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IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Kaylaykin - I didn't have any loss of control, because I wasn't sedated! LOL The collection is the easy part. The recovery is rough for some people. Some people have no issues after. It depends. Just go into it with a clear head. It won't be so bad!

My doctor wouldn't give me 3 the first time, but he conceded this time. I'm also not over 35, but I think he knew I wasn't going to back down on this one!
OMG Ladies - Just saw my first ever :bfp:!!!!

Finding it hard to believe - Keep staring at the stick thinking it might change LOL

Still holding my breath for the final beta test to confirm on wednesday.

Holy Crap!!!

I hope all of you have this same feeling I am having now. Wow!

Holy crap, BFP!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Kaylaykin - I didn't have any loss of control, because I wasn't sedated! LOL The collection is the easy part. The recovery is rough for some people. Some people have no issues after. It depends. Just go into it with a clear head. It won't be so bad!

My doctor wouldn't give me 3 the first time, but he conceded this time. I'm also not over 35, but I think he knew I wasn't going to back down on this one!

Did you take anything to relax? I wish I'd asked for this option. I know I'm going to say some f-ed up stuff! Oh well! I say weird stuff normally so...I will prob just keep asking how many eggs they got..let's hope that's all..
Ooh! Missed that! Congrats, davecr033!!!

Kaylaykin - They gave me Valium. It wasn't that hard to relax. It was sirt if fascinating. I have the whole experience typed up in my journal in the first post under 'ICSI cycle 3' and then under 'egg retrieval story' or something like that!
Hello Ladies,

Thank you so much to all of you for your constant support! I couldn't have gone through this whole cycle without being able to share it with all of you. I tested again this morning just to be sure because I just can't believe its true and it was the same two lines :happydance:

I most definitely don't feel any different other than tired. Nurse had me order more meds as they will continue me on the patch, pills and the progestrone shots (Ouch). I was hoping to switch to the vaginal gel but guess not for a few more days.

Baby dust to all in 2ww with your tests coming up. Hope my news gives you some positive feelings.
You mentioned the progesterone shots... I've actually been doing them in my living room and then leaving the heat on for far longer than before (because I forget its there while I'm watching tv), and I actually have no knots, no redness, and no pain at all! I'm SHOCKED! We upped the massage time to 2 minutes immediately following the shot. But, then I'm leaving the heat on it for probably an hour or so. I don't even time it. I use a rice bag, so I leave it until its not hot anymore. I don't know if that's what's helping, but SOMETHING is helping!
Hello Ladies,

Thank you so much to all of you for your constant support! I couldn't have gone through this whole cycle without being able to share it with all of you. I tested again this morning just to be sure because I just can't believe its true and it was the same two lines :happydance:

I most definitely don't feel any different other than tired. Nurse had me order more meds as they will continue me on the patch, pills and the progestrone shots (Ouch). I was hoping to switch to the vaginal gel but guess not for a few more days.

Baby dust to all in 2ww with your tests coming up. Hope my news gives you some positive feelings.

This news does give me positive feelings! I just got back from 34. I remember a good deal of it. It did hurt when he was on the left side and he said he had to stick the needle in twice on the lefft. I kept saying how much it hurt and I was bleeding a bit so they had to clamp it for a sec..but all in all it was fine and I'm glad it is over!!
I'm glad you're home and well, Kaylaykin! Sorry you found it painful. I guess that really does make me the odd one out. My clinic has suggested that its very strange that I don't mind the process much at all. :wacko:

How many did you get and whatnot?
Thanks Kaylakin! So sorry you had such an uncomfortable experience. Now just think of the positive thoughts that they have your eggs and things will be easy from here on. How many eggs did they get?
Sorry it was painful kaylakin. I found it a bit painful at times as the needle got clogged up! Yuk!
How many eggs did you get?? How exciting!x
Kaylakin glad it's over for you; mine was a bit horrible too, but hopefully worth it. So we're all waiting.............. how many eggs hun? sending big hugs :hugs: Hope you get a good nights sleep and lots of rest xx
Thanks everyone!

Well, it would have been pretty painless because the right side I didn't feel at all and was just chatting away with everyone. The left side he said the follicles were kind of spaced out and that it was hard getting through the vaginal wall..? He said it wasn't a bad thing just that that's why it was more painful. Having said that, I'd do it again in a heartbeat -- it wasn't enough to traumatize me or deter me from it in any way. I also asked for 10 percocets at the end of the procedure, LOL, but I was awake enough and just joking around. I remember a lot of the conversations we had going on. At one point, I was talking and gesturing with my hands so the anesthesiologist just had to hold my hands in place, LOL. They asked if I was Italian because I was talking with my hands a lot haha. Anyway, I'm very glad it is over and like davecr said, the hard part (physically) is over now..
As for the eggs, he said they got 11. I don't know if this means they were all mature? I will get a fertilization report tomorrow...that's going to be tough.. Apparently I told my doc I wanted at least 10 eggs, and he reminded me of that when he told me how many we got. I was like, "when did I tell you that?" Haha. All in all, though, the sedation was great, and I just felt like I'd had too many drinks, but I was still myself and didn't say anything too off the wall. I asked my doc at the end and he said I didn't say anything really crazy. haha...
Ok, well, thank you all for your replies and support..this is such an insane process! Good luck with the waiting..I will be joining you shortly as I think my transfer is going to be Friday...
You won't know how many of the 11 were mature until your fertilization report tomorrow... Hopefully most or all though! Good luck!
Thanks..that's what I was thinking...that sucks...I really hope I have enough of them mature to work with and get a few strongly-growing embies... So tomorrow will they tell me how many mature and how many fertilized? Then each day they say how many are still growing and what grades right?
If they're like my clinic, they'll tell you how many were mature and how many fertilized in the morning. But, you aren't likely to receive anymore updates on them until they tell you on day 3 if you're having transfer that day or on day 5. There are no daily updates. Don't expect that.
Ohh okay..thanks for the heads up. I like knowing what to expect. So when you heard that they were 6-cell or 3-cells, etc, was that on the day of the fertilization report? Then you found out more on day 3?

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