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IVF/FET May and June

Hi Ladies,

Thought I'd give you all am update. I haven't been very well. I was sick last night and then that continued this morning to the point where I couldn't even keep fluids down. Rang the on call doctor who wanted me to go to hospital for a drip but I asked for one more chance...ice cream and ice lolly. This worked...so far they've stayed down and I feel much more human!

Had a call this morning from the embroyologist...

All are still going. Two are the top quality and 8 cells and 1 is 3b (I think he said) which he described as fair quality. Going till day 5 so fx they turn into a blastocyst.

Hope everyone else is doing okay.
Going - I hope you are feeling better. Good news on the embie report. I hope they all make it!!
Great news on the embies and I'm sorry you've been so ill. Be careful, OHSS would not be good xx
Going - definitely keep an eye on everything carefully. Hope you feel better. Great news on the embryo report. Yay!
Going, great news on your 3 embies!!
Keep well hydrated to avoid ohss. Feel good and let us know what they're up to after your next report!
going - so sorry you've had a rough time after ER. i felt a lot of discomfort, but not being able to keep fluids down is so hard. im glad you are keeping them down now. just take good care and monitor yourself closely. really happy your embies are going strong. my fx that they all make it to blastocyst. good luck and keep us updated.

afm - tomorrow i have my appointment to check to see if i have cysts. fx that i don't, but i wont be surprised if i do.
Good luck Star!! Does that mean you are moving straight into your FET then if there aren't cysts? Really hope it's good news!
I hope so too! If no cysts, then we will move straight to FET. I'll find out soon. I have another acu appointment tomorrow. Even if I have cysts I'll continue to do that until the FET.
Going, yikes I hope you are still feeling better and are getting ready for the big day! Very exciting!

Star, best of luck today with your appt.

Afm we got good news from the embryologist for the final count. The hgh really helped the day 5s and we are set to get the pgs results next Tuesday. Overall very happy!
Mdc - how many did you have then that made it to blast compared to last time. I'm really considering adding HGH for next time, but most of what I've read on it, shows it as helping for "low responder" category, which I'm not sure I really fit since I had 14 eggs retried - they were just super low quality.

Excited you got some good news and hopefully you can get everything else worked out.
Thank you all for your kind wishes. I thought we had turned the corner but no...I was sick again. Just spoke to the nurse on call whose told me it soinds like ohss and to be prepared for it not to go ahead tomorrow. To be honest I feel like death so it's a bit of a relief.
Hi all I've been 'lurking' but so busy no time to post but goingforit I just had to post I suffered severe late onset ohss and was extremely poorly hospitalised and 10 plus litres drained I'm sure yours won't be so bad especially if they don't do transfer BUT try to drink as much water as you can even tho you are being sick it's crucial as your body is dehydrating the follicles are pulling all water from your body, eat chicken in small snacks seriously it makes a difference,eggs as many as you can and it will eventually get better. You need to watch how much you are peeing and make sure it's not too concentrated if so you may have to go for IV fluids to help get you better. I seriously hope this is minor for you - if you want any help just shout I've been through it only a matter of weeks ago! Good news is that it should only last a few weeks as long as they don't transfer....if their is any doubt about ohss it's not worth it I nearly ended up in high dependency as couldn't breath and had to go to theatre for a drain to be fitted to drain all excess fluid. It's not worth it ...not that I would have believed anyone if I was told this prior to transfer but I just had to say because I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone 🙈. Best of luck and hope you feel better soon!!!!
Going - I am so sorry you are going through this. I can only imagine how awful it must feel. I also understand your relief. I didn't have ohss and some part of me felt relieved when we decided not to transfer bc I just felt so uncomfortable. Your situation is serious if it's ohss and am sending you warm wishes for a speedy recovery.

Nimbec - my goodness that sounds so terrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through it!

Afm - got cleared to begin prep for FET. There was one very small cyst but doc says it's not a problem. So I'm taking estrogen three times a day for two weeks. Then I will go in for a scan. Then take progesterone for one week. Then if lining is good I'll get the transfer. I really thought I'd have to wait another cycle - very thankful to begin prepping for it. Any tips on things to do?
Bronte, last time I had 9 retrieved and 7 made it to day 3 and then only 2 made it. This time we retrieved 11 and 7 made it to blasts. My doc is a firm believer that it works for quality and not necessarily quantity. Obviously I need to wait for pgs but this time I have many more eggs and at a higher quality.

Going, so sorry you feel so awful and sad you may not get to transfer tomorrow. Best to get you in optimal condition for the embies.

Star great news on the FET! I don't believe you had any lining issues so just be a good patient and remember to take your meds :winkwink: I did add more protein and blood building foods (eg beets). Also plenty of acu!
Thanks Mdc - this is all great news and really hoping your PGS results come back great as well.
Thanks again ladies. Took a turn for the worst last night and I'm now in hospital as I couldn't even keep fluids down. Hopefully they'll update regarding my embryos anyhow.

Thanks for all ur concerns. Thanks Nimbec it's not much fun but I'm waiting to see what the doctor says this morning. Got Iv and antisickness
Oh Going - was so hoping you'd get to avoid that, but really hope they can get you fixed up and back to normal quickly. Since you didn't transfer yet, you should have an easier time of it and can be thankful for that. Just rest up and hope the FET goes well then! Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
Going, oh no! I was hoping you would be able to stay healthy enough to not have to be in the hospital. I wish you a speedy recovery and excited to hear about the awesome embies!
Going - I'm so sorry that it has continued to get worse. I hope you are experiencing some respite from the pain w the IV. I'm sure you body will/does feel winded from it all. I hope that it gets better soon! That you don't have to be there too long. Sending you the warmest wishes for comfort and recovery.

Mdc - so happy about your blasts. Fx that pg testing goes well. Thanks for the protein tip. How much acu did you do or recommend - once a week or twice a week? I've also read about acu pressure points which I'm going to start doing at home. I have many alarms set for the meds. Still scared I'll forget.
I have many alarms set for the meds. Still scared I'll forget.

I downloaded the most amazing app that I used during IVF and still use now, as I'm still on quite a few meds (until next Tuesday - yay!).
It's called Medisafe and is free. I'd highly recommend it :)

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