IVF Article number Bleh - Egg Collection

Then I can finally say "Fuck you" to the fat, sneering little b*stard.

Sorry. Rant.

what a fab feeling that will be, personally i hope he leaves that would be better!!
I keep looking at the First Trimester board and it's just weird. I don't think I like it in there. It's just like a gigantic room full of people just floating around.


I found that during my 'very' short visit last year. I felt out of my depth and decided I wasn't going back into the pregnancy forums until I was in 2nd tri.

Have not even dared to see what Second Trimester is like. Feel like I'm tempting fate or something.
I think that when you are ready to visit them you will find somethings in common with the girls in second tri, even if there are many things you dont have in common, same as here I guess?take what you want and leave the rest, that kind of thing....
another day down!go the tc's!
getting stronger by the day
I still feel nothing. 6 weeks tomorrow and I don't feel pregnant at all.

I want to feel something ffs...
((((((((())))))))) you know,everything could be perfectly fine and you may not get a single sympton until you feel it-not what you want to hear and of course symptons would be very reasurring but a lack of them is no indication either way, infact even having them and then them disappearing doesnt mean bad news. Personally i am hoping, since you are six weeks to the day tomorrow you will wake up with a big vom!
It seems bad to me, Toby. It just does. I've had this bad feeling since I first got a positive test that something wasn't right and the lack of symptoms is only intensifying that feeling.

The 10 days extra to wait? That's also making me feel nervous and edgy and empty as Hell...

If only there was better after care for IVF. Blood tests. Anything. You know, in other countries you get a scan at 5 weeks, 6 weeks, 7 weeks...why nothing here?
dont get me started on that, could have well done with out the 8week wait till my 12wk scan after 2 m/c-can only imagine its a money thing? i know you dont want to be doing it everyweek but may a cleablue thing would hlp reassure you until your scan?
I am not going to dismiss your bad feeling in anyway, it could be right but sometimes all the emotions, hormones et cloud your judgement- i was certain my bean had stopped growing before my scan as i had have symptons but few and sperodic, was really sick with my boy, have never had sore boobs or the need to wee etc with any of my pregs,succesful or unsuccesful and i was wrong, also you were adament you were going to get a bfn and you were, thank goodness wrong about that!! i feel for you i really do and if i knew anything tht made the wait easier i would share it with you-comming on here helps i think, it isnt good to have all that in your head
Hi Hon,

How you doing this afternoon?

Sorry, I have to ask, who's the bog burglar? :blush:

Hi Hon,

How you doing this afternoon?

Sorry, I have to ask, who's the bog burglar? :blush:


The B&Q Bog Burglar. Glen Johnson.

I'm alright. Bit tired, bit 'down' because of work and no symptoms though...

How are you?
Hi Curley Sue

I guess they make you wait 7 weeks as they sometimes don't see heartbeats until then. Once the heartbeat is seen they know it is a viable pregnancy. I know it really sucks having to wait. It nearly drove me out of my mind when i had to wait to have my first scan as I was so worried about ectopic.

Try not to worry about lack of symptoms, not everyone has them and they kick in at different times. People still get symptoms with m/c, blighted ovum, so even if you had them it doesn't say a lot really.

If you are really desperate to see whats going on indside you could always book an early scan, they cost about £60 - £100.

Anyway following your pregnancy and hoping it starts to become more enjoyable soon. To be honest, though, once you see the little heartbeat, it will be fine for a week or so then you will worry about the 12 week NT scan, then after that will it make it to 24 weeks and so on. I guess i am saying, that there will be lots of worry ahead, so take it easy and do not google and symptom spot too much.

Hi Curley Sue

I guess they make you wait 7 weeks as they sometimes don't see heartbeats until then. Once the heartbeat is seen they know it is a viable pregnancy. I know it really sucks having to wait. It nearly drove me out of my mind when i had to wait to have my first scan as I was so worried about ectopic.

Try not to worry about lack of symptoms, not everyone has them and they kick in at different times. People still get symptoms with m/c, blighted ovum, so even if you had them it doesn't say a lot really.

If you are really desperate to see whats going on indside you could always book an early scan, they cost about £60 - £100.

Anyway following your pregnancy and hoping it starts to become more enjoyable soon. To be honest, though, once you see the little heartbeat, it will be fine for a week or so then you will worry about the 12 week NT scan, then after that will it make it to 24 weeks and so on. I guess i am saying, that there will be lots of worry ahead, so take it easy and do not google and symptom spot too much.



Quantitive blood tests would've been a good option though, don't you think? After IVF, I mean. They know the mental strain it puts on a person so to send them away without even checking they are pregnant using a blood test and have them wait three whole weeks seems like a very raw deal to me, really. I hear about these Beta tests to make sure the HCG is rising. It seems like procedure in most countries. It should be procedure here, if only for peace of mind.

Only symptom I have is period pains. Seriously, I just feel like I am going to come on all the time. It comes and goes. Is pretty bad at the minute, actually. I'll be knicker checking all night, I think!!!

I suppose for the sake of £100 I can wait another nine days. Kind of irritating though. You go through all of that treatment, all of those tests, all of those scans only to be told "Oh, right" when you tell them you had a positive test!!

I think the 7 week one is going to be the killer. I just don't believe there's anything there. I know it sounds ridiculous but I can vividly imagine getting there and being told "Sorry, it stopped growing two weeks ago!" Or, even worse, "there's a sac and nothing more."

I guess I am overly cautious with my emotions...

Good luck with your ICSI/IVF
I only work part time and have two days left until end of term, thursday and friday-so cant be arsed, how bad is that???
I have no idea but if you spoke to your gp about your concerns it is possible they may do you 48hr bloods for you?i think that is how many of the girls on here have got them done
Not much point really, Toby. My GP does not do bloods, would have to take two buses and take two half days off work, which I cannot do at the minute. I only have about nine days left to wait so I suppose I can handle it...
you will get there my lovely, these must be the slowest five weeks of your life EVER!
Your doing really well and each day that goes by with nothing happening is a good thing. I know you are worried about blighted ovums and mmc but they are not very common, nothing i say will stop you worrying i know but just hold on to the fact that you have made it this far and theres every chance everything is fine even if you dont think it is!
made a half hearted attempt to read a football story last night in the paper but i just dont get it.....
another day down today-have my inlaws arriving at the weekend-oh joy!
Yes I agree, quantative blood tests would be good and would help to put our minds at rest. I asked my GP for that when I was waiting for my first scan as with ectopics they don't usually double. He said they don't do that, so you are just left to stew and wait for scan. Its money saving isn't it. NHS won't pay for stuff that just reassures. I wonder if private patients can have blood tests or its a UK thing. Pisses me off too.

Those period pains are normal, its just all changing down there. Pains vary in intensity individually. My mate who is due any day, really suffered with hers and was taken in for a scan for ectopic at 6-7 weeks, which is wasn't - she only had to wait 2 hours for her scan lucky thing. She described hers as ranging from period pains to horrible one side cramps.

I know you will worry until you see it, hope the time goes really quickly for you. :hug:
I think the beta tests are a good idea as well.

When I was getting ready to do my second cycle, I had to go to my GP with a throat infection. While I was there I talked about the MC and my second cycle, and how if I was successful I'd like to have blood tests done. He felt that it 'could' be done, but that it may also cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety, if the levels weren't properly doubling. His advice to me at the time was to see how I felt when the time came ... well, I'm still waiting for that time to come, so we'll see how I feel then ...

Another day down hun. Not long to go.

Ah, I dunno. I think blood tests would just have made me feel better. I had this utter sense of consuming dread today. I'm having 'up and down' moments. I just want this scan over with now, be it good or bad. If it's bad I can move on. I'm no longer waiting. If it's good then I can rest for awhile.

it's the waiting that's doing me in. Brambletess, I'm sure you know how it is. It's numbing. It's desperate.

And, Maz, when you do get to this point again I would recommend blood tests if feasible. Honest to Christ, this 3 week wait is worse than any 2 week wait I ever had. I can't even symptom watch because I have no sodding symptoms. I keep looking at my ticker and thinking "Liar!"

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