IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Ooh twins would be my dream!!! If there was a way to guarantee I would to it! Ha ha!
Adanma five growing is fab :) x
I think for most people battling infertility twins are at the very least an acceptable risk if not a bonus! Remember too Meggie that sometimes pregnancy and childbirth can reset your system and people who have had problems before are more able to conceive after a birth. Headed to your journal now!


I know... but that's one hope I can't ever let myself start to count on. For now, I'm trying to let go of the fact that I was supposed to have 2 or 3 babies before I was 30... Let alone ONE! I'm trying to let go of being certain that I'd go back for a second child if I get my first one. I'm seeing a lot of dreams dying right now. So, obviously, I'd be ecstatic if we conceived naturally again after our first child... if and when that ever comes to pass. And, I know it can definitely reset things. But, I guess I'm just trying to focus on even getting to one... The rest is details, ya know?
Adanma and psp... Good luck, ladies!

Hi megg! I remember you when I was on that thread! Are you still running it?? I always thought id get a BFP in a few months..then soon everyone else kept getting them and I was one of the only ones who didn't get one. I never thought I would go down this road..so crazy!! I'm glad to see you, too, though I wish we didn't have to go through all of this. However, in this whole process I've learned a lot about myself and a lot about other ppl as well.. so it has been a good experience in some ways too..I know that sounds odd. Are you down regging at all or do you start straight away with stims? I wish I had a clearer idea of the timing of everything and which protocol I'm doing. The nurse practitioner will be emailing me more info and more teststing we need to do. Plus soon there is an informational class type thing so that will be helpful. My doctor told the nurse that he would be happy to call me if I wanted so I'm expecting a call from him tomorrow. I have a few questions to ask. The last meeting we had we touched upon ivf but I wasn't ready bc I wanted to try one more cycle of iui but with injectibles. It is crazy to be starting the process, but looking forward to it. I've been following the ivf threads a bit, and I'm so happy for you that you are able to do another cycle of ivf! Here's hoping that this is the one for both of us...

I am still running it! How sad/lame is that? I'm on month 16 or something! :( I also thought I'd be right back on the list with a BFP... and I was... TWICE! And, then I kept falling back to the bottom again with a new loss! :nope:

I'm definitely going to be down regging first. I start Lupron for DR'ing in 13 days... I'm ready! I have a very detailed account of the process in my journal... I even have some of it in the 1st post so you don't have to search over 1000 pages to find it. If you have any questions that aren't specific to just your protocol, I'm always happy to help! Definitely hoping this is it for both of us!

Hi Megg! No it is not sad/lame that you are still running that thread -- I just don't know how you have the mental fortitude..especially after everything you've gone through...I give you major credit though. After a while of not conceiving after my MC, I realized I was on this section more and more and drifted away from the TTCAL section all together. I will definitely have to check out your journal. I'm still waiting this week for an email with all the info about my protocol and what I need to have done in the way of testing before I start my stims. Would I be considering down regging right now if I'm on BCP? Or is that something different. I'm excited about the process, but it is overwhelming at the same time. This weekend I was at a wedding and everyone there was talking about how they missed their kids and showing me pictures/videos, etc and talking about them all weekend - it was hard. I kept thinking "It can be me soon." I hope that is right. Ughh..so tough.
Have you had a hysteroscopy and how did you find it? That is one of the remaining tests I have not had thus far. I'm going to check out your journal so I don't repeat too many questions that you prob already answered...
the thought of multiples makes me stomach sick... but not as much as the thought of 0 so... I'll take it!

A bit bummed today. All 10 eggs were mature and only 1 did not fertilize, but 4 died already! So we have 5 growing now and I will be having a 3 day transfer on Monday provided there is anything left to transfer. I'm so bummed! I don't get it. I'm a nervous wreck. Just hoping and praying that the rest are strong and able to make it! All I need is one right?


Congrats on your 5 growing embryos! It must be so hard not to be a nervous wreck. There may be no way around it. Just know that you've done all you can do now...the rest will be what it will be...so hard to do!! Any updates regarding the embryos and your ET?
Hi everyone,
I have a quick question for anyone who has been through the EC procedure. I've just started taking my BCP so I won't start stims until the beginning of June, but I was wondering everyone's experiences with this. I will be under sedation, but I've heard you can talk to everyone like you're fine and remember nothing of what's going on. I'm seriously afraid of saying something weird, as I can be a bit odd, especially if there is no sensor/filter! Also, how uncomfortable were you before and after? Were you able to go back to work after a day off or did it take longer? I have a pretty physical job and I'm on my feet all day..you think it will be okay in a day or longer? Anyone who can tell me how their experience was and if your DH/partner was allowed in, or how it went, I'd appreciate it!
Well, I didn't find it bad at all. :nope:I have gone through it twice now and will be having the third one this week! :thumbup:I was under sedation and I just remember being walked into the surgery room, layed up on this table like in the gyn office. They put a mask over me and that was it! Next I remember waking up in recovery. I had some mild cramping but nothing too bad. I did have some extra bleeding last time when in recovery, but they took me back in and checked but it was fine. Not much bleeding after at home if any. Very little cramping and went back to work the next night. (I work nights) You should be okay to return if you want. Maybe take some tylenol with you just in case. My DH was not allowed in for the actual retrieval part, :nope:(steral surgery room and all) and he wouldn't have wanted to anyway. He's a whimp when it comes to medical stuff! :haha:He was back with me until I left. Although I was allowed to have him in for ET. They never said anything about talking during it. But don't worry, they are used to people saying weird things. My DH had knee surgery and when he was waking up from anesthesia, he was swearing at the nurses! :dohh:Not really at them, just using bad language when he was talking! They are not suppose to say anything you say to them anyway.:nope:
Overall, not much of a big deal I thought, both times. Hope that helps!:hugs:
My EC was fine too, it wasn't a mask, it was done by intravenous thingy on the back of my hand. Was gone in seconds, next thing I know, there were nobody except one nurse in the room:flower:

DH was not allowed in on EC or ET.
I don't think I talked or anything, unlike the time I had my mc op. I was saying things like the GA's not working, it hurts blah blah blah. I have absolutely no recollection of that:haha:

I brought a pad with me, and there were a bit of spotting but not much. It really hurt when I peed the first time, but it faded after few hours.
I think you can go back to work the next day:flower:
Congrats Adanma, 5 is an excellent number.

Kaylakin - the first time I was completely knocked out and couldn't remember a thing, until they told me I had already ovulated then I woke up fast.

Last time I think I was kind of awake. I think I talked. don't worry about it I am sure they have heard worse! x

As for me. Well I am scared to even write this but I got a BFP on Sunday. I have had AF like cramps for over a week now! I was feeling pretty sick though and was really in two minds as to whether it had worked.

I have just spoken to the clinic and my scan is booked for 2nd June. I am so scared given my history. Scared I will miscary or it will be another ectopic. The cramps still come and go and sometimes they are quite painful. I keep googling away to see if it is normal.

I know I should be on cloud nine, but I am so scared. I don't think I could go through a third loss!!

Love to all

x x x
Congrats Adanma, 5 is an excellent number.

Kaylakin - the first time I was completely knocked out and couldn't remember a thing, until they told me I had already ovulated then I woke up fast.

Last time I think I was kind of awake. I think I talked. don't worry about it I am sure they have heard worse! x

As for me. Well I am scared to even write this but I got a BFP on Sunday. I have had AF like cramps for over a week now! I was feeling pretty sick though and was really in two minds as to whether it had worked.

I have just spoken to the clinic and my scan is booked for 2nd June. I am so scared given my history. Scared I will miscary or it will be another ectopic. The cramps still come and go and sometimes they are quite painful. I keep googling away to see if it is normal.

I know I should be on cloud nine, but I am so scared. I don't think I could go through a third loss!!

Love to all

x x x

wow , MJPC thats brillant-congrats! i know I'd be the same though. If I get a BFP I don't think i will relax untill after week 12 if even then. But besides taking care of yourself there is nothing more you can do. Try to stay positive and take one day at a time. :hugs:
MrsJPC, congrats! I am so happy for you! :happydance:
I totally understand your fear. My worst fear is to have it work than then have it taken away. If that were to happen, I'd rather it not work at all to be honest. But it's just another chance we have to take. One of the ladies said it so well on here somewhere...welcome to motherhood! Each stage has more worries. worried you won't get preg, then worried you won't carry, then worried it will be healthy, then worried about sids, and on and on!
You've passed one big hurdle!:thumbup: Celebrate that first!:happydance:
Congratulations MrsJPC:happydance:
I'd say enjoy it, and only worry if something goes wrong.
One needs PMA to help the :baby: stick!
yay Mrs!!! Try to enjoy the moment!

AFM: no news yet on embryos. They said by 10 I will know so... hour and a half potentially yet to wait. Thinking of calling them...

Okay they called. I have 5 beautiful embryos still so we are going to have a 5 day transfer on wednesday!

we have: 2- 8 cell grade 1, 1- 7 cell grade 1, and 2- 8 cell grade 2

A bit nervous since there is always a chance there will be nothing in two days, but very very happy that they are doing so well and growing strong!

Adanma and psp... Good luck, ladies!

Hi megg! I remember you when I was on that thread! Are you still running it?? I always thought id get a BFP in a few months..then soon everyone else kept getting them and I was one of the only ones who didn't get one. I never thought I would go down this road..so crazy!! I'm glad to see you, too, though I wish we didn't have to go through all of this. However, in this whole process I've learned a lot about myself and a lot about other ppl as well.. so it has been a good experience in some ways too..I know that sounds odd. Are you down regging at all or do you start straight away with stims? I wish I had a clearer idea of the timing of everything and which protocol I'm doing. The nurse practitioner will be emailing me more info and more teststing we need to do. Plus soon there is an informational class type thing so that will be helpful. My doctor told the nurse that he would be happy to call me if I wanted so I'm expecting a call from him tomorrow. I have a few questions to ask. The last meeting we had we touched upon ivf but I wasn't ready bc I wanted to try one more cycle of iui but with injectibles. It is crazy to be starting the process, but looking forward to it. I've been following the ivf threads a bit, and I'm so happy for you that you are able to do another cycle of ivf! Here's hoping that this is the one for both of us...

I am still running it! How sad/lame is that? I'm on month 16 or something! :( I also thought I'd be right back on the list with a BFP... and I was... TWICE! And, then I kept falling back to the bottom again with a new loss! :nope:

I'm definitely going to be down regging first. I start Lupron for DR'ing in 13 days... I'm ready! I have a very detailed account of the process in my journal... I even have some of it in the 1st post so you don't have to search over 1000 pages to find it. If you have any questions that aren't specific to just your protocol, I'm always happy to help! Definitely hoping this is it for both of us!

Hi Megg! No it is not sad/lame that you are still running that thread -- I just don't know how you have the mental fortitude..especially after everything you've gone through...I give you major credit though. After a while of not conceiving after my MC, I realized I was on this section more and more and drifted away from the TTCAL section all together. I will definitely have to check out your journal. I'm still waiting this week for an email with all the info about my protocol and what I need to have done in the way of testing before I start my stims. Would I be considering down regging right now if I'm on BCP? Or is that something different. I'm excited about the process, but it is overwhelming at the same time. This weekend I was at a wedding and everyone there was talking about how they missed their kids and showing me pictures/videos, etc and talking about them all weekend - it was hard. I kept thinking "It can be me soon." I hope that is right. Ughh..so tough.
Have you had a hysteroscopy and how did you find it? That is one of the remaining tests I have not had thus far. I'm going to check out your journal so I don't repeat too many questions that you prob already answered...

I thought for a while that BCP was down regging... but its really not. I'm assuming you have some drug you start between now and the stims? That should be your DR drug!

I had polyps removed via hysteroscopy... I wasn't awake though. I don't know how it was. I woke up and had no signs or symptoms it even happened.

Hi everyone,
I have a quick question for anyone who has been through the EC procedure. I've just started taking my BCP so I won't start stims until the beginning of June, but I was wondering everyone's experiences with this. I will be under sedation, but I've heard you can talk to everyone like you're fine and remember nothing of what's going on. I'm seriously afraid of saying something weird, as I can be a bit odd, especially if there is no sensor/filter! Also, how uncomfortable were you before and after? Were you able to go back to work after a day off or did it take longer? I have a pretty physical job and I'm on my feet all day..you think it will be okay in a day or longer? Anyone who can tell me how their experience was and if your DH/partner was allowed in, or how it went, I'd appreciate it!

I had it done once with sedation and once without. I don't think I was nearly awake enough to worry about saying anything stupid. Some people actually do pretty much go completely out with the sedation... but a few don't. I wouldn't worry though. They do this all the time and probably wouldn't even tell you if you said anything funny.

I was super uncomfortable after the first one for about 5 days. The second one, I was only mildly uncomfortable for maybe 3. I don't know why.

I was told to take it very easy for the rest of the day... but nothing more than that. DH wasn't allowed in with me. Not bad... Definitely not as painful as I expected, even without sedation!

Okay they called. I have 5 beautiful embryos still so we are going to have a 5 day transfer on wednesday!

we have: 2- 8 cell grade 1, 1- 7 cell grade 1, and 2- 8 cell grade 2

A bit nervous since there is always a chance there will be nothing in two days, but very very happy that they are doing so well and growing strong!


Fantastic news!!! :)
Hi everyone,
I have a quick question for anyone who has been through the EC procedure. I've just started taking my BCP so I won't start stims until the beginning of June, but I was wondering everyone's experiences with this. I will be under sedation, but I've heard you can talk to everyone like you're fine and remember nothing of what's going on. I'm seriously afraid of saying something weird, as I can be a bit odd, especially if there is no sensor/filter! Also, how uncomfortable were you before and after? Were you able to go back to work after a day off or did it take longer? I have a pretty physical job and I'm on my feet all day..you think it will be okay in a day or longer? Anyone who can tell me how their experience was and if your DH/partner was allowed in, or how it went, I'd appreciate it!

I don't remember anything until I woke up. I don't think you have to worry about confessing your deepest and darkest secrets- I think the worst you will do is repeatedly ask how many eggs they got.

Congrats Mrs! I am sure it is a scary prospect actually having something in there.

Yay Adanma! Grow eggs grow!

PSP What was the word today?
Hi everyone,
I have a quick question for anyone who has been through the EC procedure. I've just started taking my BCP so I won't start stims until the beginning of June, but I was wondering everyone's experiences with this. I will be under sedation, but I've heard you can talk to everyone like you're fine and remember nothing of what's going on. I'm seriously afraid of saying something weird, as I can be a bit odd, especially if there is no sensor/filter! Also, how uncomfortable were you before and after? Were you able to go back to work after a day off or did it take longer? I have a pretty physical job and I'm on my feet all day..you think it will be okay in a day or longer? Anyone who can tell me how their experience was and if your DH/partner was allowed in, or how it went, I'd appreciate it!

I don't remember anything until I woke up. I don't think you have to worry about confessing your deepest and darkest secrets- I think the worst you will do is repeatedly ask how many eggs they got.

Congrats Mrs! I am sure it is a scary prospect actually having something in there.

Yay Adanma! Grow eggs grow!

PSP What was the word today?

Hey gals! Sorry if you read this on the other thread, if I don't copy it, I'll miss something!
I had my stimming day 11 u/s and bw yesterday. It started out kind of strange. I saw the nurse at the office that gave me the bad news last time about the failed cycle (I really didn't like her anyway to tell you the truth.) and I was having some flashbacks! She said hi and called me in, I thought she was going to do my u/s. I asked her if she could give me a washcloth, since I had just worked all night and come straight there. She looked at me like I was nuts and said she didn't have any. (funny they had given me one before.) So I went and used the bathroom, freshening up as much as I could. To my relief, the other nurse (the on I like and had been doing all of my u/s's this cycle -is knowing my parts) comes in and starts the scan! She said I will have at least 10 follies that will be big enough by ER! They are ranging from 17mm, 14mm, and smaller. So I leave (and do my 2 shots in my car!) and they call me back in the afternoon with results. They still are thinking ER for Thursday (which would mean trigger tonight!) but the FS wants to scan me himself today. (I have a crazy tube that looks like "sausages" as he put it! -makes it tough to see what's follies and what's tube!) So I am actually happy to go and have him take a look, as most of the docs there don't and typically the nurses do the scans. He makes me feel so taken care of! I also asked about 3 or 5 day transfer since I have always had 3 days, I was assuming that would be again. They said it's possible he will want to do a 5 day (pushing my ET back, again! to Tuesday next week) I'm going to ask him today what he thinks. It actually will work out better work wise I think so whatever. I've surrenderred to the crazy schedule! I actually had a great day today! Even when a patient asked me if I was pregnant, I had to laugh and say "I'm working on that! Wearing my stretchy scrub top today since I'm a bit bloated. I better get preggo so I can say "yes, there's a reason for this belly"! lol!
I'm going to catch up on the other threads now, chat with you all later!!!

ttcne, are you off work now? How are you doing?
Thanks to all, for your lovely messages. I still can't believe it. The cramps seem to be calming down, which also worries me. everything worries me!

PSP - It is amazing how a nice nurse can make a difference - I hope it all works for you. Fingers crossed for Friday!

Any news Adanma?

Good luck to all. I don't think the waiting ever goes away. I should be thrilled to be where I am, instead am counting down the hours until my scan!

x x x

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