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IVF/FET May and June

Star, my feet are definitely the hardest part of acu for me. Sometimes it is easier than others. The only thing that I have found is to take a deep breath in and then a forceful breath out as it goes in and she twists it. I can feel it still and sometimes there is a wince, but tolerable. I find the more anxious I am the worse it is. Try to keep at it and I hope it gets better. Good luck with cutting out sugar and hope a non cyst AF is on its way.

Merry, what transfer all ready...so excited for you! PUPO :wohoo: I will be cheering you on while you are in your TWW and cannot wait your good news!

Thanks everyone for their well wishes! Looks like I will be out next month because of travel, but the next one it will be on like donkey kong as long as AF cooperates.

Hiker hope you are feeling better once everything has sunk in.

Going, hope you are enjoying your first inj free day and are ready for retrieval tomorrow.
Hopeing this lucky thread keeps on going!
Hiker - I can't remember, where are you from again (US, UK, etc). I personally might be looking for a second opinion if you can. Having to suggest different protocols would scare me. I know in the US there are a few clinics that specialize in DOR (one in New York). Man! Why does all of this have to be so hard....
Star, if they put a needle in and it hurts, say something- they don't have to use that point, they can use a point further up or down the line. Also, some points are more sensitive at various times of the month.

Merry - yay!!! Tomorrow's so close!

Hiker so sorry your doc isn't trying harder :(

Afm- nothing new. Just stopping by to say hi and check on you ladies. Hope everyone else is doing well <3
merry - so great you are doing a transfer! super exciting. please do update us. kmftx.

mdc - do you know why they do the feet? i didn’t ask her. I’m going to do it b/c I’ve heard good things about it and I’m willing to do anything. but even my hands hurt from it. my feet and hands were sore. its not like a sharp pain, its like a distinct ache. feels bruised. i’ll try the breathing exercise you suggested. maybe that will help.

cookie- good to know. I’m going to ask her if the hands and feet are important to do and if she can make it hurt less.

nothing else is new, just waiting for AF to show.

wishing everyone well.
for those of you that are doing or have done acupuncture for infertility, where do they put the needles? i just did some research and it seems like for most people they put the needles near the belly button/stomach/ovary area. my session did not include any of that. it was like feet, hands, maybe one stomach and head and then several on my back. do they switch it up every time?
Hi Star - my experience with acupuncture is she switches it up depending on where I am in my cycle. Hands, feet and the top of the head are common. They are treating your whole body - not just your uterus. And your back is effective for your uterus too. It sounds like this might be too stressful for you. Perhaps you could try something else. I have a good friend who is deathly afraid of needles so she did reflexology instead of acupuncture. Good luck
There was one on the ankle/foot called "temple of the child".
I had shooting pain from one on my inside wrist a few times. I asked her not to do it, as it left me bruised and that distant ache for a few days. I sometimes had achey feet afterwards too.
She used to change up where she did it. Usually 1 or 2 on tummy, one in forehead and then sometimes feet, sometimes wrist. One time I had one hear my armpit, a couple of times in my scalp, top of head. I never had any in my back.
The first time I went, she did a load on my tummy and held burning charcoal over them. Apparently I had a cold uterus and some blockages. From then on, my periods were a bit heavier and I stopped getting certain PMT symptoms.

The most important thing is to feel relaxed. If you are not, you need to let them know and they can change it.
Back from egg collection...got 11 eggs. Since I've been quite sick...anyone else experience that?

We are having isci now as husbands sperm wasn't showing to be fast enough.

Hugs for everyone x
Transfer went well yesterday and so the waiting begins. It really was as simple as a pap smear...with a full bladder. We decided to only transfer one embryo back - the best of the two fresh ones we had. I went home afterwards and chilled for the rest of the day. I have a blood test scheduled for 7 September.

This is a long weekend for us in the UK so we are planning a fairly quiet long weekend. I plan to make a big batch of soup this afternoon. I am meeting girl friends for tea on Sunday. Then more relaxing Monday. Somewhere in there is an acupuncture session too.

I have to give huge kudos for my clinic - everyone from the front desk check in lady to the doctor and nurse who did my transfer wished us good luck. I had several hugs too. It was really sweet.
merry mary - love the sound of your weekend. soup, tea, relaxation! perfect for your embie too :) so happy your transfer went well. sending you warm energy and positive thoughts for a successful implantation. fx.

going - great egg collection! when do you get your first update? fx that they develop nicely. in terms of getting sick, ive had a chronic cough for a while, but it started before ER and still has not gone away. i did get constipated for two days and i bled every single day for a week, but very little. similar to spotting. i was crampy and it hurt to urinate for three days.

ellie - thanks for the feedback. i think at my next appointment i will have her adjust it if i feel discomfort. im going to keep at it and figure out what works best to get me to feel relaxed. i have another appointment next week and im pretty curious to see if its more relaxing or just a better experience since i know what to expect. did your place play music while you lay there or was it quiet? mind didnt play any music so im thinking ill take my headphones and play something relaxing.
Thanks star. We got our report this morning....only 3 have fertilised. Feeling a bit gutted tbh...I think because I was told I had lots of follicles I thought we'd have more of a chance. Fx they survive and we get to make a transfer.

The natural ivf all failed to take...they said this explained the unexplained fertility.

They're supposed to be ringing with the next report on bank holiday Monday. Feeling anxious now.

Wishing you all the best MerryMary!

Music sounds like a good idea Star...I might dig some relaxation music out myself.
Going, it only takes 1. I was gutted that only 2 of mine started dividing but they popped them straight back in and 1 took. It's fine. I also only found out just before that there was a problem with the sperm (antibodies) and I found it reassuring that there had been a reason all along and this would now work! Fingers firmly crossed for you.

Star, no, there was no music at mine. It was way too quiet in fact and I used to hear my tummy rumbling. I often ended up talking to the acupuncturist because the total silence was off putting. I never thought to bring music. Good plan.
Thank you Ellie, that's really encouraging. Do you think they'll check on them tomorrow and get me in if they're concerned? I just hope they make it to Monday if that's when they check them next.
It depends on their policies. I had a fert report on the evening of retrieval (day 0) then they rang me 2 days later (day 2) to say they would be putting them back in that afternoon! I'd expected to go to day 5, so was really shocked! Most clinics like to leave them undisturbed for at least one day.
Yes today they said they still expected to go to day 5 but that they'd ring me on Monday so tomorrow is probably the day of leaving them alone to do what they need to!

Thanks for the encouraging response. I'm sure they'll do what's best for me...now I need to have faith in it!
Going - sorry to hear about the poor fert report. I'm crossing my fingers for you and wishing you the best of luck. Grow embies, grow!!!

Merry - congrats on being PUPO. Best wishes for you!!!
Going - I'm pulling for you as well. Sorry to hear the fertilization wasn't what you were expecting but at least you have more answers as to what the issue is and you still have three embryos so really hoping they grow and develop.
Going - I so hope your embies pull through! all it takes is one good embie to make it to transfer. Sending positive thoughts your way. Cheering for you and your embies!
Thank you ladies. I had a really tough night... My stomach bloated and was incredibly painful last night...it feels like I've got so much trapped wind inside...is this normal? Like sharp twinges and an exttldinary stiff stomach...even up to my ribs.

After a bad night I intend to stay on the sofa today and try to recuperate.
Going - I was in a lot of pain when I came out of ER. After a few hours it was manageable. My stomach did bloat but I didn't feel like air was trapped. is it any better today? I'd say if it gets worse or does not subside by tonight or if you are alarmed then check in with your doc. Discomfort is normal but should be something Tylenol can help manage. I was uncomfortable for three days and constipated. That gave me cramps too.

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