IVF/FET May and June

Ah that makes sense now! Gosh wouldn't that be a nice surprise!!

The reason I was confused was I was given norethisterone when I was planned on to a short protocol cycle (sadly never got started) - I'm not the most clued up but getting their now!
The Beta is just another term for blood test that looks for your HCG level.
my clinic does two, just to make sure the numbers are increasing as it would for a viable implantation. Low numbers could mean ectopic, or the embryo did not fully implant or even may have stopped growing. It is all very specific, but everyone has different numbers so the variance in the numbers differ greatly. it is the increase that is important.... from what i have read online.

If you want a blood test I say go for it. As long as the line is getting darker every day you know the HCG in your system is getting bigger and bigger. That is the most important thing.

Froggy - Yay, We are officially ultrasound buddies! So excited for you, and me. Feeling positive for both of us.
5dp5dt with Lupron trigger and got a bfp on a FRER HOWEVER I did 2500 units of Novarel 5 days ago so need to test tomorrow to see the line get lighter or darker.

Lana - my blood test at the clinic is 5/31
Thanks for all your kind words and helpful info xx

Nimbec - i didn't take my supercur at the same time everyday, I was sometimes 45mins between times. Also injected at 9-9.45pm

Have just realised I forgot to do my cyclogest suppository, have now done it 5 hours late. I hope that won't mess anything up.
Rq- fingers crossed for you that your line gets darker!
Lana- good luck tomorrow! I hope it's positive.
Fern- I am with you. I am so skeptical to believe good news until it's really true! Fingers crossed that Friday beings great news.
FERN! I'm so excited for you! Come on beta, increase!
Fingers crossed for your next bhcg!

Congrats again myshel, great increase!
So I found this and thought it interesting.

"Trace amounts of hCG can remain the body for as many as fourteen days after hCG injections. The rule of thumb that doctors use is that it takes one day for each 1000 units of hCG to leave your boy. So, if you get a 10,000 unit injection of hCG, it will take approximately ten days for it to all leave your system."

So according to this my 2500 units of novarel should have been out 2.5 days ago. Still can't count on it, but interesting none the less.

Oh and because I have NEVER seen double lines I thought I would share my test with you all.


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That's a great line, I have good feelings about it.

What a very successful few days on this thread... I hope the luck holds out for another 6 weeks, at least!!!
Oohhhh good luck RQ I hope that line darkens up!! :)

My hpt lines today (8dp5dt) are basically the same as yesterday. The lines did immediately show up though but I guess the only way I will know for sure is after tomorrow.

I need some sense talked into me! I lay awake all night freaking out. I've spent so many years accepting that I'm never going to have kids& planning out my life, that I never really prepared myself for actually having a child. Now I feel like I'm not ready and have no clue what I'm doing!!! My emotions are all over the place.
Fern81 - bless you, what you are feeling is perfectly normal. It took me 8 months to get pregnant with my DD and when I finally got a +ve, my DH and I drove to work in silence thinking "our life has changed forever" but this is perfectly normal and a process you emotions need to go through. It's all worth it xxx
Thanks soooo much lana. I needed to hear that. My rational mind tells me everything will be ok no matter what; but my emotions & hormones are just haywire. How are you today?

Any updates on our other lively lovely ladies, those still going for egg collection etc?

Timetotry how was that endo scratch?
Fern my friend told me the same thing when she was pregnant. She was scared to death. I'm assuming it's totally natural for any to-be mom.
So I found this and thought it interesting.

"Trace amounts of hCG can remain the body for as many as fourteen days after hCG injections. The rule of thumb that doctors use is that it takes one day for each 1000 units of hCG to leave your boy. So, if you get a 10,000 unit injection of hCG, it will take approximately ten days for it to all leave your system."

So according to this my 2500 units of novarel should have been out 2.5 days ago. Still can't count on it, but interesting none the less.

Oh and because I have NEVER seen double lines I thought I would share my test with you all.

That looks hopeful!! How many days post transfer are you?
Fern- I am sure you will make a great mom! First time moms don't usually know what there doing but you learn so quickly. You'll get there honey!
Hello ladies :hi:

This thread is making me quite emotional sitting here at work. Everyone is going through so much emotionally (& physically), and there's so much support here, it's really amazing (think these hormones are playing havoc with me!).

Glad to see a few more BFPs, so exciting :thumbup:

Fern - Your post made me think back to when I was pregnant with DS, I too had similar feelings. I think you concentrate so much on TTC and getting pregnant that when it finally happens you're a bit like "what now???". I think there's also an element of feeling like you should be overjoyed and not allowed to feel anything remotely negative, because you've tried so hard to get to this point. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I can understand what you're feeling, and that it's totally normal! You're allowed to feel whatever you're feeling :flower:

AFM - Had a scan on Wed and lining is at 8.4mm. They were happy with this, they would go ahead with anything above 7mm. ET has been scheduled for next Fri 3rd June. I've to stop the suprecur sprays on Fri (yay!) and start cyclogest pessaries on Sat.
Fern - sending you a huge hug. You've been through 12 years of infertility and TTC, so frankly I'm amazed you are doing as well as you are. If you weren't nervous, then I'd be worried. Your mind has surely put up a ton of barriers to help protect you from all the bad news, so I'm sure you are shocked if this time worked. Plus, being a first time mother is scary and no one knows what to expect. It's completely natural to be frightened. But I have every confidence you will face every challenge that's thrown your way, exactly like you have all the previous ones. You got this!! And I'm going to be a nervous wreck if I get pregnant too, and I will be a mess the entire time and throughout the kids' life too, I'm sure.

Rq - keeping my fingers crossed for you!

CrazyDogLady - exciting that ET is next week for you. Good luck!

Excited to see some more good news over the next few weeks ladies, this group is on fire with BFPs and I love to see that!
Scratch went well. Very painful during, but I was fine for the rest of the day!

I just went for my follow up ultrasound and was hoping to stop birth control and start stims this weekend.... But of course my body has other plans.
I have a 3cm cyst on one of my ovaries. Never had that before! Probably left over from my cancelled clomid cycle.
It's always effing something
Myshel, you must be so excited. A huge congratulations! How is DH taking he news?

Myshel, froggy- best of luck on the 8th!

Lana, sometimes your body truly just knows so keep on with your positive thoughts! If the blood test are really high it could give you an idea if there are twins, but since HCG is highly variable only the ultrasound is the absolute.

Rebecca, are you going to test early or wait for your beta?

Nimbec, not so sure about that particular medicine, bc we do not have it here in the states. Generally if you travel time zones meds should be taken at the time it is back home. It is because you body metabolizes away the drug all the time and when it is low then the next dose is due. Although many medications have a larger window that the docs tells us...just in case we miss timing a bit. I would wait to see what your doc says, but I do not think you messed it up. I would just make sure to stay on schedule as much as you can here on out. Forgot to say I am a pharmacist. :winkwink:

Fern, as the other ladies said, it would be worrisome if you were not guarded. It is such a fine line between feeling optimistic and trying to protect yourself. After 12 years of dealing with this crapola, you are an amazingly strong woman...like Super Woman strong. I have all my fingers crossed for you. About the lines on the test I would try not to worry since it takes 48 hours to double HCG I would not expect too much change in the line today.

Ellie, still hoping for that little miracle for you!

Rq, hope the lines keeps on getting darker!

Crazydog, in the home stretch and the liking sounds great! I would love to have that. Darn D&C has given me a thin lining, but I do think acu is helping.

Time, ouch, I am paranoid my doc will want to do a scratch, sorry it want painful for you. To make it worse that damn cyst. That really sucks. Did they not look before they did the scratch? What is the plan now? This is such a crappy roller coaster that we cannot get off of. Hoping they have a solution for you so you don't have to cancel.

Afm, stims are still going day 7 today and getting ready to head to my scan. I did see some EWCM this morning so I hope that is a good sign e2 is on its way up and follies are growing steadily. All this is so overwhelming all the waiting, tests, and more waiting! I am usually on top of everything (ummm....or shall we say type A trying to control everything :haha: ) and I feel this is all out of my control. I have a friend that froze 8 eggs and trying to get DH to realize that likely that won't be us and with PGS half will probably be abnormal. We were hoping to get a BFP and a couple frosties to extend our family when we were ready, but now I feel that it may be a bit of a pipe dream. The focus now is this BFP.

Wow, quite to book. Should get shaking to get to my appt.
Mdc- I think I will test on Wedneaday morning. I have 3 frer tests waiting for me :)
Rebecca - I am 6 days post transfer today.

MDC - I'm a pharmacist too!

AFM, I took another test this morning and it was about the same (14 hours after the first). The first was mid afternoon and this morning was with FMU, so this test doesn't tell me anything. I'm going to wait until tomorrow afternoon to test again because I only have one FRER left and I want to compare the same test types and times.

I am experiencing some heaviness, I guess, in my lower abdomen. I don't want to call it bloating. It's not cramps and it's not pain either. Almost feels like there is a pressure there. Like a rock, but that's not it either.
Also, I'm definitely getting side effects from the progesterone - acid reflux and constipation! I have had acid reflux for a week or more and I just put two and two together yesterday. I though the abdominal pressure was due to constipation, but I still have it this morning after going to the bathroom, so I guess that might be a good sign.

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