IVF/FET May and June

:) thank you Fern. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and if it's in my fate for us to have 2 babies then so be it. It's never going to be easy but how could we possibly moan about it after wanting a baby for so long.

I am still going to push my DH to transfer 2, I've heard that it doesn't raise the chance of success by much but if it raises it at all then I'd rather give it a go. I can't even get one embryo to stick let alone 2!
Good luck with starting your stimms today, Beneath! How is everyone else doing?

My spotting went away - must have been a fluke. I'm expecting a call today from the doctor about my AMH results. I have also asked to get our prescriptions for meds early since our appointment is now Tuesday afternoon and we leave town on Wednesday morning for a five day health retreat. AF isn't expected until next Tuesday but I am worried sick it may come early. I have no clue if they give us our meds on the spot during our meeting or if we have to order them. Guess I will get some answers when the doctor calls.

Thanks love! Hope everything works out perfectly!!

Morning ladies! I have been stalking this weekend but haven't had the chance to post!

My period arrived this morning :D :D I was so scared that she wasn't gonna come and I would have to re-arrange my baseline but she has made an appearance at last.

Baseline is tomorrow and stims should begin either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Beneath, have you started your injections now?

Fern.. to answer your questions my dear..

a) Would you like to have multiples? The thought of it frightens me but I'm not completely against it. God grants us a blessing whether it be one baby or two.
b) would you transfer more than 1 embie if you do not feel comfortable with having multiples? After 2 failed transfers I am eager to transfer 2 this time around but my DH is against it as he doesn't think we could financially afford twins.
c) If you get your bfp, do you want to find out the gender? Yes, we found out with our daughter and I am too impatient to wait it out!
d) will you be doing hpts or just wait for beta results? I will try not to do HPTs and wait it out but damn it's hard!

Yayyy for AF and for baseline tomorrow!! I start my stims tonight.. ah!

Beneath & Tina- I am so stoked that you are starting already, I know I keep saying it but I'm ridiculously excited for everyone on here lol.

Tina- amen to your answer for a)..... my sister didn't want twins and she conceived them naturally (identical boys!) She cried a lot during her pregnancy and still does because she is so tired all the time :) but God gave her the twins and yes He also gave her the strength & family around her to help her cope.
I need to remember your very valid point xx

Aww I am excited for everyone too! Hope this is a lucky thread with lots of sticky ones =)
Merry Mary, sorry about having to move your appt that is the pits. As for acupuncture I started it a a couple months ago and I think it is helping my cycle and at a minimum helping my TTC craziness. That is coming from a self proclaimed needle phobe. I considered it an entry drug for doing my own inj for IVF :rofl: I hope AF stays away. Trying to schedule around travel is the most stressful part for me.

Bmw, hip hip hooray for stims!

Tina, so glad AF arrived and good luck with your baseline. One more step and you are off to the races.

Fern, are you kicking off your IVF cycle with bcp or are you already on them now? If you start bcp in a couple weeks, we will be cycle buddies for ER

Tina I completely agree and although twins scare me to death if that is what is in the cards then I will gladly take it!

So I got good news that I can do my saline sono and my ER on the same cycle :wohoo: So now the wait and crossing my fingers that this month my ovaries and uterus play nicely (aka on schedule). I need AF to start at the end of this month to make timing work because of travel. Oh yeah, and I just found out my doc does pio for frozen cycles. Yikes! Any one had to do those and any tips?
Tina and Beneath - sending lots of positive thoughts your way as you start stims ladies. Fx for both of you!

I'd love to try acupuncture as well and think it would help. I can't find anyone that specializes in fertility acupuncture though in my area. My RE's clinic has another office in another city in my state and apparently there is an acupuncture office near the other office, which they highly recommend. Hope to find one near me.
Oh wow, so many ladies starting so soon!!! I'm still waiting on af! I'm really excited for you bmw, and fern!
Mdc, pio isn't as bad as the horror stories. Will your dh be giving them to you? A few tips- have your nurse draw circles on each side with a marker so that it's easier to stay in the area, this gave my dh a little more confidence, and we would just trace over them as they faded. Also about 30 minutes before your shot, stuck the vial in your bra. This will warm it for you. Take weight off of the leg on whatever side your doing, we switched sides every night. I would use my thumb and pointer finger to stretch out the skin becauseI have a lititle eXtra back there. Just hold them about half an inch apart, place them where the shot is going, and then spread them apart the smooth out the area. When the shot was over I would rub the spot in a circular motion, and then put some warmth on the area for a few minutes. Once you do a few, it will all become easier. Some of them, no matter what will turn into lumps, but I really didn't get many lumps. Dh also tried different ways to administer the shot the first few times. He tried to put it in slow, and then put it in fast. I liked it fast better because with the slow, one of us would move and I would bleed a bit. And don't push the syringe too fast too, it will help it to absorb.

I just wrote a book on my experience with pio lol
Omw what is pio?

Mdc- I'm already on bcp (qlaira) this month; April is bcp and AF due Saturday 30 april-ish. So then on CD2 I will start with Lucrin for one day & then Gonal-F. Egg retrieval around CD 14 and transfer 5 days later so it's going to be fast! I guess I'm on bcp for cycle timing and also because I won't be down-regulation. When are you due to start stims?
Had a call from my clinic today to reconfirm my appointment tomorrow with the nurse. I asked for my AMH results since I was told the doctor would be calling with them. Was told my AMH was 1.2 (could have been lower - I was so surprised that I may have misheard the exact amount). She said it was very very low and confirmed that it jived with only being about to spot two follies on each ovary with my baseline scan. She reassured me that although this meant it was going to be that much harder for us - she has still worked with a lot of ladies who were still able to get pregnant with such low results. That my protocol was perfect for ladies in my situation. I guess I will learn more tomorrow. All of this is without taking my husband's situation into account. He is having a SA tomorrow too. So all this to say, it wasn't surprising to hear given my age (37). I was expecting low, just not that low. Still absorbing it and it's implications. Haven't told my husband yet. Waiting for him to get home.

And it's looking more and more like AF is going to make an early appearance this month. Like in the next day or so - a week early. I have a lot of travel the next few weeks as well so trying to figure out how all this will work is looking to be like a big challenge. Especially if AF continues to be erratic.
Fern pio is progesterone in oil. I think many people prefer the suppositories, but some do the injection. They are a little scary because they are intramuscular, and the needles are kind of big.
Just thinking about PIO makes me get the heebie jeebies! There's no way I would want them. I've heard a few horror stories too from ladies who have had them and would never do it again.

Mary, sorry to hear that your results came back low :( good thing though that your doctor still remains optimistic that she can make it work for you! It only takes one good egg and one sperm. Try to remain positive Hun and good luck to your OH for tomorrow.

Beneath, good luck for tonight starting stims!

AFM - lay in bed feeling very sorry for myself because I have period cramps real bad. I hope this is my last AF for 9 months plllleasssee God! Just 13 hours to go until baseline!
I do have a good feeling for this thread being sticky. So fx Tina that this is it for you!

A friend of mine was telling me the other day how messy the suppositories were, and I have seen woman who get irritation on their cervix. I told her I would rather have a sore butt than a messy vagina lol.
MDC -- Great news about the saline sono!! Hope AF cooperates for you!!!! I have no real tricks for PIO besides what froggyfrog said.. it sucks! but anything for a baby, right?

BronteForever -- thanks for the positive thoughts, sweety! Hope you can find an acupuncturist soon!!! xx

Froggyfrog -- Hope af comes for you soon so you can join the stimming party! :happydance:

Merry Mary -- 1.2 isn't terrible, love. I am only 26 and my AMH is low as well.. I try not to stress about all these numbers. What's meant to be will be and hopefully this cycle is it for all of it! Hope everything works out with AF's timing <3

Tinadecember -- Thanks for the luck, love! Good luck at baseline!!! xoxox

AFM -- First night of stims is DONE! .. I've stimmed four times including my cancelled cycle, this is the second cycle I've done my own injections. The last time I stimmed was about a year ago, and MAN.. I was nervous. Which is weird, because I have been doing Lupron for two weeks and Lovenox on and off for a few months and Gani for the past few days, but for some reason the Follistim and Menopur made me SO nervous I nearly passed out while injecting lol.. not fun. I'll be okay.
woohoo for starting stims Beneath :D :D Can't wait to join you as long as my ovaries as co-operating at my baseline this morning. You're braver than I am, my hubby has to do all of my injections, I think I'd pass out!

Froggy, it's a strange one because here in the UK they want ladies to use the pessaries in the bum rather than the vajayjay because they are supposed to work better?!? Hence why I call them "bum bullets" haha!
woohoo for starting stims Beneath :D :D Can't wait to join you as long as my ovaries as co-operating at my baseline this morning. You're braver than I am, my hubby has to do all of my injections, I think I'd pass out!

Froggy, it's a strange one because here in the UK they want ladies to use the pessaries in the bum rather than the vajayjay because they are supposed to work better?!? Hence why I call them "bum bullets" haha!

Im going to run out of space to do these shots reallll soon! Four injections a day isn't fun :(

Hope your ovaries are doing stellar :flower:
Hi all!

Joining in this thread, am having a FET this round in late April/May and on CD 10 atm. 2 frosties both 3 day 5 cell so having them cultured to day 5 to see how they go. Let's hope this cycle is better than the last one for me.. i hope i can join you all for the crazy emotional rollercoaster that comes with assisted! X
Welcome Kat!

Froggy - a sore butt versus messy...ha ha ha! :rofl:

AFM - had my appointment today with the nurse. Looks like I'll be put on 150cc of Gonal-F for about five days starting from day 5 depending on how things are looking. She told me the trigger meds and I can't remember what it was...something tide. Sorry I am drawing a blank. They will give it to me closer to time.

AF is showing every indication of showing up at any moment (7 days early!) but still hasn't started properly. We were meant to leave tomorrow morning for a five day health retreat but given AF's impending arrival and the need for a scan on day 2 - we've decided to cancel the trip. When we were in the clinic - I was so certain AF would be starting any moment that I let the nurse convince me to book my day 2 scan for 9 am tomorrow morning. Since things still aren't moving and it's nearly 8.30pm here - I think I am going to have to cancel the scan. **sigh** In the meantime, I am sitting here with a hot water bottle trying to encourage her to make her blooming appearance already!
Hi Kat!

Thanks for explaining pio ladies.... I'm already dreading the injections. Not so much scared of the needle/pain, more that I get nervous and mess it up!! The one and only time I did a hcg trigger, dh was so nervous he crushed the whole glass vial of distilled water into shards lol.

Beneath good luck with the stims, and Tina with your baseline! Let us know how it goes :)

Mary- I imagine with the extreme chemical & pharmaceutical manipulation we undergo during assisted reproduction, they should be able to work around those numbers. Xx fx!
Merry Mary -- AF always has a way of screwing everything up, doesn't it! Well hope she shows ASAP now that you canceled your trip!!

Fern -- Thank you!! The anticipation of PIO is so much worse than it actually is! You can do it!
Wow, I've missed a lot! Kind of been hectic here on my end with work and family. Life is exhausting!!
I see some of you have started already, yay!
I'll try to check in more this week to keep up with all the progress.
Afm- AF is due Thursday and my meds for my FET cycle arrived today!
Hi ladies,

a quick update on my baseline yesterday... my ovaries looked great, no issues with anything apart from my lining. It's currently 8mm and they would like it to be around 5mm to start stims so I have to go back again on Thursday for another scan. I had a feeling it'd have to be repeated because I had only been bleeding for 24 hours at the time of the baseline which probably isn't enough time for the lining to shed

Kat_F, welcome.. I remember you from another thread. Hope your journey has a happier ending this time around :)

Rebecca, woohoo for meds arriving! You'll be on track in no time at all.

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