IVF/FET May and June

Welcome ES89. I'm on my first cycle and start on cycle day 3 with stims so have a bit different of a protocol. So I can't answer your question either. Best wishes to you though. We should be transferring around the same time though unless we wait a month for PGS results.
Congrats myshel!!

I'm still over here popping birth control pills. Had my endometrial scratch last week, and going for a follow up ultrasound this week. Fingers crossed for no cyst left over from our cancelled IUI and that they will let me start stimming next weekend!.
Managing my work schedule around this ivf cycle is stressing me out. It hard to get all of my shifts traded to accommodate appointments and meds, especially when I don't have set dates but need to plan early for my coworkers
I can't sleep, So excited for tomorrow! It has been almost 5 years (less one month only) from when we started trying to conceive, and after a horrible dr, incorrect SA results, a provincial move, another Dr, loads of tests, 6 IUIs and an IVF we might finally be able to breath.

Time -glad the scratch is all done, I hope the down regulation gives you a bit of a break.

Welcome,e ES. Hope you have a good month

Bronte - your turn soon.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes! Will let you know tomorrow what they say, I am crossing everything!!
That's what I did on my ivf bronteforever so down regging is all new to me and most ladies I've spoke to on here had a natural fet.
Going to ring the clinic this morning as I'm still waiting for my invoice for my meds/meds to arrive and I'm starting to inject a week tomorrow. Making me nervous that they won't be here on time!
Myshelsong I'm not surprised you can't sleep! Looks like we've been ttc for the same length of time and I've never seen 2 lines either. We had an issue with incorrect SA results, then when we went to start ivf finally after years of tests, scans, clomid, they discovered I had cysts on both ovaries so I had to have lap before proceeding. 1 hell of a journey! x
Myshel congrats to you!!! It must be so surreal to see the 2 lines. I hope everything pans out at the doctors today.

Welcome ES!!

Time, I hear you about the work schedule thing. It's like as if we don't have enough stress with all we are going through medically, we have to throw stress over work into the mix. Do your coworkers know your situation? My bosses do, but none of my coworkers, and so far mine have been understanding. It still makes me super nervous rushing to get to work after monitoring appointments. My new clinic I go to I have to fight horrible traffic so I get in almost an hour late to work, even with the earliest appointments.

Afm, I started stims Wednesday. Had a scan Saturday. Any follies I have were too small to count but my endo lining was increasing so they said that's a good sign. I cross referenced my estradiol levels with other months Ive done injections and it's higher than any other month (like 189 i think). This is a relief because last month, when I had started with bcps before ivf, my estradiol on the same day was like 21. The other months I responded well, like 5 or 7 follies, my estradiol was not as high as it was Saturday. So I'm not a doctor but between that and my endo lining thickening, I'm hopeful that I am responding this round.

Right now in the waiting room for my next scan and bloodwork. It's hitting me, given all these women and men I've seen coming and going in the past few minutes, dressed up to go to work, how prevalent infertility is. When all I seem to hear and see is friends conceiving and children everywhere, this place reminds me that I am not alone. I feel so sad seeing how many of us there are going through this. I want to reach out to everyone I see and all of you on these boards who I will never meet and give each of you a hug. This sucks but we will get through this.
Hi all, nothing to update but that's a good thing in the TWW.

I'm kinda an emotionally wreck on these hormones post retrieval. I'm weepy one min and yelling at someone the next. I'm a pretty even keel person so it's def the hormones. Still getting the PIO shots worked out. I have bruised and I hurt from 2 out of 7 shots. I think the key is to make sure the vial is warmed up before the injection. I'll still monitor to see if this trend holds true: warmed up oil = no bruise/pain the next day.

Hearing all of your stories about work makes me feel blessed that my journey has worked out the way it has. Up until 7 months ago I worked in a hospital over 45 mins away from my clinic. Doing IVF with that job would have been VERY VERY difficult. Fortunately, god sent me in a different direction and I started an office job. My fertility clinic is on the way to work. I was only 30 mins late max when I needed to go to monitoring visits and no one in my department even knows or suspects I'm going through IVF. It was nice not to have to explain anything. Plus getting days off for the ER and ET was a piece of cake. I couldn't even imagine with a hospital schedule!! Thank goodness for small blessings.

Fern - When are you testing?

Myshelsong - Let us know what the beta results are. I think it is today right??

ES - welcome. I also did not down regulate so I don't have any advice.

Tim - good luck with your US. Hopefully you get the all clear!

Hiker - your level sounds promising! Hopefully you have a GREAT response!
I have a funny story to share.

So right around my transfer, I can't remember the exact timing, there was a weekend day where I saw the phrase "Be still and Know" in like 5 different places. One was at an outdoor flea market thing, one was on facebook, one was in a bathroom stall. It was weird and by the end of the day I was like "Ok, I get the message". LOL. Well this weekend we were going to the movies (my work rents out a theater and you can go for free and get free concessions). There was a little fair on the town square and as we drove up I see these two huge balloons high in the sky and one was pink and one was blue. There were only two and they were very random and only baby pink and baby blue (not red, not dark blue, not yellow...)
I laughed to myself and looked at my husband and said "Well THAT better not be a sign"!! lol We transferred two embryos based on my hubby's wishes and whereas I would welcome ANYTHING that god blesses me with, twins are not exactly on my wish list.
Just one of those things that make you smile, even if it doesn't mean anything. And if there is an off chance it means something, then it will be a funny story to tell in the future.
Rq- I do warm the vial of PIO. The first two injections didn't leave me with too much pain or black and blue. Last nights injection was relatively pain free (a friend of mine is a nurse and is great with the injections, she usually helps me) but I woke up in so much pain. I'm literally limping from last nights injection.
That's such a nice story rq!! I feel exactly the same as you about having twins. I know if God blesses me with twins, He will provide for them... but we still decided to go for only one embie to start with :). Gl with the tww. It really does suck!!

Myshel- hope you have good news xx

Rebecca - urgh so sorry that you are in so much pain! Hugs hun!

I bought 5x 20miu cheapies to test out whatever is left of the trigger and to see if I start getting a true line. First beta is on Wednesday and right now I can't take it anymore lol. I don't feel pregnant at all!!
Sorry really busy today with hubby.

We are PREGNANT! Beta is at 206 10dpt5db. I hope these numbers are good, next test is Wednesday.
Congrats myshel!

I just tested with a 4hr hold and got a bfn, which I kinda expected but it has me confused. Last year October I did a 5000iu trigger and got bright pink positives until 14 days after the trigger (12dpo) which lead me to assume that I just metabolize the trigger very slowly. This time I triggered with 10000iu and it's gone by 10dpo? I couldn't have been pregnant last year with that cycle because I ovulated from the LEFT (the side where ovary & tube etc were all fused together). Or was I? Or did my metabolism speed up? .... or.... is it because this was only a 4hr evening hold? Weird.
Fern - I don't know. I can see how that is confusing. I would do another in the am and go with that. Maybe it's the 4 HR hold.

Myshelsong- I think anything above 100 is good but you always need that second beta for comparison. Congrats on your BFP!!
Congrats myshelsong!!!
That number seems lovely. Nice and high.
Congrats myshel!

Hello to everyone else. I posted a while back but got too busy with work travel and fell behind. This thread moves at lightning speed...love it!

Best of luck to those twwing, stimming, and just getting started.

I passed my baseline which was great bc last iui got cancelled bc on a pesky cyst. I started stimming on Friday (in an airport bathroom...ewww! Trust me I alcoholed everything 10 times). My first stim ultrasound is tomorrow and so nervous. I feel nothing but hope to see many good quality eggies in there. I need to research, but anyone know how many is a average number to expect?
mdc- I don't think there's really an average. It can greatly range from person to person. On my ultrasounds they found about 15 and they actually retrieved 22. So the numbers are not super accurate.
Good luck tomorrow!
Gl mdc! My dr said for someone my age 5 follies per ovary is not bad, I had 11 on my 1 functional ovary which he said was good. However then it turned out they only collected 9 of which 4 were abnormal & only 3 got fertilized. We were still able do do ivf & ET. On the other hand I've heard stories of ladies like rebecca ^^ who got even more eggs than the follies shown on u/s. I think it depends on your protocol as well as medical history. Xx I know it's super stressful but the process really does fly by!

Ok so I definitely have hcg in my system. The one from last night dried with a clear faint line & for this morning's test, a faint line showed up within 5min. Considering I'm only 6dp5dt, the question is really how much of that line is still the trigger shot! Stay tuned :) will definitely test again tomorrow morning. Maybe tonight too.
Fingers crossed Fern :)

Hi Mdc :wave: I really don't know how many to expect either, but I do know my med dose is super low because of my high AMH. They also chose to do FSH only, whereas you have LH too, right? I think they like to get around 10-15 total, enough to get some through the next stages to transfer, but not too many to risk OHSS. In my case, they have warned me that, even on this dose, I risk OHSS and will be closely monitored.
Good luck tomorrow! I'm about 3 weeks behind you :)
Good luck fern! That's the 1 nice thing about an FET cycle, there's no trigger!

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