I'd go so far as to bet a whole lot of money on the fact that I'm not, to be honest. Lets just call it a lifelong hunch.
It's probably natural to feel like it hasn't worked. It's probably NOT natural to pretty much know from the day you can even have thoughts of this kind that you're not going to have kids. When my friends were playing with baby dolls as a little girl I always just 'knew' that wouldn't be me. Said it to my OH when I met him. "I think there's something wrong with me." Cue testing which proved me right. How did I know that at seven years old? We all know our bodies, I guess.
Would love to be proven wrong but I've been right thusfar.
Sorry, but I just am. Would love to be different but I just don't feel it.
Theres a spark of hope in there somewhere or you wouldnt be putting yourself through this and thats all you need even if you dont know its there or cant connect with it. You may be right or wrong with your life long hunch but you must be in with a chance.
Distraction sounds like the way forward to me today-get in that kitchen and bake your cake!!!Dont come out till there are iced and looking lovelyxxxx
It just feels right to me. Thanks for the cheerleading though, Toby. That was sweet.
Gut instinct. I knew there was something wrong with ME. I knew it was me. I always knew it was me. Your gut instinct is that you will have twins, Chocci. Mine is that I will not have children at all. I went through IVF so that I could at least try to prove my 'instinct' wrong but it's just not shifting.
I had such a surge of hope when they told me I had 10 eggs fertilised. Such a crashing blow when I realised only two of them had divided as they should have done. High. Low. I liken it to a little trip to Barcelona I had recently where everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, went right. It was perfect. Utterly perfect. Things which should not have worked worked, things which had not been mathematically planned for fell perfectly in favour.
Three minutes. Three minutes to go before the most fantastic night ever. And it all fucked up.
So many things had gone right (good egg number, good fertilisation number, ringing bells, here) and yet three minutes from the end, right in front of us, it all 'went to shit'.
Wish it had been hopeless from the start. At least then we wouldn't have got excited about it. I'd rather have no hope than false hope.
As you can see I simply feel shite today.