IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

oops littlemouse, I think our posts crossed! So glad you are feeling better! Sounds like you will have some nice blastos come day 5!! I'm so trying not to test! I just afraid to be let down and feel like it's over. At this point I think not knowing is actually better than a neg! And then what if it says neg and it's wrong? or worse says pos and it's wrong!! ugh!!

Mibeb, I'm hungry, your not, crazy right? Glad your bum is better!!

Well, I'm off to shower, procrastinated enough on bnb!!

I hear ya PSP2011. I think to myself... what if I get a negative, but its wrong or what if I get a positive and I'm wrong... either scenario is too much for my heart.

I do have to say I have really enjoyed chatting with you ladies. It has made the IVF process so much easier to tolerate. I have learned so much from your experiences. When I get my BFP I will probably not come back to this board until my second trimester, but I wish you all well.
Hi ladies

I just wanted to let you know I had a scan today. One little bean on board and we saw the heartbeat. Well after I stopped crying I saw the heartbeat.

Keep the faith ladies, I never thought I would be typing this!

If you don't mind I will hang round here and check on all your successes. I sneaked a peak at the first trimester board, but they all got pregnant after one month or are complaining about symtoms. I don't think I quite fit in!

Love to all x x x
OMG MrsJPC that is wonderful, I have a tear in my eye for you too. How totally fantastic! I didn't even know there *was* a hearbeat to detect so early on - what is that like 6 weeks?

I can imagine feeling out of place with people who clicked their fingers to conceive.. as much as I'm sure you'll want to moan about your symptoms I don't think you'll ever forget what you went through to get there.
Hi ladies

I just wanted to let you know I had a scan today. One little bean on board and we saw the heartbeat. Well after I stopped crying I saw the heartbeat.

Keep the faith ladies, I never thought I would be typing this!

If you don't mind I will hang round here and check on all your successes. I sneaked a peak at the first trimester board, but they all got pregnant after one month or are complaining about symtoms. I don't think I quite fit in!

Love to all x x x

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I'm so happy for you! I needed to read a BFP post today to keep me motivated :happydance: When are you due?

I was told by a fellow preggo to stay away from the first trimester forum that its full of whining and negativity LOL Maybe you can start a baby journal and we can follow you there
MrsJPC, oh, that is so great! :happydance:I'm so happy for you! I was thinking that today too. Even if I don't get a BFP, I'm still going to be on here to see how everyone is doing. Maybe not as much as now, but still, I will be so curious to see how many of us get our BFPs and how exciting!:thumbup:

Isn't there a part on first trimester where we can specifically have IVF babies? Maybe we can start a thread when we all get over there! Cuz we WILL be over there!!!!:happydance:
I love you all!! It has made a HUGE difference this cycle to find you all!
MrsJPC, oh, that is so great! :happydance:I'm so happy for you! I was thinking that today too. Even if I don't get a BFP, I'm still going to be on here to see how everyone is doing. Maybe not as much as now, but still, I will be so curious to see how many of us get our BFPs and how exciting!:thumbup:

Isn't there a part on first trimester where we can specifically have IVF babies? Maybe we can start a thread when we all get over there! Cuz we WILL be over there!!!!:happydance:
I love you all!! It has made a HUGE difference this cycle to find you all!

Wow that would be so awesome to have an IVF babies thread! I pray we can all participate in that soon.
Ttcne, yep, when I test it will be 13DP5DT so they said it was close enough. Okay, so I will admit I did POAS once,:blush: it was like day 5 and a really dumb thing to do! :dohh:Of course it was stark white negative! My DH was mad when he saw the stick in the trash. :growlmad:So I have one more left and I think I’m too afraid it will be negative to do it again. So probably will just wait to beta. Oh, just read your post about your 2nd opinion appt. Sounds very promising!:thumbup: I’m so glad I switched as I have much more faith in my new FS. Hey and I have several boxes of menopur I could send you!:thumbup: Let me know what other meds, send me a messege and I can give you a list of my extras!

Dreamofabean, I’m praying your levels will go down with cooling off the meds for a bit! Good luck on your scan tomorrow!

Mibebe, nope,:nope: I’m getting my beta on Monday, 6/6. Lucky you to have vag instead of shots!:thumbup: I’m doing okay with the shots, kinda used to them now I think! It’s actually my lovenox that’s burning! I guess I would switch too if given the option. But I was always feeling like I wasn’t getting the full amount of meds with it always leaking out!:wacko: Crazy since they said my levels were always good. They did not give me an option this time, different FS, and I figure he put me on these for a reason. He is very particular about meds and other things. You gotta trust your FS right?:shrug: Lol too funny about the pill. Gives a new meaning to “pill pusher”! :haha: Last cycle I had both the suppository pill and a regular oral pill that went into the vagina! :wacko:The regular pill was small and green, estrace I think, which I am taking orally right now. It was really strange having to try and get that up there!! :haha:But like I said, not having much trouble with the shots so….:hugs:

Megg33k, I have always had the progesterone in oil, nothing else. And remember I had success with my son on this!!:happydance: I suppose warming it would help, but maybe check with you FS first? I know most meds I have say to keep them within a certain range as far as storage so would want to make sure heating doesn’t change or hurt the medicine any. I’m sure it’s fine, but my FS likes to do things a certain way and you want to make sure they approve first!:thumbup:

Littlemouse, I was a bit uncomfortable after EC, but nothing real bad.:nope: I would call if you haven’t already. I hope you are feeling better this morning! –oh, just see that you did call. Hope that put you at ease! Just get lots of rest. All this is taking a toll on your poor body remember, be kind to it!:hugs:

AFM, still waiting! Today is D9P5DT Not whole lot of symptoms as of yet. Always hungry and thirsty. Still some mild cramping at times. Once in a while I feel slight twinges in my bbs, still not sore yet though. I wish I could just know already. I feel like I’m pregnant, just feel it, but hard to trust it because of the stupid hormones!:growlmad::dust:

I mentioned it to my coordinator back in the 1st cycle and she didn't see any issue with it. Plus... It worked! LOL So, I can't imagine its hurting it any. It has to warm up to body temperature inside the body anyway. My FS... I adore him... but he's different. Asking him questions is always a bit bizarre. I don't know how to explain it. I think the site I found that part of the protocol on was even an IVF site though. By cycle 3, I don't ask much anymore! Its all old hat now.
Hi ladies

I just wanted to let you know I had a scan today. One little bean on board and we saw the heartbeat. Well after I stopped crying I saw the heartbeat.

Keep the faith ladies, I never thought I would be typing this!

If you don't mind I will hang round here and check on all your successes. I sneaked a peak at the first trimester board, but they all got pregnant after one month or are complaining about symtoms. I don't think I quite fit in!

Love to all x x x

I'm sorry I missed you're bfp, I was on holiday and just read you post. Aww, congratulations, that's brilliant that everything went so well this time round. So pleased for you.
Nurse just called. My vaginal progesterone prescription has been sent to the pharmacy. Woo hoo! My butt cheeks thank her very much LOL

Lmao. I'm glad for your butt cheeks!
I had an hour and a half long meeting today with the nurse practitioner where she explained step by step everything about the IVF process. She said they have either the progesterone gel or the shots, so I definitely opted for the gel. I don't care if it is leaking out all day..I just don't want one more shot..

I was surprised to find out my prescription was actually a PILL. I was like you want me to put that big ass pill WHERE? A litte stick pushes it up LMAO But hey I gotta pick my poison so I choose this ginormous pill and place it down there than the shots on my butt any day :shrug: :happydance:

Hahaha! I want the pill and the stick, lmao! I hope that's what mine is cause that is hilarious! I love it!
Good afternoon ladies - good morning to our US cousins! How is everyone doing?

Bean - how are you feeling? Not too bad I hope - do some proper resting up and take care of yourself. If they kept your stimming dose going then presumably they must be confident your OHSS will be under control with the meds?

Mibebe - how is your injection zone doing today? Not too sore?

As I said yesterday it is so not glamourous is it - we are either poking needles in our belly/ arse/ god knows where else, or shoving pessaries into every orifice...

Psp how you doing? Not long to go now! I bet you will cave in and use that HPT, I would :). Really interesting your clinic only does ICSI, perhaps that's the way forward for everyone in future?

Ttcne, really good news about your new FS - I think how you feel about it has such a huge part to play and that all sounds really positive. And cheaper too, what a bonus!!

Meg hiya :wave:

AFM - thank goodness am feeling a million times better today than yesterday, which was basically hell I was in so much pain. I'm not sure what did it or if it's just time, but woke up a different person today! I'm still quite swollen but I'm more like 3 months pregnant tum than 5 months, and not in agony with every movement. Hooray!

Also just heard from embryologist that all embies are doing their thing at 7-8 cells as they would hope. So we'll go in on Saturday and they usually expect a third of them to make it to blasto. I bloody well hope they do! She said they couldn't make such good grading judgements just now, but will be much easier at day 5 because I said how on earth do you choose which one to put back in if you have 2 or 3 of them - so hard!


Glad you're feeling better!! Good to hear your embies are doing well..yay! Hang in there...
Baseline E2 in the morning for me! Hoping its low enough for stims!
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been MIA for a while. I'll catch up on personals soon!!

(copied from May thread) I've been feeling really crappy. My emotions completely have gotten the best of me. I've been crying for about 3 days straight. I had a screaming fit at poor DH (at which point I kicked a lamp across the floor), and I've just been a mess, really. I felt like I was getting a UTI day before yesterday & the pain migrated to my back. I called the doctor to see if I should make an appointment for a UA, or if it could be the progesterone. She said it could definately be the progesterone, but wanted me to do a UA after I did my HCG test this morning. I was anxious and nervous all morning. I couldn't breathe comfortably...just felt incredibly anxious. I prepared myself for the bad news, telling myself that I would take a break & try another cycle in September if this one failed and I would start training for a local 5K that's coming up in the end of July. I got everything squared away. Well, the nurse called this afternoon with my results and my beta was 197! What!? A BFP?? For me?? Seriously?? Wait!! I didn't plan out what to do if it was positive! I seriously can't believe it. I am completely shocked (and terrified). But, I can breathe comfortably now. My next beta is Saturday morning.

Hope all you ladies are doing well, wherever you may be in your journeys. :hugs:
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been MIA for a while. I'll catch up on personals soon!!

(copied from May thread) I've been feeling really crappy. My emotions completely have gotten the best of me. I've been crying for about 3 days straight. I had a screaming fit at poor DH (at which point I kicked a lamp across the floor), and I've just been a mess, really. I felt like I was getting a UTI day before yesterday & the pain migrated to my back. I called the doctor to see if I should make an appointment for a UA, or if it could be the progesterone. She said it could definately be the progesterone, but wanted me to do a UA after I did my HCG test this morning. I was anxious and nervous all morning. I couldn't breathe comfortably...just felt incredibly anxious. I prepared myself for the bad news, telling myself that I would take a break & try another cycle in September if this one failed and I would start training for a local 5K that's coming up in the end of July. I got everything squared away. Well, the nurse called this afternoon with my results and my beta was 197! What!? A BFP?? For me?? Seriously?? Wait!! I didn't plan out what to do if it was positive! I seriously can't believe it. I am completely shocked (and terrified). But, I can breathe comfortably now. My next beta is Saturday morning.

Hope all you ladies are doing well, wherever you may be in your journeys. :hugs:

OMG Amore!!!!! :happydance: I almost sent you a PM this morning! I wanted to contact you so bad but I was afraid something bad had happened. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :hugs:
Congrats amorbebe and mrsjpc! So excited for you both.

PSP- I will PM you later. I had thought about the med thing too. I think if you just warmed the syringe after withdrawing it from the vial that it would work well.

I got a new job!!! So excited. When I posted yesterday I had not heard from them nearly a week after my 2nd interview so I thought I did not get it. I think we will now wait a couple of months to do our IVF. I just don't want to ruffle any feathers right after starting by asking for time off. The position will only be a couple of days a wek but with my luck I will have to have ER on one of the days and will have to take time off. I am really ok with this as I want my next cycle to be much less stressful than it was the first time around.

On more amazing news my FS called me this AM to check in on me and to tak about if we want to move forward with my husband doing DNA testing as it often takes weeks to get pre-approval. I missed the call because I had to listen it again because I was like I swear that was my doctor. It is such a breath of fresh air after the last clinic. Plus when I called back the insurance person was amazing. I had a lot of questions and she called my insurance company for me and then talked to me for 10 minutes. And she even had answers!
Congrats amorbebe and mrsjpc! So excited for you both.

PSP- I will PM you later. I had thought about the med thing too. I think if you just warmed the syringe after withdrawing it from the vial that it would work well.

I got a new job!!! So excited. When I posted yesterday I had not heard from them nearly a week after my 2nd interview so I thought I did not get it. I think we will now wait a couple of months to do our IVF. I just don't want to ruffle any feathers right after starting by asking for time off. The position will only be a couple of days a wek but with my luck I will have to have ER on one of the days and will have to take time off. I am really ok with this as I want my next cycle to be much less stressful than it was the first time around.

On more amazing news my FS called me this AM to check in on me and to tak about if we want to move forward with my husband doing DNA testing as it often takes weeks to get pre-approval. I missed the call because I had to listen it again because I was like I swear that was my doctor. It is such a breath of fresh air after the last clinic. Plus when I called back the insurance person was amazing. I had a lot of questions and she called my insurance company for me and then talked to me for 10 minutes. And she even had answers!

Yes! Absolutely! Don't warm the whole vial! It says its meant to be kept at room temperature... and I'd never warm it and let it cool over and over. Its only okay to warm it once its withdrawn and in the syringe! And, like I said... warm, not hot. We got it a bit hot once and it wasn't fun to inject. If it feels a bit too warm, just take it off the heat to let it cool down a bit. As close as you can get it to body temperature is best... That's when things will most easily disperse through the body!

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