IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Congrats MrsJPC!

Adanma - I'll be thinking about you all day tomorrow. I hope your ET goes well.

AFM, I had my ET yesterday. Both babies survived the thaw and looked great! My RE wouldn't tell me their grades, but he did give me a picture of them. I can't stop staring at it. I was afraid of twins this time around, but the fear is gone. I'm just praying they both stick.

So today I am 1dp5dt and am already wanting to POAS. I think I'm going to wait at least until Saturday, if I can stand it.
congrats andsowelaugh! I have my POAS days marked on my calendar. lol. Otherwise I'd be at it constantly!

I don't thnk they are agoing to update me about the embryos unless they all die or something and I don't have to come in tomorrow. Still just praying and trying to stay busy so I don't make myself crazy waiting

MrsJPC- Congratulations!! :happydance:

Adanma- I'm excited for you tomorrow!! :hugs:

Ttcne & Quaver- How are you two doing? I've been thinking about you both. :hugs:

andsowelaugh- Congrats on being PUPO!! :happydance:

AFM- (copied from May anyone? thread) I had BW & an US yesterday, hoping to trigger today, but they said they wanted me to continue the meds for a day & let the follies get bigger, so they had me come back this morning. I had more BW & yet another US. The US technician said that it looks like my follicles (I think there were over 10, which is welcome!) are ready, but they want to see what my BW looks like. I'm just waiting for that phone call. I'm hoping that I don't have to continue my meds, as I only have one more dose of the Gonal-F. I hate to order a bunch more. I've already got about $2,000 worth of extra Menopur in the fridge. So, they drew a circle on my hiney for lucky DH to do the trigger tonight, if the docs give me the go ahead, which means an ER for Thursday. I'm starting to get nervous about the ER and likelihood of this working. My positive attitude seems to be dwindling. It must be the hormones.

I hope all of you ladies are doing well & staying strong...as difficult as that can be!! :hugs: for all of you!!
amor it's hard to stay positive during this process when we don't have control over whether it works or not! All you can do is try, put faith in God if you believe, and plug along! Fx for you that all goes well. I know the $$$ part only adds to the stress!

Hope you don't have to keep stimming, Amore! :hugs:

AFM... My day kind of just keeps getting worse. It worries me for tonight. :(

I woke up to voicemail from the finance lady at my clinic reminding me I needed to pay off my account... even though I was very clear in telling her that the funds were being released today and I'd be in to pay as soon as I could be once they were released. I suppose she thought I might forget that I owed them nearly $3000? She called before 8:45am... Was I meant to sit outside my bank waiting for them to open so that I could pay her at the very earliest possible moment? I left her a voicemail explaining that my funds were released about an hour (at 9am) earlier and I'd only been awake for 10 minutes, so I hadn't gotten there yet but would before the end of the day.

I go in to pay and get to see the pregnant receptionist (who I couldn't stand for reasons that aren't related to her being pregnant... that's just icing on the cake)... She takes my debit card as we joke around a little this and that, and I say something about how it makes me a little sick to give away so much money when I have nothing to show for it. She responds with, "Aw... Well, you're receipt's printing... You'll have THAT to show for it." I was literally gobsmacked! I had no idea WTF I was supposed to say to her. I made some snide remark about framing it and left somewhere between fuming and devastated. I was so angry at first... but I got in the car and couldn't stop crying. It was absolutely the MOST insensitive thing anyone has ever said to me. :cry: Someone in the company will be hearing about it when the time is right... You'll understand after my next paragraph why the now isn't "the right time."

So, I'm just starting to tame down the crying and I miss a call from the clinic (where I just left). My first thought is that she came up with an even better dig at me and decided to call me and tell me. But, no. It was my coordinator in her very best "bad news" voice. She was asking if I had my meds yet. I said I didn't, but I would on Thur. Long story short, there's a NATIONAL shortage of Lupron/Leuprolide Acetate and my pharmacy wasn't going to be sending it to me. They told me that "someone would have called me in the next day or two"... even though the meds ship tomorrow and would be here in 2 days! I put the rest of the order on hold and proceed to call every pharmacy from here to about 300 mi south of here. No one has a single effing vial of it! :hissy: So, I eventually get a call back from the clinic saying that they found 1 pharmacy in Massachusetts who has it in stock, but they're demanding that they be allowed to fill the entire medication order for everyone in the June cycle or they won't fill anything for us. So, my entire order (along with all the other women cycling in June) is being sent to this other pharmacy... which isn't the "preferred pharmacy" of my insurance company. I have no idea what that will mean for my co-pays... but I definitely can't pay retail/out-of-pocket for my meds. I was expecting a $150 co-pay... but I worry now that my insurance is going to refuse to cover as much (if any) of the cost. And, I won't know until the pharmacy calls me. I can't call them, because I don't know who they are and don't even know if the order has been sent in yet... They obviously can't run it until they have the order and my insurance info. So, I'm stuck waiting and I'm actually nauseous with nerves from how very badly my day has gone so far!

Sorry... That was a book... I know! :( I'm just so fed up with nothing ever going right when I try to cycle. Its getting harder and harder to believe that the universe isn't trying to tell me that I should just give up.
megg the pharamacy I used guarantees to have it in stock and a two week lupron kit is 125.00 without insurance. fertilitymeds.com. You could try that place for just the lupron maybe and still use your preferred pharmacy for the others? Merry kay told me about the shortage when I was looking and thsi pharmacy still had it so... worth a try?!

MrsJPC, how are you feeling? Yes, so many things seem to make a big difference these days! Maybe I’m looking into things too much now, but at least I’d rather do it in the positive rather than finding the negative! That has to count for something right?:thumbup:

Andsowelaugh, congrats on being PUPO with twins!:baby::baby: I bet you are so excited!:happydance:

Amor, stay up girl! I’m right there with you! :thumbup:It’s like we are on the same journey! I too had a repeat u/s and bw this morning! Got my huge box of re-ordered menopur and bravelle. Only going to use a few of them as I have to replace the 3 boxes of bravelle I borrowed from the office and then will do one shot of menopur tonight to catch up. :wacko:

Megg, I just sent you a message. Keep your head up!:thumbup: Things will turn around! I had a few crazy times with the medications, one of mine was out of stock until June! I had to call around everywhere and find it!:wacko:

AFM, today was my repeat (it’s stimming day 12) u/s and bw. This time done by my awesome FS! :thumbup:He checked and said, “I see at least 7 good ones that will be ready for ER on Thursday!” :happydance:I am so excited! He also said that we will be doing a 5 day transfer (I have done 2 previous 3 day transfers) as it has about 50% better implantation results!:happydance: So happy! I got the official call from the nurse just a bit ago regarding the trigger, which will be tonight at 11pm (will have to have one of my fellow nurses do it at work since I start at 11!) and instructions on when to come in (10:30am on Thursday), NPO after midnight on Wednesday night, and meds to take after etc. FINALLY, I am almost there!:happydance: So excited to actually have a date for ER and ET!! And with princess’s good news today, it’s a sign! I had to laugh too as my patient last night at work asked me if I was pregnant! :blush:I was like, “not yet, but working on it! I’m wearing my stretchy scrubs as my IVF medications are bloating me up!”:haha: I’m thinking it’s a prediction right? I’ll check back in with you ladies tonight after I get settled at work, hopefully we will have a calm night and I can chat a bit with you all!:dust:
Megg - I could beat that receptionist for you! She needs to be fired. A woman THAT insensitive has no business working there. I'm still in shock, that she would dare something like that to someone. Good luck finding the lupron.
Meg, hope your insurance company will approve, tell them it's all out of stock everywhere.

It must mean there's tons of us doing IVF now:haha:
Ttcne & Quaver- How are you two doing? I've been thinking about you both. :hugs:
I'm not doing anything:nope: DH wants to try traditional Chinese Medicine, so we are going for that even though I don't really believe in them:haha:
DH still thinks we can do it naturally:blush:
“I see at least 7 good ones that will be ready for ER on Thursday!” :happydance:I am so excited! He also said that we will be doing a 5 day transfer (I have done 2 previous 3 day transfers) as it has about 50% better implantation results!:happydance:
Yay! :yipee:
Thanks girls!!! :hugs:

megg the pharamacy I used guarantees to have it in stock and a two week lupron kit is 125.00 without insurance. fertilitymeds.com. You could try that place for just the lupron maybe and still use your preferred pharmacy for the others? Merry kay told me about the shortage when I was looking and thsi pharmacy still had it so... worth a try?!


Ooh! They DO accept insurance too. I passed it along to LuAnn... Maybe she can use them for us if my insurance has a fit about the new pharmacy.
Andsowelaugh- what great news! Hope you can hold out on the POAS

Megg-Seriously I don't know where they find some of the people who work at fertility clinics! I had one ask me when I had a bad lab elsewhere "so is this an FYI or do you want Dr. 'X' to adress it?" No I just called you for fun. Blah. I just try to remember that they can't possibly know they are being insensitive.

AmorBebe- I am here and doing fabulously well! I am keeping myself busy with house projects. I go to the FS on Friday to discuss what we will do differently next time. I have an appointment for a second opinion but it is not until next month.

PSP- I am so excited for you! 5 day transfers seem like they may be the way to go for implantation. Just a couple more days until ER. Oh and your FS seems super. Where can I get me a good FS? Cause I think I have seen mine only once since I signed up with her.

I am on a leave from work and it is glorious. I am not sure I can ever go back to nights. I am kinda sorta looking around for a PRN or very limited part-time position in the mean time while i'm off. I'm finishing up my BSN right now and taking full time hours over the summer so I have no doubt that I will be kept busy. I am also refinishing a craig's list dresser and doing tons of gardening. I know at some point I will have to go back to reality but in the mean time this is awesome! Can't wait to hear about Thursday! Keep us posted.
Meg I'm just speechless about your clinic, you really must register a complaint about her. I am increasingly of the opinion that the way you are dealt with by everyone makes ALL the difference to all this, no matter what the facts/ science says. I just don't get what makes people so insensitive but unfortunately there seem to be many such people around!

DH and I have started keeping an imaginary wall where we stick all the stupid comments that people make to us. The intention was to mentally put them there as a way of purging them and so that we can laugh between ourselves at them - eventually once I've stopped crying that is!

Adanma I'm thinking of you today, really good luck!!! Let us know how it goes of course :)

Ttcne you sound so happy and relaxed. Let's all give up our jobs please! Enjoy and make the most of this time. Good timing to get summrtime off too!

Hope everyone else is doing okay.

I think I'm going to block out everything that everyone says to me for the rest of my treatment and hope more than anything that this cycle leads to my baby so I never have to see any of them again!
Megg - I am gob smacked - what a complete cow. I have a job for you when you are very heavily pregnant with your feet up - Write the head of the clinic a letter of complaint! Don't do it now. Doesn't do to think about all that now. Honestly though who the hell do these people think they are, and they work in a fertility clinic??

Totally agree with littlemouse ignore all the stupid comments and quite frankly rubbish 'advice' I have had enough fertility advice to last me a lifetime.

PSP very excited for you - good luck for Thursday and for a five day transfer. I was gutted when I had a three day one - but then look at me now!

15 days until my scan.... ekk keep thinking AF will come any minute.

x x x
Adanma - just thinking about you this morning. I hope all is going well. :hugs:

MrsJPC--- Congrats!! :happydance:

AFM, I am 2dp5dt and feel nothing. I was crampy day of transfer and yesterday which I felt like that was a positive sign. My doctor wants me to stay on bedrest through today, but I have to go see my oncologist to get the results from the CT scan I had before the transfer. Plus I need to get my port flushed, which I'm freaked out about. I know it's only saline, but I don't want anything to go in my body right now. I guess it's my own little crazy. The cancer can't be back. The doctor knew I was having the transfer Monday, he would've called and told me to hold off if it was back right?

I can't do this. It's all too much. I need answers now! :cry::cry::cry:
Back from the onc and everything is fine. He is wanting to coordinate with my OB to get the port taken out. My breasts have gotten heavy from all the estrogen and it is pulling it out of place. The scar from the original incision is now huge

So the nurse took my temp and it was 99.2 (f), is it elevated due to the PIO? My blood pressure was low (for me). It was 106/72. I'm usually around 120/85. I feel a little light-headed, could it be my blood pressure is just off?

Sorry, just obsessing.
Back from the onc and everything is fine. He is wanting to coordinate with my OB to get the port taken out. My breasts have gotten heavy from all the estrogen and it is pulling it out of place. The scar from the original incision is now huge

So the nurse took my temp and it was 99.2 (f), is it elevated due to the PIO? My blood pressure was low (for me). It was 106/72. I'm usually around 120/85. I feel a little light-headed, could it be my blood pressure is just off?

Sorry, just obsessing.

Don't say sorry - you have had a tough time!

As for feeling nothing - I felt exactly the same. Keep your chin up honey x x x
Megg- I absolutely can not believe you had to go through all of that. I'm so sorry!! Ugh!! :hugs:

psp2011- Are you ready for tomorrow?? How are you feeling emotionally? :flower:

Quaver- You and your DH are in my thoughts. It's such an emotional roller-coaster. What does the Traditional Chinese Medicine entail? Hopefully you two will be find the right process for you both. :flower:

Ttcne- I'm so happy to hear you're doing well! Keep us posted on what you hear Friday. I've got everything crossed for you!! :hugs:

andsowelaugh- Don't apologize for doing what you're supposed to do on these threads!! We're here for you & you're such a trooper for all you've been going through. :flower:

AFM- I triggered last night & have my ER at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow. I'm feeling excited, but scared at the same time. Like everyone else on this journey...I just hope it works.

:hugs: to everyone!!
What does the Traditional Chinese Medicine entail?
I don't know:shrug: Drinking some disgusting tea?
AFM- I triggered last night & have my ER at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow. I'm feeling excited, but scared at the same time. Like everyone else on this journey...I just hope it works.
Exciting times!:happydance:
good luck tomorrow amor.

I am still tired from the valium. I had an interesting transfer experience today. When I got there Brian informed me that they had chosen one of two excellent blasts and gave me a picture. He told me they had frozen the other excellent one and were watching some in the lab to see i they would mak eit to freeze. I was shocked that it had ot been discussed with me as per the paperwork I signed. It states that it will be discussed at the time of transfer . So I expressed my anger about that and he said he would have Dr Horowitz come in and tlk to me aboutit but that he is usually pretty firm and goes by the guidlines. He explained how they decide andI explained why I wanted two and I cried like a baby and he said they would put back one of the others in the medium too so I got my two! I have a lvely picture of my one they ahd initially chosen and a picture of the embies in my uterus! So delighted to be PUPO finally!!!!!!! I told luann I wuld be caling the lab anyway after my beta andfinding out and she tsk tsked me hahahaa whatever it's my labwork I have a right to know. Anyway I'll post pictures once I'm allowed to use my computer tomorrow. I'm on my mom's laptop rightnow.


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