Jazz a so excited - can't wait to see pics. Really hope you have a nice and straightforward birth - thinking of you,lots of love x
Tinkerbell - sorry the dreaded 2wwis getting to you, I didn't really get any symptoms for a good few weeks about from cramping which feel like Af, so hope this is your time
Izabela - great news you've been matched I know it seems like ages away but you can enjoy a lovely Xmas & let your body chill a bit before the new year
Briss - hope you're doing ok, isn't u're follow-up appt soon.
Monkeyfeet / Serena I know one or two friends who have done blw and think it's great. Obviously I'm just hoping to get over 1st breast feeding hurdle first!!!
Things ok with me- still crazy busy at work and having to rush around. Bump is starting to feel really heavy now, can't believe I've still got 7wks of baby growth to go there is no more room!!!!
K xx
Tinkerbell - sorry the dreaded 2wwis getting to you, I didn't really get any symptoms for a good few weeks about from cramping which feel like Af, so hope this is your time
Izabela - great news you've been matched I know it seems like ages away but you can enjoy a lovely Xmas & let your body chill a bit before the new year

Briss - hope you're doing ok, isn't u're follow-up appt soon.
Monkeyfeet / Serena I know one or two friends who have done blw and think it's great. Obviously I'm just hoping to get over 1st breast feeding hurdle first!!!
Things ok with me- still crazy busy at work and having to rush around. Bump is starting to feel really heavy now, can't believe I've still got 7wks of baby growth to go there is no more room!!!!
K xx