IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Hi all! OMG see what happens when I have a busy night at work and can’t pop on! I have so much catching up to do!! :wacko:Not too much time to chat as I’m so tired I’m ready to go to bed and DH is already in there!:sleep:

Quaver, I hope the chinease thing works for you. Does it involve acupuncture? Seems like the ones who’ve tried it have really liked it! Good luck!

Ttcne, I wish you could come here and see my FS!! Sounds like a good plan to take your time and look around for a better work situation. It will be nice when I am able to get to that point! Relax and enjoy your time off. I have a feeling it is going to do wonders for you!:thumbup:

MrsJPC, I had a 3 day the first time and it was successful, second time as well, but unsuccessful, so not a big deal either way. It did actually end up working out better for me at work, but the waiting is going to be tough. Should be used to that by now I know! I am actually really pleased with the prospect of a 5 day. I see a lot of you ladies from overseas and it seems like that’s what’s done mostly for some reason. My FS thinks it will be better for me and I totally trust him so I hope he’s right! :thumbup:I bet you are going crazy for you scan. You know the drill though, keep busy, blah, blah, blah!:winkwink:

Andsowelaugh, so glad your appt went well. I wouldn’t worry too much about the vitals, could be your body is just a bit out of sorts due to the transfer. Perhaps it’s getting on with implantation! :happydance:You might feel lightheaded with a lower pressure, but that’s not all that low anyway. If I were you, I’d totally be obsessing right now! And I will be there next week! :wacko:Maybe take your temp later and see how it is. An increase in fluids should help your pressure too some. You shouldn’t really expect to feel anything different at this early stage anyway. Hope you are feeling okay!:flower:

Amor, I’m doing so good actually! I don’t know why, I just feel really happy right now!:happydance: I think everything is going in the right direction. I feel 10 times better than I did last cycle. I’m not even emotional really, though that will probably change.:wacko: I just feel like I am doing everything I can and leaving it all on the table. No regrets!!:nope:

Adanma, glad your transfer went well and you got the 2 that you wanted! Congrats on being PUPO!:happydance:

AFM, I had my fellow nurse at work do my trigger at exactly 11pm as instructed. I am also NPO after midnight tonight. I was so hungry yesterday and today, and thinking about no food/drink tonight later, I ate a bit too much at dinner and now I have a tummy ache! :sick:Oops! Anyway, I am to be at the office at 10:30am for 11am ER. Afterwards they are going to give me medication instructions etc. I’ll let you know how it goes!!!!:hugs:
Good luck on ER! :)

Congrats on getting your 2, Adanma! I can't believe they didn't ask. That's not how mine went at all!!! I'm shocked! Hoping you'll be dropping the UPO soon though!
Adanma, I would have been upset too but I'm glad it all worked out in the end. I'm going to make sure my doctor understands I want 2 put in, not 1.
Congrats on you being PUPO!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you. I pray our Feb babies are healthy, smart and blessed!

My IVF should be sometime next week.

good luck tomorrow amor.

I am still tired from the valium. I had an interesting transfer experience today. When I got there Brian informed me that they had chosen one of two excellent blasts and gave me a picture. He told me they had frozen the other excellent one and were watching some in the lab to see i they would mak eit to freeze. I was shocked that it had ot been discussed with me as per the paperwork I signed. It states that it will be discussed at the time of transfer . So I expressed my anger about that and he said he would have Dr Horowitz come in and tlk to me aboutit but that he is usually pretty firm and goes by the guidlines. He explained how they decide andI explained why I wanted two and I cried like a baby and he said they would put back one of the others in the medium too so I got my two! I have a lvely picture of my one they ahd initially chosen and a picture of the embies in my uterus! So delighted to be PUPO finally!!!!!!! I told luann I wuld be caling the lab anyway after my beta andfinding out and she tsk tsked me hahahaa whatever it's my labwork I have a right to know. Anyway I'll post pictures once I'm allowed to use my computer tomorrow. I'm on my mom's laptop rightnow.

wow I just reread my post... I really WAS still high eh? lol!! Thinking of amor today and crossing fingers. Mibebe good luck next week

I love disgusting tea! I was told I couldn't drink my fav tea during cycle since it is a detox tea. I still drank my blueberry green tea though!

Yeah I think the fact that I brought up what it states in the paperwork about a discussion before transfer may have helped sway the decision... I'm still a bit peeved that I didn't get the two best ones because they took it upon themselves to freeze the other one, but I have put my faith in God that what was supposed to happen happened and I'm okay with it.

Adanma I think that's a really good attitude; it's done now and no changing it, just think about your lovely 2 and send them all your energy!

PSP - thinking about you today, hope your retrieval went well!

Adanma - so glad you fought for yourself and your babies and they put 2 back. Congrats on being PUPO with Twins!!

ASF, my temp is now running at 100.0. Could that just be the PIO?
Congrats on being PUPO! I can't believe they didn't tell you/ask you about how many they were putting back! I'm def going to make sure that I ask my doc this way ahead of time just in case the same happens to me. How much time off work are you taking?
I think I'm going to block out everything that everyone says to me for the rest of my treatment and hope more than anything that this cycle leads to my baby so I never have to see any of them again!

Good plan. People really don't think do they? Even if you've never been in a situation yourself, how about a little bit of empathy? You should def write a letter when you have the time down the road.
They are pretty good at my office and never say anything messed up. They even had someone come back and visit the receptionists with their baby, and the receptionists had them come back behind the door out of the line of sight from the waiting room. I thought that was thoughtful. However, I didn't mind because I was thinking that it was nice seeing a success story and that hopefully that would be me...

Anyway...one more week and you start right??
Anyone done the antagonist protocol for IVF? This is the one I'll be doing. I don't believe it involves down regulation at all. I just am on BCPs for now. Four days after stopping the pills, I begin stims with Follistim and Menopur, then I introduce Ganirelix a few days after starting stims. I have read that this is for poor responders, but I respond really well to just a little bit of Follistim -- so I'm confused as to why I am on this protocol. I will ask when I go in for my informational meeting/class. I have also read that there is less risk of OHSS with this? Not sure how accurate all of this information is, however...
Thanks for all the well wishes first off!:flower:

Andsowelaugh, have you tried taking some Tylenol? Might wipe it out. Tell me, what again is PIO?

Kaylakin, That’s a similar protocol as I was on this time. I was on BC for about 3 weeks to bring dates in line for my FS. Then a few days before my last pill I did a Lupron shot to totally shut my system down. (Maybe this is considered the downregging part?) Then I had to wait for a period to start so I could start stimming. I was stimming (Menopur and Bravelle) for around 12 days and towards the end my LH was rising a bit so they added Ganirelix (to prevent ovulation) for the last few days which worked like a charm and my numbers when back down.:thumbup: I did my trigger (HCG) on Tuesday and had ER today!:happydance: Last cycle I was on Menopur only and different dose. I got more eggs last time but I was super sore and I think this time they will be nicer! Sometimes I’m not sure why they pic the protocol they do. A lot has to do with the FS as I have a different one this time and he prefers different meds than the other.:hugs:

AFM, I had my ER today and they got 8 eggs! :happydance:Not too shabby with my one lone ovary!:thumbup: Last time they got 16 but like I said, I had a lot of pains and even a gusher of bleeding last time so I think this is much better! Quality over quantity!:thumbup: I have very very minimal cramping right now. It’s always funny when you go into the OR and they start giving you sedation. One minute you’re talking, the next minute you are waking up in recovery!:blush: I have to tell you a funny story about last time, I was reminded today when they brought me in. So I had to have a BM when they took me to the bathroom right before, right. So I go and I’m all trying to hurry cuz they are waiting for me so I rush and come out. Well as soon as they have me lay down, I realize I didn’t quite finish and had to go again! So I had to stop everything and tell them, which was super embarrassing! :blush:But I was afraid they would put me out and then I would have the BM right then and there! :dohh:So they walk me back to the bathroom and the nurse has to watch me (nice!) because they had already given me some sedation! Crazy! :wacko:Well at least that didn’t happen this time! I didn’t even have any bleeding after! We went right out to lunch and I have been feeling fine, just really tired. The FS is suppose to call tomorrow with fertilization results, I can’t wait! :happydance:Oh and I was started on Augmentin (antibiotic) and progesterone in oil shots today. I add some more meds on Sunday as well.
I have to tell you too that my son came in my room tonight when I was lying down and said he and DH saw a mommy frog carrying a baby frog on her back in the yard! Is that a sign or what???:happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well tonight!!:hugs:
the nurse has to watch me (nice!) because they had already given me some sedation! Crazy! :wacko:
Yay for 8 eggies:happydance: and I know the frog is a sign:thumbup:
Anyone done the antagonist protocol for IVF?
I went on short protocol (aka antagonist). It's because I'm older.
I had mild OHSS, but no need to get the fluid drained or anything.
Thanks for all the well wishes first off!:flower:

Andsowelaugh, have you tried taking some Tylenol? Might wipe it out. Tell me, what again is PIO?

Kaylakin, That’s a similar protocol as I was on this time. I was on BC for about 3 weeks to bring dates in line for my FS. Then a few days before my last pill I did a Lupron shot to totally shut my system down. (Maybe this is considered the downregging part?) Then I had to wait for a period to start so I could start stimming. I was stimming (Menopur and Bravelle) for around 12 days and towards the end my LH was rising a bit so they added Ganirelix (to prevent ovulation) for the last few days which worked like a charm and my numbers when back down.:thumbup: I did my trigger (HCG) on Tuesday and had ER today!:happydance: Last cycle I was on Menopur only and different dose. I got more eggs last time but I was super sore and I think this time they will be nicer! Sometimes I’m not sure why they pic the protocol they do. A lot has to do with the FS as I have a different one this time and he prefers different meds than the other.:hugs:

AFM, I had my ER today and they got 8 eggs! :happydance:Not too shabby with my one lone ovary!:thumbup: Last time they got 16 but like I said, I had a lot of pains and even a gusher of bleeding last time so I think this is much better! Quality over quantity!:thumbup: I have very very minimal cramping right now. It’s always funny when you go into the OR and they start giving you sedation. One minute you’re talking, the next minute you are waking up in recovery!:blush: I have to tell you a funny story about last time, I was reminded today when they brought me in. So I had to have a BM when they took me to the bathroom right before, right. So I go and I’m all trying to hurry cuz they are waiting for me so I rush and come out. Well as soon as they have me lay down, I realize I didn’t quite finish and had to go again! So I had to stop everything and tell them, which was super embarrassing! :blush:But I was afraid they would put me out and then I would have the BM right then and there! :dohh:So they walk me back to the bathroom and the nurse has to watch me (nice!) because they had already given me some sedation! Crazy! :wacko:Well at least that didn’t happen this time! I didn’t even have any bleeding after! We went right out to lunch and I have been feeling fine, just really tired. The FS is suppose to call tomorrow with fertilization results, I can’t wait! :happydance:Oh and I was started on Augmentin (antibiotic) and progesterone in oil shots today. I add some more meds on Sunday as well.
I have to tell you too that my son came in my room tonight when I was lying down and said he and DH saw a mommy frog carrying a baby frog on her back in the yard! Is that a sign or what???:happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well tonight!!:hugs:

Yay! I am so happy for you. 8 is great! That story about the sedated BM had to come from a nurse! Love it. Let us all know when you hear about the fertilization results. Yay again!

I had a job interview today and it went really well. It's for a peds office, very limited part-time and the nurse manager and office supervisor were both very nice. It would be a perfect fit as it is evening and I would not have to care for newborns and pregnant women specifically. Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh and we have our FS appt tomorrow. I am less angry now so we'll see how it goes. Then we are off to Colorado for the weekend. I will try to post what she has to say about the whole bleeding cramping the entire tww the last time.

So excited for you!:happydance:
Ttcne that sounds positive about the job, and good luck with the FS appt let us know what they say.

Kaylakin I think the short protocol is used for both those expected to be poor responders *and* very good responders i.e. those with a risk of OHSS. God knows how they work it out..

Based on my first FSH test they were lining me up for short protocol as they thought FSH was high indicating a problem with ovarian reserve. Then once I had the AMH test and baseline scan, they said the FSH must have been an anomaly as everything else indicated fine reserve and so they switched me to long protocol instead.

Basically I think there are many different ways they can do it. I seem to be on quite a small number of drugs (from today, just one each for the DR + Stimming) whereas other people are on lots of different things at once. I hope that's not because I'm on some kind of no frills state-funded treatment but just about the clinician's own preferences and the fact that we are all unique :)

yay psp!

I didn't know PIO raised your temp. Good to know. Well i guess it would since that's why your temp goes up after O right? My clinic said call them with anything 101 and over so maybe make sure with them that it's ok.

kay: I am a SAHM so I just have been taking it easy kind of. I had to go to indianapolis yesterday for immigration stuff, but I was sitting mostly! So much for bedrest...

In other news, I was bad and POAS since my trigger was already out and I got a positive already!! 2dp5dt!! I'm going to keep my eye on it the next few days and try not to freak out!

Hi all! Just a quick update & I'll do my personal messages later on. I had my ER yesterday & they were able to get 8 eggs! I'm happy with that number, since they originally said I had 7 follicles and they were hoping to just retrieve 5 or 6 yesterday. I'll be receiving a fertilization report later today. I'll catch up later, just thought I'd give a quick update!!

Hope you all are doing well! :flower:
Hi all! Just a quick update & I'll do my personal messages later on. I had my ER yesterday & they were able to get 8 eggs! I'm happy with that number, since they originally said I had 7 follicles and they were hoping to just retrieve 5 or 6 yesterday. I'll be receiving a fertilization report later today. I'll catch up later, just thought I'd give a quick update!!

Hope you all are doing well! :flower:

Amor, yay!!:happydance: I was wondering how you were doing! So weird that they thought I had 7 follicles too, even when the FS came in after ER, he said, "we got 7", and the nurses had to correct him and say, "no it was 8!" I don't care though, 7, 8, it's all good! Can't wait to hear our reports today! Bet we have the same!!!:hugs:

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