IVF Cycle in August

I have 15 follicles to right ovary and 8 to left. They're only between 5-8mm, like to see 11mm at this stage, so increasing Menopur to 4 vials (300 iu) and 2 solutions to give them a boost. Fingers crossed for Friday- i'm just glad they're doing something! My lining was 5.5mm too.

Thanks for all the well wishes today, you ladies are amazing xxx
Oh what fabulous numbers!! Keep talking to them and tell em to have a nice little growth spurt!!:happydance:

Hope that you feel a bit better now that you know that' something is most definitely happening!

Total roller coaster ride huh!!! x
Hi Emmi, really is a roller coaster. Just had a call to say we're going up to 5 vials of menopur- hec!! Hope I don't get OHSS!! :) Are you ok? x
Crikey - that's a lot but they will monitor you and make sure that you are okay.:hugs:

I am okay - excited and nervous about starting the next injection tonight - will be on 3 tonight!! It's been really good watching the drugs diminish from the big scary box that arrived a few weeks ago:happydance:

I am okay in general but so tired.....I am just not sleeping at all through all of this and if I do sleep - I have bonkers dreams so wake up all the time. Am knackered!!!:help:

But - I keep thinking of the end goal and thats what keeps me and all of us going:thumbup: xxx
Baby..wow a great number of follies that will grow for you by Fri, especially as your be on 5 vials of Menopur! I was on 6 vials from the start and ended up with 6 follies before EC although they were different sizes due to my age & being a poor responder, yours sound promising & will grow.x :hugs:

Emmi..I know how you feel, with every step of the IVF process it brings something else for us to think/worry about, no wonder we can't sleep!:wacko:

Pinkie & Teen..how are you today? :hugs:

Qwerty..when did you first notice your symptoms? when is your beta? :baby:

This will make you laugh ladies!..:haha:

I've had to have a lazy day today after a hectic yesterday! Yesterday I had to sit an exam after ET, I had tried to cancel but then OH & I decided that so long as I rested for a few hours before I should be ok to sit it. Had thought it would take over an hour, instead it took nearly 3hrs!..didn't get back home until 10pm, was exhausted!:wacko:

You think that would be it but after weeing & half asleep, I thought I do my Cyclogest pessaries..I double dosed, was meant to take one in the morning & the other at night! :dohh: My OH was beside himself so rang the emergency fertility number! Nurse sounded half asleep but said I'd be ok as the embryo. So ladies make sure your awake when doing your drugs!:dohh:

I have some backache & my left ovary is sore, they explained yesterday that the smaller follicles can release their fluid causing discomfort..can you ladies explain it any better to me?:hugs:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!

I have 15 follicles to right ovary and 8 to left. They're only between 5-8mm, like to see 11mm at this stage, so increasing Menopur to 4 vials (300 iu) and 2 solutions to give them a boost. Fingers crossed for Friday- i'm just glad they're doing something! My lining was 5.5mm too.

Thanks for all the well wishes today, you ladies are amazing xxx

WOWZA, follie queen! HAHAH be sure you drink a lot of sports drinks or anything with electrolytes! Good luck!!!! :happydance:
Baby..wow a great number of follies that will grow for you by Fri, especially as your be on 5 vials of Menopur! I was on 6 vials from the start and ended up with 6 follies before EC although they were different sizes due to my age & being a poor responder, yours sound promising & will grow.x :hugs:

Emmi..I know how you feel, with every step of the IVF process it brings something else for us to think/worry about, no wonder we can't sleep!:wacko:

Pinkie & Teen..how are you today? :hugs:

Qwerty..when did you first notice your symptoms? when is your beta? :baby:

This will make you laugh ladies!..:haha:

I've had to have a lazy day today after a hectic yesterday! Yesterday I had to sit an exam after ET, I had tried to cancel but then OH & I decided that so long as I rested for a few hours before I should be ok to sit it. Had thought it would take over an hour, instead it took nearly 3hrs!..didn't get back home until 10pm, was exhausted!:wacko:

You think that would be it but after weeing & half asleep, I thought I do my Cyclogest pessaries..I double dosed, was meant to take one in the morning & the other at night! :dohh: My OH was beside himself so rang the emergency fertility number! Nurse sounded half asleep but said I'd be ok as the embryo. So ladies make sure your awake when doing your drugs!:dohh:

I have some backache & my left ovary is sore, they explained yesterday that the smaller follicles can release their fluid causing discomfort..can you ladies explain it any better to me?:hugs:

Crikey and ouchy!!!!Yep - be awake during the whole drug thing!! And how sweet was your OH worrying about you:kiss:

Not sure about that follicle fluid:wacko:

Can't believe that you had an exam and did it!!! Good for you!!! My brain just doesn't work at the moment - IVF fog!!! xxx
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!


Awwww Honey!! Can you take any time of work at all?? I think if I had to be around people on that 2ww wait - I may just commit murder!! And to think all you have been through and now waiting to see the outcome - of course you are angry, frustrated and PO'd......Only natural! Have a mantra that you say that you just repeat when you feel that you are going lose the plot - just say it over and over so you don't just speak out etc. It does work xxxx
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!


Awwww Honey!! Can you take any time of work at all?? I think if I had to be around people on that 2ww wait - I may just commit murder!! And to think all you have been through and now waiting to see the outcome - of course you are angry, frustrated and PO'd......Only natural! Have a mantra that you say that you just repeat when you feel that you are going lose the plot - just say it over and over so you don't just speak out etc. It does work xxxx

I told my hubby - I want to be a stay at home mom to my embaby. LOL I took off a week and two days for the EC and ET. So now I just need to deal with it.

I was feeling so good up until last night LOL EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! I feel like singing Mariah Carey's song, YOU got me feeling emotionssssssssssss!! HAHAH I just got to make the best of it. 3 more days!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!


Awwww Honey!! Can you take any time of work at all?? I think if I had to be around people on that 2ww wait - I may just commit murder!! And to think all you have been through and now waiting to see the outcome - of course you are angry, frustrated and PO'd......Only natural! Have a mantra that you say that you just repeat when you feel that you are going lose the plot - just say it over and over so you don't just speak out etc. It does work xxxx

I told my hubby - I want to be a stay at home mom to my embaby. LOL I took off a week and two days for the EC and ET. So now I just need to deal with it.

I was feeling so good up until last night LOL EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! I feel like singing Mariah Carey's song, YOU got me feeling emotionssssssssssss!! HAHAH I just got to make the best of it. 3 more days!!!

Awww - 3 more days Honey!!!! I work for myself so thank the Lord I can do what I need to stop me going bonkers! I have been nearly yelling at everyone at the moment - I can't cope with people asking me too many questions - it's making me mad! I actually told my family that I am fine and I will call them as I just can't cope with the stress of asking a zillion things:shrug: They are like - we just want to know that you are okay but I am like - GO AWAY!!!!! :winkwink: xxx
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!


Awwww Honey!! Can you take any time of work at all?? I think if I had to be around people on that 2ww wait - I may just commit murder!! And to think all you have been through and now waiting to see the outcome - of course you are angry, frustrated and PO'd......Only natural! Have a mantra that you say that you just repeat when you feel that you are going lose the plot - just say it over and over so you don't just speak out etc. It does work xxxx

I told my hubby - I want to be a stay at home mom to my embaby. LOL I took off a week and two days for the EC and ET. So now I just need to deal with it.

I was feeling so good up until last night LOL EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! I feel like singing Mariah Carey's song, YOU got me feeling emotionssssssssssss!! HAHAH I just got to make the best of it. 3 more days!!!

Awww - 3 more days Honey!!!! I work for myself so thank the Lord I can do what I need to stop me going bonkers! I have been nearly yelling at everyone at the moment - I can't cope with people asking me too many questions - it's making me mad! I actually told my family that I am fine and I will call them as I just can't cope with the stress of asking a zillion things:shrug: They are like - we just want to know that you are okay but I am like - GO AWAY!!!!! :winkwink: xxx

It is a bit like that, it's like we're being wrapped in cotton wool! It's nice that everyone cares but sometimes it's too much :dohh:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!


Hormones!!:wacko: I've got this to come!..Deep breathe or count to 5 before answering your colleagues hon! :winkwink:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh man, am I glad I am not the only one. I thought I was being so so mean. HAHAH But it's like enough is enough.

But I do need to stop and think, the only part they really know about is the pregnancy. They don't know the process of IVF. I have to be a little sympathetic to that part of it.

I can't wait until my BETA on Friday! WHEW!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I was feeling so good up until last night LOL EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! I feel like singing Mariah Carey's song, YOU got me feeling emotionssssssssssss!! HAHAH I just got to make the best of it. 3 more days!!!

Lol that song used to be my fav! Tee hang in there girl! You are so close!

Wow things are moving here! Great follies report BD, you have lots of time still until Friday.

To answer some questions...I started feeling sore boobs maybe two days after the 5dtransfer but again I really do think this is from the progesterone. I guess the only real symptom is kind of pulling and bloating sore feeling that felt different from AF cramps and that was after I tested on Sunday. We went for a hike and I think I overdid it because the soreness was way worse that night. I don't have any other symptoms.

The fluid is a local inflammatory response that actually happens on a smaller scale when we ovulate normally. That fluid is in a place that it isn't really supposed to be and can be really painful ( I had a ruptured ovarian cyst a few years ago and needed to go to ER) but it should go away after a few days. I used a heating pad tns after EC and it helped a lot and I also used it for about ten minutes a night after transfer for a few days and it helped with the cramping.
Oh and beta is tomorrow! In other news I got my 3 month notice from work today. So if this cycle doesn't work we will try to squeeze another in but then won't be able to afford any more IVF :(. I knew that my position was ending in July... The December thing was just a fun surprise due to lack of funding. Oy. Husband lost his too (we're both scientists and funding is tight right now) so I am tring to be relaxed as I can while we find someone new in the next few months.

I hear you about the family support. It's nice to have someone to talk with since I def haven't told friends or work colleagues, but I kinda just want them to send me flowers and be quiet.
Oh and beta is tomorrow! In other news I got my 3 month notice from work today. So if this cycle doesn't work we will try to squeeze another in but then won't be able to afford any more IVF :(. I knew that my position was ending in July... The December thing was just a fun surprise due to lack of funding. Oy. Husband lost his too (we're both scientists and funding is tight right now) so I am tring to be relaxed as I can while we find someone new in the next few months.

I hear you about the family support. It's nice to have someone to talk with since I def haven't told friends or work colleagues, but I kinda just want them to send me flowers and be quiet.

:dust: for that Beta tomorrow. I am so sorry to hear about your job, especially while going through this journey, that's a lot to take in. I have faith, and I am praying for you!!! BFP! BFP! BFP! I'm chanting, and hoping for HIGH numbers!
Oh and beta is tomorrow! In other news I got my 3 month notice from work today. So if this cycle doesn't work we will try to squeeze another in but then won't be able to afford any more IVF :(. I knew that my position was ending in July... The December thing was just a fun surprise due to lack of funding. Oy. Husband lost his too (we're both scientists and funding is tight right now) so I am tring to be relaxed as I can while we find someone new in the next few months.

I hear you about the family support. It's nice to have someone to talk with since I def haven't told friends or work colleagues, but I kinda just want them to send me flowers and be quiet.

Sorry to hear about your job and also your hubby's job - never good to add extra stress to it all.....My husband is a Fine Art lecturer and we don't know about his hours at the moment - I can't cope with the extra stress so am a bit snappy - well actually on the point of murdering him:dohh:

Agree - love my family sooooo much but my parents are driving me batty - just send me flowers indeed!! They ask such basic questions - have you had your breakfast etc.....I know they are worried about my welfare but jeez - shhh already!!!:shrug: x
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh man, am I glad I am not the only one. I thought I was being so so mean. HAHAH But it's like enough is enough.

But I do need to stop and think, the only part they really know about is the pregnancy. They don't know the process of IVF. I have to be a little sympathetic to that part of it.

I can't wait until my BETA on Friday! WHEW!!

Nope - you are not the only one at all.....And I am not sleeping at all with all the anxiety so in general - I just want people to be quite:winkwink: But that is just not happening!! Not long for you to go now - so just hang on in there:flower: xxx
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies! I think I am going mad!

I have a mssive headache which hasn't gone away from last night. I had a restless sleep because of INSANE dreams (not bad because it entailed me and Stefan from the Vapire Diaries, HELLO).

This morning I come in to work and I snapped at a coworker because she said my headache was because I got a baby growing. I got soooooo PO'd that I walked away. I love the support and the positvity, but I can't take it anymore. They don't know if I'm pregnant, and I don't know! I think every symptom mean I am but then I say, could be the meds, could be AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, yet I'm holding everything under a microscope.

I feel so angry today! I'm never like this either. This TWW is no freakin joke! GRRR. I'm so thankful to have this group, you all get it and I'm so glad I have somewhere to go off with out someone asking why I'm pissed at them! LOL

OK - going to catch up with the posts! Love you all!!!


Awwww Honey!! Can you take any time of work at all?? I think if I had to be around people on that 2ww wait - I may just commit murder!! And to think all you have been through and now waiting to see the outcome - of course you are angry, frustrated and PO'd......Only natural! Have a mantra that you say that you just repeat when you feel that you are going lose the plot - just say it over and over so you don't just speak out etc. It does work xxxx

I told my hubby - I want to be a stay at home mom to my embaby. LOL I took off a week and two days for the EC and ET. So now I just need to deal with it.

I was feeling so good up until last night LOL EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! I feel like singing Mariah Carey's song, YOU got me feeling emotionssssssssssss!! HAHAH I just got to make the best of it. 3 more days!!!

Awww - 3 more days Honey!!!! I work for myself so thank the Lord I can do what I need to stop me going bonkers! I have been nearly yelling at everyone at the moment - I can't cope with people asking me too many questions - it's making me mad! I actually told my family that I am fine and I will call them as I just can't cope with the stress of asking a zillion things:shrug: They are like - we just want to know that you are okay but I am like - GO AWAY!!!!! :winkwink: xxx

It is a bit like that, it's like we're being wrapped in cotton wool! It's nice that everyone cares but sometimes it's too much :dohh:

Yep - it's too much!!! I might need to go and live in a cave:wacko: xx

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