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IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

I'm so sorry ladies! I just can't seem to keep up with this thread!! I'm still not feeling great and when my little boy is napping I have to lay down myself! I promise to catch up this weekend though!

N8ie, congrats on being 8 weeks!! :happydance:

Amanda, I'm so sorry about your beta :hugs:. This infertility journey to motherhood is so tough sometimes, but I promise it's all worth it in the end!! Sending you :hug: and :dust: for next time!

AFM, I'm 10 1/2 weeks and we just found out that we're having a little girl!! We did a blood DNA test to check for chromosomal abnormalities as I'm over 35, and all results came back normal, thank goodness, plus we found out the gender. We are over the moon as we always wanted one of each, and since we have a beautiful little boy, we can't wait to give him a little sister! :cloud9:

I will catch up here and try to stay on top of things! Hope everyone else is doing well!!
My transfer wasn't as smooth as it could have gone. I had even had a mock transfer done and still they didn't use the right stiffness of catheter. This had more to do with trying to get past my csect scar to a more implantation friendly area though. Most of the time they need a stiffer catheter to even get past my cervix though. I think the mock transfer was more painful than the actual transfer. But I agree my embryo wasn't brought into the room until the catheter was in place. It was a little unnerving with me all splayed out and someone coming walking in through the door. I felt like hey everyone out in the hall, what's up?

hope - how did things go today? I hope your lining was nice and plump.
Hi to everyone else!

Not great, but thanks for asking. My lining is still at 6.7 so this cycle has been canceled. I'm pn provera now for 5 days to bring on AF, which should show in 1-2 weeks. Then we will try for FET in November.

Ren - If all goes well, I will be transferring the same time as you.
Ren - I should be about 8 days ahead of you so we can do this together LOL

Babydreamer - how wonderful, congrats on your healthy lil girl!
Grats baby dreamer!

It is nice to still have some ladies to do this with.:thumbup:
Amanda - you have the right attitude, don't give up! I've been on these boards long enough to see so many women have failed cycles and then go on to get their bfp.

Wish - good luck for Monday!

Hope - I'm sorry to hear about your cancelled cycle. But of course you don't want to transfer precious embryos unless the conditions are perfect. I hope the time until your next cycle passes quickly!

Ren - Nov 18th isn't long at all. Fx for you!

Babydreamer - congrats on your baby girl!
babydreamer congrats on finding our you're having a little princess! Wonderful news :)

Christie, my embryo was already taken out on the first try of setting up the catheter. I assume the embryologist automatically thought that the doctor would be able to set up the first time. I'm still so angry over it because we've spent so much money!!!!

Amanda I am so sorry...! Sending hugs to you!
Wish - thinking of you...

Tina, I totally can imagine your anger and disappointment. But don't beat up yourself too much about it. Try to relax for now, and I am sure you will have some good news next January!

Afm - I have some good but not that reassuring news. I went to my 7w1d scan today and we found 3 sacs!! (imagine my reaction when I heard RE "How many did we transfer??") But only 2 heartbeats (the third sac was empty, one embryo split).

One baby measured 7w1d but the other one 6w6d only, in a rather small sac (RE: "Humm a bit small.."). Both of them had a heartbeat but on the lower side (120bpm and 122bpm).

I am now starting extra hcg injection to "bring up the heartbeat" and I will go back in a week's time. I am hoping that we will see growth of both sacs and babies, and higher heartbeat rates!!

Although I am a bit worried because I don't seem to have much symptom. Last pregnancy I was vomiting non stop I ended in A&E. I am hoping for the best and sending good vibes to my babies to grow!
luciola - I hope the hcg does the trick and both twinnies thrive! FX'ed for you. I don't see how 120 is a low bpm but heck, i guess i'm not the doctor.

hope - ugh, i'm so sorry. All expectations out the window for this cycle, but Nov is looking good for 3 of you ladies on here. Let's cook those turkeys! I agree with Em - you want all conditions to be just right. Nov 18th will be here quickly, I just know it.

afm - not too much going on here. 11dpiui and nary a boob pain and only tiny little niggles in the uterus every now and then. My head gets a little fuzzy every now and then but that happens sometimes. But I do have some really wet/creamy CM happening and that never happens this late in the game. I'm on Crinone but that doesn't come out in such a manner. So we'll see. Beta on Monday.
luciola neither of my twins measured the same at 6w or 8w. I think they were off by 2 days each time and it wasn't the same twin both times that was ahead. I figure getting just the right angle to get a perfect measurement when they are that little has to be difficult. So since they were close, both with heartbeats, I didn't see a need to worry. At my 6w2d scan the heartbeats were low. I want to say 1teens. Then at 8w2d they were around 180. They may have just had their little heartbeats for a few days and they need time to get going.

IMO I think your twins numbers are good. How far along are you?
Hi ladies hope your all doing ok congrats on the bby girl and twins wow hopefully both will get stronger and stronger.

Hope sorry it's been cancelled I have every hope for you in November with the other girls

afm pre stim scan today
Lining nice and thin ovaries good to go ( no cysts huge relief) start stims tonight back next wed for a scan to see how it's going was going to be Thursday but as my original bloods showed a high hormone level they want to keep an eye out for over stim another step forward in the crazy journey next step attempting the drugs mixing tonight sounds faffy :dohh:
I am such an idiot just did my usual 0.5 of down reg med instead of reducing it on the 1st night to 0.2 of starting stims hope this doesn't cause a problem such an idiot so mad at myself
Luciola, congratulations on finding out you're having twins!!! You must be over the moon but I can also see why you're worrying too. I haven't been in your situation but it sounds like as the girls say that it seems very normal! Remember symptoms are different with every pregnancy so don't be too disheartened that you're not having every symptom in the book yet.

Dizzy, congrats on your baseline scan going well! so exciting that your journey is just beginning! Sending you tonnes of luck

Hi ladies.

Wish- all the best for Monday

1baby- congratulations, so it's a girl. That's great.

Hope- sorry about the cancelled cycle.

Tina- I'm sorry and please try not to be so mad. Let's hope the next cycle is your successful one.

Luciola- congrats on twins. Wow.

Dizzy- all the best

Afm- today I'm officially 9 WEEKS pregnant. I'm so happy and cannot wait for the 1st trimester to be over so that I can stress less about a MC.

Hope all you ladies have a great weekend
That's great N8ie!!!! Hope the next 3 weeks fly by!

As for me, the last few days have been awful to be honest. But, yesterday I went to see my doctor and he gave us the go ahead to start a frozen cycle right away. I start estrace today, then if all goes well, transfer nov. 3. One thing he changed.....have to be on PIO instead of the progesterone suppositories. Not really excited about that, but apparently it's better, especially in a frozen cycle.
I hope the PIO makes a difference for you. I just participated in FET study where they were testing the effectiveness of the suppositories vs PIO. There have been several studies now that show the suppositories are just as effective. For me I was on suppositories twice a day every day and PIO once every third day. Both my embryos implanted and I"m now 12w pregnant.
good luck, amanda! hoping this is the magic cycle!! I'm glad you were able to start again so quickly.
Amanda - good luck! The PIO isn't too bad once you get past the first shot. My DH has been doing them for me and we use a 25 gauge needle to inject so I can't even feel it. FETs are so much less stressful on the body. Hopefully this will be the ticket to your bfp!
Hi ALL :wave:<3

Just a quick update. I go Wednesday 10-21-15 for my hysteroscopy. If the ol' uterus gets a clean bill of health :thumbup:, I can start IVF cycle #1 with my donor ASAP. This is the final hurdle (test) before moving forward with DE IVF. I need all the prayers I can get ladies!! I'm so nervous, I hope I'm cleared!!

Congratulations to all expecting moms and lots of sticky :dust: to all TTC!!

Hi Amanda :hugs:

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