to when I was younger but indoors in our back room cause we just didn't own a dryer. Probably why I use to be an iron freak. I'd iron anything. Wouldn't leave the house without a crease. I had to address the issue when I found myself trying to put a crease in some sweatpants. ](*,)

Getting my dd ready for school. Thought it started back yesterday after school holiday but its today. Can you imagine being the only parent with their kid waiting outside the school for it to open? I saw alot of teachers but no other parents. It was when I realized no school buses were out that I had the wrong day. I think they changed it but that's just to make me feel like less of a dope. My dd was super happy for no school. I had to rush her off to daycare for older kids while I did my best to make it to my appt. on time...of which the doc was 20minutes late starting. She for whatever reason thought I was 45 but still that's no reason to stall my appt. had to get back to work. Of course once she saw my real age she perked up and we got down to business. :-s....geesh

Ok, better help her with her shoes. Off to start the day. ttyl
Actually I think the title is proper. Its why I felt secure in jumping in though I had no idea of when IVF would take place for us. True. When I first started on here had alot of folks to chat with but it died for whatever reason but just having one or two even is more than none. I can only talk to my hubby so much. I have a friend on here who is on break for a bit in the UK but will start up soon again I hope.

Meanwhile, yes, by the time I do an actual transfer we might be doing it at the same time or right around each other. April 8th is when I have to show up thinner and judging by my cycle dates I will be in my fertile time already so they would have to wait till that's over to do cd3 bloods again if they want. It will be a year exactly when since my last RE visit and bloods were taken, so about time. I wouldn't expect to do actual IVF until late May and that's in a perfect world.

Today is the first day of the work out get fit thingy. I was suppose to start yesterday but that when to pot. Figure Jan 8th to April 8th sounds better anyway :lol:

Good go on your shot being not as bad this time around. I hope they stay that way. As for the 'egg' book. Nope. I've heard of it and read online other articles about how it starts with the egg. I've picked up on supplements here and there to take. I guess I have enough time on my hands now to filter through it and see if I'm on the right track.

450miles from home. Ugh. At least have a decent dryer. I'd go bonkers if I didn't. But I hear lots of people in UK just hang their clothes out to dry? I could be wrong. I know if you live in the country here its easier to do. We use to when I was younger but indoors in our back room cause we just didn't own a dryer. Probably why I use to be an iron freak. I'd iron anything. Wouldn't leave the house without a crease. I had to address the issue when I found myself trying to put a crease in some sweatpants. ](*,)

Getting my dd ready for school. Thought it started back yesterday after school holiday but its today. Can you imagine being the only parent with their kid waiting outside the school for it to open? I saw alot of teachers but no other parents. It was when I realized no school buses were out that I had the wrong day. I think they changed it but that's just to make me feel like less of a dope. My dd was super happy for no school. I had to rush her off to daycare for older kids while I did my best to make it to my appt. on time...of which the doc was 20minutes late starting. She for whatever reason thought I was 45 but still that's no reason to stall my appt. had to get back to work. Of course once she saw my real age she perked up and we got down to business. :-s....geesh

Ok, better help her with her shoes. Off to start the day. ttyl

Thanks. We shall watch this space! I've been on and off a few times throughout my journey. It's tough.

Hope your first day of work out to get fit went well.

Had to compromise on the dryer as it's not a permanent place to live. Just an annoyance! Managed to get my washing dry on the radiators today! More ironing for later in the week!

Oh no...sounds like yesterday was an eventful day! Good that you could get her into daycare last minute. Urgh...I hate it when appoinments are running behind. Glad she got the age right in the end and perked up. Sounds like she was busy!

Hope your day went well!
Actually, no, she wasnt busy at all..LOL That place was a ghost town. Which is why I was like, 'why she late'. I didnt get seen till 20 past my appt. time. Meh, I did it and now the clock has begun ticking.

At my church we are fasting. I dont usually fast because well I like to eat. But we decided to fast and not eat out at all for 21 days. Which means I have to cook.:shock: I love to cook for fun but everyday? Its going to be a challenge. Both physically and mentally.

I vote we all just ramen noodle it...lol

Ugh bedtime comes too soon. Took melatonin to help me a bit.

I hope your shots go well. Question for retrieval, do they put you under or are you awake? I have no idea of how they get to your ovaries either...do tell.
Hmmm...she was obviously doing something! Do you feel better for knowing what your plan is now?

Good luck with the fasting and daily cooking. It is definitely a time thing for me with cooking..I do enjoy it when I've got the time for it. Though it does produce more washing up! Can you explain how long each day you must fast for? Must have to be so disciplined! Good luck

Hope you sleep okay.

Egg collection they put a cannula in and give you meds to make you very drowsy/fall asleep. Last time I basically remember falling asleep and waking up when it was all done! It is so so clever. They go up inside to get to the ovaries. They were very good at explaining things every step of my previous journey so I am sure it will be the same again!

We've had a busy morning at the local toddler group. It was my turn to set up (I signed up whilst I knew I could commit). Not feeling as tender today so that is positive! X
lol...Im still trying to get it together from yesterday. Whenever things are going perfect i should be suspicious.

Starting off today cautiously. Freezing here. Hope its not where you are. Oh, and good sleep without melatonin!

Thank you for sharing what collection is like. I will post most later as time permits. Busy time of month with my job. I'll get to breathe again Tuesday.
lol...Im still trying to get it together from yesterday. Whenever things are going perfect i should be suspicious.

Starting off today cautiously. Freezing here. Hope its not where you are. Oh, and good sleep without melatonin!

Thank you for sharing what collection is like. I will post most later as time permits. Busy time of month with my job. I'll get to breathe again Tuesday.

I'm intrigued as to where you are!? It was about 8°C today so warm...especially for this time of year!

Glad all is going well...new year new start! This is your year!! Glad to hear about your sleep.

I'm sure I'll share my story on hereas I go so you'll get the egh collection ramble all over again!

First scan tomorrow morning since starting my stimms. Bloods too though I'm not entirely sure what they are for. My husband has come home unwell so I may be going solo yet. I like to be organised so will look at details of trains and walking tonight as I like to be organised. Too manicto drive it for me...I haven't driven in the big cities since moving. They are a bit overwhelming!

Work sounds interesting; what do you do that gets easier on Tuesday?

Take care of yourself x
My scan seemed to go well. Check out my journal for today's update. Think all looks to be good. Awaiting a call from the clinic to see what they think.xx
My scan seemed to go well. Check out my journal for today's update. Think all looks to be good. Awaiting a call from the clinic to see what they think.xx
I checked out your journal. Need to keep mine updated but ptffft.Im still working so maybe Sunday night if I feel clever enough to do so without face smashing onto my keyboard.
Will keep you in my prayers for Tuesday.
I checked out your journal. Need to keep mine updated but ptffft.Im still working so maybe Sunday night if I feel clever enough to do so without face smashing onto my keyboard.
Will keep you in my prayers for Tuesday.

Thanks FTale. I am trying to keep it up to date as I have found it so helpful reading back and referring to my previous journal of my journey. It is so easy to forget!

So last stimm injection was yesterday evening and I've just done the last cetrotide injection so it's just the triggers tonight at 7pm!

Good luck to anyone else on their journey at the moment x
Triggers done. No further injections for me to administer! Whoop whoop. No alarm set for early tomorrow (I'm sure I'll wake anyhow) now to prep for collection as we have to leave home about 6am to be there on time. My collection is 730am so I imagine we'll be on our way home by 830ish.
FTale hope all is going well?

Good luck everyone.
Ha!! Didnt see these posts I was so busy. I did reply just now though.

Thinking of you!!! Rest up
Hello everyone! Ill be starting our second round in Feb. Wishing everyone good luck!

Goingforit i hope EC goes smoothly for you!
Hello everyone! Ill be starting our second round in Feb. Wishing everyone good luck!

Goingforit i hope EC goes smoothly for you!

Hello Dogmummy, that will soon be here. Do you know what protocol you are following?

Egg collection went well thanks. They got 27 eggs and will ring later to tell me how many they were able to inject (we have ISCI). I have injections for the next 9 days to reduce the risk of blood clots.

Now to go home (hour drive) and put my feet up!
I'm so happy!

Of the 27 eggs, 20 were mature enough to be injected. This morning we had the call to say that 13 have fertilised.

Absolutley made up. Next call is on Friday. I'm feeling a bit tender today but otherwise I think all is okay!

We've got this!
Congrats ! What a great number ! Did you do anything special to prepare for EC? Do you know when transfer will be?

We are doing a short antagonist protocol. I responded almost too quickly so they mentioned something about taking bcp before stims. Not positive yet. I go on the 28th for my meds and timeline.
Congrats ! What a great number ! Did you do anything special to prepare for EC? Do you know when transfer will be?

We are doing a short antagonist protocol. I responded almost too quickly so they mentioned something about taking bcp before stims. Not positive yet. I go on the 28th for my meds and timeline.

Thank you. Only pregnacare and a handful of brazil nuts each day. I have had a high protein diet too actually. We are very lucky to have 13 fertilised. We have our fingers crossed for tomorrow's update. We haven't discussed transfer yet!

Yes I was on Notherserone this time. Not sure what it does tbh. Not long to wait at all!

Baby dust to all xx
Hi Girls! I disappeared for some time haha!
Hey @goingforit that is so amazing how many eggs you got!! My egg retrieval might be next week.. fingers crossed. They checked yesterday and they are still small... My egg retrieval was supposed to be early January!! But things have moved SO slow since the beginning ugh! Which had made me change so many plans. I really hope my egg retrieval is done next week. What was the size of your eggs when they did the retrieval do you know?
Keep me posted on your progress! That is amazing so far!!
Also, my clinic told me i can't exercise other than walks... im pretty bummed about it since my wedding is in 4 weeks, and i have a personal trainer that now I have cancelled, also my first dance practices :(
They said that otherwise my ovaries can twist?? haha! and to not exercise up until 2 weeks after egg retrieval. SO sad because I want to look good in my wedding dress and this isn't helping! lol
@goingforit have you exercised while doing the stimms injections? If so, what type of exercises did you do? Did your doctor tell you anything about it? Not sure if my clinic is too strict and I should just go ahead with my exercises, but also worried i might damage my ovaries, i read that if that happens surgery is needed to fix it
goingforit: Hey, I'm stalking you. I hope the morning brings fab news. :dance:

dogmommy: Antagonist cycle? I know I respond really well to Clomid. Is that what happened for you? You produced too many follies? I hope the bcp route works wonders and they don't have to hold off much longer. Feb is right around the corner.:cool:

arianne: Congrats on getting married soon :hugs: love weddings. As for exercising, I know you want to look your best in your dress but not worth twisting your ovaries. I think you could lose them if the blood circ gets cut off. You can still maintain weight with a light diet and control bloat with the type of foods you eat. And while cardio can be very risky, I'd ask about some simple toning moves that don't have you jarring about. :D...you are getting married!!! Well, best wishes for your IVF protocol to pick up. I bet you are so exciting.
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