IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?


I trying to take a break from the forum but still check every now and again and am so happy to hear your good news - that's made my weekend!! I know you must be feeling very weird now, but if at all possible try and enjoy.

I've still got a few weeks to go until testing as still on stimulation injections but let's hope i'm here to join you shortly

love to all

k xxx
Serena that is amazing news!!! Made my day! So pleased for you. Appeciate this process is so stressful and full of worry but try to relax and enjoy. Xxxx

Much love to all.xxx
Thanks Key & Monkeyfeet, that's really nice of you.
Key - good luck with the stims & transfer, keeping everything crossed for you x I think a break from the forum helps to not overanalyse & stress out so hope it helps & looking forward to hearing your update soon x

Monkeyfeet - how are you doing? How far along are you now and how are you feeling?

AFM - Yes, just trying to enjoy it. The cramps have gone which has made me feel a bit less worried about miscarrying, but the morning sickness has already kicked in - think it's because I've had to increase the oestrogen pills. Booked in for a scan on the 20th Nov, can't wait x

Kazza, hope you're doing well hon & enjoying all the wedding planning x

Anastacia - congratulations on a boy & girl, glad that the babies are well after the chickenpox scare, that must have been horrible x
Hi ladies

Congratulations serena you must be over the moon:happydance:

Hope that everyone is doing well

Monkeyfeet and anastacia how are the pregnancies going.

Key hope your cycle is going well fingers crossed for another positive result.

Afm I'll be 34 weeks on Friday am as big as a house and am counting down the days till we meet ths little one. So much still to do and very little time left!!!!!

Kazza hope the wedding plans are coming along nicely what an exciting time.X.
Hi ladies

Firstly serena! I am so so so pleased for you!! Remind me was the your frozen cycle? Do keep us updated I am sssssssssssooooooooooooo happy!! It's been a long old road!!

Anastacia. How are you? Can imagine how you must have for with your scare!!! Glad this are ok now and congratulations on a baby boy and girl! How perfect!!

Monkeyfeet how are you? How many weeks are you now?

Thinking of you key xxxxxx

Afm, Well, we had the at lister to look at egg sharing, I'm going on metformin for two months which I'm happy about as I've heard good things about this as I suffer with acne, weight and excess hair! Not much going for me really! So I'm hoping this will help! Does anyone have any experience with this? Scan of womb all looks good, oh as was 2 million but the motility is now normal and but morph still low. But as long as all my blood comes back normal looks, like we are being accepted for egg sharing ! Wahoo!

Wedding is booked for 28th march 2014 for something else to think about!
Sorry ladies only just seen your other posts!!

Key I have everything crossed for you Hun!Been thinking of you loads !

Serena you have given me such hope! Keep us posted !

Monkeyfeet hope your well!

J honey not long now Hun!!! Exciting times!!!
Wow, it's been a quite a while since I've been on here :wave:

I have a bit to catch up on I guess, how is everyone? I'll try read back through everything and see what I've missed but what main stuff has been going on during my absense?

I need some time away after our failed ICSI and just wasn't up to really coming on and posting but I'm now CD2 and we're doing IUI this cycle so I'm ready to come back and try and find some positive thinking again and have hope again that there could be some light at the end of this very dark and long tunnel we're stuck in atm.
Had my baseline scan today to check for any cysts and all was good so have started clomid for the IUI and am back next Wednesday for the next scan.

I was actually surprised when I went there today, I thought they'd be there jumping on me to pay for it but it hasn't even been mentioned yet :wacko:
Kazza - that's great news about the egg sharing? So you'll be leaving Guys for Lister to do this? How does it work? Do you share the cost & donate half your collected embryos? What a fantastic thing to be able to do for another couple. Let us know all the details & also what Lister is like compared to Guys.
Yes, my round was a frozen one. I only had one embryo put back in so have two frozen left to try if this doesn't end up sticking, or for baby no 2 I guess! I think if I have another fresh round of ICSI I'll ask for all embryos to be frozen as I really don't think the fresh transfer is for me as I had so much pain & crazy hormones. I definitely think the frozen transfer is better for me personally & I'm not just biased as I had already discussed this with my husband before I had BFP!

Jhoney - not long now! Can't believe how quickly this year has gone. Have you picked names & got all the bits (nursery, clothes etc) sorted?

Tinker bell - good luck with the IUI, and maybe you'll even get it for free!

Key - hope the stims are going ok or EC if you're that far along x

Monkeyfeet - hope you're doing ok too x

AFM - nothing much to report. Giant boobs, morning sickness & exhausted but cramps have all gone which I'm hoping is good but weird not to be feeling any twinges. If I wasn't constantly throwing up I'd be more worried than I am. Really looking forward yet half dreading the scan on the 20th & praying (in an atheist way) that everything is ok.
Oh wow Serena I just been reading back trying to catch up on everything now I have time and noticed you got your BFP :) that's amazing news, congratulations.
Does it feel like the 20th is a lifetime away? will be thinking of you and can't wait for you to tell us there was a lovely strong heartbeat

Kazza congratulations on booking your wedding, what an exciting time :) hope you enjoy all the planning, I know I did.
That's great that you'll be doing egg sharing, it's something i'd consider myself if I were allowed. Such a nice thing to do i think, be able to help other in a situation we unfortunately know what feels like.

I can't believe you're 34 weeks now Jhoney, that's gone so fast. Enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy :)
Hi tinkerbell welcome back fingers crossed the iui goes well for you

Serena make sure you get lots of rest I remember how overwhelming the tiredness can get
Can't wait to hear about your scan I was beyond nervous when we went for our 8 week scan but as soon as you see that heart beat it all vanishes.

Afm we have most of the stuff we need the oh is doing the nursery which should be finished by the end of the week.
We've picked Scarlett for a girl and Harrison for a boy but who knows that could all change once it's born

Hope everyone else is doing well and you've all had great weekends.X.
Hope no one minds a comment as I am no longer LTTTC but I noticed a question about Guys v Lister. After tx at both over several attempts from IUI to IVF all I can say is I wish we had gone to the Lister first.

We used Guys initially as was easier to get to but tbh there was no comparison in terms of information, facilities, support and ultimately the result.

I have no vested interest in this btw but if you are looking at both hospitals then make sure you can visit both if you can first.

Good luck to all undergoing tx. We were lucky on third attempt.
Hi All,

So much to catch up on!

Kazza, very exciting re the egg sharing, as Serena says, pls keep us posted and I'll be thinking of you. Congrats on the wedding date too! So much to look forward to.

Key, good luck, hope the stims are going well. Xx

Tinkerbell, great news re an iui cycle and even better if free. Here's hoping this is your time.

Jhoney, can't believe you are 34 wks already!! So exciting. Are you still at work or have you finished for mat? So you must be due just before Xmas! Perfect. Wishing you all the best and keep in touch.

Anastacia, congrats on the twins! Boy /girl too!!sorry to hear about your pox scare but glad all good. How many weeks are you now?

Serena, still so so chuffed for you. Sad you're feeling so poorly but like you, I took I
Immense comfort from that. Here's hoping the next 2 wks fly by for you - it's amazing to see beans heartbeat first time! Will be thinking if you as remember how anxious I was.xx

Afm - all ok with baby, now 26+3. Developed spd thought which is very uncomfortable but Hoping to be referred for physio tomorrow. With that and the fibroids and the vad start it's really not been an easy pregnancy but we are just so so grateful to be here. 7 more weeks at work and just exchanged on our new house in Suffolk, getting keys in two weeks!! Lots to look forward to.

Much live to all, really nice to hear from everyone. Xx
Hi Ladies

Tinkerbell, really good to hear from you good luck with IUI.

Monkeyfeet, not long for you now! Whats SPD? Congrats on the new house!!! having a baby and moving house!!!! Brave woman!!

J-Honey, not long!!! really glad your almost ready to go!!!

Serena, sorry to hear you are not feeling well, but I would certainly take comfort from that too! I hear FET have a good sucess rate these days because there are less drugs in your system.

Key, really hoping your doing well xxx

Lister V Guys well ...

I really loved the staff at guys and I felt i was treated well but having gone to the Lister, they are in my opinion better so far, aside from having a better sucess rate, they are much more thorough, they answer the phone when you call, and the continually email you regularly! So from a comunication perspective they are much better. We went to the clinic last wednesday and all our blood results are back already, bar cystic fibrosis and chromosomes, which i was told in advance could take 3-6 weeks. We had a 3 hour appt all free, bloods free, scan free and councelling for egg sharing all free, all we have to pay for is our HFEA licence and ICSI at £750. I will then give away half my eggs to anothr lady in need, any child born has the right to contact me when they are 18 but there is no legal obligation for me to respond or meet them, - i would though.

Lastly, Guys offered us the free research thing for hscopy and even though im not having treatment there they will still let me have it and follow up the ivf at lister, which is very nice of them!

I really hope that going forward this will work im trying to keep up the PMA and i certainly found some more once we went to the lister but i am worried that this will never happen for us! :(
Hi ladies

We are really excited am due to have a c section around the 12th of dec so bubby will be with us for Xmas hubby just asked what I wanted for Xmas to be honest I don't care at all i'm thinking we already got the ultimate gift!!!!
I have 3 more weeks left at work I decided I wanted more time off after bubby is born than before less time to sit around and let my imagination run wild, after what we go through don't think you believe it to be real until we have those little bundles at the end.

Monkeyfeet glad to hear baby is doing well sorry your having a tough time of it, hope things get better soon.

Kazza you will do it, i've just had a patient who is 46 and had 3 failed attempts She wanted to give up but her husband pushed her to give it one last shot, and they just had a gorgeous baby girl in October, I know it's easy for me to say but don't gve up hope, I work just near the lister and have several patients who have had successful treatment there and have heard nothing but fantastic things about the hospital I know they have one of the best success rates. I will be keeping everything crossed and praying that soon we hear good news from you.

Hope everyone as had a great weekend.X.
Tinkerbell – Thank you so much. Yes the 20th is definitely another lifetime away! Time seems to be going backwards at the moment! How are you?

Jhoney – not long now until xmas baby! I know it probably doesn’t feel this way for you but it seems to have flown by for us on the forum. I can’t even believe it’s been about a year since we started this forum. Good luck in your last few weeks x

Elsielouise – that’s really interesting about Lister vs Guys. I have definitely found the worst part of Guys is their communication. They are atrocious at times. They have always been nice when I’ve been there but via the phone they are terrible, and just generally I don’t always feel that there is anyone there to talk to about any concerns. It’s good to know Lister is a lot better at this as I definitely think it’s needed as IVF is so tough anyway.

Monkeyfeet – I had no idea what SPD was either but have just googled it, and I think it is what my sister-in-law had in her second pregnancy. She was in so much pain, I feel really sorry for you. I can’t believe you’re 28 weeks now (is that right?). that seems a life-time away. So only a few more weeks left of work. What are your plans for the last 10 weeks – taking it easy or tearing around getting the new house ready for baby?

Kazza – That is so interesting about the egg sharing. What a marvellous thing to be able to do. Hopefully at Lister they will give you much more support and find a treatment that suits polycystic ovaries more (I remember someone mentioning that Guys wasn’t very good for this when we first started the forum), so you might even end up with as many embryos from the sharing as you did at Guys! When do you start treatment? I know exactly what you mean about PMA – I was definitely convinced it would never work for me, and now it has I feel like even if this pregnancy isn’t successful I would want to try more treatment as I now have more hope. Nurse Alice (who is my favourite nurse at Guys) said it’s just a case of timing and finding the right embryo for each person. I think that’s a good way to look at it. I am completely sure it will work for you, you’re just waiting for the right embryo. It’s tough though. IVF is definitely such a tough thing to go through, I really don’t think others can understand.

Key – thinking of you, hoping everything is going well.

AFM – Things are ok, but really sick. I feel dreadful all day and am sick 2 or 3 times a day most days. And I know it’s a bad thing to say but I feel quite down about it and am currently not enjoying being pregnant at all. The first week was nice and exciting but since then I have only been at work 3 days as I’ve been so ill. One of the days I was at work I started bleeding. I didn’t panic too much but I did think it was a miscarriage. I rang the ACU and they said to rest & come in for blood tests the next morning. The bleeding went off after a few hours and went to spotting, but I had really bad backache and cramps. Had the blood tests the next day (the nurse said ‘oh dear, are you prepared for the results?’!!! what was I supposed to say to that?!) and they didn’t bother ringing us back! My husband was going crazy about it, kept ringing them and they promised they’d ring by 5. 5 came and went and at about 5.30 my husband left a really angry message on their answerphone saying it was disgusting to not be in contact with us when we are potentially having a miscarriage. At 6.30 they called and said the blood tests were fine. They said to see how I was for a week but I asked if I could come for more blood tests the day after, for peace of mind more than anything. When we went back for blood tests I still had cramps and backache so I asked if I could speak to a dr as I was worried maybe it might be a UTI or maybe the pessaries causing some kind of infection. The amazing oncall doctor was so lovely and calm, and just said it all seemed normal but that he’d do a scan to see what we could see. And we could see a tiny blob with a heartbeat! It was amazing. really put my mind at rest (for now). he said lots of people have bleeding and not to worry. I had a tiny bit of spotting 2 days ago but nothing else since. I’m hoping everything will be ok on Tuesday for the next scan. Can’t believe how stressful this all is and I’m only 7 weeks!
My IUI got cancelled today because I over responded, really annoyed because I expressed my concerns with this happening knowing how well I responded to meds during IVF and they brushed me off, and l ended up being right :(

Start again next cycle and hope the different medication approach works better.

I can't remember but have any of you paid for treatment at Guy's? If so, when was you charged? I'm cd16 now and with a cancelled treatment but had plenty of scans and as of yet no one has mentioned paying or given me a bill. Obviously I'm not going to ask but will they just send it at some point?
J honey how lovely your baby will be hear just in time for Xmas!!! Lovely!

Serena, sorry your having a hard time at the moment! I really hope the sickness eases off!!
How amazing that you or to see the heart beat! Really glad that put your mind at rest!! for a while! Cannot believe guys kept you hanging on for all that time!!! they are so bad for that!

That's the good thing with lister! I've had answers straightaway no problems at all!

We are jus waiting or final goods to come ack and our drs response too! Then we shoud be off and rolling! It cat come round quick enough! So glad I've to the wedding to focus on too!

Tinkerbell sorry your cycle got cncelled, I feel like everything ive told the drs to do They only want to do after its failed for me! I don't no about payment, I've not ad too! If your paying perhaps look at lister! I'm very pro lister right now !!
Hi ladies -it's been a little while since i've posted. Bad news i'm afriad my OTD was today, but i started bleeding yesterday (and did a cheeky test 7pd5dt which was BFN) so didn't have much hope and it was negative. I really don't understand as we had 2 good looking 5day blasts transferred (and 1 frozen) and all 8 that fertilised were going strong at day3 so that's why we went to blast. 7made it to early blast but only the 3 in total made it to full blast to be used / frozen.

I don't know if it is worth even doing the FET with 1 since we have now transferred 5 good 5 day blasts and none have done anything. I have asked a consultant to call me to see what they think. If we're going to go fresh i want to do asap as i was 35 in May and really feel that time is against me and that it is never going to happen. I am also going to look into Lister (possibly for egg sharing if there's any chance if we can as we really don't have the money to pay, but will have to find it somehow) Sorry i think i'm rambling now - but just can;t beleive it, i really really thought this was the time.

I hope you're all ok - Serena sorry to hear about the terrible sickness i hope the scan went ok yesterday. Tinkerbell really sorry about IUI - i'm sure it must have been devasting after getting hopes up.

Moneyfeet / Jhoney - glad to hear things are progressing so well

Kazza - i'm glad to hear you feel much more positive and think i may be joining you at Lister one way or another, i think we need to change something as they effectively haven't found any problems with me so why in God's name is it not working!!

take care

Hi ladies,

It's been sooo long since I posted on here, and there seems to be lots of updates.

Firstly congrats to those with bfps, I'm so pleased your pg are progressing well.

(((hugs))) for the bfns, particularly key and kazza. It's such a long hard road. But I'm pleased to read that you're considering lister. I think someone mentioned that an earlier poster recommended the lister, that was me. I wish I'd gone there from the beginning. I know it's expensive but it will be money well spent when you get that bfp. Unfortunately guys don't tailor their protocols enough for individuals.

Key, i believe lister's egg share programme has a cut off age of 35 so you may well get in there if you move quickly. It's amazing how many patients lister ends up with from guys!

Quick update on me: currently 18wks with twins, but had a couple of scares along the way so I'm on modified bed rest.
Hi all,

Key I am so so sorry to hear your news. So sad. Thinking if you muchly and I hope you get some answers from the consultant. Lister sounds like a good next step for egg sharing and like you day will help with cost too. I do nearly went to lister second time round as guys were being obstructive about getting me on to next cycle quickly.

Tinkerbell, so sad for you too having iui cancelled. Hope they adjust meds appropriately this time round. We paid for our second round at guys and received an invoice but they never chased us as such. We also had to pay for frozen storage which we did not do in timely manner at all but just when we were ready. Wouldn't mention anything if you've not recd invoice though.

Serena, what a rollercoaster for you. I can imagine how worried you have been. So so pleased baby is all good though and hoping you got even more reassurance at your scan yesterday. Keep us updated and here's hoping its smooth from here on in for you.

Kazza, glad to hear things seems to be moving pretty quickly for you. Such an interesting process and I'm really hoping this is your time. Keeping everything crossed and all my thoughts with you.

Vesper good to hear from you and great news you're 18 wks! Hope you're feeling well.

Jhoney.. Due date looms. Hope you are comfortable and well and have everything prepped for your pre Xmas arrival! I'll be looking out for the arrival news!

Afm, all ok considering.

Much love to all.xxxx

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