IVF Cycle in August

Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!

Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!


Oh Pinkie - I am so so sorry to hear that. Am a bit teary....:cry: my mum nearly died a few years ago - heart attacks and organ failure but she pulled through as my brother was expecting his first child - her first grandchild. So she beat all the odds - and then just as we started private IVF - she was diagnosed with breast cancer.......I was a total mess........But the cancer drugs are working and she is just waiting to meet our new baby.....That keeps her and me going...

So yes - through the heartbreak and tears - I hope that she will be able to hold your little baba.:hugs:

I am thinking about you and words just fail me - life is so unfair sometimes.....

Glad AF has come - sending lots of hugs to you. xxxxx
Thanks for your kind words Emmi, I am feeling like life is very unfair sometimes and it certainly likes to challenge us. I hope that some positive news from me will help my mum keep fighting.

I am so sorry to hear about your mum too, it is a very cruel disease i hope she is staying strong and fighting. Its really not what we need right now is it but when is there a right time. Big hugs to you and your family. :hugs:

I hope the stims are going well, do you have your 2nd scan this week to get your EC date?
Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!


Pinkie, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news..:cry: during my stims my dad had a heart attack & was hospitalised, I was in pieces so I can only imagine how you feel..don't feel bad about sharing your news..we are here to support each other through good & bad. :hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!


Oh Pinkie - I am so so sorry to hear that. Am a bit teary....:cry: my mum nearly died a few years ago - heart attacks and organ failure but she pulled through as my brother was expecting his first child - her first grandchild. So she beat all the odds - and then just as we started private IVF - she was diagnosed with breast cancer.......I was a total mess........But the cancer drugs are working and she is just waiting to meet our new baby.....That keeps her and me going...

So yes - through the heartbreak and tears - I hope that she will be able to hold your little baba.:hugs:

I am thinking about you and words just fail me - life is so unfair sometimes.....

Glad AF has come - sending lots of hugs to you. xxxxx

Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!


so sorry Pinkie :( and yes, it is better that you know. my mom would have done the same thing and i would have been so sad if i couldn't have gone through it with her.
Thanks for your kind words Emmi, I am feeling like life is very unfair sometimes and it certainly likes to challenge us. I hope that some positive news from me will help my mum keep fighting.

I am so sorry to hear about your mum too, it is a very cruel disease i hope she is staying strong and fighting. Its really not what we need right now is it but when is there a right time. Big hugs to you and your family. :hugs:

I hope the stims are going well, do you have your 2nd scan this week to get your EC date?

Positive news will keep her fighting - a little baba in the family will just keep her fighting it! They were about to switch of my mum's life support machine but she said to us later when in recovery - she was going through a tunnel to the light but a baby boy kept calling her back. Now we didn't know at the time that my brother was going to have a baby boy - but this little baba kept saying to my mum - come back, it's not time yet:flower: My brother ((or rather his wife)went on to have a baby boy - Caspar who is now 4 and just started school:hugs:

And life is cruel - it's horrible what can happen especially as our parents get older.....My mum is now having tests to make sure she hasn't got Parkinsons disease.....That little bit of news recently nearly sent me to a funny farm - how much was I supposed to handle at once. But my mum is quite a character - I am of Indian origin so she's a very small Indian lady, very eccentric and hilarious. She keeps telling me that the doctors don't know what they are talking about and are stupid:wacko: Keeps me going knowing that she is rooting for me to have this baby!

I had my second scan today - 16 follicles altogether - need to get them all to be around 17 mm for EC possibly Monday or Tuesday!!!!Another scan on Friday.:tease: Lordy.

Big hugs Pinkie xxx
Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!


Pinkie, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news..:cry: during my stims my dad had a heart attack & was hospitalised, I was in pieces so I can only imagine how you feel..don't feel bad about sharing your news..we are here to support each other through good & bad. :hugs::hugs:

How is your Pops doing now Lexus??? x
Hi Ladies - lots happening on here again sorry if i missed anything.

I've had some bad news so i am going to start with that. My mum has been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, she got the all clear back at the beginning of the year but we found out on Monday its back and there is no more they can do for her and she has been given 9 months left. My mum is my best friend and I am devastated, i dont think i have ever felt this sad :cry: :cry: My family know about the IVF and my sister told me the first thing my mum said when she found out was for her not to tell me because she doesnt want me having anymore emotional stress - always thinking about me bless her, but i am glad i know. This has now given me a new fighting spirit to do whatever i can to make this cycle work and i would love it if she could hold out to meet her grandchild. Its been so hard because she is in hospital and all i have wanted to do is go see her but i have to wait for my AF to arrive for my scan tomorrow. I am heading down tomorrow to spend some time with her so i may not be on here for a few days.

I am sorry for sharing my bad news because things have been so positive on here but i am remaining positive and will end on a happier note, my AF is finally showing her face this morning so i can still have my first scan tomorrow and fingers crossed i can start the menopur and get onto the next stage, I am nervous and excited.

Ladies, great news on all the scans, follies etc it sounds like we are all heading in the right directions, this thread is going to be full of BFP, we can do this!!!!


Hugs, Love and prayers to you and your family. I just lost my Gram to cancer two months ago. Hang in there and be strong. Good luck with your stims. So glad AF showed for ya. XOXOXO
My headache is finally freakin gone! WOOOO HOOOOO! I triumph at a time, hahaha

Today I feel totally normal. GAH! Roller coaster!

Last night I felt like I was sick! My head was killing me, I was so stuffed up and tired. I am trying to think of the positive and that it could be symptoms of pregnancy and not the progesterone and estrogen.

HAHA I keep feeling my bbs to make sure they still hurt. I keep sitting still waiting to feel a pull or anything in my uterus. I don't know how some people can feel it, because I can't feel ANYTHING! I think I am having cramps, but then I think it's gas. LMAO torture!!! LOL

Ha Tee - you can't help but symptom spotting!!! But you haven't got long to go so hang on in there.

I have 16 follies that are growing slowly and steadily - hoping that they are or at least some are 17 mm by the weekend so EC will be on Mon or Tues......

Too much of a roller coaster all of this - crazy crazy crazy!! I am not sleeping at all - I so need a large glass of wine:wine: But of course - I will be having milk or orange juice:shipw: xxx
Ha Tee - you can't help but symptom spotting!!! But you haven't got long to go so hang on in there.

I have 16 follies that are growing slowly and steadily - hoping that they are or at least some are 17 mm by the weekend so EC will be on Mon or Tues......

Too much of a roller coaster all of this - crazy crazy crazy!! I am not sleeping at all - I so need a large glass of wine:wine: But of course - I will be having milk or orange juice:shipw: xxx

Oh yeah, those follies sound awesome! WOOT!!! So excited for you.

I know, the other day while watching football and having an awesome dinner, but my hubby had some pumpkin ale, I was so jealous! HAHAH
Singing and talking to them follies - given them all names too! Yep - have turned into the crazy woman who lives at the bottom of your street! How many embies did you have put back Tee - can't remember:wacko:

I haven't been too bad with not drinking but every now and again - I just need a glass to help calm me!! Hubby drinks beer too but as I am a wine kinda gal - I don't mind too much. Heavens above!!!! xxx
Singing and talking to them follies - given them all names too! Yep - have turned into the crazy woman who lives at the bottom of your street! How many embies did you have put back Tee - can't remember:wacko:

I haven't been too bad with not drinking but every now and again - I just need a glass to help calm me!! Hubby drinks beer too but as I am a wine kinda gal - I don't mind too much. Heavens above!!!! xxx

I had one AAA blast transfered. I sometimes kick myself for not transfering two, but it does only take one. I am trying to stay positive without getting my hopes up, but that is damn near impossible.

Funny you mention singing to the follies. That is what my doc told me to do hahah so I made up: "Come on ovariesssssssssss work for meeeeeeeeeee, I need some babieeeeeeeeeeees"

HAHAHAH Yeah I am insane LOL:thumbup:
It's so hard but until you know otherwise - be positive!!

I think that telling your follicles that they are very much wanted is a positive thing - the universe has to listen!!:dance:

Insane is the only way to go in this process:happydance: xxx
Beta just came back at 216! I am so happy I cried a little in the bathroom at work. Will go in again on Friday. I have no real idea what it's supposed to be except they told me they want above 50 for me 14 days after retrieval.
Beta just came back at 216! I am so happy I cried a little in the bathroom at work. Will go in again on Friday. I have no real idea what it's supposed to be except they told me they want above 50 for me 14 days after retrieval.

Yay - go go you!! How exciting and what fabulous news!!! x
Beta just came back at 216! I am so happy I cried a little in the bathroom at work. Will go in again on Friday. I have no real idea what it's supposed to be except they told me they want above 50 for me 14 days after retrieval.

YAY Qwerty! I was thinking about you!!! So SO SOOOOOO Happy!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks for the words of support and comfort ladies. The OH brought me some Rescue Remedy and its really calmed me down. If you havent tried it, give it a go it has keep my emotions under a bit more control and been a bit more relaxed today. :sleep:

Emmi - your mum sounds brilliant lol i can see where you get your whitty sense of humour from. I like that she is keeping up her good spirit. Great news on the scan, grow embies grow! I cant believe how quickly it has gone from here.

Tee - Glad you are feeling better. I would be questioning every little thing too. We do this a few days before our periods are due, doing it for two whole weeks must drive you bonkers :wacko: !! Not long to go...

Qwerty - I would have cried too, your dreams are finally coming true. Big Hugs. :hugs:

Lexus/Baby D - Hope you are both getting on ok. :hugs:

If i get the chance i will update you tomorrow on how my scan goes, hopefully i cant start menopur, fingers crossed.

Thanks for the words of support and comfort ladies. The OH brought me some Rescue Remedy and its really calmed me down. If you havent tried it, give it a go it has keep my emotions under a bit more control and been a bit more relaxed today. :sleep:

Emmi - your mum sounds brilliant lol i can see where you get your whitty sense of humour from. I like that she is keeping up her good spirit. Great news on the scan, grow embies grow! I cant believe how quickly it has gone from here.

Tee - Glad you are feeling better. I would be questioning every little thing too. We do this a few days before our periods are due, doing it for two whole weeks must drive you bonkers :wacko: !! Not long to go...

Qwerty - I would have cried too, your dreams are finally coming true. Big Hugs. :hugs:

Lexus/Baby D - Hope you are both getting on ok. :hugs:

If i get the chance i will update you tomorrow on how my scan goes, hopefully i cant start menopur, fingers crossed.


Thank you Pinkie - I am going a little mad. Everyday I am worse and worse. I may end up in a padded room tomorrow. LOL

Good luck with your scan!!!!:thumbup:

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