IVF/FET May and June

Becca- so so sorry to hear. That's just awful and sad! I agree with your decision to switch clinics. Hopefully you'll get started sooner than you think.

Fern- why would they get you all anxious for nothing. Hopefully you're numbers will be perfect after going off BC. I recall being on BC begining of an IVF cycle and no issues with my numbers. Hoping your numbers will be great!

Merry- I remember the feeling first time I needed to give myself an injection. I didn't have the guts to prick myself. Finally once it was done it was a breeze.

Unlucky- you're almost starting stims. Hooray! I'd be sort of pissed at receiving that kind of gift.

Tina- good luck tomorrow!

Afm- AF arrived Sunday. I started Estrace twice daily. Went today for my baseline and everything looks great. I'll go back next Tuesday which is day 10 for monitoring.
Becca - I'm so sorry about your news this week. Sending hugs and good juju your way.

Fern - I am thinking positive for you and your numbers. What a frustrating situation!

Had a scan yesterday and I have a big fat follie on my right side that is ripe for plucking soon. And miraculously - on my first appointment she could only see 2 follies on my left side but yesterday counted 7! The doctor added cetrotide yesterday - in fact had me take it before leaving the office. She gave me a blood test before that and told me she'd call if the blood tests indicated it was time to take the trigger shot. I never had a call so took my regular gonal-F shot last night as instructed. I am booked in for another scan this morning. I'm really hoping I can hold out on the EC until Saturday mostly because I was very late to work yesterday, I will be late again today. Luckily, my boss is out this week but given I can't get a scan at my clinic before 9 - I may have to finally tell my boss that I'm doing IVF to explain all these late mornings. I am usually a very early bird and one of the first in the office.
It's getting exciting in here ladies! Seems that a few of us now are on stims and are well on the way to being PUPO!

Beneath, sorry that your follies are taking the slow and steady route but hopefully it'll be worth it when all 11 are ripe and ready for collection and none go to waste.

Merry, wooho for extra follies! I bet you was over the moon to know that there was some more hiding in there. I can second how you're feeling about work. Over the last 2 weeks I've had 4 appointments in the morning. My boss doesn't know we are doing IVF so he must be wondering what the hell is doing on with me. Gonna have to book some time off for transfer and collection I think before I get into trouble.

I have my first scan since starting stims this morning. I'm anxious but excited, I'll update this afternoon! x
Well, I guess that fat follie was really looking good since I'm booked in for EC on Thursday! Really short cycle this month. Trigger shot tonight at 10.15pm. Frantically trying to clear my work calendar for Thursday so a call in wont be the end of the world.

Good luck with the scan today, Tina!
Hi girls,

back from my scan and not sure what to make of it if I am honest... hopefully you can help me out.

We have 17 follies, 16mm being the largest after 5 days of stims and she said egg collection is likely to be Monday if the follies continue to grow how they have. One thing that is worrying me though is as I was lay there I kept hearing her say "less than 10, another less than 10" and when we sat down to chat she said that I have a good number that are growing well and "a few that need to catch up"

My question girls... did your smaller follies catch up by egg collection? I've had 5 days of stims and worried that I am going to end up with a poor number of eggs
Also is 16mm a good size after 5 days? Or will this likely end up over mature?
Congrats on your scan Tina, 16mm sounds good to me after 5 days stimms.. and 17 follies is good they may well catch up.

Thanks for your well wishes all. I start crinone tonight in prep for thaw Thursday and ET Saturday should they make it that far.

Thinking of you all stimming and wish you all well. The thread moved so fast I have to catch up!
How exciting Kat! PUPO is so close for you :D :D How are you feeling about it all?

Tina- I remember I had some larger follicles and I did have some that lagged behind. In the end many of them made it to embryos so it didn't matter to me which ones they were. I think there were some 20mm and 17mm and maybe a few smaller but I don't recall.

Merry- happy triggering, you're almost there!

Afm - I just received my tentative transfer date! May 17! Let's hope it doesn't change.
Tina that sounds like a lot after only five days, what are they worried about? do many people really get over 10 follicles?
My goal is 4 - 6 fat mature ones. Who knows what is going to happen but that is mentally what I am hoping for. Fingers crossed.

Stimming is about to Start! Had my bloodwork and US today and starging 300 Gonal F tonight which seems like sssooooo much! This is bleeding my bank account dry.

Oh my goodness rebecca - a transfer date ... wahooo!!
Oh wow so many ladies already getting ready for EC!!

Are you all having day 5 transfers or something different?

Beneath - as long as your dr keeps going I believe everything will work out in the end (even though it may take a bit longer than you expected) xx

Rebecca I will hopefully be transferring just a few days before you :) just around the corner. Thanks for telling me your positive "hormone levels after bcp" story, it made me feel much better.

Tina - I hope all those small follies catch up nicely! It sounds like a great number though.

Mary - geez that's the day after tomorrow! How are you feeling? I can't remember now; have you done IVF before?

Myshel - congrats on CD1 :) You'll be fine at the wedding hun!

AFM - still have to figure out healthier ways to relax. Had too much wine this weekend :( that was SO not in my healthy pre-IVF plan but oh well I'm still on bcp so it's not as if my egg cells are currently actively developing (that's me trying to feel less guilty). At least we had a very nice relaxed family day on Sunday.
Rebecca -- Yay for getting started and for a great baseline!

Merry Mary -- Wooo! Our first egg collector of the thread! Lots of luck to you!

Tina -- Great scan, hun! I had 14 mm and lots of varying sizes, some larger/some smaller my first scan last cycle.. I think what ended up happening was they sacrificed the bigger follicles so that the smaller ones could grow and I still ended up with 11 mature follicles, so it didn't turn out bad! I think I ended up losing 3-4 bigger ones, though. FX for you!!

Kat -- Getting close hun!

Myshelsong -- Yay for stim start!!!! I hear you on breaking the bank, girl. These meds are sooo expensive.

Fern -- Hoping for a 5-day transfer here!

I'm sure some wine won't hurt anything!

AFM -- Night 9 of stims tonight. Have another scan in the morning. Hope I am getting closer to trigger. I am exhausted!
Tina 17 follicles is amazing ! My RE expects me to get two maximum. EC can't be too far now

Merry very excited for you no more injections 7 follicles sounds great !

Beneath all the best for the scan tomorrow. Grow follicles grow!

Kat Saturday is just around the corner wishing you all the best.

Fern I think a little bit of wine can't hurt. Once this infertility journey is over can't wait to have a glass or two of wine.

AFM had a blood test today and picked up all the meds two big bags. If all goes well start the Medley of injections in two days time.
Girls, thank you so much for your reassurances. You're all the best :)

Myshel, woohoo for IVF starting! I follow your journal and it is all happening so quickly for you, I hope you get great results

Unlucky, exciting times ahead :D Good luck for starting!

Fern, a glass of wine or 2 won't hurt. Definitely try to stay calm though :) We are planning on a 5 day transfer. Fingers crossed!

Pretty much everyone is starting stims aren't they? It's gonna get busy up in here!

Looking for egg collection to be Monday, only 5 days to go!

Thanks for all the cheering! I did the trigger shots (I had two!) last night and those little buggers stung. But I got it done. Very happy to lay off the injections for a bit.

Fern - I haven't done IVF before and I am only doing natural modified IVF. Which means only one or two eggs will be collected each cycle but I am doing 3 ECs before doing a ET after my 3rd collection. But given the 7 eggs that just made an appearance in my left ovary - it is likely that the next round will produce more than one egg. So my ovarian reserves aren't quite as dismal as I feared.

We have a trip to New York next month that lands right in the middle of my next cycle so we are skipping that month. We will start the next round in June. I am super curious to learn if I can have a glass or two of wine during my week in New York. Since we aren't collecting that month - I wasn't sure. I plan to ask my doctor after EC.

I'm excited to follow everyone's journey this month. Fx for all of us!
Mary, how come you have to do 2 trigger shots? I've never heard of that before!

I think you'll be fine to have some wine when you are in New York :D So jealous of your little trip. I need a break away!

Mary, how come you have to do 2 trigger shots? I've never heard of that before!

I think you'll be fine to have some wine when you are in New York :D So jealous of your little trip. I need a break away!


DH and I will be going to miami beach, fl right after the ET. It will help the wait till the pregnancy test go easier. We haven't been on vacation in a long time, this will be a nice break from work and life.
So much to catch up on. It's a hopping thread lately!

Beneath – your numbers are looking good, especially since you have DOR. Hope the follicles develop well. Sometimes slow and steady is what you need for success! Good luck! And hang in there. I can imagine this process is exhausting. It’s exhausting just hearing about all you ladies. IVF is definitely not for the weak. We are some very strong ladies!

Rebecca – glad your baselines look good and you are starting. May 17th will be here before you know it! Yay!! Miami Beach sounds delightful and it will be a nicely timed so your wait doesn't feel quite as long.

Merry Mary – wow it’s so interesting to follow you ladies and see the different protocols. I’m really curious how you do since you are doing natural IVF. You sound like you have a ton of follicles already. Are you just on lower doses of everything then? Or how does is qualify as a “natural modified IVF?” Good luck on Thursday! So exciting! Glad you get a break in there for a trip. That might help calm your nerves in between everything.

Tina – those numbers sound really promising to me, especially since you have a few days still. I really hope the others catch up and you get even more mature ones before your EC on Monday. So excited for you!

Kat – best wishes this weekend. I’ll be thinking about you.

Myshelsong – yay for starting stims. I’m worried about my bank account during this process as well. Trying to keep my eye on the prize, so to speak. Good luck hon!

Fern – good luck trying to relax. You totally got this and can do it! If you need to talk it out at all, I’m willing to listen.

Unlucky – I’m really hoping you get to prove your name is incorrect and this is your lucky cycle :) Yay for starting soon.
Gl for EC today Mary!

Hugs to everyone else!
Hello Everyone,

Apologies for posting earlier in the thread then disappearing, I find it hard to keep up with these threads usually, but I'm going to try as it's so nice to hear from people that are going through similar situations.

Hope you're all ok, wherever you are in your cycle :flower:

I started Suprecur nasal spray on Tuesday. Ok so far, hardest thing is remembering to take it 4 times a day! Do have a bit of a headache today, but I've not been drinking enough water and I've read that I should be drinking more than usual just now. I have a baseline scan booked for 11th May to check my lining is thin enough.

A question for those ladies that have been through a FET before -
Are the frosties thawed on the day of transfer? What happens if that one doesn't survive the process, do they just thawing one after the other until one survives?

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