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IVF/FET May and June

hey i have so much to catch up on! i had a late day. just wanted to give you all a quick update.

things went very well. i have 12 frosties. 12 out of the 17 made it to day 5 blasts. it took all day to find this out. i called them a couple of times and they were too busy to talk to me. so i was anxious the entire day.

i am very very thankful. next step is to wait for AF to show. I am taking prometrium to induce AF. I still have a few more doses left, then AF should show within 2-3 days after last dose. Then I call doc, they do a scan to check for cycsts. if no cysts, they will put me on estrogen to build up my lining for two weeks and then schedule the transfer. but if when they scan me when AF starts i have cysts, then i have to wait another month to let them shrink down. so we shall see.
Mdc fx that your embies continue going strong and you make it to transfer!

Merry Mary and going for it fx! Keep us updated.

Goodluknto everyone.
Star, that is a really awesome result! Not long now... Congratulations!
Star - Fantastic results! Now - stay away cysts! You've got this.

Mdc - Awesome collection! I have my fingers crossed for strong, healthy eggies for you. Sending good vibes your way! I'm glad to know we may be going through transfer within a few days of each other.

Bronte - I think we will wait and see how everything looks after retrieval. Right now, the plan is to put back two. For what it's worth - I love my acu lady. Rather it's mumbo jumbo or not - I always come out of there more relaxed and I really appreciate having someone to talk to about all this process. Last night - my lower back was aching so badly but by the time I left - I felt great. I still feel great this morning. She has made a huge difference.
Such fantastic news Star! You must be so happy with that number!

Wishing all you ladies all the best!
Star - wonderful results! Yay, you have lots to work with. Really hope the FET goes well!

Merry - I think it sounds like you have a great plan. Hope you get to transfer two and they stick! And that's my goal with Acu - not that I think it's not helpful for other things, I'm just not convinced of it's benefits at improving egg quality specifically especially since that's one of them that's not as proven. I think it has been shown to help with infertility in general but egg quality is a big maybe. But the good thing is that I also suffer from lower back pain, sinus issues, and can always use stress relief. So I'm definitely looking forward to having her help with those, and I agree that one of the main benefits to all of it is to just feel like I'm doing something and having someone in my corner. I love that she's taking a holistic approach and really listening to me and checking out all my body's symptoms to try to get me feeling good overall. No western doctors have done that at all for me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.
Star that is awesome! Good luck with the FET. Should be easy peasy for you after IVF!

Merry so close now! Best of luck!

Big hello to everyone else.

So false alarm my lab work still showed a leak of progesterone when the reran the sample. Doc is baffled and has never seen anything like it before. Go figure...leave it to me to have something crazy happen. She said we could transfer but if it does not work we will wonder if that was the cause and my lining was only 6.5 so not super awesome either. Right now that is the only embie we know we have so don't want to waste it. Ugh this is seriously ridiculous. Oh well. The goal is to just hopefully grow lots of awesome follies to get PGS rock stars and then see what we can do about the lining. I am now going to add Chinese herbs to the mix, go back on my supplements, and hope this helps. I think Sept will be a wash because I have to travel right around O time. If I O after I get back I may just go in for a lining check. I have an Wtf appt on sept 6 to develop a plan. I think I may be the first wtf appt ever before I even transfer a single friggin egg.
Merry Mary glad you've had a good experience w acupuncture! I'm going to my first appointment tomorrow. The lady wants my fsh, Amh, progesterone and some other numbers as well as DH motility level and count. Not sure why they need that. Called the clinic last week and they still haven't given me the info. It's a really struggle to get info for them. I called four times yesterday to get my fert report. I'm hoping those numbers are not necessary to do a good job bc I'd have to really be calling the clinic constantly for that info.

Bronte - I have other issues too that I'd like solved w acupuncture. Pains and sleep issues so hopefully I'll get an overall improvement. Has it helped w sinus issues for you? Or too early to tell?

Mdc - so sorry about the progesterone. I like your pgs Rock star phrase. Fx that you get rock stars soon. I hope the herbs are helpful. So your plan is to freeze and then transfer when lining is right?
Is it weird that I've been spotting everyday since ER which was last Monday? I just need a panty liner but not sure if it's something I should be concerned with. Haven't told clinic yet. Was thinking I'd tell them when AF starts and I go in for scan.
Star, yes that is the plan get my lining somewhat normal and transfer a pgs embie or maybe two if we are lucky to have a couple. Is the spotting still red or more brown? It could be left over from the procedure or even AF. Last time I started day 7 after the ER (had a Lupron trigger).
star - I also started spotting around 4 days post retrieval (but I normally spot before my period - mostly brown blood) and then my period itself started 7 days post transfer. I didn't have spotting right after the procedure though, so it might be something related to the procedure itself since you said you were in some pain. You are likely fine especially if your pain didn't get worse, but if you want feel free to tell your doctor and see what they say.

Mdc - my goodness, hopefully they work everything out and can get you to transfer. I told my doctor for my next cycle there is no way in h*** I was just going to let my embryos go without trying to transfer next time even if they aren't looking good, because I just couldn't even imagine going through this process and no even making it to one transfer. You've had it even worse with two cycles now and I can't imagine what an emotional roller coaster you are going through. I really hope they can get the lining fixed and ready for a transfer. Good luck.
my spotting has been ever since the ER and its red, its very very little, but has been everyday for the past week. and my pain has gone away and it never got worse over time. so hopefully its fine, i’ll mention it to doc at next appointment.
Thinking of you Merry...hope your egg collection goes well.

Hope everyone else is moving along nicely.

I had my scan this morning and they measured 44 follicles :-/ However she said there should be 16 they should be able to use on Friday.

Triggering tonight ready for collection on Friday. They mentioned ohss again today and that they may need to freeze them all this cycle. It's all a bit worrying but I'm going to make myself a shopping list with lots of high protein foods. Any recommendations?
Goingforit - Wow! 44 follicles! Wishing you the best for ER.

MDC - thinking of you. I pray they can get your lining figured out.

Star - hopefully you can transfer next cycle. No Cysts!!
Hi all! Sorry it's been a while - I had to check out a bit since our BFN a few weeks ago. But here is my update..

We had our wtf appointment with the doc yesterday. I must say she is very doom and gloom. Said after our 2 IVF attempts that showed that we've done all we can do and that any more attempts are likely to have the same, negative, results. Of course the donor egg talk again. But since doing my research, I know that DOR is not a death sentence. I wish she was more encouraging like, well let's try something else, or "there are other protocols that you might respond better to" but she isn't.

That said she said if I want to keep trying we can - just don't get my hopes up. SO, I asked about Estrogen priming, and she said we can try that. Although I'm technically not a low responder (or am I? They got 4 eggs at both my retrievals) But I find it strange that it's me suggesting the protocols. She doesn't seem very gung-ho about trying to work with my DOR - just keeps saying the likelihood is low, and that anything I do/take/eat/change in protocols isn't going to help anything. :(

That said, we are finishing off this month as a natural cycle, then next month's cycle starting estrogen priming after I ovulate. (I secretly so want to get pregnant naturally this month just to show her! But I know it won't happen.) I've also started taking Chinese herbs, which I figure - hey can't hurt - really I'll do anything at this point. and by delaying things a bit, I am giving my body a month break from all the meds, while giving me more time to have been on good quality DHEA and CoQ10.

Anyone know anything about estrogen priming? This is exhausting.
Bronte, it is quite the roller coaster and we always have been for pgs only transfers...who knew the problems we would encounter. I hear you on at least doing a fresh and in hindsight I would likely be almost out of my first trimester by now. For us though after my mc...we felt this was the best course of action.

Merry, I hope you are doing well.

Hiker, I just started Chinese herbs (a specific combo for lining) this morning. I was kind worried they would like crap, but it is really not bad. I have heard that the estrogen priming is good and would be a shot to see what happens. What protocols have you previously been on?

Going, holy follies! Best of luck. How high is your estrogen? I agree with high protein and add in high salt after ER. I added cottage cheese, beef jerky, lots of chicken, boiled eggs, and Gatorade after my retrieval. I think it helped this time because I am so much less bloated.

Got the call from the doc and 9 of the 10 are going strong. In talking with the doc (a substitute doc today) I said it was good but worried that last time after day 3 they tanked. He said looking at last time many of them had extra cells which usually means they are likely not chromosomal normal. Geez...would have been nice to know that last time so I could have prepared myself. Luckily this time 7 are 7-8 cell and 2 are 9 so they are looking optimal which is good. Final report on Sat. Yikes!
hiker - so sorry about your doc. i wish she was more encouraging and the type of person who would pull out all the stops. that type of energy is what the ideal would be. wish it wasn’t you suggesting the protocols. i mean that’s fine, but i just wish she had some ideas, especially with her expertise in the field. I’m glad she’s going to work with you on another cycle and that she was receptive to your idea of estrogen priming. really hope a new method will result in a much deserved bfp for you. kmfx.

mdc - wow, great news. sounds very encouraging. can’t wait for your saturday update. good luck!

going - good luck with ER!

afm - did my first acupuncture appointment today. i must say it was really uncomfortable. especially the one placed in one of my feet. i was laying there just waiting for it to be taken out. when i rolled over and she did the back side, that was all fine, but my foot was still aching. it was a throbbing ache. does anyone know why it would hurt so much? I’m going to keep doing it, if it will at all help with transfer. i just wish it wasn’t so uncomfortable. i thought the acupuncturist was very nice and well informed. she gave me some advice about dieting due to my pcos. at first, i wasn’t that receptive, but it sunk in a bit later. she recommended that i cut out dairy, sugar and gluten due to my pcos. many people have told me that, including my obgyn (she mostly said cut out sugar) but I’ve always thought that was impossible. for me at least. when she said it could affect implantation, i thought maybe its something i should try. I’m not going to cut anything out b/c i can’t do that. i’ll just try to limit it some, mostly the sugar. i do eat quite a bit of it. i’ll try to eat more veggies, protein and fruit.

i feel really crampy too. tonight is my last night of prometrium. my body is basically begging to just have a period. i can feel it. I’ve spotted everyday since retrieval and i just want AF to come. i am not going to be surprised if i have cysts. i hope i don’t, but the acupuncturist said its not uncommon, especially after so many eggs were retrieved. here’s to hoping that i don’t have cysts and can move forward with a transfer this month.
Star - I'm sorry you didn't like the acupuncture. Sometimes my lady hits a nerve but it usually goes away pretty quickly. Maybe try another session and see how it goes.

Mdc - I am sending so much luck and good thoughts your way for a great report on Saturday! Go eggies go! Also, thanks for the reminder about beef jerky - last time I was home in the States I bought a big pack. I busted that out this morning. Man, I forgot how good beef jerky is!

Going - way to kick some tail with all those follicles! Great job!

Hiker - it's great to get an update from you. Wishing you so much luck with the priming and Chinese herbs. I took three weeks of Chinese herbs to get rid of my cysts from my cancelled cycle. Much to my surprise (and the doctor's) they worked a charm! Keep us updated when you can.

AFM - Egg collection went great yesterday. Three eggs collected and hubby's sample was the best quality they've seen from him. Got the call today that two of the three eggs fertilised and look great. So I am booked in for a transfer tomorrow afternoon at 2pm!!! I can't believe it's so soon but they said the eggs are most happy inside so let's get them back in there! Also after a long talk with the doctor - we've decided to only put one embryo back. If this round fails - we will go for two next time.

I am absolutely thrilled and excited, maybe a touch nervous and scared but mostly just relieved. I'm ready! I will update tomorrow after transfer then I will probably take a break from the board during my wait. Just so I can distract myself without obsessing.
Hi ladies, I was just catching up here.

Congrats Merry and good luck on the transfer.

Mdc I really hope this works for you, seems like you've been through a rough cycle!

Hello to everyone else, I'm here cheering you on!!
Merry - that's wonderful news. So excited you get to transfer tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Yay!

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