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IVF/FET May and June

did any of you feel like you needed extra deodorant while taking fertility meds? i wear the same amount of deodorant as i used to and have done nothing different and yet i feel like i need more deodorant mid-day. i know its the summer and its hotter outside, so maybe that has something to do with it, but its just really unusual b/c usually my morning deodorant application is all i need.
Oh Mdc - I'm so sorry. That sucks. Hugs. Did they offer any suggestions of what affected the progesterone. You didn't have that issue with your last stim cycle, right?

Really hope it works itself back into an okay range but if not they can figure out how to get your lining to cooperate for a frozen transfer then.

So sorry you are going through this.

Star - really hope you get a good report back tomorrow!
Just little update I'm now staying on same level of meds but I am going to stim for extra days and will now hopeful go for collection on Thurs of next week all been well next scan is now Tuesday.

Sending love to you all x
Thankful ladies! I went in today and it looks like we have hopefully some good follies (8 and maybe 2 more if they are not overripe). I would expect to trigger today...and then the waiting begins. My lining check today was in a normal position and it was 6.5. Oddly enough that made me feel better that it was not super optimal. I guess the moral of the story is that my lining just is not going to get big. Last month on a natural cycle I got to a 6.3 and with my e2 yesterday at almost 3k it is only a tad bigger. Guess we are just going to have to bit the bullet and try in the upcoming months as long as I am close to 6.5. Too bad next month is out because of travel. Maybe it is better for my wellbeing. I am totally shot mentally and physically at this point.
MDC - sorry to hear about your progesterone. That sucks so bad. I hope you at least get good eggs

Star - good fert report. Hope you get a bunch to make it to day 5!
Morning ladies. Hope you are all okay. Mdc glad you've got good follicles but sorry to hear about the progesterone.

I've just come out of my day 8 (of af) scan where my lining is triple layered and 9.6. I have 16 follicles on the right with three at 12, one overripe that she said was probably a cyst as it's already at 18.

On the left they're smaller but she didn't seem concerned. Got to take the cetrotide from tomorrow. Back for my next scan in two days.

Not really sure what any of it means but she mentioned the possible need for freezing them all if too many follicles grow...I assume that's to do with over stimulation.
I know this is probably too much information but did anyone have lots of EWCM when taking stims? The past two days I've had lots...the same I would usually get when I ovulate but just lots of it.

Is this normal or could I be ovulating now? Got to start my cetrotide tomorrow so ovulation isn't being stopped yet!
EWCM is a great sign! It means your estrogen is rising and your lining is getting thicker. I had loads during stims, but it stopped again before I triggered. I can't remember the exact days, but around the middle of stimming, when my lining got to around 10mm. My lining was 13+ when I triggered!
EWCM is a great sign! It means your estrogen is rising and your lining is getting thicker. I had loads during stims, but it stopped again before I triggered. I can't remember the exact days, but around the middle of stimming, when my lining got to around 10mm. My lining was 13+ when I triggered!

Thank Ellie. My lining was 9.6 this morning so that's probably it . Good to know it's not anything sinister. I came out without asking questions and then wasn't sure what to make of it all.
Hello ladies - I will be triggering tonight for a Wednesday morning collection. Looks like I'll have three eggs to collect!

Learned today about the lovely progesterone suppositories I get to give myself three times a day for 12 weeks. I'll start that immediately after the retrieval. Then sometime this weekend - we transfer back! Excited, scared, happy -- all balled up into one. Eek!
How exciting MerryMary. Wishing you all the best!

Let us know how you get on with the suppositories...I'll be a few days behind you as at the moment they think I'll trigger Wednesday night and have egg collection on Friday!

Hope you don't mind me asking but what sizes are the follicles for them to say trigger.
Yay, Merry. Great news. So excited you are to transfer finally and excited to hear about your results. Really hope you get one that sticks. Are you probably going to transfer 1 or 2 from this cycle? Or are you waiting to see how they progress after retrieval?
Merry, best of luck for the retrieval and transfer. You must be so excited for a transfer after being so patient!

Going, sounds like you are right behind Merry. Best of luck!

Bronte, how are you doing?

So we did retrieval yesterday and got 11, and today found out 10 fertilized! Last round we got 9 and 7 fertilized. We have a way to go as after day 3 is when my eggs arrested and only 2 made it to blasts, but so far so good. On even crazier news...my progesterone on my last draw was only 0.8. The doc thinks now my high reading was maybe a lab error because it should not go up and then down like that. They are rerunning the sample and...we may TRANSFER on Friday after all. Man too many twists and turns for my sanity. I want to give the Frozen embie the best chance but after so long I am really excited to give it a shot. This month marks one year since my mmc despite trying every single month since then there have only been a couple good shots and I hope this is the one. Come on universe....PLEASE let this be the time.
That's good news Mdc. I've got everything crossed for you. How are you feeling following ER?

That's a bit strange about the progesterone but I'm sure they'll figure it out.

Exciting times ahead. Hoping your embryos develop nicely over the next few days.
Mdc - oh my goodness, you have been on a roller coaster. How exciting if you might be able to transfer after all. Yay. Congrats on the fert report. Those are great. Really hope you have more that make it to blastocyst especially with adding in the HGH.

Good luck!!

I'm doing fine - just plugging along and trying to wait until January and improve my egg quality in the process. Let us hope it's working. Saw my acupuncturist for the first time last Wednesday and that went well. She has alot she's going to work on for a holistic approach to it all.
Going, I feel pretty good. A like achy and bloated but not to bad.

Bronte, glad you like your acu person and they are treating in a holistic way. Being in healthcare I was a tad skeptical, but I really found acu has made a difference for me.
Oh, I'm a huge skeptic of acupuncture but I honestly don't even care at this point, I'm trying what I can so I don't have regrets and can move on if my next cycle fails again. That's the plan; just not to have regrets this next cycle.
Oh that's good to hear Mdc.

Bronte that's such a good attitude. If this cycle fails I will be doing exactly the same as you for next time. Anything is worth a shot...right!
Bronte, I completely understand and you have a point...do all we can. I will say after a couple months of acu it did help my cm. Tmi alert...I never had it before and in April and last month we did a natural cycle and it was there. It boggles my mind that needles can make a difference, but it definitely did something for my on that front.

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