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IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

Wow Tina it sounds as if your Dr was honest with you. It seems mine always finds a reason why it WASNT their fault. I think waiting till after the holidays might be good for you emotionally. I know that on my first cycle, I didn't get as many eggs as they thought also and my RE basically made me feel like it was my fault. On my second they changed my meds and it seems to have done the trick in getting a good amount of embies.
tina - I'm glad your doc was honest with you. I would assume most are like ttc's simply out of fear or concern they'll be sued. I love your plan for the next round, though - sounds solid!!
Hi ladies! I have so much to catch up on with all of you, sorry I haven't been by.

N8ie -I can't believe you are 8 weeks pregnant already, wow!!!

Tina - Sounds like your Dr was honest which is nice. Hopefully they can learn from their mistakes and the next go around will work for you.

Hi to everyone else I need to catch up on.

AFM - I was supposed to have my transfer this Wed, but when I went for my scan last Friday my lining was only 6.7 on CD13. My Dr had me increase estrace and now my transfer appointment is a scan appointment to check my lining. I'm hoping it's thick enough, if so I start PIO and transfer will be a week from today. If it's not, this cycle will be cancelled. FX'd
Tina- I'm glad your doctor was honest with you. I also have a tilted womb. My first IVF my doctor wasn't aware and that's probably why it failed. On my second IVF I had the endometrial scratch done and that's when she realized that my womb is tilted and she decided that we shock do a mock transfer to prepare us. I think that all helped to make it a successful cycle.

I'm hoping for the best for your transfer later on, please stay positive.

Hope, hoping your lining gets thick and you can continue with this cycle. Stay strong and update is.
Just popping in don't think tilted womb has ougt to do with ig as it effects womb not access to cervix.
Mine very tilted and has just caused problems for ultrasounds coz they can't see hardly ought ! Without internals!

But I defo think having problems with transfer effects the success rates!
With my 2 failed cycles they bashed my cervix and was abit rough and I mothiced they didn't put catheter all the way to top

These last 2 successful cycles have been smooth and embies been dropped at top of womb! X
Tina - that is pretty amazing your dr was so honest and took responsibility for the failed cycle. I'm glad you have a plan going forward to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Hope - fx for tomorrow! Hopefully you will see a lot of growth from last friday!

N8ie - wow 8 weeks congrats!!
so sorry Amanda. I know how disappointing it can be. huge cyber hug!
Em - how are you doing? When do you get to see your lil one again?
So sorry to hear that Amanda. :hugs: :cry:

Hope, you are getting really close. Sorry it moved another week. Your lining will hopefully be perfectly snuggly for this perfect embryo.

We will be transferring our last embryo on November 18th. I stop birth control in 10 days.
Amanda- I'm so sorry.

Renaendel- all the best for the 18th of November.
Thanks everyone!! I've been a basket case all afternoon, but somewhere deep down I know this will pass, and we'll move on. The only thought going through my head, is "what if I will never be pregnant?" But I know that's just the irrational side of me talking. Hehe the little rational part of me never wins, ms. Irrational is just a big bully.
We have an appointment Friday to discuss what happened, and how to proceed with our one frozen blast. Hope we don't have to wait too long for that transfer. Sigh
So sorry to hear your sad news Amanda :( Sending big hugs

bettybee - having a tilted womb can make the transfer process difficult. I was asked to go in with a full bladder and because of this the doctor couldn't get access to my womb because my bladder was blocking it. The embryo had already been taken out of the incubator so had to go back in again and even the second time of trying after emptying my bladder was difficult. The catheter had to be removed once more and attachments were put on it to be able to enter my womb. All in all a messed up process!

Tina - the embryo should not have been removed till the catheter was correctly . Having a full bladder would not effect your womb. When it's tipped as it lays over your bowel, how ever if your bowel was full that could effect it the fact that he still struggled after might mean he needed to use a finer catheter I would ask for mock transfer before your next go.
Amanda - Sorry hun :hugs: It's so frustrating to go through all these emotions and procedures, just to be let down.
amanda - :hugs: I'm so sorry. I have my beta on Monday and am already riddled with anxiety.
Unnecessarily, I guess. I've heard a lot of quotes lately about worry - "worrying about tomorrow takes away the peace of today" is my fave so far.
You'll get your LO - I hope they have an incredible plan in place for you come Friday!

ren - FX'ed so hard for 11/18!!!

hope - how did things go today? I hope your lining was nice and plump.

n8 - 8 weeks!! that's awesome!

Hi to everyone else!

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