IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi ladies

Monkeyfeet so sorry to hear you have spd I did too I so understand how you feel it got to the point where it hurt even to roll over in bed. It's one of those wonderful things they dong tell you about as a pregnancy symptom. Hope everything else is going well for you.

Serena glad to hear coming off the pesseries has been ok and all is well I know what you mean about it being as though your now going it alone but hopefully those feelings have passed now and your starting to enjoy your pregnancy.

I hope that all you other ladies are doing well and I look forward to hearing some wonderful news of pregnancy in 2013

Afm, I had our gorgeous baby girl on Thursday the 20th of December she was 6 days over due and I was induced as I had developed pre eclampsia.
Everything went really smoothly I laboured very fast 1cm to 10cm in just over the hour so no time for painkillers even though I was adamant I needed an epidural to cope with if all, as it turned out labour was actually fine as long as you keep control of the breathing and pushing her out was not as painful as I first feared it was so amazing you don't really think about pain!!!
Scarlett was born weighing in at a healthy 8lb 2oz's. I had to stay in for one night due to the pre eclampsia but we came home safe and sound for Christmas. We have been truley blessed and we will never take our little miracle for granted or forget what it took to get her here. I hope our news helps you ladies to keep pushing on as it does work and I can't wait for it to work a more deserving bunch of ladies.

Merry Christmas everyone.X.
JHoney, congratulations!! very inspiring. Merry Christmas!
Congratulations Jhoney - so glad to hear your beautiful girl is here safe and sound, and i love the name Scarlett. I can't believe time has gone by so quick - but it really is wonderful to see some happiness coming out of this long journey :happydance:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to an exciting new year (Monkeyfeet, Serena & Vesper - your own bundles of joy), Tinkerbell & Briss countinuing with the journey (whatever that may be) and Kazza & i fourth time lucky!!

AFM - i'm still waiting for AF since failed cycle it's 38 days now, so took a POAS just incase we had an xmas miracle but of course nothing. I was just hoping to get back on track as have booked egg sharing appt at Lister for 30th Jan but looks like i will have to move as they have to do 2 to 5 day bloods a week before this so unlikely to happen as we'll be away for this cycle now. All looks ok for lister only concern is that we would have to have completed treatment before end of May (when i turn 36) so that means timelines are really really tight to get all tests done, find donor and do treatment! At least we get to go and see clinic and can then make a decision - but i think it is more likely we try frozen then pay for fresh cycle at lister.

BUT more importantly we're off on holiday on Tuesday so that's something to look forward to :)

hope you all have a wonderful new year - and here's to 2013 bringing us everything we wish for

k xx
Hi Ladies

J honey - Congratulations I am over the moon for you!!!! Lovely christmas pressie for you!!

Serena - How are you doing hun?

Monkeyfeet, when are you due? Glad your off work now, relax and enjoy before little one comes along!

Briss how are you?

Key - hope you have a wonderful holiday, you deserve a lovely break. If you go to your appt on the 30th they should be able to do that test after if need be. I didnt have that test done as i didnt know when my next cycle would be.

AFM - WE HAVE BEEN MATCHED! Lister called yesterday so we are just waiting to find out the ladies last period and then they will start to syncronise. I am hoping to hear back today. They are starting us on different meds to guys so i am hoping maybe my body will react better to new meds. Plus ive been on metformin for 3 months now too.

I have also called guys and left yet another msg about booking the hscopy! Still waiting for a call back. One thing i dont miss about Guys! Lister is much better in terms of commincation!

I can now say, IM GETTING MARRIED NEXT YEAR!! Woopee!
Kazza that's fantastic news i'm really excited for you. How long did it take from your first meeting to now? I'll call Lister and ask them if I can still go on the 30th without having amh and fsh tests. You said you are different meds this time, what are they and what does metformin do?

I went to guys for immune tests today and have appt end of Jan with consultant again to review - should be interesting! Holiday was amazing very relaxing and I feel ready to start all over again

Kazza let me know how you get on and re hystercopy I had mine about a week after AF on cycle before treatment if that helps at all

Hope everyone else is doing OK and looking forward to happy, healthy 2013

K xx
Hi key yes ask them if you can do them at the next possible time! Or if guys have renewed those tests ask for copies and take them with you.

Metformin helps to regulate your natural hormones and cycle. It is also meant to help with egg quality. I'm not sure what the drugs are called yet but I shall let you know, apparently they are more natural than gonal f.

We had our appt on 30th oct , it's about three hours long, I had loads of bloods done, and you wait 3 weeks for those results such as cystic fibrosis and lots of others. Daniel had to het another HIV done and we faffed about getting those on NHS because lister wanted the results split between HIV 1 and 2 very annoying! And that took another 2-3 weeks to sort.

Then we were matched within a few days!

Af finally arrived today nsturally! so I now start the pill tomorrow! Fish test at guys in the morning and should get my hscopy date soon! Hope it's a week after af too!

Was your immune tests all blood work and do u have to pay for that?

Happy new year all xxxxx
Jhoney - congratulations! Love the name Scarlett. I might have to read Gone With The Wind again now! Great news. Hope the first few weeks are going well & you're not too sleep deprived x

Kazza - wow it's full steam ahead for you! The more natural drugs sound interesting? Are they supposed to be a bit easier on your body or just better for producing eggs? X

Key - glad you had such a relaxing holiday. Have you decided to have another round of FET or are you moving to Lister? X

Monkeyfeet - how are you doing now hon? When is your due date?

AFM - no real news. House is on the market so hoping to move before July. All I really want to do is nap until then though, not talk to estate agents and solicitors!
Hi all,

Congratulations jhoney! How exciting. Love the name Scarlett, hope you are selling and enjoying your new family.

Kazza, so very exciting to have been matched and off! Where ate you at now? How are the different drugs doing? Thinking of you.

Key, glad you had a good break, sounds like just what you needed. Have you had any of your appts as yet to know whether you'll be heading lister or guys this time?

Serena, great to hear from you too. How many weeks are you now? I promise once you hit that 2nd trimester for sure you will recover some energy! Sounds like you too ate doing everything at once with the house on the market! It sounds crazy but I'm so glad we did it and it really was not as stressful as everyone makes out it should have been. Touch wood will be smooth for you too. Are you looking at the same location ?

Afm, now 37+4 and counting! Very uncomfortable and have started the campaign to get this little one out! Cannot wait to meet him now.

Love to all and anyone I've missed.xxx
Monkeyfeet good to hear from you - not long to go at all now, you must be so excited! Make sure you let us know when the little man arrives

Kazza - what's the news at lister, do you know when you will be starting medication?

AFM - i went to guys for immune testing but waiting to hear back on that and went to Lister on Thurs to do my amh which i think is the main factor to decide if we will be accepted or not (obviously got all the other bloods but think they would be fine). For me it will very tight as i'm 36 at end of May, so when we go on 30th need to understand if timeline is even possible, but i hope it is as the more i think about it, the more i really want to egg share

Hope everyone is good and enjoying making snowmen!

k xx
Hey ladies nice to hear from you!

Serena, lots gong on for you! Hope the house sells quickly for you!

Monkeyfeet! Your almost there! Not long now!!

Key - when will you get the result from lister and results for immune issues? Good luck and please let me knw how the immune tuff works as I might go down tat route too!

Afm hscopy booked next Tuesday at guys. Do they give u the result there and then? Still on the pill and baseline scan at lister is 1st feb!

Kazza you will see everything on screen during hycopy and they'll tell you if they spot anything such as fibroid and guess remove there and then if needed. Good luck for Tues it's not bad at all just a little more uncomfortable than the normal scans so you'll be fine. We're all used to the proding by now!!

Got my amh results which are good apparently so we're full steam ahead for consultation meeting on Weds at Lister for sharing. I was concerned about amh but now I know it's fine I'm getting excited. We're meeting Dr Farris is that who you saw?

Hope everyone else good with moving / last few weeks of pregnancy / new baby and those still ttc

K xx
Thanks key!

Great news bout amh results! Let me know what lister say! I saw dr thum xxx
Kazza how'd you get on with hysterocopy today - hope all went well? We're at lister tomorrow and I'm getting quite excited about whole thing.

One question you said it took a few additional weeks to get dh tests (HIV 1&2) what was the delay - could you have got these quicker?

K x

Hcosy all normal thank goodness!

Good luck at lister tomorrow let me know how you get on! You can pay about £100 and let lister do hubbys HIV test or answer did we got he to to arrange it, but the lab sent it through as simply HIV negative, lister make you break it down to confirm type 1 and 2 negative. So we had to go back have another test and et dr to tell the lang to break it down, try didn't so dr wrote lister a letter toconfrim both types checked and negative.

Egg sharing is exciting I think! The child has the right to contact u when it's 18 and you can wright them a goodwill message! I'm bk Friday hopefully to down reg!!
Glad to hear everything went ok at Guys.

We had a good 4 hour session at Lister! Consultant was very positive about our chances, much like at Guys. We are waiting til we get the first lot of immune test back from Guys next week but also considering spening £600 on natural killer cells tests for me, just to double check.

They are happy for me to go on the scheme and are going to try and fast track results so that everything can be done before end of May (and dreaded 36 b'day) but they don't seem to think timing is problem. Interesting that slightly diff protocol down reg only 1 week and then menupur instead of gonal-f - fingers crossed that makes a difference for us both

DH is going to get test done at DR's but we've got a letter with everything we need so hopefully no confusion.

when talking to nurses we may even be ready to go on pill (to sync with receiptent) early March period....

Am now getting excited and have a good feeling about Lister

let me know what happens tomorrow

k xx
Hey key! Great news bout lister!! I came out with the same feeling and they are so much more efficient than guys! Im sure they said I'll be DR for one week too! So fingers crossed I'll be Stimming next Friday!!! Fingers crossed!

Keep me posted on your tests as that's our next course of action!! Be good to no how that all works!!

Will you be doing icsi again?

Did they show you the comparison on the screen for the sucess rate and the difference between guys and lister? Big difference!!

It's our turn now key!!!
So have you started DR today Kazza?
Yes Lister showed me success rates with blast taking into account age etc and it's 60%, so this time odds are in our favour!!

Your comment at the end made me smile - it reminded me of a war cry or something :) BUT you are bang on, we deserve a bit of luck & those two lines on the test

Have a great weekend & I'll let u know how I go with immune results from Guys on Monday

Hope everyone else good

K xx
Hey key, no I'm starting on Wednesday then start Stimming on the 15th with 112.5 menopur. You have to mix it up yourself tho! Yes they said bout 60% to mee to! I've been racking my brains what they do so differently to guys! They did say they will check my thyroid again as they like it to be below two as research how's lower thyroid = better implantation! Even if your thyroid is normal they lower it!

Haha I knw, I've had enough now! Time for 2 lines !! I'd love a little one to hold in my arms whist I walk down the aisle next yr!!

Good luck for Monday! Ill Be watching or your post!
Wow, congratulations to both of you on your test results. It's great the DR is so much shorter - worst part by far for me with the headaches. How long do they get you to stim at Lister - is it like Guys so they scan to see how the follicles are growing?

I can't believe those stats! I wonder what the main difference is? Maybe better drugs & more skilled embryologist? That's a massive difference in success rates though, I would def go there if paying as it certainly sounds a lot better.

Kazza - how do they lower the thyroid?

Also how does the egg sharing work - once the eggs are collected are half fertilised by your OHs sperm and the other half are fertilised by the shared couple's sperm? And then both sets of embryos cultivated? Are you told if it is successful for the other couple? It's such an amazing thing to be able to do for a couple - you could completely change their lives x
Hey serena how are you doing?? How far are you now?

Yes Stimming is the same process and drugs are slightly different for Stimming!

Yes you do find out if you want to if the other lady is successful and the child can contact you when they turn 18. If you agree!

Yes we give half our eggs away and the other aides husbands sperm will fertilise and continue in the normal well! Would love for both to be successful!

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