IVF Article number Bleh - Egg Collection

Hope you don't mind me chipping in here CurlySue (again she says) as for symptoms early on I agree there is a lot of hype about symptom spotting but the only thing I felt, and I really did feel it was my boobs at 10dpo they really, really hurt (which is what prompted me to test). I had other symptoms around the same time (very cold and snotty) but seriously I think most of it is coincidence but the boobs they were real and for most women that really is the first thing you feel before AF is due. I thought I hadn't been lucky that month as I had no 'symptoms' but there is truth in some, I promise, just not that early on (0-9dpo for me) but can be before period is due. Hope that gives a different perspective.

Anyway still doing all the positive thoughts and vibes for you. Hope you enjoyed transformers. x

9 and 10dpo I understand, the embryo has implanted by then and the HCG is being released. It makes sense. What I DONT believe in is those that say they feel symptoms from 1dpo. That's shite. Sorry, but it is. Genetically predisposed to pregnancy or not, you are not pregnant at 1dpo. Your egg is fertilising, yes, but that's it. It's just a fertilised egg, nothing more. It's why hospitals whilst doing IVF wait until day 3 at least before freezing because at day 1 (or 1dpo) it's nothing but that. A fertilised egg. Might not even have started dividing at that stage.

At 9dpo, it might've been implanted in your uterus for 2 days already. The pregnancy hormone would be working its way around at that stage and symptoms might be setting in. You could get a positive test at this stage.
hello there, just dropping by to cheer you on...\\:D/\\:D/:serenade::serenade::dance::dance:
I didn't have any embryos suitable for freezing either - from both cycles. I don't know if there is a problem with my eggs. On our first cycle we had 11 eggs collected, 8 fertilised, although only 4 fertilised normally, and we got 2 embryos put back. On our second cycle, we had 14 eggs collected, 9 fertilised, but only 3 fertilised normally, with 2 embryos put back. Something in the back of my mind tells me there could be a problem with my eggs. I've not really had any quality checks done on my eggs - only quantity checks. So who knows? If our NHS cycle doesn't work, I'm considering going to Care in Manchester and having further screening done - where I'm getting the money from I don't quite know yet, but we'll work that out if need be ...

I'm with you on the 'I got my :bfp: first month of trying and now I'm scared' shite. Hubby's cousin got pregnant her first month of trying and talks about how horrendous her pregnancy was and how she doesn't think she could go through that again. Yada yada yada. I don't care how horrendous my MoSi is, how tired I am, or if I have back pain ... I'll still bloody well enjoy it and not take it for granted ...

Rant over!!

How you feeling at the moment? How's the progesterone affecting you?


You have all these expectations, don't you? "If I get 10 eggs fertilised, that's 2 for transfer and 8 for freezing. That's 4 more goes before another collection." How shite, then, when that doesn't happen at all! I still don't know what happened to my 8 and 9 cell embryos that were going to be observed. They say they're going to send me a letter to tell me "their fate" (her poor choice of words). Why not just phone me? Surely that's more human? Sorry, the letter might say, your embryos were shit and died. Could a human being not tell me that, rather than a letter through the door?

Mine is very similar to yours. Fertilisation rate compared to acceptable embryos, it's very poor. I have the same thought in the back of my mind. Do you think to yourself "I could have been pregnant time and time again only the embryos did not divide"? That is what I keep thinking.

I'd go through the shittest pregnancy there was if I got a baby at the end of it and you know what? I would not complain once. Sickness? Fine. Not drinking? Fine. I can't stand these people who complain about not being able to have a glass of wine whilst rubbing their swollen belly.

I feel okay. Not too hopeful, but I never did. I'm trying to get this Positive Thinking down to a T but I find it very difficult. I just have this worrisome intuituion thing going on.

Randomly, when did your trigger shot come out of your system? Did you do cheapie tests to make sure it was gone?

thats ok, whenever is fine-day was good ta
what are your distraction plans today?was transformers any good?
thats ok, whenever is fine-day was good ta
what are your distraction plans today?was transformers any good?

Plans for today? Hmm. Shopping list. Watch Jeremy Kyle. Not convince myself that every cramp is implantation and not progesterone. Make cakes, maybe, when I go shopping for ingredients. Listen to Blue Man Group. Laze around. Laze around some more. Maybe a bit more. Try hypnosis CD one more time to see if I can get past the fact that I question everything it says.

Y'know, the usual.

Transformers was quite good. Quite funny. Wish there was some eye candy in it though. The main bloke is a show and so was his little mate. It's unfair that the blokes get female eye candy and we get some little big nosed wimp thing.
:rofl: at big nosed wimp thing
plans sound good, especially the cake one!
:rofl: at big nosed wimp thing
plans sound good, especially the cake one!

Surely there are better looking 'leading men' than him? Then again, the only decent looking celebrities these days play sports!!!

Going to make cup cakes I think. So much for eating healthy. The Toffee Crisps (Xavi and Iniesta) might want cup cakes.
See, now thats what i call pma!!!of course they want cupcakes-its exactly what they need!!!
God, it can only last so long, can't it, the PMA? I just got an email off working asking if I moved mountains before I went off for 2 weeks.

"She wants to know if, when you booked these visits, you requested that a laptop be taken in at the same time?"

Considering I booked these visits a week and a half ago, left a note for somebody else to request authorities for a laptop to be taken in, why would I have? They ignore requests for authorisation unless you send them in closer to the time. I can just imagine a certain person in the office now.

"I TOLD her to do this and she hasn't done it."

Yeah, because I couldn't, at the time.

Tell me now, why am I worrying about this? Why am I getting in a panic about this?
Because you are a responsible kinda girl but stuff them and ignore the email, they shouldnt really be contacting you and there is nothing you can do about it anyway-pah dont they know you have cakes to bake????and toffee crisps!;)
Hey CS

I do sometimes think of those times when AF was 12 hours later than normal and wonder if I had managed to conceive but then lost it ... But then I just have to remove that thought from my mind or I'd be in the local nuthouse.

Hope you're enjoying JK ... Are you one of those people that shouts at the numpties that appear on his show, and call them trollops, imbeciles, or wankers at the top of your voice? I only ask because my BIL's fiancee does that - she then says the programme winds her up. So of course me being me, I ask why she bothers watching something that irritates her so much?

Anyhoo, I'm going to go make some scrambled eggs for tea ... yum yum
Randomly, when did your trigger shot come out of your system? Did you do cheapie tests to make sure it was gone?


Hey Chic

I read somewhere that it can take up to 14 days for the HCG trigger to come out of system bu all depends on how much you took. Seem to rememebr i had a dose of 5000mi and that that takes 10 days if you have 10000 its up to a full 14days. Do you know how much you took as it is on the internet somewhere if you know your does? I read something like a day for every 1000mi....dont quote me but! hope this helps :)
Hope you don't mind me chipping in here CurlySue (again she says) as for symptoms early on I agree there is a lot of hype about symptom spotting but the only thing I felt, and I really did feel it was my boobs at 10dpo they really, really hurt (which is what prompted me to test). I had other symptoms around the same time (very cold and snotty) but seriously I think most of it is coincidence but the boobs they were real and for most women that really is the first thing you feel before AF is due. I thought I hadn't been lucky that month as I had no 'symptoms' but there is truth in some, I promise, just not that early on (0-9dpo for me) but can be before period is due. Hope that gives a different perspective.

Anyway still doing all the positive thoughts and vibes for you. Hope you enjoyed transformers. x

9 and 10dpo I understand, the embryo has implanted by then and the HCG is being released. It makes sense. What I DONT believe in is those that say they feel symptoms from 1dpo. That's shite. Sorry, but it is. Genetically predisposed to pregnancy or not, you are not pregnant at 1dpo. Your egg is fertilising, yes, but that's it. It's just a fertilised egg, nothing more. It's why hospitals whilst doing IVF wait until day 3 at least before freezing because at day 1 (or 1dpo) it's nothing but that. A fertilised egg. Might not even have started dividing at that stage.

At 9dpo, it might've been implanted in your uterus for 2 days already. The pregnancy hormone would be working its way around at that stage and symptoms might be setting in. You could get a positive test at this stage.

Totally agree hon that's what I was trying to say :blush: I felt nothing till way after implantation (but before period), backing up that I think you guys are right. Sorry if I didn't make sense. x
Hey CS

I do sometimes think of those times when AF was 12 hours later than normal and wonder if I had managed to conceive but then lost it ... But then I just have to remove that thought from my mind or I'd be in the local nuthouse.

Hope you're enjoying JK ... Are you one of those people that shouts at the numpties that appear on his show, and call them trollops, imbeciles, or wankers at the top of your voice? I only ask because my BIL's fiancee does that - she then says the programme winds her up. So of course me being me, I ask why she bothers watching something that irritates her so much?

Anyhoo, I'm going to go make some scrambled eggs for tea ... yum yum

Ooh scrambled eggs. Story of our lives, eh? Had the most loveliest tomato pasta. Got all my cake ingredients as well, Toby, shall be making those tomorrow. Am going to play Bree Van Der Kamp, I think. Passes the time!!!

I was never regular. One month, I had some very convincing evaps. I was possibly a day or two late then. Were they evaps or DID I conceive and the embyro just didn't stick properly? Must be SOME reason why it never stuck after all this time!

Didn't bother with Jeremy Kyle. In fact, I didn't watch any proper TV today. I raided my Sky Plus for previously recorded shite like The Swan and A Place in the Sun, etc. Feel Good TV. The Swan always makes me cry for some reason. Dying of cramps today (and for the past few days, in fact) and it just psychologically damages me, I think.

Hopefully the eggs will taste nice for you. I have raspberry smoothie lolly ice for afters, mmm. And we just signed Glen Johnson ffs. That just made the day plummet downhill :hissy:
Hope you don't mind me chipping in here CurlySue (again she says) as for symptoms early on I agree there is a lot of hype about symptom spotting but the only thing I felt, and I really did feel it was my boobs at 10dpo they really, really hurt (which is what prompted me to test). I had other symptoms around the same time (very cold and snotty) but seriously I think most of it is coincidence but the boobs they were real and for most women that really is the first thing you feel before AF is due. I thought I hadn't been lucky that month as I had no 'symptoms' but there is truth in some, I promise, just not that early on (0-9dpo for me) but can be before period is due. Hope that gives a different perspective.

Anyway still doing all the positive thoughts and vibes for you. Hope you enjoyed transformers. x

9 and 10dpo I understand, the embryo has implanted by then and the HCG is being released. It makes sense. What I DONT believe in is those that say they feel symptoms from 1dpo. That's shite. Sorry, but it is. Genetically predisposed to pregnancy or not, you are not pregnant at 1dpo. Your egg is fertilising, yes, but that's it. It's just a fertilised egg, nothing more. It's why hospitals whilst doing IVF wait until day 3 at least before freezing because at day 1 (or 1dpo) it's nothing but that. A fertilised egg. Might not even have started dividing at that stage.

At 9dpo, it might've been implanted in your uterus for 2 days already. The pregnancy hormone would be working its way around at that stage and symptoms might be setting in. You could get a positive test at this stage.

Totally agree hon that's what I was trying to say :blush: I felt nothing till way after implantation (but before period), backing up that I think you guys are right. Sorry if I didn't make sense. x

Just drives me mad when people say "Do you feel pregnant yet?" when it's been like two days and that's totally impossible.

You did make sense. Complete sense :hug:
Because you are a responsible kinda girl but stuff them and ignore the email, they shouldnt really be contacting you and there is nothing you can do about it anyway-pah dont they know you have cakes to bake????and toffee crisps!;)

They are such tw*ts that they would not care. Grr.
Randomly, when did your trigger shot come out of your system? Did you do cheapie tests to make sure it was gone?


Hey Chic

I read somewhere that it can take up to 14 days for the HCG trigger to come out of system bu all depends on how much you took. Seem to rememebr i had a dose of 5000mi and that that takes 10 days if you have 10000 its up to a full 14days. Do you know how much you took as it is on the internet somewhere if you know your does? I read something like a day for every 1000mi....dont quote me but! hope this helps :)

I had 5000. I don't feel particularly hopeful anyway. Still showing up with something today. Probably the last 'bfp' I'll ever see :dohh:
:hugs: Someone is actually asking if you feel pregnant? Blimey :shock: Am I allowed to call them a t**t? PS. Love the toffee crisp sparkly.
:hugs: Someone is actually asking if you feel pregnant? Blimey :shock: Am I allowed to call them a t**t? PS. Love the toffee crisp sparkly.

Gobshites, eh?

Hope I don't have to lose the sparkly toffee crisps soon. I like them.

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