IVF/FET May and June

Oh Bronte, I am so sorry to hear your news. I know the heartbreak you are going through. All the build up and waiting to begin, all the meds, the appointments, the retrieval, then the embies fertilizing, and then the news they are not doing well and then you are left with nothing. It is so frustrating and sad. Take the time you need to be angry, sad, whatever and let it out.

I recently read and would really recommend the book "It Starts With the Egg." It goes in a lot of detail about supplements to take to help with your egg quality and the studies behind the each of them. As well as ones sometimes you will hear are recommended, but then it will go int why you shouldn't take them. It even goes into detail about exactly what kind of each you should take or avoid. For example, like you mention, CoQ10. Well there are 2 kinds. I was taking one kind, probably the one most often found in your over the counter CoQ10 bottles, but they mention a very specific kind that is better absorbed and leads to better eggs. So what I learned from the book was that I was on the right track with many supplements I was taking, but there is a big difference between OK supplements and ones that likely will (should) do something in terms of egg quality. They also go into other factors (in your home, environment, cleaning and beauty products, etc.) that can make a huge difference in your eggs. I've pretty quickly adopted everything in the book with both supplements and making changes in my home, but I'm afraid maybe too late in the game to have any effect for this next IVF cycle which started yesterday - and I start stims tomorrow. Most things they recommend you do 2-3 months prior to have any effect. I'm trying to accept that this is a process, and may be a very long one, so if this next one doesn't work, then maybe the one after this will.... So this might be the ideal time for you to do your research, pick yourself up and try some new things, and see if they help for your next round? Again, I am so so sorry this happened to you. Chin up!
Bronte - I'm attaching a paper my doc gave me regarding supplements. Hope this helps.


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Bronte- I'm so so sorry. Our doctor told us a few times that mother nature was doing us a favour, even though it didn't feel that way at the time. She said it would have been much worse to lose a pregnancy.

My naturopath put me on coq10, pqq, inositol and melatonin. I was also taking my metformin, prenatal and omega. I'm not sure if it's the cause of it, but we had much better embryos in ivf #2. First ivf we had 9 developing, one made it to blast and none to freeze. Round 2, same meds, 7 developing, 2 morulas transferred on day 5 and 2 blasts frozen on day 6.
I took all of the supplements for 2 months between ivf and continued them all until retrieval. Only stayed on the metformin, vitamins and omega, and progesterone of course.

Oh, and hubby took a daily multivitamin and one called ACES (a blend of vitamin A, C, E and selenium)
I'm in the UK and specifically asked my clinic about supplements and they said nothing apart from folic acid. I'd be interested to see if any other UK clinic suggest anything? Where would one buy the supplements in the UK? Thank you xx
Oh Bronte - I'm so very sorry to hear your news. My first round of IVF resulted in no embies too - I know the anger, disappointment and upset you are feeling. As someone else said - ride those emotions out. Sending lots of love and hugs your way.

Tulip girl - I'm in the UK and after my failed cycle the clinic advised me to add 600mg of CoQ10 and 1000 units of vitamin D to my daily prenatal vitamin. For the first round - they said nothing but a prenatal vitamin.

Also, I've been doing fertility acupuncture which helps a lot - even if it's just to relax.
Bronte- I stopped eating all carbs (except veg and sweet potato), fruit (except berries and avos), additives, preservatives etc about 3-4 months before starting ivf. Almost nothing out of a packet, bottle or can. I added in lots of antioxidant foods and high levels of nutrients eg smoothies with coconut, almond flakes, bean sprouts, strawberries, carrots and organic full cream yogurt. I only ate organic meat and meat products (no artificial hormones). Also lots of healthy oils (coconut, olive, avocado, grass-fed butter= all help produce healthy hormone levels).
Hubby took
Multivitamins with vit E
Vit C
Salmon oil
Coenzyme q10 daily

I took:
Vit c
Folic acid
Salmon oil
Coenzyme q10 daily

Dr also recommended DHEA for me but I couldn't find it here, all my hormone levels are normal and I'm not 35 yet so felt OK leaving it out.

My diet and exercise program was very strict for a number of months with almost NO cheating, no inflammatory foods, no blood sugar spikes allowed.

Hugs and will of course still be following your journey to see what happens next!
My FET cycle is set to start end of Aug. Sometime around the 27-29th.
The doctors put me on birth control for 2 months.
If we spend too much money on our vacation, we might have to delay a month. I feel like I'm bleeding money right now!
Time - I totally feel you on the bleeding money thing. It's so hard to deal with on top of everything else.

Thank you again everyone for your suggestions. I'm going to look at my foods and talk to the doctor about supplements as well.

I also wonder alot if they stimmed me too long. They did two extra days then planned. Here were my numbers two days before retrieval at my last ultrasound.

Left follicles (15 total): 26.6, 23.3, 22.3, 22.8, 21.8, 21.8, 20.5, 20.4, 17.9, 14.8, 13.6, 12.6, 11.7, 10.6, 8.7

Right follicles (12 total): 24.7, 24.6, 21.1, 18.3, 18.2, 17.4, 16.1, 15.4, 14.4, 12.7, 10.6, 10.2

I'm just curious for those that had multiple make it to blastocyst, do you know about what your follicle sizes were at your last ultrasound?
I don't know much about stimulating too long. But you had a lot of large follicles.
Both my doctor and my naturopath mentioned that eggs can be over-mature. I didn't even know that was a thing until recently.
Bronte - sorry I don't have any input. I don't know what my sizes were at my last ultrasound.
I had a wonky cycle where I had about 18 follicles at my last US. At retrieval only 10 follicles, and only 3 eggs. Where did the follicles go and where did the other eggs go? I may never know.

You should have a follow up with your doc and if you stimmed too long would be a good question to ask.
I didn't have any blasts because we were always going to put 2 back, so did it on day 2 when there were only 2 left (both doing well).

Last scan on stim day 17: I had one more big stim dose later that day before trigger so probably grew another 2mm.

Left ovary: 17.6, 15.2 11.2, 11.2, 10.9
Right ovary: 18.9, 17.7, 14.9, 13.1, 12.5, 11.2, 9.1

They got 6 mature eggs and 5 fertilised, so 13-19 seemed to be good sizes for me.

If I have to go again, I'll be requesting slightly higher doses and less time stimming.

I may well be testing this Sunday. I'm not going to last until next Friday, but everyone at work thinks that's the plan, so they will leave me alone. I've been extremely randy the last 2 days and I've heard that can be a great symptom.
Thanks everyone. If anyone else has numbers, I'm super curious now. They were having me checked every other day at the end with ultrasounds and I was worried we might miss a big growth spurt. I'll never know what it was, which makes this process even worse I think. It definitely is a big expense to "try" various options to see what works. This might have worked if we stopped one day sooner, but who knows.

Ellie - I hope that's good news for you, and maybe if everyone thinks that's your plan that will be good enough. Then you can keep it to yourself and whomever you share it with. Good luck!
I don't have exact measurements for all of my follicles. But on trigger day I had 3x 1.9, 2x 1.8, a few other around 1.7 and a few 1.5 (13 or 14 follicles total)
What's that measured in Time? They do millimeters at my clinic. I'm horrible at conversions but can try to figure it out.
It's in cm, so just x10 or move the decimal point. Time's were similar to my bigger ones (15-19).
Okay thanks Ellie. Then yes I really do think mine were too mature. It's so frustrating not to have had a shot where most things were optimal to know if this would have worked.

I think I'm slowly working my way through the 5 stages of grief and I'm firmly in the anger stage now and might remain there for a bit.
Bronte- not sure on my measurements but I know I had a lot but instead of the trigger I had to have an injection of burselin which is the drug I used to down regulate my body on the fet cycle I've just done. This was due to the amount I had and they were concerned about ohss. Didn't you say you weren't having them transferred this cycle for some reason? Did you still trigger?

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