IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Quaver that's stress for sure! I hope they are doing well now. We saw my husband's dad and his lady for mother's day and she is going through chemo. Her nails are falling off and everything. This is her 4th go around with cancer. It put stuff in perspective for me as well.

I had my follicle scan today. If you don't remember I had only 10 antral follicles starting this and I am on a low stim protocol. I have 16 follicles!!!!!!! They are half about 10-11mm and the other 12-13mm so he has me on another 2 days of stims and then u/s on wednesday to see if I will be ready to trigger. YAY! It's working! I was so scared I would have like maybe 2 tiny follies. I don't mind feeling liek crap if it's working! such a relief. And I have been wearing my brita filter out with all the water! But it has helped my headaches especially.

Quaver that's stress for sure! I hope they are doing well now. We saw my husband's dad and his lady for mother's day and she is going through chemo. Her nails are falling off and everything. This is her 4th go around with cancer. It put stuff in perspective for me as well.

I had my follicle scan today. If you don't remember I had only 10 antral follicles starting this and I am on a low stim protocol. I have 16 follicles!!!!!!! They are half about 10-11mm and the other 12-13mm so he has me on another 2 days of stims and then u/s on wednesday to see if I will be ready to trigger. YAY! It's working! I was so scared I would have like maybe 2 tiny follies. I don't mind feeling liek crap if it's working! such a relief. And I have been wearing my brita filter out with all the water! But it has helped my headaches especially.


I was going to mention that my doctor said that Tylenol is safe to take for the medication headaches, so I took 2 regular strength tablets last night & it wiped out my headache pretty quickly. Honestly, I was surprised that they worked...usually I need some heavy duty stuff. So, I don't know if you have tried or not, but Tylenol helped me...along with loads of water. I'm so glad it's working for you! It give me some hope for my 8 antral follicles! :flower:
Oh and I got the call this afternoon. My RE's partner is who called me. He did not even know that I had done one (a beta) a couple of days ago. I kinda went a little ape S%^t on him. But seriously I spoke to two nurses yesterday and he should have been fully aware as another of the partners advised me to continue my meds and do the test today. I asked the nurse to also have my progesterone drawn as that has been a concern of mine. It was 19 but I did get him to admit that they like it a little higher actually.

All I know is I never felt right after the transfer. Not sure what our plan is, but taking a leave from work is looking like a necessity. I am not sure if I am ready to do this all again. We have always wanted to adopt but thought it was nicer to test out parenting on someone who was born to us! I think we might explore that and revisit this conceiving thing later. I just don't know that I have the mental fortitude for it like the rest of you all! God bless you all 'cause you are far stronger than I am.

Oh hun! Just give it more time. It took me at least a month to get to a better place and be ready to go again. Wait and see how you feel later. I would definately take a leave for a while to get your head straight. Do that in the least. Maybe a short vacation to relax would be good too.:thumbup:
If you do decide to give it another go later, they should have a better plan next time and have learned some things that will help. Did they give you any reason at all that they think it did not work? Mine wasn't able to explain it.:nope: But this time they are putting me on a protocol that includes blood thinners to help them stick so hopefully that will help.
If you need more support, hop on over to the "failed" thread, they are great over there. That's where I started on here btw. :hugs:

I do need to hop on over to the failed thread. Whoops! Didn't even think of that. I will find out about leave this week and I have been looking for another job. I had an interview on Friday for a very supplemental postion. I have a couple of nice tag-along vacation offers with friends and family I just need to convince DH that it is all good to spend money while i'm not working and trying to pay for IVF. I will call tomorrow and make an appt to discuss the cycle as my MD was not in the office on Friday. I am also making an appt for a 2nd opinion. I have my ideas why this failed and they are as follows (I know it all btw): 1) elevated TSH. I was assured that it would be ok but everything I have read says that it is not. I think that they try to keep everyone possible in once they have started a cycle. 2) I have a history of autoimmune disease (graves) and an extensive family hx of this. I want to get a full immunology workup before I try again. 3) I had a very difficult tx that was prob. traumatic to my endometrium too but my cervix is stenotic (don't know why) so blood that got in the catheter can do this.

All of this being said it could have just been that whole 50/50 thing. I will move on down the road to the loss girls.

How's the stimming? When is your next US?

Hey girl!:hi: I think that is the best thing, switching jobs. :thumbup:No one can fault you as it must feel like torture at times.
It sounds like you have some really good info on ideas to take to the next appointment. I too switched FS for this cycle and so far I'm so glad I did. I feel so much more taken care of this time. Please do take advantage of some down time. Your mental health is important too!
AFM, stimming is going just fine, poke, poke! Tomorrow is my first scan after starting stims so hoping I'm making progress!:thumbup:
Keep in touch, I'd love to hear what your next FS says about what happened and what new strategies they have.:hugs:
Oh and I got the call this afternoon. My RE's partner is who called me. He did not even know that I had done one (a beta) a couple of days ago. I kinda went a little ape S%^t on him. But seriously I spoke to two nurses yesterday and he should have been fully aware as another of the partners advised me to continue my meds and do the test today. I asked the nurse to also have my progesterone drawn as that has been a concern of mine. It was 19 but I did get him to admit that they like it a little higher actually.

All I know is I never felt right after the transfer. Not sure what our plan is, but taking a leave from work is looking like a necessity. I am not sure if I am ready to do this all again. We have always wanted to adopt but thought it was nicer to test out parenting on someone who was born to us! I think we might explore that and revisit this conceiving thing later. I just don't know that I have the mental fortitude for it like the rest of you all! God bless you all 'cause you are far stronger than I am.

Oh hun! Just give it more time. It took me at least a month to get to a better place and be ready to go again. Wait and see how you feel later. I would definately take a leave for a while to get your head straight. Do that in the least. Maybe a short vacation to relax would be good too.:thumbup:
If you do decide to give it another go later, they should have a better plan next time and have learned some things that will help. Did they give you any reason at all that they think it did not work? Mine wasn't able to explain it.:nope: But this time they are putting me on a protocol that includes blood thinners to help them stick so hopefully that will help.
If you need more support, hop on over to the "failed" thread, they are great over there. That's where I started on here btw. :hugs:

I do need to hop on over to the failed thread. Whoops! Didn't even think of that. I will find out about leave this week and I have been looking for another job. I had an interview on Friday for a very supplemental postion. I have a couple of nice tag-along vacation offers with friends and family I just need to convince DH that it is all good to spend money while i'm not working and trying to pay for IVF. I will call tomorrow and make an appt to discuss the cycle as my MD was not in the office on Friday. I am also making an appt for a 2nd opinion. I have my ideas why this failed and they are as follows (I know it all btw): 1) elevated TSH. I was assured that it would be ok but everything I have read says that it is not. I think that they try to keep everyone possible in once they have started a cycle. 2) I have a history of autoimmune disease (graves) and an extensive family hx of this. I want to get a full immunology workup before I try again. 3) I had a very difficult tx that was prob. traumatic to my endometrium too but my cervix is stenotic (don't know why) so blood that got in the catheter can do this.

All of this being said it could have just been that whole 50/50 thing. I will move on down the road to the loss girls.

How's the stimming? When is your next US?

Hey girl!:hi: I think that is the best thing, switching jobs. :thumbup:No one can fault you as it must feel like torture at times.
It sounds like you have some really good info on ideas to take to the next appointment. I too switched FS for this cycle and so far I'm so glad I did. I feel so much more taken care of this time. Please do take advantage of some down time. Your mental health is important too!
AFM, stimming is going just fine, poke, poke! Tomorrow is my first scan after starting stims so hoping I'm making progress!:thumbup:
Keep in touch, I'd love to hear what your next FS says about what happened and what new strategies they have.:hugs:

Can't wait to here how your scan goes. How many follicles were there prior to stimming? Your going to be@ er/et before you know it.:happydance:

I got my leave. I can take off up to 6 months (no pay of course). They have already filled my position. Yay, I guess as I have no plans to be there on a regular basis. I plan on going back supplemental though. I plan on waiting to find a perfect job (if one exists). I simply can't work nights anymore. Montana is amazing. It's where I grew up and it's just not summer to me unless I go visit.
Hello all! Hope you're doing well!! :flower:

I had my day 5 BW & US yesterday. The clinic said everything looked good and they are starting my on my antagonist medication tonight. They also upped my Menopur to 2 vials (which was in the original plan). So, three shots going forward until I hear more. During my US the technician was looking at my ovaries and reported "6 plus" on each one. She didn't tell me what that meant, but I'm hoping it was the follicle count!! An increase from 7 to 12 plus, is entirely welcome. :winkwink:
woo hoo amorbebe! awesome!

I had another follicle scan today and I have 14 that are over 16mm! 2 are 12mm. I had a 21, a few 20, a few 19 and a few 16. So I trigger tonight at midnight and have retrieval on friday morning! YAY! So excited!

Ttcne, they didn't say exactly how many follies I had at baseline,:nope: but just said "some" and that was fine. Scan went good today. Hard for the nurse to see what is follies and what is my tube since it's a bit crazy in there! :wacko:She said she counted at least 10 that measured between 7 and 9mm and some other smaller ones.:thumbup: The office called and I am suppose to go back on Friday (continuing with the same med doses in between). Looks like EC will be pushed to Tuesday as I kind of expected, but will know more on Friday.
So glad you got your leave! :thumbup:It will give you time to relax, and to look around for the perfect job!! I know what you mean about nights! I need to get off too, just gotta see how this pans out first.:hugs:

Adanma, good job! keep going!!:thumbup:

Amor, you and me, race to ER/ET!!!:happydance:
Adanma how exciting!! How long have you been stimming for?
Well girls the tip about upping fluids has worked a treat!! The headaches are barely there now!! Just a pain as I'm always running to toilet! Ha ha!
The only other symptom I have is tiredness, and boy it is kicking my ass!! I've never been so tired in my life! Even the smallest things seem such a chore and the gym is a no go. It's really starting to upset me! Silly I know!! Af due next week so I'm sure a lot of the emotion is that too!!
But thank you everyone for the advice, my head is much clearer!! Any advice about tiredness?? Obv trying to stay away from caffeine but it's hard!!
Adanma how exciting!! How long have you been stimming for?
Well girls the tip about upping fluids has worked a treat!! The headaches are barely there now!! Just a pain as I'm always running to toilet! Ha ha!
The only other symptom I have is tiredness, and boy it is kicking my ass!! I've never been so tired in my life! Even the smallest things seem such a chore and the gym is a no go. It's really starting to upset me! Silly I know!! Af due next week so I'm sure a lot of the emotion is that too!!
But thank you everyone for the advice, my head is much clearer!! Any advice about tiredness?? Obv trying to stay away from caffeine but it's hard!!

Here's my advice for tiredness... go to bed! lol! :sleep:The caffeine thing is still tough for me, especially since I work midnights! I do usually have 1 a day, coffee or pop. Under 300mg is suppose to be fine but I'm trying to limit it further.
Sorry I'm not more help. I think I need a nap right now as a matter of fact! lol!:hugs:
Ttcne, they didn't say exactly how many follies I had at baseline,:nope: but just said "some" and that was fine. Scan went good today. Hard for the nurse to see what is follies and what is my tube since it's a bit crazy in there! :wacko:She said she counted at least 10 that measured between 7 and 9mm and some other smaller ones.:thumbup: The office called and I am suppose to go back on Friday (continuing with the same med doses in between). Looks like EC will be pushed to Tuesday as I kind of expected, but will know more on Friday.
So glad you got your leave! :thumbup:It will give you time to relax, and to look around for the perfect job!! I know what you mean about nights! I need to get off too, just gotta see how this pans out first.:hugs:

Adanma, good job! keep going!!:thumbup:

Amor, you and me, race to ER/ET!!!:happydance:

I have decided that an estimated EC date is like winning the lottery, the chances are slim to none!

Sounds like you have plenty of follicles growing. I have a whacky tube/ovary that hides and blocks on one side. You are rocking along!

I know what you mean about waiting to see how things pan out. In a perfect world that is what I would have done, but alas caring for pregnant ladies is not very healthy when one is infertile :nope:

Yay for leave. I just spent two hours applying with an agency to have them put me forward for one job. I forgot how intense nursing applications were. Something good is going to come along.

Can't wait to see where you are at on Friday!
Adanma how exciting!! How long have you been stimming for?
Well girls the tip about upping fluids has worked a treat!! The headaches are barely there now!! Just a pain as I'm always running to toilet! Ha ha!
The only other symptom I have is tiredness, and boy it is kicking my ass!! I've never been so tired in my life! Even the smallest things seem such a chore and the gym is a no go. It's really starting to upset me! Silly I know!! Af due next week so I'm sure a lot of the emotion is that too!!
But thank you everyone for the advice, my head is much clearer!! Any advice about tiredness?? Obv trying to stay away from caffeine but it's hard!!

Here's my advice for tiredness... go to bed! lol! :sleep:The caffeine thing is still tough for me, especially since I work midnights! I do usually have 1 a day, coffee or pop. Under 300mg is suppose to be fine but I'm trying to limit it further.
Sorry I'm not more help. I think I need a nap right now as a matter of fact! lol!:hugs:

Caffeine is only a problem like PSP says if it is over 300mg. The reason caffeine is a problem is because of its stimulant properties which can affect blood flow to the uterus, etc and in pregnancy to the placenta. A little bit of caffeine won't hurt just don't overdue it. Oh, and also like PSP said just take a nap! Your body is expending a lot of energy due to the super-ovulation, so just go with it and rest.
dream: I had 9 days of stims. I too have been super tired. I'm practicing for being pregnant I guess. hahaaha. I have just been taking it easy. A little pop or coffee every so often has helped too. Just do what you canand don't what you ant.

Thanks girls,
I'm getting a good 8 hrs sleep every night but I'm still suffering, guess I just have to live with it! It's times like these I wish I had a non stressful job n could just call in sick to sleep! Ha ha! Never mind! Onwards and upwards x

Oh god, I'm so sorry! I know exactly how that feels! If you need to talk, I have an ear. If you need to cry, I have an e-shoulder. If you need to vent... Hell, I'll vent with you! Thinking of you! :hugs:
Quaver I'm so sorry mate that is rotten rotten. Thinking of you and sending massive hugs.


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