IVF/FET May and June

Hi Fern. Yes, just downregging still, reading and lurking while I have nothing new to say!

Mdc is doing FET, as they are having PGS, testing the blasts for various potential chromosomal things. I think the plan is to pop them back in in a couple of weeks.

I've got my baseline scan on Friday, so hopefully can finally start stimming then.

Crazy, congratulations for PUPO and I hope the next 9 days pass fast!
Hi guys,
Sorry I thought I updated here, but I guess I didn't! So Mondays transfer. Well the doc came in and immediately said "I have bad news." She proceeds to tell us the embryos slowed growing and hadn't grown't much since day 3. Neither then, would be freezable. But they did transfer both because she said they might pick back up once they were in my body. I want to believe that, and I want to be positive, but I also can't get over the vibe I got from the doctor with the whole "I have bad news" talk - as if embryos that slow growing don't have much of a chance. She maybe was saying it was "bad news" because they wouldn't be freezable? I really don't know what to think and I'm trying to figure out with google searches what this means if your embryos slow growing and aren't at blast stage by day 5 and they transfer them anyway. Do any of you know?

When I asked her then, if this round doesn't work, we can just try again next month, and she said "we'll have to talk about that." Grrr...I just know my body is not done with. Not yet at least! I just hope the doctors aren't giving up on me too.

Beta test is next Wednesday. They said not to test with a hpt beforehand. What are your thoughts on that?
Hiker, best of luck and you never know, but I have heard lots of stories about embryos that are not optimal that turn into lovely little bouncing babies!

Wish I could be so positive for myself. So only 2 of 7 made it to biopsy and the doc is pretty shocked that so many fell off at the last stage. I think they are 4b something, so not super optimal as they took 6 days to get there. I know there is still hope but ugh...advance maternal age and this chance of a genetically normal one is further away. Ugh...all this honestly sucks!
Hiker, sorry to hear. Sounds pretty upsetting. Fingers crossed that they decide to wake up and start growing!
I've heard lots of people say not to test early. In my opinion, the wait is really tough, if I can know a few days sooner then sanity will be restored earlier than the beta :)
Hi ladies!
Thankfully I think my horrible headache was a fluke. And haven't had one since, so I don't think it's was from the gonal f. Wohoo!
I'm currently on day 5 of stims. Went in for monitoring this morning, I have around 14 follicles starting to grow but are still pretty small so they aren't starting my orgalutran yet and I'll go back in on Saturday.
The strange thing though, there was a pocket of blood in my uterus. I'm still spotting after AF (cd8 currently), and they said the pocket wasn't very big. I'm hoping it goes away quickly! Anyone have that before??

I've also been having some issues with my gonal f pen. It keeps stopping before the full dose is delivered even though it's a full pen. It stops at 25iu almost everytime! I told my pharmacy and they are going to report it to the manufacturer. I can get the dose I need but it takes an extra poke or 2, so annoying!
3 eggs retrieved for me today. Not great, but as much as I was expecting. Fingers crossed for at least one to fertilise X
Hiker I did not answer your question yesterday. I think they can still get to blasts, mine did not hit blast until day 6 and in my research they do not feel it is bad if they take an extra day. So now they are nice if comfy back home, I hope they flourish! As for testing early such a personal decision. Did you do an HCG trigger or Lupron? I usually tested before my IUIs (all negative) but if I get do an IVF transfer not sure I will test early just to mix things up.

Time, glad the headaches are gone and that pen is so annoying. I did Follistim and in order to use the overfill in each I almost always had to stick my self twice to save some dollars. Man the things we do! Not sure on the pocket of blood. Did you start bcp after AF started? If so, I would expect you would not shed your full lining if you started say on CD2 or 3.

I feel much more grateful after letting myself be sad last night. I know we all have our struggles and I apologize if I seemed like a winey baby because I did not more than I did. I wish my doc would have set me down earlier and said our BEST hope is one IVF = one baby, because I had this strange thinking that I would get a couple tries for baby 1 and have multiple on ice for baby 2. Now we wait and hope and pray and send good karma vibes to the universe that good things will come.
Tulip, guess we cross posted! How are you feeling? Best of luck for the fertilization report tomorrow.
Tulip, I hope your 3 eggs fertilize nicely.

Timetotry- I had a similar problem with my Follistim pen. Will the pharmacy send you a new one?
Crazy - I had a lot of cramping and I didn't have any spotting or implantation bleeding. It doesn't happen to everyone and it doesn't happen every time.
Ellie - Good luck on your baseline

Hiker and Mdc - I think it is a good sign they made it to day 5, even if it took a little longer

Hiker - I tested 5 days after transfer but I also triggered w/ Lupron

Tulip - best of luck. Fern and I only got 3 eggs and we ended up w/ BFPs this cycle. It is very possible. Did you do ICSI? We didn't have need for it but my doc did it anyway because he didn't want to take any chances.
Mdc - many thanks X Good luck for your cycle, are you transferring soon or do you have to wait until next cycle if you're doing genetic testing? X
Many thanks everyone for the fertilisation vibes everyone :)

Rq - yep icsi too. Mainly because we did that last time (OH had a weirdly low count on the morning!) and also because they didn't want to risk it)

To be honest I wasn't expecting loads of eggs, I got only got 8 four years ago- but only 3 of those fertilised so I'm crapping it a bit for tomorrow if I'm honest! Please, please let us have one!!!!
Tulip- I'm holding my breath for your eggies to fertilize!

Hiker- I really hope one or more embies keep growing and implant nicely. The reason my dr wanted to transfer 2 embies for me was because mine were also a bit slow and not 100% perfect but my one that we transferred did end up developing & implantation so doctors don't know everything. Hope your embies prove your negative dr wrong! As for testing I'd say whatever stresses you out the least! I tested out the trigger and worrying about the lines really stressed me out but for me it would have been worse to wait. Xx

Mdc- vent away. All of us know how hard this journey is and we all fully understand & will never judge! I hope those two are genetically perfect, after all they did outcompete the rest xx.

Ellie- yay for baseline tomorrow!

Crazy- when will you test? I've read that IB is not all that common, if it's any consolation :)

I know I missed some ladies but sending good growing &sticky vibes to you all!
Tulip, cells were sent of for testing and when we get the good news (insert trying to be very optimistic personality here) next Thursday we are hoping to transfer when my lining is ready. Hopefully the week of the 27th.
All 3 fertilised! Can't believe it! Continue to divide little ones!!!

Mdc - everything crossed for you xx
My next worry!!!! Go for 2 day transfer like last time (I was successful with my daughter) or try and grow to blast? I was totally expecting one to have fertilised and not to have a choice, and for them to tell me it was a quick 2 day transfer. I was so shocked when she phoned that I was totally dithery! Help!!!!!
Ladies - back from my trip but I've been following along.

Really hope all of you that transferred have good luck. And all of you getting ready for retrievals get good results.

This has definetly been a lucky thread and I really hope it continues for all of us.

I should start injections in two weeks. Excited to finally get the ball rolling.
Tulip - happy dance that they all fertilized. I can't help on the advice when to transfer. I didn't have a choice, my doc only does 5 day transfers
Hi all.

My scan was clear - no polyp and lining thinned out and follies small. I started stimming today, so nervous and was really glad to be with my SIL, who is a vet nurse and lovely. It's all done, just another 11 or so to go. I have a scan again next Friday morning. Can't wait!

Since DH is gigging tonight and at a festival tomorrow, I'm staying with my brother and family. They have a vet practice and house in huge grounds in the middle of nowhere in Devon and it's paradise here. I'm glad my SIL was able to be there for this first step.

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