IVF/FET May and June

Hey all.

Been TTC for years, after about 5 failed IUIs we finally took the leap to ivf.

My retrieval is in 2 days. Starting to feel excited ��������

Hi! Welcome to our group! You're pretty far along your cycle. Are you doing the transfer this month?
My beta is Monday lol. I know I am being silly, just having a sad day I think.

Kristix- good luck on the IVF cycle! We did 6 IUIs before moving forward so I am hoping for you!

My fingers are crossed for you froggy, those tests are looking wonderful! How are you feeling? I really hope this is it for you, you seriously deserve it.
:Hi everyone, I had two blastocyst embryos transferred yesterday so today is Day 1 post transfer, feel bloated and very tired. Still don't feel fully recovered from the collection last week. I've come home from work early to rest :sleep:. Good luck everyone xx
I feel good! I'm a little tired earlier, and have been really thirsty all the time. I gagged yesterday while cleaning out the refrigerator and dumping some leftovers.
Hi all, I'm PUPO with one grade BB expanded blastocyst :) (never thought I'd say that!) And we are freezing the remaining 2 together. Of the frozen ones: One is a blastocyst of lesser quality and one is an early blastocyst. So if this doesn't work then we will do FET with both the remaining ones at once. (The fourth embie is not usable.)

It was such a random experience! After all the talks with dr about only putting back 1 embie; today he says "Right so we're putting back two embryos".... Immediately I'm like "WOAAHHH this is NOT what we discussed!" So after a lot of hemming and hawing and to & fro with the embryologist, we decided to only transfer 1. This is the only time we will ever do IVF so DH and I both decided that we'd rather transfer one good embie and freeze at least 1 good one; instead of placing both good ones today and then have no good ones left if this cycle fails.

The transfer was OK but right after my bladder started to spasm! (I tend to get bladder muscle spasms since after my last laparoscopy). I could only remain lying down for 10 minutes then I was in so much pain my husband had to help me get off the bed so I could urinate. I think it was a bit soon but uncontrollable bladder spasms also can't be good for the uterus, right. :shrug:

First beta in a week! :coffee::coffee:

Nimbec - If they do the cyst aspiration the same way as egg retrieval then don't stress. Mine hurt much less than a bikini wax IMHO. And I loved the sedation lol! :)

RQ lots of luck with your upcoming transfer!

Lana - yeah we're 1ww buddies!

Myshel - hope you survive these last few days. Sending you sticky vibes. xx

Aaawwww rebecca keep us updated! Wonder why your lining didn't grow with all that extrogen??

Hugs to everyone else!
Sorry but I'm very new to this forum and wondered if anyone could give advice on the wait. I only had blastocyst transfer yesterday (day 5 post collection) but they are testing me in 8 days. Is this normal? Also, I wasn't given any advice on rest etc, just told not to exercise or go swimming. I went straight back to work yesterday but my friend said she took two days off work after her ET. Should I be resting?

Also - is anyone using the Cyclogest 400mg pessaries? I was asked to switch 'location' with it after ET and its not as effective at remaining in place now, this morning I lay in bed for 20 mins to help it but I don't think I'll have time to do that everyday!

Any advice greatly received xx
fern81 Hi Fern81

So, so happy to find someone on same timeline. I turned up at hospital yesterday with a really full bladder but also with an upset stomach. My transfer was delayed by 15 minutes due to previous patient so I had to use the toilet for a no.2 ( sorry TMI but I have Crohn's disease so typical) but still managed to keep a full bladder - so full I was asked to empty some of it, not just once but twice because I was still uncomfortable.

I was due to go for a 3 day transfer but they pushed it to a 5 day due to good progress. I am 40 with very low AMH so this may be our first & last shot of IVF, 5 eggs fertilised but 2 went to blasto so we have gone for both. I wish I'd paid more attention on the grading, I think they said bc but one was good and the other average. We are lucky enough to have a 2 year old conceived naturally or the more I learn "by miracle" as it appears my at least one of my tubes may have been damaged with adhesions from Crohns surgery. I'm just clinging onto that as an indication that it can happen..... Xx
Hi Lana,

Congrats on being pupo.

I know all too well about the joys of Crohns. My DH has a severe case and it's fun :)

The no peeing for the transfer was by card the hardest thing. I have a small bladder and I was just miserable!

Many clinics tell you that it's not necessary to go on bed rest after the transfer. Take it easy and don't run a marathon but normal activity level is ok.

My clinic tests beta at 12 dp5dt. Last time that fell out on Sunday so they agreed to test on Friday.
Oh my goodness, this thread moves so quickly! And such a roller coaster journey for everyone, I'm so sorry for those who it hasn't worked out for this time.

And to those who have received BFPs - congratulations! Everyone here deserves to see that pink line!

I had a scan last week to check lining was thin and that nothing was happening 'down there' - all as it should be. Now taking Progynova tablets which seemed to have evened out my mood a bit, and have a scan next Wed to check my lining is thickening up. If all is well then transfer will hopefully be the week after on the 2nd or 3rd June.

Lanabanana - I was going to post asking what everyone was doing in terms of resting after their transfer. I'm actually taking 2 weeks off work! I don't have a strenuous job at all, I sit in front of a computer all day and know that my mind will wander and I'll end up googling symptoms and obsessing! Work isn't a great place to be just now, the atmosphere is terrible, and I also have holidays to use up.
I think you just need to do what you are comfortable with, and that won't send you crazy e.g. I know some people would go mad being at home for 2 weeks.
I took two days to hang out and rest, which was recommended by my clinic. I honestly don't think that it makes any difference, I think it is really for you and your mental state.
Hi ladies,

Well thankfully they are allowing me to do the transfer next week! Wednesday is the big day.
Hi all,
Thank you for the warm welcome. To answer your questions, at my old clinic, I responded well to 150IU of Follistim for my IUI's (like 5-7 follicles), so for IVF, they put me on 300, then bumped up to 450 IU plus 75 of Menopur, then bumped me up to 150. I did not respond - had only 1 follicle at that huge dose. Only difference was I was put on BCP's to start which I think may have suppressed things. At that clinic I have no choice but to take BCP's because they batch cycle their patients. They recommended next time to start off at 450Follistim and 150 menopur.

Whether the BCPs did it or not, I'd prefer to not take them, so I found a new place that is willing to forgo them. Interestingly they are suggesting I not go on the megadose, since I responded before on just 150. So we shall see. They are also suggesting ICSI due to my DOR and often those eggs are not easy to penetrate the doc said. She also is suggesting implanting 2 because of the decreased chances of success due to DOR...

Yesterday my bloodwork and US checked out so we were given the green light! I start meds tonight: 225 Follistim and 75 menopur. Then I go back Saturday morning to see what's happening. I think they called this a "short" or "quick start" protocol? Not exactly sure.

Birthday was weird. 35 affected me especially due to the "maternal age" thing. And lately I've just been stressed, overwhelmed, withdrawn and weird with people. Kinda came to a head yesterday and I really had a hard time being happy on my birthday. It's hard to keep this thing a secret, and as much as it probably would feel better to be open about it, I also don't think it's most people's business (including many of my friends). So at times I can be noncommital about activities due to appointment scheduling, med administration time, not drinking alcohol at events. And when I do go out, I feel like I don't want to be there. Anyone else feel this way, or can you all just go about your lives unfazed? It's really wearing on me, and I know I've just begun.
Hiker, fingers crossed for you. Happy birthday for yesterday. :cake:

I turn 39 tomorrow and I'm feeling very meh about my birthday. I am desperate to have a baby before I turn 40, so I've only got a couple more months to try. We've given this last one a good go before I start IVF.
Ellie you and I started ttc at the exact same time. I also have thyroid disease. I hope we both get lucky this year!
Hey all.

Been TTC for years, after about 5 failed IUIs we finally took the leap to ivf.

My retrieval is in 2 days. Starting to feel excited ��������

Hi! Welcome to our group! You're pretty far along your cycle. Are you doing the transfer this month?

I have no clue when they are gonna transfer to be honest, they haven't talked about that yet. I am doing the genetic testing since I am 38. So that will need to be done first. Not sure how long that all takes.

I am so nervouse about my retrieval! I hope so hard I get good results. My husband got hit by a car as a pedestrian on sat and broke his leg in two places... So hopefully that won't interfere with his sample ugh

I couldn't even imagine if we went through all this for nothing. It's so scary. I have been really trying to cpncieve since 2011. And all failed iuis. So disappointing.... So if i have to even look at even one pregrancy stick that only has one line....one more time i think I might go insane.

This has been such a long road for us, this has to work.
Hi ladies - two apologies! First for being absent (have had soooo much going on), and second because this will probably be a long post!

Have just ben trying to catch up with everything - sounds like lots of people getting close to ET/OTD which is good. And sorry for the ladies who have not had luck this cycle. Fingers crossed soon this infertility nightmare will start to lift for us all.

AFM it's been an interesting few months. I had a meeting with my clinic after I was officially discharged after my miscarriage to talk through my last cycle. She said that from the looks of it my egg quality was the issue. Cue me being devastated etc etc. However, what she did say was that it could just be a one off as opposed to an actual long term problem. Going forward she suggested trying the short protocol as it can be better for egg quality and also more gentle.

So I booked in (as you have to give one months notice) and got all my meds, and started at the beginning of the month. I was taking 112.5 Gonal-F which was upped to 137.5 from Day 6, and is now being reduced to 112.5 again from tomorrow, with a scan on Friday to determine if EC will be Monday.

I am also taking Cetrotide every morning - the first time I had to do that I nearly fainted (apparently it was shock?!), but am getting more used to it.

I have around 18 follies growing as of yesterday, 2 of which are ahead of the pack, and the rest are growing at around the same rate which is better. Best of all my hormone levels are soooooo much lower than last time.

Interestingly I was also told that apparently when they start changing the dose (like they had to do to me last time due to my hormone levels) and coasting me (again due to hormones) it can sometimes affect the quality, although the consultant told me this was not the case.

Can be very difficult knowing what to expect.

The whole process is draining, tiring and emotionally charged, and it's nice to have these boards to come to.

Thank you all for reading and I will try to stay more involved now things are calming down.

Fingers Crossed for everyone and looking forward to more updates x
Busy place! I forgot to check in yesterday - busy day at work.

MyShelsong - are you testing at home or just waiting for beta?? My boobs are extremely tender but I didn't take the HCG shot. I don't think you can extrapolate boob soreness/tenderness to being pregnant. Hopefully the rest of your wait goes fast and is stress free.

Fern - GREAT news. You give me some hope! I'm so excited for you.

Rebecca - I CANT believe that about your lining. Keep us updated on what the doc says.

AFM, I go for my transfer at 7am tomorrow. I won't know how many (if any) embryos I'll have. With only 3 eggs retrieved/fertilized you just never know. It could be a total bust. I am a little anxious but not at the same time. I guess I'm just getting used to waiting. I'll make sure I update tomorrow.
I am 6dpt and super sick with a head cold, and I just started spotting. This cannot be a good sign...

Good luck RQ120, the transfer is easy hope you get great follicles.
Myshel- I had spotting a few days before I got my bfp. Don't worry about it. Are you taking PIO injections? Sometimes that helps with the spotting.

Afm- the doctor is ok moving forward with the transfer even though the lining is thick because my blood numbers look great. Also, it's not only about the thickness of the lining, but also the appearance and she likes how mine looks. So Wednesday will be transfer day. Can't wait!!

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