IVF Article number Bleh - Egg Collection

oh my lovely i dont really know about the ache thing-i know there is lots going on in there and things getting moved around so an ache doesnt seem unreasonable-could you have a uti? I gave myself one from frequently wiping and checking before and i think they can be fairly common early on as well
the biggest of all hugs for you and i hope it shifts soon so you can get a little peace of mind
dont go googling,its not good
Nah it's not a UTI. I am the queen of UTIs. I get them twice a month even at the best of times but I've actually managed to not get one so far. It actually does feel like period pain. Or, when I eat really spicy foods like Jalapeno Peppers, I get this dull abdominal ache. it feels like that, too. It's constant, though, and they say some cramping is common but constant cramping is not good. :s

LMAO, over rabbits enjoying vomiting!!! :rofl::rofl:

Hope the aching's going off a bit for you. Came by with some PMA for you!!!

The dull aching could be from your lady bits having a bit of a move around, or getting bigger? As one who has just returned from an hsg where they inflate your uterus with an effin jeffin balloon :shock:, it feels like a period pain that won't go. Maybe there's multiple Toffee Crisps getting all comfy and giving Mummy a bit of pain. It's not unheard of, is it hon? :shrug:

Bit of dancing for you this morning too.


Have a super dooper day, try not to worry too much. :hugs:

Big :hug:
Nah it's not a UTI. I am the queen of UTIs. I get them twice a month even at the best of times but I've actually managed to not get one so far. It actually does feel like period pain. Or, when I eat really spicy foods like Jalapeno Peppers, I get this dull abdominal ache. it feels like that, too. It's constant, though, and they say some cramping is common but constant cramping is not good. :s

Maybe the rising hormone levels are making your digestive system a bit more sensitive to spicy foods now. Perhaps that's what is causing the constant dull ache and cramps.
hello my lovely, hows your day been?been thinking of you

LMAO, over rabbits enjoying vomiting!!! :rofl::rofl:

Hope the aching's going off a bit for you. Came by with some PMA for you!!!

The dull aching could be from your lady bits having a bit of a move around, or getting bigger? As one who has just returned from an hsg where they inflate your uterus with an effin jeffin balloon :shock:, it feels like a period pain that won't go. Maybe there's multiple Toffee Crisps getting all comfy and giving Mummy a bit of pain. It's not unheard of, is it hon? :shrug:

Bit of dancing for you this morning too.


Have a super dooper day, try not to worry too much. :hugs:

Big :hug:

It's like a return meal, no?

Ah I'd like it to be the Toffee Crisps settling in and being pain in the arses but they still haven't made me sick. They've made me tired (or that could've been the utter t**t at work who I work for making me feel like shite) and they've made sex incredibly painful (not doing it again - the residual pain after 'orgasm' was awful) but they've done nothing else.

Are they mellow Toffee Crisps or something?

Maz, you could be right. A new sensitivity to spicy food. How am I going to live? I love chilli peppers!!!

Toby, I hope you are feeling okay and are happy and content in your thirteen weekness. You can buy a pair of socks now.
I keep looking at the First Trimester board and it's just weird. I don't think I like it in there. It's just like a gigantic room full of people just floating around.

I keep looking at the First Trimester board and it's just weird. I don't think I like it in there. It's just like a gigantic room full of people just floating around.


heh heh it feels a bit weird being in there doesnt it? am so glad things all ok at the moment, cant stop thinking about you and the toffee crisps-think i have moved the obssesion from my bean to your toffee crisps!I am actually 11wks and 6 days(knew i wasnt 13wks is the dr's date but i pretty much knew the second i ovulated so knew that wasnt right!)just cant remember how to change my ticker!
I am thinking its s good job the toffee crisps are mellow-makes up for the worrying that goes on the outside!
I keep looking at the First Trimester board and it's just weird. I don't think I like it in there. It's just like a gigantic room full of people just floating around.


heh heh it feels a bit weird being in there doesnt it? am so glad things all ok at the moment, cant stop thinking about you and the toffee crisps-think i have moved the obssesion from my bean to your toffee crisps!I am actually 11wks and 6 days(knew i wasnt 13wks is the dr's date but i pretty much knew the second i ovulated so knew that wasnt right!)just cant remember how to change my ticker!
I am thinking its s good job the toffee crisps are mellow-makes up for the worrying that goes on the outside!

It does. I mean, there are people on this board here who I just cannot seem to relate to and who wind me up incredibly (ignore button - I am using it, now, which I thought I would never do) but in there I just feel like I don't know anybody at all. Can't relate to ANYBODY. I know you are supposed to mingle to get to know people but there are just so many and I have never heard of any of them and it's just difficult.

Haha your bean to my toffee crisp? I just hope there is Toffee Crisp in there. Everyone else seems to think there is but I just don't know.

Almost 12 weeks is good though, no?

As for them being mellow, I might like them to be NOT mellow as it might cause less anxiety!!!
I keep looking at the First Trimester board and it's just weird. I don't think I like it in there. It's just like a gigantic room full of people just floating around.


I detest first tri and if I am ever lucky enough to get pregnant again, I am staying LTTTC until 12 weeks and then going straight to second tri! I'm going nowhere near the place.

I found first tri full of people worried about whether they could eat something perfectly inane....like a boiled egg or pineapple, or even one 4 weeker, saying how bored of pregnancy she was already! :rolleyes: Try living in our world for a while huh?

Sorry, I've been MIA....had to go through the due date of one of my angels. Didn't really feel very chatty. Honestly, you still sound very pregnant for your stage for me....and I'm comparing it all to my one succesful pregnancy. I never had a hint of a hurl until 6 weeks, which is spot on, but did get a crampy, stretchy uncomfortable feeling, especially after eating.

Am thinking you have a very snuggly Toffee Crisp or two and will smile in a few years when they are running round giving you hell...as to whether you even wondered if they were there at this point!

Stilll can't believe no ones even offered Beta HCG's....not even your GP? Mine did them for me, but I had to ask.
IKWYM, I'm like that with TTC section too (the "finally" bunch!!!!:dohh:), just don't know anyone anymore, and these could be your 1st tri buddies. And I keep thinking if there isn't someone from LTTTC with me, no-one's going to really understand your fears for 1st tri.

Don't want to be down on the girls in there, I'm sure non of it's intentional, and I don't want to make your feel any worse about the situ, just empathising!!

Hope you have a good day

I keep looking at the First Trimester board and it's just weird. I don't think I like it in there. It's just like a gigantic room full of people just floating around.


I detest first tri and if I am ever lucky enough to get pregnant again, I am staying LTTTC until 12 weeks and then going straight to second tri! I'm going nowhere near the place.

I found first tri full of people worried about whether they could eat something perfectly inane....like a boiled egg or pineapple, or even one 4 weeker, saying how bored of pregnancy she was already! :rolleyes: Try living in our world for a while huh?

Sorry, I've been MIA....had to go through the due date of one of my angels. Didn't really feel very chatty. Honestly, you still sound very pregnant for your stage for me....and I'm comparing it all to my one succesful pregnancy. I never had a hint of a hurl until 6 weeks, which is spot on, but did get a crampy, stretchy uncomfortable feeling, especially after eating.

Am thinking you have a very snuggly Toffee Crisp or two and will smile in a few years when they are running round giving you hell...as to whether you even wondered if they were there at this point!

Stilll can't believe no ones even offered Beta HCG's....not even your GP? Mine did them for me, but I had to ask.

The thing is, I don't even feel right in here any more. It's just all so very weird. Most of the people I 'knew' when I first started have moved on, moved up. LTTC became a whole new playground. I didn't recognise anyone. I still don't, really. A few float around who I 'know' but not many. In First Timester? I don't even have a clue. It's just so vast. I've never done well in 'vast', always did better in a small group. I don't know what it is with me, though, but I am just getting wound up by the smallest little thing these days.

Bored of pregnancy at four weeks? I am currently close to 6 weeks and I still don't believe I'm pregnant. I won't until 12 weeks. It's ridiculous, but I have not bonded with this pregnancy at all because I don't believe in it. It's denial, I know it is, but I'm certainly not 'bored' with hoping that it will stick around. It is all quite inane, in a sense. I ventured over to normal TTC a few weeks back and I don't even remember being like that.

Am so sorry it was your due date. That must've been hard. i can't even begin to imagine and (don't take this the wrong way) hope never to be able to relate to that. Hope you never have to have another 'due date' that comes and goes with no baby also.

I don't feel pregnant at all. I will be 6 weeks on Monday and hope for some hurling then.

I still wonder if there is anything there. I am obsessed with blighted ovums and I fear so fully that I have one!!!

Beta HCG would've comforted me. I suppose I did my own 'Beta' in a sense using a Clearblue Conception Indicator. When I was 4 weeks the test said 2-3, when I was 5 weeks it said 3+. It's quite sad that we have to do it ourselves though isnt it? My GP just did a telephone consultation and told me to make an appointment with a midwife. That's it. That's all. The thing that I find really upsetting is these people who go for 7 or 12 week scans only to find out the baby died weeks before. Their suffering could've ended so much sooner if the care was better
IKWYM, I'm like that with TTC section too (the "finally" bunch!!!!:dohh:), just don't know anyone anymore, and these could be your 1st tri buddies. And I keep thinking if there isn't someone from LTTTC with me, no-one's going to really understand your fears for 1st tri.

Don't want to be down on the girls in there, I'm sure non of it's intentional, and I don't want to make your feel any worse about the situ, just empathising!!

Hope you have a good day


I saw a post like that recently. Finally, it said. Then when you look back, this person started TTC in April 2009. I just cannot relate!!!

That is really how I feel. There are only a select few of LTTC who progress and it's sporadic at best. Most of the people I knew moved on weeks or even months ago. They are so far ahead, now. I know you are supposed to make new friends but it's hard when they cannot relate to your perceptions and your insecurities. There is this March Mummies thread in there which I kind of half joined but I simply cannot relate. Not at all.

Hope you have a good day also. And that the Balloon up your Bits has not caused TOO much discomfort.
its a funny thing isnt it? i never really posted in ttc, came into the forum through m/c and loss section and then joined a ttc buddies thread for people who had lost babies and also a ttc buddies thread tht seemed to have a nice,balanced mix of lttc,ttc, ttc after loss and mums-both those threads are ok with preg ladies posting on there so i guess i will stay there? there are a mix of people in 1st tri,some of whom have had varied journeys but its mainly people in a happy bubble-lovey for them but hard to be a part of when that is not what you are experiencing.
I know what you mean about not bonding, I kept telling myself i only might be preg and i wouldnt know until i had seen it, despite the many preg tests i continued to do. its ok to do that and i dont believe it will effect your toffee crisps one bit, if it makes you feel bad just remind yourself how wanted they are-thats much more important than wether you accept they are there at this point
almost 12wks makes me feel blessed-feel like i am 'in with a chance' the same as everyone else now, my previous m/c had already hppened by now so its more than reassuring.
I have no idea if it has any scientific backround but i kept doing clearblue indicator tests every week as i figured if i kept getting 3+ then i had at least enough hormones to be 5wks preg which was a source of some comfort to me
when is your scan? a week monday i think? alls you can really do is take care of yourself and try not to drive yourself too crazy while you wait-wouldnt it be great if you could just sleep till then!
its a funny thing isnt it? i never really posted in ttc, came into the forum through m/c and loss section and then joined a ttc buddies thread for people who had lost babies and also a ttc buddies thread tht seemed to have a nice,balanced mix of lttc,ttc, ttc after loss and mums-both those threads are ok with preg ladies posting on there so i guess i will stay there? there are a mix of people in 1st tri,some of whom have had varied journeys but its mainly people in a happy bubble-lovey for them but hard to be a part of when that is not what you are experiencing.
I know what you mean about not bonding, I kept telling myself i only might be preg and i wouldnt know until i had seen it, despite the many preg tests i continued to do. its ok to do that and i dont believe it will effect your toffee crisps one bit, if it makes you feel bad just remind yourself how wanted they are-thats much more important than wether you accept they are there at this point

I've never been pregnant. I don't relate to miscarriage because have never had one, don't relate to second pregnancies because I've never had one. Don't relate to first month off the pill because i've had more than forty of them. It's just hard to know where to fit in really!!!

Whilst a lot of TTC people take it for granted, this 'getting pregnant' thing, I find a lot of LTTC people very bitter actually. I know I have been in the past (it's natural to be jealous) but there are some people who actually make me feel uncomfortable when they've been TTC for a long time. They become angry and self-absorbed. They become unreasonable. I understand why they do it and why they feel that way but it can be very cutting. The LTTC thing stains and cracks and marks us, but sometimes I find it makes people wholly unpleasant.

It's hard, actually. Sometimes I wonder if we should just TTC quietly and alone because it's just not a nice experience is it? We need other people but it's hard finding the right people, the people who share how we feel and what we see.

That is how I feel as well. I 'might' be pregnant. But I also might not. The only thing confirming it right now is two lines on a test and that, to me, isn't enough, yet. I need a heartbeat. I need some assurance that there is more than just HCG there.

It/they is/are wanted. Very wanted. I don't want to 'want' them too much, though, because if it comes to be that there is nothing there it will only be that much harder to let go and come to terms.
almost 12wks makes me feel blessed-feel like i am 'in with a chance' the same as everyone else now, my previous m/c had already hppened by now so its more than reassuring.
I have no idea if it has any scientific backround but i kept doing clearblue indicator tests every week as i figured if i kept getting 3+ then i had at least enough hormones to be 5wks preg which was a source of some comfort to me
when is your scan? a week monday i think? alls you can really do is take care of yourself and try not to drive yourself too crazy while you wait-wouldnt it be great if you could just sleep till then!

If I could afford to do that I would. I just don't think I can justify a tenner a week on pregnancy tests. My job is shite enough that my pay isn't great so it's not really do-able!!! I can see why you did it though and I am glad it gave you comfort.

A week Wednesday...y'see? Time is dragging and dragging.
well, they are £14 for two in tesco which helped, its a stupid amount of money and i totally understand what you are saying, oh struggled with it but the mental look in my eye put him off saying much.
longest weeks of your life i am sure, tick tock tick tock-like i say a longterm sleep seemed very appealing to me!
My journey has been completly different to yours and obviously there is much you have been through/will go through that i wont recognise but i definatly recognise some of the feelings you talk about- jog along the journey with me, may not always help but might do sometimes
Bless you, I will.

Am feeling very introspective at the minute. I hate my job. I am only sticking it out until I have had a baby because I want the maternity pay. As soon as that is done I am going to figure out what I want, finally, because I can literally say I work for the nastiest, most arrogant tosser on the face of the Earth and I might not deserve the world but I deserve better than that prick!!!

It's making me very thoughtful, though. i always said, as soon as I have had a baby I will concentrate on my career. Until then I have just had shitty little stress free jobs that do not take up a lot of my time because I could only afford to worry about one thing at a time. As it is, though, this shitty little stress free job has turned out to be the most stressful thing in my life and the sad thing is, it's that one person who ruins it for me.

If he left, then all would be well.

If he left... i might actually enjoy work again.

All I keep telling myself is that there is a possiblility that I will only have 7 more months of this job. Then I can have 9 months off where I can figure out what I want to do with my time.

Then I can finally say "Fuck you" to the fat, sneering little b*stard.

Sorry. Rant.

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