IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Hope everyone is doing well today! I'm finding this experience is becoming increasingly more emotional for me (& *I* haven't even started the stimming meds yet!!), to which I'm sure you all can relate. What are some things you guys do to help you through the emotional ups and downs of this process?

I already struggle with Bipolar II disorder and a severe anxiety disorder. I know discontinuing all of my medications has definitely affected my moods, but there is a very sensitive emotional piece to all of this & I'm sure I'm not alone...right?

:hugs: to everyone.

You are NOT alone. I am Bipolar I and stopped my meds just weeks ago. Between coming off those meds, adding the hormones and having my son screened for autism... I can't stop crying. :cry: If I'm not crying, then I am raging at someone. I'm just praying for the :bfp: because I know the pregnancy hormones help protect some from the Bipolar.

My GP has not been supportive of me coming off my meds or attempting to get pregnant. So I am going to find a new GP.

At least we aren't alone. It took me 1 1/2 years to get off all of my medication & I'm wondering if the benefits outweigh the negatives at this point. I'm beginning to wonder if I am putting myself through too much, emotionally. I hope you are able to find a bright spot, in what can seem like an endless emotional whirlwind. Best of luck to you! :flower:
What are some things you guys do to help you through the emotional ups and downs of this process?
I do acupuncture to relax:flower:
After looking at my initial egg count, they found that I only have 7. She said though I am 32, it is as though she were looking at 40 year-old ovaries.
Hey hey, I'm nearly 40, there's nothing wrong with a 40 year old ovaries:haha:
It just means you needed more meds I think:thumbup:
It doesn't have to be water they just want your bladder really full so that they can visualize everything better.
Great! I'll bring something else then:thumbup:
I had my ET today and had 2 blasts transferred. 2 more are are at the morula stage and will be frozen if they make it to blasts. I am cautiously excited at this point. This is by far the farthest we have come after all this time.
Never mind! I got up to go to the bathroom again and saw that there was a faint line. Ha! I'm just so use to not seeing it that I didn't see it when it was there. Perhaps in that case I will be a good girl and not cheat. 8 days just seems so far off!
When will you test for real?

I do the official bHCG 5/6
Well its official - I just heard from the doc and hcg was 292. I got my :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I wish I could keep going with good news, but my cycle is getting pushed back to... uhm... I don't know when. :cry: My clinic's finance department says that we either have to wait until the current charges clear our insurance (which takes 2-3 months) or pay $1600 out of pocket to continue (which would probably takes us 3-4 months). We agreed to a payment plan with them to avoid this sort of crap... and we're paying it as we're supposed to. We've talked to them and talk to them... but they won't budge. Either $1600 or waiting until the charges clear insurance. :( Its not like they don't know my insurance is going to pay. I'm so incredibly disheartened to know that I've been medically cleared to start again with a better plan and now I have to sit around and wait longer while my heart breaks over being childless at 30 with 2 blighted ovum, a MC following my 1st ICSI cycle and a failed 2nd ICSI cycle.

I'm happy for you girls... I am... but I can't celebrate at the moment. I feel like my life is falling apart. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this.
I wish I could keep going with good news, but my cycle is getting pushed back to... uhm... I don't know when. :cry: My clinic's finance department says that we either have to wait until the current charges clear our insurance (which takes 2-3 months) or pay $1600 out of pocket to continue (which would probably takes us 3-4 months). We agreed to a payment plan with them to avoid this sort of crap... and we're paying it as we're supposed to. We've talked to them and talk to them... but they won't budge. Either $1600 or waiting until the charges clear insurance. :( Its not like they don't know my insurance is going to pay. I'm so incredibly disheartened to know that I've been medically cleared to start again with a better plan and now I have to sit around and wait longer while my heart breaks over being childless at 30 with 2 blighted ovum, a MC following my 1st ICSI cycle and a failed 2nd ICSI cycle.

I'm happy for you girls... I am... but I can't celebrate at the moment. I feel like my life is falling apart. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this.

I am so, so sorry for all the difficulty you are going through. Just when we think it's bad, it gets worse. :cry: Your optimism has helped so many of the rest of us. Don't lose hope in this or yourself.

My fingers are x'd so tightly for you they hurt.

Lots of love :hugs:
Bosi and LoverB - congrats!

Megg - I got you in your journal thread

Poppett - did you have your beta yet? My RE just set up the 2nd as a confirmatory once the first was high.

Quaver - FX!

Adanma - I had a little bleeding with some shots too. I'm sorry you feel icky :(

Hi, been a bit AWOL as went away for the bank holiday. Very nice it was too :) Because I was with my family I told all my siblings and parents about tic, ivf and our BPF. Now I'm regretting it cos I really don't have a good feeling about making it to 12 weeks =\ I'm 4 weeks 5 days (I think - have had to do a bit of research into what I can/ can't eat etc but don't want to read too much and get too excited) and over the last couple of days have had a little bit of bleeding. I've also had really bad shooting pains in my right side. My dr doesn't do betas, I just have a 6 week scan. So I have no way of knowing whether everythings ok, right?

I POAS every few days but figure hormone levels stay raised for a while if somethings gone wrong? My u/s falls on 5w 5d as I wanted to do it before DH 40th bday the following day, but now I'm worried we'll have bad news to deal with. What should I expect to see in the u/s?

Beau, do you have singleton/ twins confirmed?
I'm happy for you girls... I am... but I can't celebrate at the moment. I feel like my life is falling apart. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this.

Hang in there. You haven't done anything to deserve this, it's just really sh*t luck. But it'll come good :hugs:
Good luck to all the ladies on their cycle now! I went into it with no clue about each stage and seem to have forgotten most of what I did already, so I'm no help and I get a bit lost - but fx for you all! X
Bosi and LoverB - congrats!

Megg - I got you in your journal thread

Poppett - did you have your beta yet? My RE just set up the 2nd as a confirmatory once the first was high.

Quaver - FX!

Adanma - I had a little bleeding with some shots too. I'm sorry you feel icky :(

Hi, been a bit AWOL as went away for the bank holiday. Very nice it was too :) Because I was with my family I told all my siblings and parents about tic, ivf and our BPF. Now I'm regretting it cos I really don't have a good feeling about making it to 12 weeks =\ I'm 4 weeks 5 days (I think - have had to do a bit of research into what I can/ can't eat etc but don't want to read too much and get too excited) and over the last couple of days have had a little bit of bleeding. I've also had really bad shooting pains in my right side. My dr doesn't do betas, I just have a 6 week scan. So I have no way of knowing whether everythings ok, right?

I POAS every few days but figure hormone levels stay raised for a while if somethings gone wrong? My u/s falls on 5w 5d as I wanted to do it before DH 40th bday the following day, but now I'm worried we'll have bad news to deal with. What should I expect to see in the u/s?

Beau, do you have singleton/ twins confirmed?

I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's easier said than done and we can't help but worry. Try not think about it because it's out of your hand.

Good luck. Hoping everything goes well for u!
What are some things you guys do to help you through the emotional ups and downs of this process?
I do acupuncture to relax:flower:
After looking at my initial egg count, they found that I only have 7. She said though I am 32, it is as though she were looking at 40 year-old ovaries.
Hey hey, I'm nearly 40, there's nothing wrong with a 40 year old ovaries:haha:
It just means you needed more meds I think:thumbup:
It doesn't have to be water they just want your bladder really full so that they can visualize everything better.
Great! I'll bring something else then:thumbup:
I had my ET today and had 2 blasts transferred. 2 more are are at the morula stage and will be frozen if they make it to blasts. I am cautiously excited at this point. This is by far the farthest we have come after all this time.
Never mind! I got up to go to the bathroom again and saw that there was a faint line. Ha! I'm just so use to not seeing it that I didn't see it when it was there. Perhaps in that case I will be a good girl and not cheat. 8 days just seems so far off!
When will you test for real?

I do the official bHCG 5/6
ok, FX'd for you! keep us posted!

Well its official - I just heard from the doc and hcg was 292. I got my :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I wish I could keep going with good news, but my cycle is getting pushed back to... uhm... I don't know when. :cry: My clinic's finance department says that we either have to wait until the current charges clear our insurance (which takes 2-3 months) or pay $1600 out of pocket to continue (which would probably takes us 3-4 months). We agreed to a payment plan with them to avoid this sort of crap... and we're paying it as we're supposed to. We've talked to them and talk to them... but they won't budge. Either $1600 or waiting until the charges clear insurance. :( Its not like they don't know my insurance is going to pay. I'm so incredibly disheartened to know that I've been medically cleared to start again with a better plan and now I have to sit around and wait longer while my heart breaks over being childless at 30 with 2 blighted ovum, a MC following my 1st ICSI cycle and a failed 2nd ICSI cycle.

I'm happy for you girls... I am... but I can't celebrate at the moment. I feel like my life is falling apart. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this.

So sorry you are having to wait! I know it is difficult! Nice that your ins will eventually cover though! Honestly I would wait if I had the option. It is really difficult to take on the debt (this is my 3rd time, 2nd since feb) and not know if it will be worth it in the end. But I'm sorry you are so sad. Chin up! Your not out yet and that's something to focus on!:hugs:
wow megg that sucks. Maybe if Mindy was more organized they wouldn't have so much of a problem... I have been told I need to pay my balance twice since I paid it... I lso just got something from insurance saying that Mindy had not yet sent them the codes and diagnosis for something that was pretesting! Anyway, sorry to hear it's going to be like that and they are being dicks about it. Did you talk to Dr directly? I never would have been able to o the micro IVF if I hadn't bothered the doc with it because they were all telling me since I had tubal factor I wasn't a candidate which is untrue. Maybe try him?
They are quite disorganized. I can't stand Mindy! But, that's neither here nor there. I got a call from my mother tonight... She and my dad are offering to pay off the balance as a loan to us so we don't have to wait. I'm so uncomfortable with the idea of taking money from them... but I don't know that I can turn it down at this point. In fact, I immediately said "no, no, no, no, absolutely not"... and I already knew I'd probably end up taking it. :( I hate to do it this way... but I really want to move forward and give it one more shot before taking time off to revamp my life. If the 3rd one doesn't work out, I'll accept a 6 mo (or longer) break to re-evaluate my lifestyle and try to change a few things. But, I really want to give one more cycle a go now. So, I guess I ended up with good news after all.
I had my egg transfer today:thumbup:
We only had 3 so had them all put back in, and no frosties:blush:

One was of excellent quality 8 cell, but the other two were 5 and 4 cell:blush:
PUPO anyway!:happydance:
Either $1600 or waiting until the charges clear insurance. :(
I suppose you couldn't ask your parents for a loan?
Otherwise, it may be time to rest one cycle and go for natural BFP, as people tend to get that right after failed IVFs:thumbup:
Megg - my parents ended up helping us with most of the cost for our IVF. Turns out they paid quite a bit more for my brother's wedding than mine, and to be "fair", they offered the difference in help funding our infertility treatments.

I also felt extremely weird. EXTREMELY. I don't like taking money from people, period. Even as a gift. Very, very independent. But, when we weighed my situation of being a poor student at age 34, probably not able to do much more than IUI's until I'm 37, and my husband's age of 41 now, we decided to take the help. The anxiety of that faded away with my BFP, and next cycle, it will fade away with yours, too :)

I'm sorry you had such trouble with the office and insurance. At least your insurance covered a lot of the cost! We had to pay out of pocket for everything, from our first IUI. But I don't really fault insurance companies for that. I just have problems when their policies say they cover something and they don't.

Poppett - hang in there! I've been POAS every day, just to be sure, and I have had no bleeding at all. I keep dreaming about miscarriages, too.

So I had my first U/S yesterday, and I'm having one little baby bear. I'm relieved a bit - twins would be just too much physically, financially, and emotionally right now. We'd probably make it work, but like I said, I'm relieved I don't have to worry about it right now.
I had my egg transfer today:thumbup:
We only had 3 so had them all put back in, and no frosties:blush:

One was of excellent quality 8 cell, but the other two were 5 and 4 cell:blush:
PUPO anyway!:happydance:
Either $1600 or waiting until the charges clear insurance. :(
I suppose you couldn't ask your parents for a loan?
Otherwise, it may be time to rest one cycle and go for natural BFP, as people tend to get that right after failed IVFs:thumbup:

That's precisely what's happening... My parents are going to be loaning us the money.

Megg - my parents ended up helping us with most of the cost for our IVF. Turns out they paid quite a bit more for my brother's wedding than mine, and to be "fair", they offered the difference in help funding our infertility treatments.

I also felt extremely weird. EXTREMELY. I don't like taking money from people, period. Even as a gift. Very, very independent. But, when we weighed my situation of being a poor student at age 34, probably not able to do much more than IUI's until I'm 37, and my husband's age of 41 now, we decided to take the help. The anxiety of that faded away with my BFP, and next cycle, it will fade away with yours, too :)

I'm sorry you had such trouble with the office and insurance. At least your insurance covered a lot of the cost! We had to pay out of pocket for everything, from our first IUI. But I don't really fault insurance companies for that. I just have problems when their policies say they cover something and they don't.

Poppett - hang in there! I've been POAS every day, just to be sure, and I have had no bleeding at all. I keep dreaming about miscarriages, too.

So I had my first U/S yesterday, and I'm having one little baby bear. I'm relieved a bit - twins would be just too much physically, financially, and emotionally right now. We'd probably make it work, but like I said, I'm relieved I don't have to worry about it right now.

I actually had a lot of guilt when they were paying for my wedding too. LOL Its just so hard to take money from them! But, I'm similarly in the position of not being able to turn it down.

Congrats on your little baby bear!!!! :happydance:
I actually had a lot of guilt when they were paying for my wedding too. LOL Its just so hard to take money from them! But, I'm similarly in the position of not being able to turn it down.

Congrats on your little baby bear!!!! :happydance:

Yeah, I just wanted to let you know I know how you feel.

Thanks! It's a wee little thing, but snuggled in there pretty good!

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