IVF Cycle in August

Fingers crossed at your scan Pinkie - go team Pinkie!!!! Thinking of you. xxx

Tee - hilarious - will be in that padded room too soon! I am soooo tired with lack of sleep - so hot bath before bed and hot milk! Rock n roll in my life at the mo :wohoo::fool: xxx
Fingers crossed at your scan Pinkie - go team Pinkie!!!! Thinking of you. xxx

Tee - hilarious - will be in that padded room too soon! I am soooo tired with lack of sleep - so hot bath before bed and hot milk! Rock n roll in my life at the mo :wohoo::fool: xxx

HAHAH I am seriously googling "8dp5dt" My eye is twitching! The first sign of madness? HAHAH:wacko:
Hi ladies- do you mind if I join this thread? I'm on day 5 of stims with estimated ER on Sunday or Monday. All my info is in my sig...
G'day Strawberry - join the mad house :hugs: Welcome - am sure you will catch up with everything! Just join in with the mayhem. I maybe having EC on Monday so I am with you on the nerves!

Tee - too funny - I have been googling all day about follies - - I don't know about my follies but I have found a nice recipe for pina colada for when I can start drinking again:winkwink: My hubby is giving me weird looks at the moment - so maybe it's too late for me :dohh: xxx
HAHA - The Madhouse, i like that it certainly feels like it sometimes. Good job we have each other to be loopy with, as much as the OH say they understand, they really dont! God job its us women who take charge of this, if it was men we would have been extinct many years ago!!

Welcome Strawberry, hope your journey has been a good one so far. I should be starting stims tomorrow with EC plan for Mon 23rd. When is your scan to check how your follies are doing?

Think i have the first appointment of the day tomorrow, its an early start for me. Goodnight ladies x
This IVF is totally crazy - just when you are relieved about something being okay - then you soon have something else to be stressed about - loop the loop indeed!

Oh heavens - if men took charge of this - Lordy Lordy. I have just watched my hubby wash up - my 3 year old nephew would've done a better job!!!

Night night Pinkie and everyone - catch you tomorrow. xxx
Thanks for the welcome gals! Emmi we'll definitely be able to obsess with each other since we're in the same boat right now :)

Tee- I see you're about a week post transfer how did everything go for you? Did you transfer 1 or 2?

Pinkie gl starting stims tomorrow!!

So far it hasn't been so bad for me, luckily I didn't have to do bcps, I just went straight to stims. I've already had 2 sonos and I'm going in again tomorrow for one. I have 3 or 4 larger follicles over 10 and a bunch that are not too far behind. I'm happy that my stims will only last till the weekend- I'm totally over the injection date that my DH and I have every night! Emmi have you had any sonos yet?
Hi ladies- do you mind if I join this thread? I'm on day 5 of stims with estimated ER on Sunday or Monday. All my info is in my sig...

WOO HOO for the ER. Welcome to this crazy thread! LOL
G'day Strawberry - join the mad house :hugs: Welcome - am sure you will catch up with everything! Just join in with the mayhem. I maybe having EC on Monday so I am with you on the nerves!

Tee - too funny - I have been googling all day about follies - - I don't know about my follies but I have found a nice recipe for pina colada for when I can start drinking again:winkwink: My hubby is giving me weird looks at the moment - so maybe it's too late for me :dohh: xxx

I am going to have to look up some recipes for use of all the pineapple I have left over.
Thanks for the welcome gals! Emmi we'll definitely be able to obsess with each other since we're in the same boat right now :)

Tee- I see you're about a week post transfer how did everything go for you? Did you transfer 1 or 2?

Pinkie gl starting stims tomorrow!!

So far it hasn't been so bad for me, luckily I didn't have to do bcps, I just went straight to stims. I've already had 2 sonos and I'm going in again tomorrow for one. I have 3 or 4 larger follicles over 10 and a bunch that are not too far behind. I'm happy that my stims will only last till the weekend- I'm totally over the injection date that my DH and I have every night! Emmi have you had any sonos yet?

YEs ma'am, I have my first Beta this friday 9-13. I transfered one AAA Grade Blast. I was dead set on two, but I was told that grade was pretty darn perfect so I decided to do what the goodl ol' doc recommended.

I'm having a heck of a time with not POAS. Whew!!!
Pinkie- so sorry to hear your news. *Hugs* Your mum sounds a very determined lady and I hope she does get to see you get your BFP and bring her grandchild into the world. Thinking of you xx Good luck with your scan.

Qwerty- Fab numbers!! Congratulations. x

Emmi- Good news about your scan, sounds like your EC day will soon be here!! x

Tee- How you have not managed to POAS I do not know!! I would have gone mad by now I think, and I am impatient! Good luck for your beta!! x

Strawberry- welcome and good luck on your journey. x

AFM- little sleep happening in this household! The protein intake continues, alongside the milk, and I am willing my eggs to grow by tomorrow's scan. Thighs are also getting a bit sore from all the buserelin and Menopur injections, but my tummy is heavily scarred from previous ops so I can only do the Clexane in it. Happy days ladies!! xxx
Thanks for the welcome gals! Emmi we'll definitely be able to obsess with each other since we're in the same boat right now :)

Tee- I see you're about a week post transfer how did everything go for you? Did you transfer 1 or 2?

Pinkie gl starting stims tomorrow!!

So far it hasn't been so bad for me, luckily I didn't have to do bcps, I just went straight to stims. I've already had 2 sonos and I'm going in again tomorrow for one. I have 3 or 4 larger follicles over 10 and a bunch that are not too far behind. I'm happy that my stims will only last till the weekend- I'm totally over the injection date that my DH and I have every night! Emmi have you had any sonos yet?

Hi Strawberry - I don't think I have had any sonos yet!! Heaven knows what will happen next week - am gearing up for some action - like going into battle:winkwink:
Pinkie- so sorry to hear your news. *Hugs* Your mum sounds a very determined lady and I hope she does get to see you get your BFP and bring her grandchild into the world. Thinking of you xx Good luck with your scan.

Qwerty- Fab numbers!! Congratulations. x

Emmi- Good news about your scan, sounds like your EC day will soon be here!! x

Tee- How you have not managed to POAS I do not know!! I would have gone mad by now I think, and I am impatient! Good luck for your beta!! x

Strawberry- welcome and good luck on your journey. x

AFM- little sleep happening in this household! The protein intake continues, alongside the milk, and I am willing my eggs to grow by tomorrow's scan. Thighs are also getting a bit sore from all the buserelin and Menopur injections, but my tummy is heavily scarred from previous ops so I can only do the Clexane in it. Happy days ladies!! xxx

Glad it's not only me not sleeping - am a walking zombie!! Yep - my thighs are starting to feel sore now - ouchy!!Ha - Happy Days indeed!!! And keep up the protein - gotta be doing us lots of good!!!xxx
Morning Everyone!!!

I am currently playing my little follies some Sprinsteen - I am picturing them all rocking out with guitars, hats and denim :)

My brother is a gyny consultant and he gave me a great list for food for IVF -

Broccoli, strawberries, oatmeal, bananas, brazil nuts, dried figs, salmon, tomatoes, blueberries, bananas, spinach, fresh orange juice, anchovies, smoked trout, wheatgerm, low-fat yogurt, wholemeal bread, brown rice, pineapple, kale, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cabbage, mango, sweet potatoes, melon, walnuts, pomegranate, eggs, humus and chicken.

Hope that helps a wee bit!!!

Hope to find out how everyone is getting on later.

Hi ladies- do you mind if I join this thread? I'm on day 5 of stims with estimated ER on Sunday or Monday. All my info is in my sig...

Welcome Strawberry! Looks like you are well on your way with your stims. When is your next scan?
Ha Tee - you can't help but symptom spotting!!! But you haven't got long to go so hang on in there.

I have 16 follies that are growing slowly and steadily - hoping that they are or at least some are 17 mm by the weekend so EC will be on Mon or Tues......

Too much of a roller coaster all of this - crazy crazy crazy!! I am not sleeping at all - I so need a large glass of wine:wine: But of course - I will be having milk or orange juice:shipw: xxx

:happydance:Grow follies grow, fantastic number you have their Emmi!! :happydance:
Singing and talking to them follies - given them all names too! Yep - have turned into the crazy woman who lives at the bottom of your street! How many embies did you have put back Tee - can't remember:wacko:

I haven't been too bad with not drinking but every now and again - I just need a glass to help calm me!! Hubby drinks beer too but as I am a wine kinda gal - I don't mind too much. Heavens above!!!! xxx

I had one AAA blast transfered. I sometimes kick myself for not transfering two, but it does only take one. I am trying to stay positive without getting my hopes up, but that is damn near impossible.

Funny you mention singing to the follies. That is what my doc told me to do hahah so I made up: "Come on ovariesssssssssss work for meeeeeeeeeee, I need some babieeeeeeeeeeees"

HAHAHAH Yeah I am insane LOL:thumbup:

Lol..we're all going loopy!!!:yipee::headspin:
Beta just came back at 216! I am so happy I cried a little in the bathroom at work. Will go in again on Friday. I have no real idea what it's supposed to be except they told me they want above 50 for me 14 days after retrieval.

Congratulations Qwerty!!..What a great beta!!:baby::happydance::baby:
Hi ladies- do you mind if I join this thread? I'm on day 5 of stims with estimated ER on Sunday or Monday. All my info is in my sig...

Welcome Strawberry!!:hi: How is it going with your stims? I had ET on Monday so am slowly going out of my mind in the dreaded tww!!:dohh:
ladies I've got backache! Brought myself one of those aromatherapy microwaveable bead thingy! It smells lovely and is soothing my back..bliss. My tummy is also cramping on & off but put that down to constipation & gas since having EC done last Fri I cant go properly! :blush:

This tww is going to drive me nuts..I have paperwork to do for work but I don't want to do nothing! :dohh:

Baby dust and hugs to all.xx

:hugs: :dust:

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