IVF/FET May and June

Thanks ladies!
AF started very quickly after stopping bcp! So today is officially CD1. I go in tomorrow morning for baseline bloodwork and ultrasound and will likely start stims tomorrow evening! Eek.

Fern, I'll be taking orgalutran to prevent ovulation. I will be taking gonal f and menopur everyday, and they add the orgalutran on stimulation day 5. If my lining isn't thick enough (which I have a history of) they will also add estrace around the same time.

Can believe we are at this point again!!!
Also, I am having some wine and fruity drinks tonight as a last hurrah hahhaha
Timetory enjoy your last drink 😊 Why are you avaoiding fruity drinks may I ask? We will be very close in time I have baseline Monday and should hopefully start stimming then too 🙂.

Ladies is their anything I should/shouldn't be eating whilst stimming etc?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Rebecca, great beta? Do you go in tomorrow for the second one?

Rq, glad no ms yet.

Ellie and nimbec you both are so close!

Froggy, hopefully ms keeps at bay and eat all you want....growing a baby is hard work :winkwink:

Timetotry, GL on your baseline tomorrow! First things first enjoy your vino :haha:

Nimbec, completely not sure if this helped me or not, but I ate a lot of lean protein (tried to get 30-40% a day), good fats like avocados/coconut milk/nuts/olive oil, and kept carbs down (from veggies and whole grains). There was a study a while ago that women who are avocados had three times more success in IVF, but unfortunately I could never find out how much avocado so I just added it where I could. As I said the final jury is still out on my count and not sure what extra benefit I have to the eggies while stimming, but it was something other than injections I felt I could control so it worked for me. Good luck!

Hope everyone is enjoying your weekend. No call from the doc today, but anxiously waiting for the day 3 call tomorrow. Going to try and keep busy today, and like timetotry enjoy some vino on this beautiful Sat in Northern California. Which makes me interested where does everyone live?
Timetotry - enjoy your drinks! Well if you will be taking a supressant then there is indeed no need for lupron :) yay I can't wait to hear how your follies progress!

Nimbec- I agree with what mdc said re diet. I ate an avo every day. Organic, free-range meat& eggs daily, lots of organic fresh fruits & veg. And nuts, yum. Avoid pesticides, trans fats, processed foods. Stay well hydrated and get enough sleep & exercise for proper blood circulation. Fx!!

Keep us updated tomorrow mdc! I live in South Africa, in the Pretoria /Johannesburg area :) cold winter here!
I'm eating an avocado a day too. We also eat lots of whole grain, lean protein, eggs, tomatoes and salad. I need to up my water and, although I'm now down to one caffeinated drink a day, I will go to zero when I start stimming (I'm so proud that DH used this word in a conversation the other day!!!)

I live in Somerton, in the middle of rural Somerset, south-west England.

So, big news is.......... I have just started bleeding! CD1 and I'm definitely going to start stimming within a week! I'm so excited :)

I got a special bit of IVF-inspired nail art today... https://i63.tinypic.com/1zq3ey8.jpg

Happy weekend everyone xxx
Thank you so much everyone! I will definitely eat an avocado a day as I love them! I'll try to up my protein too maybe eggs for lunch or breakfast... I can't eat nuts as I'm allergic 🙈 I wonder if their is anything else I could snack on lol! I'll have to plan my meals better than normal as I'm usually so busy in work - also plan to be in bed early!

Yay Ellie! Great news!

I'm living in Talley a very rural village in South Wales UK 😀.
I live in Georgia. I'm from Texas, dhs job moves us around. When this baby turns 4, we are going to buy a house and stop traveling so that he can go to the same school. But I figured before that he won't care. Military kids do it.
Hi all, just a quick update. We still have our 2 embies going strong. My doc is recommending we go ahead with transfer on Monday. I am hesitant as I wanted to have some to freeze for the future, but she said there is no guarantee I would get anymore and so she and the embryologist are recommending we go for it while we have the chance. What I am thinking is if both look great by monday, day 5, we transfer 1 and freeze the other. If one doesn't take, then try another retrieval round and leave the frozen one in the bank for just in case. Kind of a compromise. But it all depends on how things look Monday and if doc thinks we won't have much chance with the 1, then we'll do 2. It's so strange. I'm at home, a bunch of friends are about to come over for a party, and I'm thinking, huh. I could be pregnant in 2 days. Like we've been trying and let down so long that I can't even fathom there could be an end to this mentality and reality we've had for so long. It's so weird. Some of you were saying you'd be enjoying your last few drinks. The nurse told me absolutely no drinking, lifting, anything between retrieval and transfer. Ho, hum, had hoped for a glass of wine but oh well.

Congrats to the latest bfps and egg retrievals! Will update Monday. Thanks for all your support. It means the world to me.
Ellie - love the nails!!!

Hiker - great news. Best of luck for the transfer.
Oh and I'm from Indiana, born and raised. We are hoping to move to Florida next spring some time so we can enjoy beautiful weather and beaches.
Hahha I meant fruity drinks which included alcohol.

Bloodwork looked great today but my lining was still thicker (hadn't shed enough) so I'll be starting stims tomorrow CD3 instead of CD2. My antral follicle count is higher than last ivf cycle (17+ compared to 12).

I'm going to try to eat cleaner this round, and do some light exercise as long as I'm comfortable. Also reduce the amount of sugar I consume and try to control my blood sugar a bit better (yay pcos and insulin issues).
I will be taking inositol, pqq +coq10 and melatonin throughout the cycle (stopping inositol, pqq+coq10 at retrieval).
Fingers crossed for better quality eggs!
sorry haven't checked in since yesterday, I missed a lot!
Our second beta will be Wednesday since I'm leaving town tomorrow for business. My doctor is ok with waiting till Wednesday because she just wants to see the beta at a certain level so that we can schedule the ultrasound for a week from Monday.
So much has happened since I last checked in! Congrats on all the bfps! Loved seeing all the positive posts!
I'm on day 6 of down regging n I already look like a pin cushion 😂
I've told work about what I'm going through simply because of the distance my clinic is away and because my job is very physical and demanding at times. There may be odd days when I'm not feeling too great too n I think they should kinda have an idea why x
Hiker- that's kinda how I felt too, eg what if I get the flu or fall down the stairs or something that compromised my cycle, then I would have another try (not putting all my eggs in one basket) and yeah like I said earlier we were not ok with trying for twins.
All the best for Monday and whatever your decision is!! You've summarized that unreal feeling beautifully. I really hope you get your bfp!

Btw between er and et I had quite a few glasses of wine (my dr encouraged it lol) and after et I really did end up falling down the stairs while carrying a huge basket of laundry! Despite the wine I still got the bfp and I'm still hoping the fall didn't mess things up.

Es- owie! Gl with the rest of your injections :)

Sending growing vibes for everyone's follies and embies!
So interesting to hear where everyone is from. Thanks for sharing. Technically I am in Oakland Cali.

Time, so glad you are starting your stims.

Rebecca good luck on your next beta and hope your ultrasounds gets here soon! Very exciting.

Es, who knew we would ever look forward to be a pincushion. Ha! When do you start stims?

Hiker, great news about the transfer on Monday. I hope your little embies continue to do well and one you can freeze. Either way it is such a hard decision.

Ellie, love the nails! The recipe link below is for you also.

Nimbec, I also just had this link from Bon Appetite in my email box today about different ways to use avocados so thought I would post it

Fern so funny how docs are different about drinking. I like your docs message to live it up :winkwink:

Hi to everyone else!

So the doc called this morning and all the fertilized embies are going strong with great quality on day 3! :wohoo: I could not be more excited, and I think the doc was kind of surprised. Ha! One more step down and quite a few to go, but I am going to relish in the happiness for now.
I'm doing medicated FET so no stims 😊
Got my baseline scan on the 17th, then hopefully start estrogen tablets 😊 x
Es- I was on the same protocol. Good luck with your baseline!
Thank you Rebecca, don't want to wish time away but I hope the next week and a bit go by quick! What are they checking at the baseline?? big congratulations to you Rebecca xx
Es, good luck with the baseline! I will hopefully be doing a FET this month also. I am not down regging just going right to Estrace on cd 2 which should be here in a couple days. Gl on the baseline scan! Not sure what they are looking for. Maybe just making sure the uterus and lining look good to start with.

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