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IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

Hi ladies

I got a huge scare, I was wiping (sorry TMI) and a bit of blood was on the tissue, it's gone now. I was worried because I had such a strenuous day at work today. I think (and hope I'm correct) that it's the irritation from the cyclogest.

Now every 20 minutes I'm going to the toilet to check if everything is ok. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Hi ladies

I got a huge scare, I was wiping (sorry TMI) and a bit of blood was on the tissue, it's gone now. I was worried because I had such a strenuous day at work today. I think (and hope I'm correct) that it's the irritation from the cyclogest.

Now every 20 minutes I'm going to the toilet to check if everything is ok. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

I had blood a few times during my pregnancy.... I was told that sometimes it gets caught in the cervix and may occasionally leak, rough sex too...I also had irritation from the crinone suppositories one cycle and implantation bleeding my last cycle. Soo scary when it happens..but could be perfectly fine.
thinking of you n8 - hoping that it's just one of the many, many normal reasons to have some blood or spotting. It sounds way more common than we'd all want it to be!
Anyone know pineapple core procedure for implantation? It may be BS but I did with my last two transfers and got pregnant both times. I just can't remember when to start eating it.
Oh I don't know that I would love to try the pineapple this also!

I do have bromelian tablets which I think is what the pineapple has that helps with implantation. I was going to try that but maybe the straight pineapple might be better.
BabyD - I have done the acupuncture during my last IVF, It really made me relax if anything. I did it during stims and then immediately before and after the transfer.

AFM - I just started my Lupron today for my FET, one shot down...about 30 to go!

I'm on buserelin been a week & half now I got told headaches was a massive side effect when DR and as I get a lot of headaches anyway was fully prepared for that but ironically they've been fine xx mostly the bloating forgetfulness oh and mega night sweats I'm so attractive right now haha
Anyone know pineapple core procedure for implantation? It may be BS but I did with my last two transfers and got pregnant both times. I just can't remember when to start eating it.

That's funny that it's supposed to help with implantation, as I've heard it as an old wives tale method of bringing on labor. All the vitamin C is supposed to promote contractions.
Eating the core helps during implantation time only...the bromalein (sp?)... All other times isn't good! :)
N8ie - :hugs: More than likely it's just irritation from the cyclogest but still so scary to see that. My dr told me it's very common and not to worry unless you're cramping or filling a pad every hour.

ttc - congrats on getting started!! Fx you won't have too many side effects from the Lupron.

BabyD - sorry to hear about the chicken pox exposure. Hopefully you'll be fine since you already had it as a child. Fx it won't affect your cycle. I've heard of pineapple helping implantation but I can't remember when you're supposed to start it
Thank you ladies, I think it was the irritation because I only saw the blood that one time and my 20 other visits to the toilet had no blood. It's so scary to think this pregnancy can just end prematurely.

Baby- I also heard about the pineapple core, I didn't try it because I heard in certain quantities it can cause contractions
Hi ladies, quick update from me.
Of our 5 biopsied blastocysts, 1 came back healthy. He/she is a fully hatched blast graded 6BC using the gardner grading system.
Im not sure if that's good or not but im keeping everything crossed tightly *except transfer day*
We are transferring our little snow baby mid November so ill be starting buserelin injections on October 25th for FET.

thanks Dizzy for letting me know, I did have a slight headache yesterday but I thought that was from not drinking enough water.

Em - Thanks hun! I really hope this is it!

Rachy - I don't know if it is good either but I think anything that comes back normal is a good thing! Fxed for you. Do you have your transfer date yet? I am transferring on November 10th. I didn't have my embies biopsied but will if this doesn't work. I would prefer just to have it work though LOL.
All the best Rachy.

Ttc- your transfer date is almost a month away. You must be excited
That's great news Rachy! I think the genetic info is more important than the embryo grading. Good luck for your FET!
Rach you that's fab news x ttc I spoke too soon worse headache ever today can't get shut feel like I drank 2 bottles of wine last night and not had a drop :nope:
Thanks ladies 😆

Ttc, im not sure exactly when it is, if i down regulate quickly and my lining builds as expected, then transfer should be around 2nd/3rd week of November, at a guess id say around the 14th :thumbup: x
Rach you that's fab news x ttc I spoke too soon worse headache ever today can't get shut feel like I drank 2 bottles of wine last night and not had a drop :nope:

Oh boy! I do hope I am spared. Today is only day 2 on Lupron.

Thanks ladies 😆

Ttc, im not sure exactly when it is, if i down regulate quickly and my lining builds as expected, then transfer should be around 2nd/3rd week of November, at a guess id say around the 14th :thumbup: x

Well I think we will be close enough! LOL

N8 - Yes I am so ready for this to work!
Hi ladies

Wishing everyone a great weekend. Today I'm exactly 8 weeks pregnant, I can't believe it's been two months already 😊.
Every time I find 5 quiet minutes to update I get dragged to do something else, so I have been meaning to post for about a week but it's just been manic both in work and out of work.

My appointment went good. The consultant answered all of the questions we wanted answering and is STILL positive that it'll work for us in the next couple of rounds. A quick breakdown of what he said was:
He can't give an answer as to why the IVF didn't work this time, it could be a multiple of things so he has just put it down to IVF usually working 1 out of 3 times so this just wasn't meant to be our time.
I questioned about my stims being lowered because he was so sure that I'd have a great reaction yet we only got 8 eggs. He said that a first IVF cycle is a blank canvas, he has nothing to work with and can only go off what he thinks is best for us. He now knows that lowering the stims was the wrong decision because my follicles didn't grow as well as expected so if we were to do another fresh cycle then the meds would be increased.
I asked what the quality of my eggs and Mark's spermies were like. He said Mark's sperm were great quality and my eggs were also good. That's reassuring!
My main concern was the transfer process and how I thought it was disgusting that I was asked to go in with a full bladder even though they were aware that my uterus is tilted. He agreed and said that there were some notes made on how the transfer process was more difficult than normal. I asked if this would've had an effect on the embryo and he said yes it could have. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was basically admitting that because of their stupid mistake that that could've been the reason that this cycle failed!! I was so angry and told him that there was no way we would be transferring another without number 1, ultrasound guidance and number 2, a mock transfer before the real thing.

We've made the decision to wait until after our Christmas holiday to transfer our last remaining embryo and plan to transfer in January. I have all the forms so it's just a matter of calling them when my period arrives and they will arrange to have the embryo thawed.


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