IVF/FET May and June

Welcome new ladies!

MDC, I cannot believe you were not asleep for your D&C!! It must have been horrific for you. I had a D&C about 6 years ago and I was asleep for the procedure.

Unlucky, congratulations on the weight loss!

AFM - Finished my tablets now to stop my period from arriving and I have been told to expect AF 48 hours after stopping the tablets. I have my baseline in 3 more days!! I'm super excited to be starting

Tina - not sure how many we will transfer. It will depend on how many are retrieved and survived. But we would be fine with transferring at least two. Guess we cross that bridge when we get to it.

Unlucky - yeah, patience might be a challenge but I'm happier to be patient if it means a better chance for us. I'll just concentrate on finding my zen...

We haven't told our families we are going through this process. And only one or two of our friends know either. I'm a bit worried how to pull this all off with work but hoping it goes okay.

I have my appointment this afternoon for meds, my husband has one more SA. Fun times. Also, have an appointment at the weekend with an fertility acupuncture lady who has rave recommendations.
Hi there new ladies!
Wow Tina & beneath, I'm so happy it's all starting so soon now, can't wait to start viewing & squinting at hpts and finding out betas. And then genders lol, I believe a lot of ladies here will be making 2017 babies! It is springtime in most of your countries right? And spring weather& changing sunlight conditions has the highest rate of success xx

Sorry if I don't reply often, I'm very overwhelmed with all the jargon as I've never had IVF before and feel quite lost. I am reading everyone's posts though, trying to educate myself & cheering you all on.

I also don't really want to keep my family updated especially not my rude brother (sis, mom and cousins are super supportive though but it feels like a lot of added pressure!)

Questions/ opinion poll! :)

a) Would you like to have multiples?
b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples?
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender?
d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results?

a) No; I would really prefer not to have multiples
b) IDK!! Will ask my dr what his clinic's success rates are for a singleton bfp with one or 2 embie transfer and will decide then.
c) Definitely! But I might keep the name secret until baby is born :)
d) Hpt for sure. Starting 6 days after transfer probably!!
Fern please don't hesitate to ask what things mean!! It's hard to keep up with all of the lingo!

A) I would like multiples, but wouldn't ever try for them because of the risks involved.
B) like I said above, I wouldn't want to try for multiples, so I wouldn't want to transfer more than one.
c)we are going to have a gender reveal party, since we aren't having a baby shower.
D) I think hpts stressed me out so bad the first time, that I'm going to try not to test this time....that's a big emphasis on TRY....😅😅
Love the questions that make you think and seeing other's answers.

A.) I'd love multiples. My husband only wants one child (though I think that could change), but he's fine transferring more than one embryo. So it might be my easiest chance to convince him of more.
B.) Probably going to transfer 2, but we'll see. We have lots of people in our life with twins and almost all of them had a fairly normal pregnancy, just on bed rest before the birth. So I am worried about that but probably not as much as I should be for that reason.
C.) Definetly want to know the gender.
D.) I'm sure I'll cave and try testing with HPTs before I should. It's hard to resist.
Thanks ladies I'm such a curious person and love to find out different people's perspectives on matters. And sharing positive advice; so thanks I'm sure I will be full of questions in 2 weeks!!!

I don't want multiples because my sister has twins and there is not a second of the day where she is not caring for them... if one is asleep the other is awake and screaming poor babies & sis. She copes well though... but I own my own business and get paid per hour so each hour I don't work, I don't get paid. And if I can't earn a certain amount per month we will lose our house.
If we were rich I would have loved to have twins and raise them full time :)
Hi ladies!
So I've had a change in plans.
We had our follow up appointment and my RE was actually happy with my results from my first ivf. She said the fact that we made a competent blast that tells her that my ovarian drilling did remove most of the atretic pcos follicles.
At this point because my ovaries were basically drained of everything during egg retrieval, she wants us to try a round of iui on clomid. Apparently my ovaries are pretty much a blank slate right now and shoukd have minimal crappy pcos follicles hanging around so I'm in a good position to try less invasive methods.
We debated a bit, but overall it woukd only add one month to our timeline and potentially save us $8000+. So we figured it's worth a try! If this doesn't work then it's back to ivf june/July.
I have a few days of birth control left so I'll likely be starting clomid next week sometime (as long as baseline ultrasound is good).
Thank you all for the welcome. Now I am going to have to try and keep everyone straight because there is so much going on!

As for the D&C the Ob/gyn treating me at the time (not my usual) said you can do the procedure under but it is more expensive and left it at that. I have been through dilations so I thought it would be just a little more painful than that. Wow...totally wrong on that one.

Rebecca you asked about Lovenox. So after my late-ish mmc (saw the baby with hb at week 9) and since it was chromosomally normal she thinks it could be a coagulation disorder. My labs came back normal, but it was well after my pregnancy. Between that and a significant family history of immune disorders, strokes, and a young cousin with a DVT she gave me an option. I know it is controversial without an abnormal blood test, but I have elected to do them.

1. I would be fine with twins...triplets probably not. 2. We are thinking about transferring 2 (if we are so lucky), but are hopefully doing pgs so not sure how that will affect our decision. 3. First gut answer is yes, bc I am a planner. However, since my mmc I am kind of thinking maybe a surprise would make it better. 4. Hpts that I am not sure on usually for all my other ttc days I wait until AF was to show, and with the iuis I just did it the morning of the beta. I think I will do the same as iui, but time will tell. So yeah, I am pretty much wishy-washy on all your questions :rofl:

Timetotry, best of luck with a clomid iui! Wouldn't it be amazing if this is your time?
A) Would you like to have multiples? Tricky ... My sister has 12 year old twin boys and they were and handful, however if we got twins I know we would be over the moon. It is just scary as crap for the first couple of years.
b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples? Yes
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender? Yes! Absolutely I waited too long not to know what colour to paint a nursery
d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results? I can't do multiple testing. It kills me every time. If I see A line I want to make sure it isn't medication or a bad test, so I will wait for beta.

Time to try that sounds exciting they are giving you the green light for IUI! Fingers crossed for uou
Thanks for sharing ladies :)

Timetotry that's good news hun, please keep us updated! X

Hm Myshel you bring up an interesting point. We have to take an HCG shot a day or so before egg retrieval right? (Or not always?)
I've had the HCG shot once before and at 14 days after the shot (12dpo ) I STILL had light lines so I know I metabolize it very slowly. I completely forgot about that. So yeah if I also have to do the HCG shot then hpts might not work, boo.
So we were set to have our meeting yesterday with the nurse to learn about the medicine, sign all the papers, find out my AMH results and have my husband do a SA. The clinic called in the morning to say the nurse was out sick and we had to reschedule for next Tuesday afternoon. We were super bummed but know it can't be helped. We were both nervously excited to finally get to learn more. It was frustrating to know we both had good "excuses" for having to leave work early yesterday and now we have to do it again next week. I did ask for my AMH results but they said a doctor would have to call and tell me. So that is supposed to happen on Monday.

To answer Fern's questions:

a) Would you like to have multiples? We wouldn't mind. We are operating under the theory that since it's our first - we wouldn't know any different about the chaos of one versus two.
b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples? I read something, somewhere about better stats of having a child if two were transferred but if it's something you aren't comfortable with - you shouldn't do it.
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender? I think we will wait. There are few positive surprises in life. We want to savour the happy ones we get.
d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results? I think I was likely be too excited/impatient not to do HPTs but won't take it as gospel until the clinic testing.
a) Would you like to have multiples?
Absolutely. I'm kinda hoping for twins at this point so that maybe we'd never do this again (I always wanted more then 1 child). No more then twins though.
b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples?
Our first ivf was a single transfer because it was paid for by provincial funding. The next time we have to pay, and they will do a 2 embryo transfer (if we have 2 good enough to transfer)
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender?
I don't think so. It would be nice to have something a little less clinical and science-y. That being said, I'm a type A person and would have a very hard time not being able to plan ahead!
d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results?
First ivf I did like 15 tests in 13 days (cheapies). It was heartbreaking to see a single line everyday. I'd like to say I wouldn't put myself through that next time, but I will probably cave and do it anyways.
Fern's questions
a) would I want multiples probably not since we have a daughter already.
b) my doctor will only let us out one back so I don't have a choice
c) I would like to wait for the 20 weeks scan before finding out
d) no test don't want to waste money. I have a theory that if I feel a pinch day 6 or 7 I have a good chance. I felt a big pinch with my daughter
My answers.

a) Would you like to have multiples?

Nope, definitely not. Not for us at all. Having seen close friends struggle through IVF pregnancy with twins and the extra risks involved.

b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples?

No, we will only ever transfer one.

c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender?

Yes, at 16 weeks with a gender scan again. I found it helped me bond and made baby feel more real.

d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results?

HPT at 7dpt again. My clinic don't do betas anyway unless bleeding.
Had my first acupuncture appointment and I really liked the lady a lot. She's worked with a lot of patients who have gone through my clinic too so she was able to give me a lot of insight and tips about them. We have another session booked for May 6th - which should be around retrieval time. Has anyone else tried acupuncture?

Had some spotting this morning which is weird - I never spot between periods and I'm still about 10 days out from AF. Maybe kicked off from the acupuncture? Crossing all crossable bits that it's not AF since a) I don't have the meds yet due to the canceled appointment on Friday b) it would move my days forward in such a way that I couldn't start until June due to a May trip to the US being smack in the middle of things.
When we were in the middle of moving and clinics and doctors I did acupuncture and loved it. It was while we were on a waiting list that lasted over a year in Alberta.

It was super soothing and really let me get over my anxiety. Apart from that it obviously didn't do anything fertility wise for me, but that is because we have male infertility issues. Which we didnt know at the time. But i highly recommend it. thinking about getting it this time around for the ivf.
Merry Mary -- Sorry you had to wait longer for your results! The waiting just never ends, does it? Hope you get good news.

Fern's questions:

a) Would you like to have multiples? My sister has IVF twins, and they are such a blessing! I love the idea of it, but I know how much work they are. Not totally against it though.
b) Would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples? I have transferred two embryos three times -- Ive only ever had one stick though on the two cycles where I did get a bfp (though both early losses =( )
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender? Yessss!
d) Will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results? I'll probably be POAS'ing lol

I started my period on Saturday and start stims tomorrow, superrrr nervous! ah!
Good luck with starting your stimms today, Beneath! How is everyone else doing?

My spotting went away - must have been a fluke. I'm expecting a call today from the doctor about my AMH results. I have also asked to get our prescriptions for meds early since our appointment is now Tuesday afternoon and we leave town on Wednesday morning for a five day health retreat. AF isn't expected until next Tuesday but I am worried sick it may come early. I have no clue if they give us our meds on the spot during our meeting or if we have to order them. Guess I will get some answers when the doctor calls.
Morning ladies! I have been stalking this weekend but haven't had the chance to post!

My period arrived this morning :D :D I was so scared that she wasn't gonna come and I would have to re-arrange my baseline but she has made an appearance at last.

Baseline is tomorrow and stims should begin either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Beneath, have you started your injections now?

Fern.. to answer your questions my dear..

a) Would you like to have multiples? The thought of it frightens me but I'm not completely against it. God grants us a blessing whether it be one baby or two.
b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples? After 2 failed transfers I am eager to transfer 2 this time around but my DH is against it as he doesn't think we could financially afford twins.
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender? Yes, we found out with our daughter and I am too impatient to wait it out!
d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results? I will try not to do HPTs and wait it out but damn it's hard!
Beneath & Tina- I am so stoked that you are starting already, I know I keep saying it but I'm ridiculously excited for everyone on here lol.

Tina- amen to your answer for a)..... my sister didn't want twins and she conceived them naturally (identical boys!) She cried a lot during her pregnancy and still does because she is so tired all the time :) but God gave her the twins and yes He also gave her the strength & family around her to help her cope.
I need to remember your very valid point xx

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