IVF/FET May and June

Hi crazy, I have done a FET but we one frozie and it thawed perfectly. Have you tried google?
Thanks Bronte :)

Mary hope EC went well for you.

Tina not long now! I'm feeling ok about it all, i have only had luck with fresh in the past so am not overly hopeful with this FET, but i couldn't leave them frozen without giving them a chance.. you know?

My embies thawed ok today still 5 cell so we didn't loose any cells which is good. Tomorrow's update will be key i think
Hello Everyone,

Apologies for posting earlier in the thread then disappearing, I find it hard to keep up with these threads usually, but I'm going to try as it's so nice to hear from people that are going through similar situations.

Hope you're all ok, wherever you are in your cycle :flower:

I started Suprecur nasal spray on Tuesday. Ok so far, hardest thing is remembering to take it 4 times a day! Do have a bit of a headache today, but I've not been drinking enough water and I've read that I should be drinking more than usual just now. I have a baseline scan booked for 11th May to check my lining is thin enough.

A question for those ladies that have been through a FET before -
Are the frosties thawed on the day of transfer? What happens if that one doesn't survive the process, do they just thawing one after the other until one survives?

Hi, I can answer your question. They explained this to us when we signed the paper work.
They thaw them that morning. You have a choice to tell them if you want to be left with 1 (or however many you're transferring) regardless of how many it takes to get them to thaw. Sometimes hey don't thaw and they'll take an additional one out if you tell them that you want to be left with at least 1 thawed.

So we're transferring to. Even if that means they need to thaw 4 to get to our desired number we still want to have 2 to transfer.
My EC went well today. They collected one egg (as expected) and will call us tomorrow morning to let us know if it fertilised. Then daily calls with how many cells before freezing.

The procedure itself was fairly simple - I was knocked right out with the anaesthesia. It's nearly 6.30 pm here (procedure was at 9.15 this morning) and I feel fine. A wee bit achy but nothing bad. I think my hycosy (the dye in your tubes) was far more uncomfortable. But perhaps the pain pill they gave me immediately afterwards is still in effect. It was a "lovely" butt bullet one (as someone else called it).

Bronte - to answer your question about Natural Modified - the goal is quality eggs over quantity. Less stimms for a shorter period and they take whatever egg your body selects. Typically, that's one egg a month but occasionally two. For ladies with low ovarian reserves and low AMH - this is my clinic's preferred protocol. I am doing 3 rounds of EC, then I will do an ET.
Mary- glad your first went so well! Rest up xx

Gl kat, hope you're pupo asap :)

Afm- my husband is in full a$$hole mode again, flying into rages at the drop of a hat. He screamed at me so long and so loudly this morning (because I asked him to put the wet T-shirts from the laundry on clothes hangers) that I had a panic attack and almost had to cancel all my classes today. This is the second time this month his rage at me has caused me panic attacks. I feel so helpless. He increases my stress levels 1000000x. I've asked him to leave me alone and not talk to me for the rest of the month.

I am so upset. For a whole month this year he has been nice to me most of the time and I really hoped he would support me but no; his bipolar selfish crap is back. Sorry about the rant but you ladies will understand the best about how important s/o's support is supposed to be :(
I've decided that if my fsh and lh levels are too high then I won't do IVF at all, no more treatment then for me. Don't worry it's not a negative/depressed decision, it's a positive "moving on and setting myself free" decision :)
Merry so happy that your ec went well. I think I am expecting just one or two eggs as well on full ivf! Always hoping for more though.

Fern so sorry about your husband rage so annoying. He must know how much this cycle means to you.
Have you had your fsh and lh tested before? How high were they? Hope whatever decision you make you are happy.
My EC went well today. They collected one egg (as expected) and will call us tomorrow morning to let us know if it fertilised. Then daily calls with how many cells before freezing.

The procedure itself was fairly simple - I was knocked right out with the anaesthesia. It's nearly 6.30 pm here (procedure was at 9.15 this morning) and I feel fine. A wee bit achy but nothing bad. I think my hycosy (the dye in your tubes) was far more uncomfortable. But perhaps the pain pill they gave me immediately afterwards is still in effect. It was a "lovely" butt bullet one (as someone else called it).

Bronte - to answer your question about Natural Modified - the goal is quality eggs over quantity. Less stimms for a shorter period and they take whatever egg your body selects. Typically, that's one egg a month but occasionally two. For ladies with low ovarian reserves and low AMH - this is my clinic's preferred protocol. I am doing 3 rounds of EC, then I will do an ET.

Thanks for the explanation. It's fascinating how many different ways they can do the same procedure. Good luck. I really hope it works for you and you get quality eggs. So glad you are already on your way and they got one good egg! Yay!

My fingers will be crossed for you this evening, hoping that egg fertilizes!
Fern - I'm so sorry to hear this. That has to be incredibly hard to deal with a husband that has rages and is bipolar. Sending you a hug! That's doubly hard when you are going through such a difficult time and need the support of your partner. It's so important. Hang in there. If you need to talk more, feel free to send me a private message. I can't relate to the raging aspect, so I can't even begin to imagine how that feels for you, but my husband and I have definitely had our fair share of issues as well. Infertility in general is tough on a marriage.

And I'm glad you are in a good place with the IVF. I still hope it works for you and you get to go through with the procedure, but I know you have been though so much and have tried for so long that you are ready to just move to the next step, whatever that may be.
Congrats on a sivcessful EC Mary.

Fern sorry to read you are having a hard time...

Bronte hope the thawing goes well
Mary congrats on the retrieval. Thinking good thoughts for you!

Fern - sorry you are going through that. IVF is super stressful for both of you, and dealing with a bipolar partner and your own crap must be really frustrating. I hope that the next couple days passes quickly and smoothly for you.

Kat - Let us know how your guys progress! Hoping for good embryos for you

Tina - how are you feeling? Your retrieval is on Monday right?

Bronte - when is the thawing?

AFM have my first ultrasound tomorrow to see how my follicles are progressing with the first round of Gonal-F. Hoping that my left ovary finally grows something. Over the last two years I have had NO follicles on the left, only the right. Cancel that I have only had one or two that are always immature, never over 12 mm.
Thank you all for your support, it really means a lot!! I'm just going to stay away from him as much as possible thank goodness we have 3 bedrooms so we don't even have to share a bedroom at night. I tried to sit and talk everything over with him this weekend but he thinks he can do no wrong and refuses to even try and make things better so there's nothing more I can do.

Unlucky to answer your question I've had my lh and fsh tested while not on bc some time last year and the levels were perfect. The problem now is that I was on bcp for April (as per dr instructions ) and only heard NOW that lh and fsh levels can be artificially elevated after a bcp cycle and then ivf has to be cancelled. (Which begs the questions why didn't he have me do long protocol then?) I guess we will see.

Myshel I hope you have many follies growing, keep us updated! When you say no follies on the left, has that been on medicated cycles? Hoping the gonal-f does it's thing.
Mary, huge congratulations on the retrieval going well. I hope you get good news today that your egg has fertilised, crossing my fingers for you guys!

Myshel, I have an ultrasound today too :) hopefully both of our ovaries are playing ball and we get to see some good follicles! Yes we are looking at collection on Monday all being well today.

Fern sorry to hear that you're having problems with your OH. It must be a tough situation to be going through especially when it should be a happier time in your life going through fertility treatment. I hope you sort out your differences and you can enjoy this time together

As I just mentioned, I have my ultrasound today after 8 days of stims. We had quite a few smaller follies at my first scan so I'm saying a little prayer that the stims have done the trick and made them grow.

Fern that is weird my doctor put me on bcp for 6 weeks because starting lucrin didn't mention anything about fsh and lh being affected. Hope you get a good result! Hope you get through to your husband it is important for him to know how is behavior is affecting you.

Tina and myshel all the best for your scans. Myshel I know the scary feeling we never get many eggs last time two three years ago. I hope be at least get two good eggs again

Starting the gonal f and saizen tonight. Three injections loads of fun! First scan next week. Seems like a long time away.
Just had a call from the clinic. No fertilization. Even with ICSI. They are making an appointment to meet with the doctor about future cycles. We still have two more cycles to go at this clinic.

I really didn't expect this result given we were doing ICSI too. I'll have to break the news to my husband later. Ugh.

I'm still rooting everyone on and will be checking in from time to time. Thank you for all your support.
:( Oh Mary I am so sorry that it's bad news. Sending you big hugs and I hope the next few cycles bring better news.

Back from my appointment and all is well. My lining is a triple stripe and some of the smaller follies have caught up. I think the biggest she mentioned was 22mm.. I am thinking we could lose this one by collection if it grows any more. I think I counted about 8/9 that were of a good size so I am happy.

Collection is Monday, just waiting on a phone call for a time.

Annnnnndddd breathe!
So sorry Mary :(

At the same time Tina happy to read your news. This journey is sure full of ups and downs.

I'm in the drs waiting room, waiting to find out what the plans & schedule will be for this weekend's blood tests, ultrasounds, injections etc.
So sorry Mary. Do they have any thoughts on why no fertilization? We are doing ICSI as well due to my husbands DNA fragmentation issue.

Wow Tina that sounds like great news so far!
What medication are you on? And I know Monday is the retrieval but what day of the cycle is that?
AFM - thanks so much for everyone's loving support and suggestions in the DH mood swings issue. Today he is a polar opposite; supportive and even cooking up a storm in the kitchen for once (!!). I'm going to keep treading really lightly and try and avoid ALL conflict as far as possible this month.

So we went to the dr today because I got so confused with all the info the receptionist was giving me. Turns out I do NOT need my FSH and LH tested. He did the baseline scan right there and then (even though I'm only expecting AF tomorrow-ish) and gave me all my meds & injections for the next week; which I have to start on CD2. So the IVF process has officially started, can you believe it! My uterus is looking perfect as usual (looks can be so deceiving lol) and although my antral follicle count on the left is very low, I have many antrals on the right so we can expect at least a few follies I hope.

Annndddd we are definitely only transferring ONE embie at a time (if any are left they will get frozen). Discussed it with doctor; he really advised against transferring 2 in my case.

Exercise wise - both my dr and nurse said I can keep on exercising and just carry on with my life as normal as possible. I should listen to my body though so when my ovaries start getting sensitive I can stop running so much and rather walk instead, or whatever feels comfortable. The most important thing they stressed was that neither DH nor I should get sick (flu or a cold or stomach flu). We got strict instructions to avoid other sick people :)
All the best Tina!

Mary so sorry for the bad news :(

My little embies are 8 cell now so tomorrow is transfer day, just one with the other going back in the freezer if it makes it to blast

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