IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?


Kazza & Key - how were your hospital appts today? Did you get all your results Key? And Kazza how was the scan? Are they changing the dose or is everything growing as they expected? Have they given you a day for EC yet?

Tinkerbell - how's the 2ww going? Have you been tempted to test early? Is you test day this Sunday? Good luck, I'll be thinking of you x

Jhoney - I can't believe Scarlett is 10 weeks already! It sounds like you've got her into a good sleeping pattern early - very impressed! Everyone says the first few weeks are the toughest regarding sleep so it's great you've coped so well. How is your husband coping being back at work?

Monkeyfeet - how are you doing hon? Is William all better now? Can't wait to hear all your news x

AFM - no real news. Supposed to be in the energy stage with good skin & hair but all I want to do is sleep & my skin is terrible so maybe this stage skipped me! Thinking of the name Rosalie, or some variation of Rose/Rosie.

Regarding Kazza's lovely message about the forum - I also want to say thanks to everyone for the support over the last year or so. This forum has been so great. And I really agree with jhoney that by the end of the year we will all be moaning about nappies x
Key, How did the appointment go? do you know when you'll be starting again yet?

Kazza how are things going?, ready for EC yet?

Serena, that's a lovely name. Hope the 'good' stage finds you soon ;)

Tested today at 10dpiui and BFN :cry: I know it's still quite early but I just don't see it changing, I'm feeling gutted and I don't know how I'm going to tell DH although will wait until I test again Friday before I say anything.

Guess I will be going to my appointment on 8th March at Hammersmith and hopefully they'll accept me for the IVF trial, I guess we could be starting that April time if they give us the go ahead.
Don't give up hope for the BFP this round, 10dpiui is very early and I'm sure the majority of pregnant people testing at this point would get a BFN.

Try to keep positive, which is really hard once you've taken a negative test, but you hear lots of stories about tests changing after a few days so this might be true for you too x

Good luck x
Tinkerbell - sorry to hear you've got BFN but it could easily just be too early. Fingers crossed for Friday and better news hun - don't lose hope. Worse case you have a back up plan in place which is great and will give you something to focus on - but let's hope you don't need it.

Jhoney - lovely to hear from you, and sounds like you've got this mummy business down to a T already! And let's hope you're right that 2013 is the year all of us on this thread get our bfp.

Serena - hope your energy levels pick up soon, and you start to have a bit more of an enjoyable pregnancy, you've had a tough road of it. Also love the name you're thinking of, i know a lovely girl called Rosie so has to be a good sign :thumbup:

Monkeyfeet - hope William is home and you're all ok. I'm sure you're tiedup with nappies and visitors - but hopefully enjoying it all

Kazza - how are you going with the stimming,any more news yesterday, have you got EC date? Hope you're doing ok on injections

AFM - got my natural killer results yesterday and there is a problem my CD69 NK cells are high at 3.16 (normal is below 1). I couldn't really get an answer as to how high they are (i.e what does the scale go up to) but they definately want to put me on additional drugs to treat this as it could have been what is preventing implantation. So now along with normal drugs i'll start steroids on day 7 of stims and then have a few additional NK related injections during treatment too. If it works i'll try anything!!

Also they have all my results back now and it looks like everything is fine for egg sharing so i am just waiting to be passed over to the team who find me a match. I'm hoping this all happens quickly and we can get started , maybe in March (fingers crossed). So i'll keep you all posted once i get matched

Lovely to hear from you all (and like Kazza says sticking around for those of us who are taking a little longer for it all to work)- and to see our little babynbump babies making an entrance into the world

k xx
Hi ladies!! This threads come alive!! Love it!

Serena, the names are lovely and very pretty!! How's the house moving going?

Tinkerbell, as the girls say, it could be too early! Everything crossed! And if it is bfn then your ivf cycle shouldn't be too far away!

Key, really glad you have some answers! Looks like that coud be our next route, did you have tat test guys are lister? was it just a blood test? How much was that?

I was matched within a week once all bloods were back and cleared by nurses!

J honey, really lovely to hear from you, ten weeks wow! That went quick! Seems you're doing well!

Monkeyfeet, hope your ok Hun!

Afm, day 9 of Stims today back tomorrow for another scan! Yesterdays scan showed lots of follies and they have increased my dose from 112.5 to 150 the most I've been on so far. Hope to find out tomorrow a date for ec it could be fri,sat sun or Monday they wasn't sure yesterdsy! Xxxxxxx
Wow! This forum has moved quickly!

Tinkerbell, try not to worry, 10dp is still v.v. Early hon, hang on in there.xxx

Key, great news the tests have thrown somecresukts which can be treated, very worth having done then. Fingers crossed you now get matched as quickly as Kazza then you are well on your way.x

Serena, I too skipped the energy stage! :-( I guess every preg is different. However you feel, just keep focussed on your little miracle at the end of it all. Rosalie is a beautiful name, I love it. How is the move going? Hope not too stressful.

Jhoney, can't believe it's been 10wks... Sounds like you're settled and a pro! Keep us up to date won't you.xx

AFm, been home since Friday evening now which is great, William is great, cant stop staring at him, we are so totally in love and grateful. Feeding seems to be going well on demand although clueless about whether we should be implementing sleep routine or anything at this stage. Mark heads off back to work Thursday and does not return til late Sunday so that will be interesting! We shall see how I fair! I do have lots of friends and family around though so sure I can call in them if I get stuck.

Recovering from the section seems slow, I would love to be able to do more but hey ho. Hopefully in a few more weeks all will be back to normal.

Anyway, much love to all.
Kazza sounds like you've got loads of follicles that's fantastic! I had NK tests at Lister (Guys don't do them). It cost £600 and is just one blood test. How'd you get on with scan today?

Monkeyfeet - glad Williams home, try and take it easy (if possible with a week old baby!!) so you can allow yourself to recover.

hope everyone's having a great week

k xx
Key - you must be so relieved that you had the test done! £600 well spent if it's the difference between it working or not working. and if it's just a case of additional drugs to make it work then that is so good that you decided to have it done. what a shame it isn't part of the standard tests they offer at Guys pre-IVF. Do they tell you what causes the NK cells? Is there anything you can do naturally for the future to reduce the level of them? good luck with the matching, hopefully you'll be matched as quickly as Kazza x

Kazza - that's great that lots of follicles are growing well. Hope the scan today has even more good news. How are you feeling on the drugs? any different to before? x It seems really good that they can offer you EC on any day - that was another concern I sometimes had with Guys, that sometimes you had to have EC when it suited them rather than when it might give you the best results.

Monkeyfeet - it must be so lovely having William home with you. I would be panicking without my DH for a few days, but you sound so calm you must be a natural! I hope it doesn't take you too long to recover from the c-section. hopefully this time next week you'll be feeling a lot more capable.

Tinkerbell - hope you're ok and not too stressed during the 2WW. Fingers crossed for Friday x

Jhoney - hope you and Scarlett are both well x

AFM - house move has hit a few glitches due to the lady we're buying from, but i'm trying not to overly panic and hopefully we'll still be able to move in the next couple of months. i'm just leaving it all to my husband and instead focusing on the other stuff like reading books that tell you what on earth to do when the baby arrives, and buying little bits like baby baths and breast pumps. glamourous!
Kazza I am so sorry, totally missed your post. Superb news re your
Progress and follies.. Wry exciting that ex is just around th corner, keep us posted. Xxx
Hi ladies!

Key, I'm really pleased your getting to the bottom of things! Deffinatly agree £600 well spent!! Have you heard anymore from lister regarding being matched?

Monkeyfeet, hope your recovering well, do you feel nervous about being on your own when hubby's away? Enjoy some mother and son time!!

Tinkerbell, hope your doing ok Hun fx for Friday!

Serena, glad hubby is taking over the stress of the move, hope everything goes through smoothly hear on! Enjoy reading those books, how far one are you now?

Afm, just triggered egg colllection booked for Saturday morning, you get your own room on a Saturday!! But I have to get up there by 7am which means getting the 6.16 am train from bromleysouth!!! I've been on a higher dose with lister so I'm hoping for more than 16 eggs! 20 would be good, 10 each! But I'm trying hard not to think about it! On the upside, no more bum bullets at lister!!!!! Wahooooooooo!!

I've been fine on the drugs, same symptoms as gonal f but I'm not weeing very much! feeling really bloated. Had my scan yesterday and lots of big follies growing, I much prefer listers technique, stim for longer, slightly higher dose and don't just book collection based on as soon as you have 5 follies at 18 mm they look at the bigger picture and see if you have lots not too far behind and stim that bit more, I am sure everytme at guys they booked ec too early, because I'm so poly cystic they are sooo frightened of ohss they book in too early. Ths hasn't been the case with lister.
Kazza that's great news - will have everything crossed for a bumper harvest tomorrow!! It would be fantastic if you and recipient ended up with anything over 5 each

Tinkerbell how did you get on today with testing hun? Really hope it was good news

I chased lister again today and everything has now been confirmed and they are finding a match. If it goes as quick as KAzza may have match by end of next week! AF is due next week so I'm going to start the pill anyway so hopefully we can start this cycle and not have to wait til next month.

Serena glad to hear oh is taking house buying stress you just need to concentrate on you & beautiful little pink bump!!

Monkeyfeet / jhoney hope you're getting some rest & sleep

K xx
Kazza - good luck tomorrow, really hope you get some good follies, as Key said if you ended up with 5 each it'd be amazing, especially if they are good quality cos the drugs they use are better & more natural. But you only need one to work! x
How come no bum bullet?????! Were Guys just pranking us?!!
Can't wait to hear your news tomorrow - and a private room? Very fancy. Maybe they might even have a better selection of biscuits afterwards! X

Key - great news on the matching confirmation -I didn't realise you could start so soon, it's brilliant. Are you going on the BCP or is it a different type of pill? You didn't take the pill at Guys did you? Will they call you as soon as they find a match? X massive best of luck for this cycle x

Tinkerbell - how did you get on hon? X

Hope everyone else is ok too x
Kazza - hope tomorrow goes smoothly and you get a good number of eggs.

Key - that's great news, hope its not long at all till you get that call to say a match has been found

Haha Serena I think Guys were just pranking with the bum bullets cause I never had it so they obviously weren't needed ;)

I couldn't hold off till today and tested again yesterday, of course bfn again :cry: just want AF to get here now and have it out the way although its when she arrives that it really sinks in so maybe by some miracle she won't.
We have our appointment with Hammersmith on Friday to see if we're eligible for the IVF trial.
Thanks ladies!

23 eggs!!! I think 12 for me 11 for the lady!!!!

Very happy!
Tinkerbell really sorry to hear that but at least you've got a plan on how to move forward and I always find that helps get over the disappointment. Hope everything goes ok on Friday - what is the ivf trial they're doing?

Kazza - 23 eggs that's amazing bet both you and your recipient are delighted, such great news. Fingers crossed for their development into perfect little embroyos over next few days

K xx
Thanks ladies,

Sorry for short message, had only just come round!!

Key, that's great that you should be able to start more or less straight away!!! You really see a difference in the care at lister and I thought the care at guys was really good!

Tinkerbell really sorry about bfn! What's the ivf trial?
Tinkerbell - so sorry about the negative test. It's so upsetting. Really hope you're ok. IVF is a good option though as you may end with embryos frozen to use for a second child too x

Kazza - that's so amazing! 23 is brilliant news. 12 & 11 are what lots of us had at Guys wasn't it so its great you got double that! How are you feeling? X do they do ET on day 5?
Oh wow what a fab number Kazza, great new :)

The trial is taking place at IVF Hammersmith and they are replacing the ovitrelle trigger with one called kisspeptin, it's hopefully going to reduce the risk of OHSS if its proven to work and actually do what they're hoping it will. On another forum there are 2 ladies who've just done it and got there BFP and been another few before that too.
They'll be doing ICSI too and if it doesn't result in a BFP they'll do another cycle using the normal trigger so potentially 2 cycles fully funded.

I think I may push for a day 3 transfer this time though (if we get that far) after last time. I'm nervous to be going through IVF again although it will be short protocol this time, if they accept us.

Oh I don't know about another child Serena, this first one is proving hard enough to achieve ;) plus we've always said just 1 as we don't know how my health will take it but the thought of even having something to freeze is exciting.
Tinkerbell that sounds fre you will have to keep us posted on your progress sounds like it has good sucess rates and 2 cycles funded is a massive bonus!! Good luck! And I agree with key to have a plan in place deffinatly helps!

Serena - how far are you, I'm sure I've asked before but I can't remember!

Key, hope to hear you have a match next week!

Afm, i was really pleased 23 eggs ! First words out my mouth were, my lady will be happy! I'm really rooting for her as much as me!

So, I got 11 in the end, I presume the 12th was an empty shell. Out of 11 9 were injected and 7 fertilised. I'm pleasedwth that, best fertilisation percentage far. Provisioal ec is booked for Tuesday! Hope we get to Thursday tho!

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