That's the thing, really. I don't think it's meant to be. I had a dream last night that I was pregnant with somebody else's child. The tests kept coming back positive, and I kept on saying "This is not my child. Don't get your hopes up. This is not my baby."
Not really into dream analysis...
Your little crisps are very lucky to have you as their mummy, so they should settle down for the long haul if they know what's best for them!
Hey CurlySue,
I'm into dreams and dreaming your pregnant, labour, giving birth is a sign of an old phase ending and a new phase beginning! ie career, house, love or life,
Don't give up hope yet!
That's the thing, really. I don't think it's meant to be. I had a dream last night that I was pregnant with somebody else's child. The tests kept coming back positive, and I kept on saying "This is not my child. Don't get your hopes up. This is not my baby."
Not really into dream analysis...
Hey CurlySue,
I'm into dreams and dreaming your pregnant, labour, giving birth is a sign of an old phase ending and a new phase beginning! ie career, house, love or life,
Don't give up hope yet!
That's the thing, really. I don't think it's meant to be. I had a dream last night that I was pregnant with somebody else's child. The tests kept coming back positive, and I kept on saying "This is not my child. Don't get your hopes up. This is not my baby."
Not really into dream analysis...
Had a dream the night before that I had ginger twins. To be honest, I think it's more to do with the fact that I was obsessing over HCG trigger shot and cheapie internet strips that made me dream that, and the fact that I have two (twin) embryos that have been implanted.
Archetypal images in the real world probably do mean those things, but in IVF world? It's just that we tend to have a one track mind when undergoing treatment.
hun.. 2 people i know on these boards gots between 10DPO and 13DPO. Wannabemum and Akchter
Good luck hun
hun.. 2 people i know on these boards gots between 10DPO and 13DPO. Wannabemum and Akchter
Good luck hun
I'm 9dpo now and dying of cramps. Plus, there wasn't even so much of a questionable line on that test. Not even a shadow. These cramps actually woke me up. if I didn't know better I'd say that thewould be here in the next couple of days, they're that bad. Boobs, fine. Head, fine. Everything, fine.