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IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

No... They only know if they fertilized the morning after retrieval. They don't tell you how many cells and stuff until day 3. In the morning (when they call you with the fertilization report), they'll only be 1 complete cell! :) Then they'll start dividing and growing!
Good Morning Ladies,

Congrats Kaylakin on the 11 eggs. That's a great number. Our clinic did not even offer option to stay awake during ER. They had me completely out and gave me a shot for pain relief while I was out.

Megg how are you doing in your 2 ww.

Dream and Donna - how are you doing?

I go in for beta today - woohoo! I ran into a coworker who I found out is also going through IVF when I saw her at he clinic and then again in the office. It was bizzare to finally know someone in person who is going through it as well. She just had her ER and they got 38 eggs. I was like 'ouch' because I am sure she is super bloated. They also switched her to to the progrestrone shots so I gave her your remedy Megg. She was also icing it. I told her to immediately stop that. Why don't the clinics just tell you all this information to begin with? Its a shame to have people doing the wrong thing and being in pain when all of this is hard enough as it is.
Good luck with your beta - how exciting! It is weird that you ran into a coworker at the clinic. I agree that it would be bizarre to know someone going through it in "real life." I only know of one of my friends who needed IVF, but as soon as she got pregnant it was like all of that never happened and I couldn't really ask her much.

I hope 11 is enough. This being my first IVF, I don't know if our problem is with fertilization or what..so I am nervous about the report today. Hm..that is good that they just knocked you out for the ER. However, I did kind of like being awake and at least able to talk although I was more chatty than usual. At one point, I though my doc had the u/s wand and he kept going really fast in and out..and I was like, "Why are you doing that so fast?" and he was like, "Doing what?" and I said, "with the ultrasound wand." And he told me that it wasn't the wand he was just flushing everything out or cleaning or something, lol. Anyway, it was an experience.

What time is your beta?
Just got back from donating some blood. Now the wait until this afternoon. She mentioned that they will want to see me twice a week to monitor hormones for next 2 week then once a week until week 9 or 10. Nurse confirmed that if all is well my due date will be Feb 25th :happydance:

It was weird to talk to someone in real life about the process. I am glad I was able to pass on the advice about the heat pack procedure. See Megg you're helping so much people you didn't even know.
Hi girls just a quick one as i'm going to have to go and lie down. I've had really bad af pains, bloated and lower back ache again today :( Feeling like this is not working for me. Only another 8 days till testing day!

Hope you're all well xx
I feel like crap a lot of the time too, Donna! But, we both had failed April cycles. We both had 3 embies put back this cycle. We're both going to get our damned BFP's! :hugs:

Have they called yet, Kaylaykin?

Can't wait for your #'s, davecr!
Thanks Megg :hugs: I just phoned the clinic to tell them about my pains etc. They said its probably my bowels causing it, or the ovaries still swollen etc. I know its neither, its definitely uterine cramping, I can feel it. But hey ho, nothing I can do, I will just have to hope that all is well.

Kaylakin any news yet?

Davecr how many embies did you have put back? xx

How is everyone else xx
Hi Donna,

Sorry that you're not feeling well. Get some rest. Have you tired heat pack for your back pain. Oh my nurse also told me to eat lots of pineapple in the few days after transfer. Something about how it helps the pH in the uterus. I thought it was a myth but I figured what the heck.

I had 2 little beans put back in me and my hubby is convinced they are boys. He started coming up with names even - he's so cute :)
Thanks Megg :hugs: I just phoned the clinic to tell them about my pains etc. They said its probably my bowels causing it, or the ovaries still swollen etc. I know its neither, its definitely uterine cramping, I can feel it. But hey ho, nothing I can do, I will just have to hope that all is well.

Kaylakin any news yet?

Davecr how many embies did you have put back? xx

How is everyone else xx

Mine is often caused by my bowels... And, my ovaries are VERY swollen still. I did have uterine cramping the day of transfer... but it was sort of dwarfed by the amount of pain in my vaginal/cervical area due to the difficulty of my transfer. Most of my pain is ovary/bowel. :(
Oh Dream i'm so so sorry sweetie :cry: You're right there are no words. Sending you a massive hug :hugs: xx
Just got my results and my hcg beta is 1046. Nurse said anything above 100 is confirmed so there was no question for mine :happydance:

Felt strange when she said I was already in week 4 and starting week 5 of pregnancy by this Friday. How crazy is that when I feel like it just happened :wacko:

Loads of baby dusy to everyone!!!
Hi everyone :wave:

I've been away on a work trip and come back to find so much happening, just trying to catch up with it all.

Dream: I'm so sorry my love, that is bloody rubbish news. I was so so hopeful for you. Sending massive hugs to you. Here to chat when you want, understand if you don't want. X

Meg: How are you doing with your Pupo x 3? Hope it's all going well!

Donna: How about you? Don't read too much into the pain, it could be all sorts you know, or even good pain! When do you test?

Kaylakin: Well done on your EC and fingers crossed for your fertilisation, let us know. It sounds hilarious that you were awake and talking to them during EC! I'm definitely pleased I was out cold..

Davecr: Congratulations to you lady!! Fantastic news, you must be so happy. When will they scan you?

AFM: still no symptoms to speak of, and finding it very hard to believe anything is really going on or if it is still true. I'm going to POAS again soon and see what's what.

Love to all
Hi littlemouse, welcome back. Yes lots going on. I am supposed to be going in for bw twice a week but not sure yet when they will scan for heartbeat. Nurse mentioned around week 9-10. They are supposed to monitor me through week 10.

When do you scan? I agree with you I don't feel any symptoms at all either and so its weird and I took the hpt 3 days in a row just to keep seeing it each day and believe it. Oh I do have one symptom - I have to pee all the time. I am having to pee like every hour.

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